East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 04, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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I Newsy Notes I
of Pendleton JjTJj
hi Dig I
Biirt Want
Values up to $2.50, your
choice. All you want . .
We bought this lot of 200 waists at a
special bargain for cash and shall pass
it along to our customers
F. E. Livengood & Co.
Phone Main I for coal. (
Putlme picture pletse 1L j
Ice cream at Hohbach'a, Court at.
6et your horses clipped at the 1
Commercial Barn. I
Oats and timothy hay fed at the !
Commercial Barn.
' Aak us about Nyssa. Nyssa Im
provement Company.
Plenty of good, clean coal at Bur
roughr Phone Main t.
Good gentle saddle horses for la
dies. Commercial Barn.
New bicycle store, next door to
Long Bros.' auto garage.
I'll pay cash for your veal. Chaa
Rayburn, phone Main 4 SO.
.Furnished housekeeping rooms for
rent. Sit south Main street.
We make a specialty of caring for
private horses and rlga. Commercial
Loose wheat hay, baled hay and
chopped hay fed at the Commercial
Policemen, like rainbows are tokens
of peace, usually appearing after a
More moving pictures shown than
any other theatre In the city the
No coal famine v. Ith Burroughs.
Phone Main i and, gut good coal
Halrdresalng. manicuring and sham
pooing parsbrs In connection with the
Vogue Mllilnery.
Are you Interested In orchards at
Nyssa? Write. Irrigated Lands Cor
porstion, Xyssa, Ore.
Music furnished for all occasions,
dances In particular, by the United
Orchestra R. W. Fletcher. Mgr.
Phone Main 1 or Black 3836.
Lost Black Astrlcon muff, between
Alta street and Walters flouring mill.
Finder leave at J. M. Bentley's office
and receive reward. E. P. Tulloch.
Wanted to buy second hand R.
Jackson centrifugal pump in good
condition, 10 Inch suction pipe. Ad
dress lock box No. 1, Echo, Oregon.
Orplieum Today's Program.
The Victim of a Plat. A Vitagraph
drama, 1000 feet long and full of life
from start to finish.
A Maid of the Mountains. A dra
ma of Interest with a setting of ro
mantic scenery, well acted and beau
tifully photographed.
Over the Appenlnes of Italy. A
travelogue of beautiful scenery.
The Interrupted Honeymoon. An
Essanay1 comedy played In the live
liest way by the company's capable
uctnrs, certain to amuse any audience.
Tho Grand Today.
An excellent vaudeville and motion
picture program will be presented at
this popular place of amusement. Ve
rona Trio direct from the Garden
Cafe, Venice, Ituly, Cronyon, the fa
mous ventrllociulat, and his family of
five wooden headed dummies .also his
mule Maud and dummies also his
tomcat Tom.
Lavene and lnman, presenting their
rural comedy act entitled "Sally's
Two reels of feature .films today
Capital vs. Labor and the Soul of
Venice. Bobby's Letter.
A change of program Monday and
Official Weather Report.
Minimum temperature, 34.
Maximum temperature, 71.
No. 0 Was Delayed.
Hunt bound train No. 6 was held
here for an hour this morning be
cause of a disabled engine. It was
7:?5 when another engino was fin
ally provided and the train permitted
to resume Its Journey toward Chicago.
Father of G. B. Carrier Dies.
Mrs. George B. Carrier has receiv
ed word of the death of Mr. Carrier's
father, Joseph Carrier, at his home In
Hale, Michigan. Death occurred last
Sunday mornng, the day following
the departure of Mr. Carrier from this
city for the bedside of his father.
Clgur Peddlers Under Arrest.
The city police and Deputy Sherirr
Bert Wilson picked up two young
fellows last evening who we're ped
dlinir clears and they are being held
on suspicion pending an Investigation
by the officers. They Had ten Doxes
of Optimo cigars which they claim
to have purchased In Portland.
Land Sulo In East End.
Forty acres of land at 1250 per
acre are the principal features of a
warranty deed placed on file with
Recorder Fred W. Hendley today.
Timothy Ford is the purchaser and
Ralph White, the seller. The land
Is located In the eastern part of the
Itrown Was Promoted.
E. J. Brown, popular representa
tive of the Pacific Paper company in
this territory during the past six years,
has been promoted to department
manager of the same house in Port
land and .so will leave she road. His
place is to be taken by William Kllnk
er, who is here today In company
with Mr. Brown. The Pacific Paper
company was recently purchased by
the Zellerbach company of San Francisco.
Judge Gilllland Is Honored.
County Judge T. P. Gliniand of this
city, has been appointed by Governor
Benson as a delegate to the national
conference of charities and corrections
to be held in St. Louis, Mo.. May 19
26. The other delegates from Oregon
are Mrs. Letha W. Sitton. Mrs. Cor
nelia F. Rockwell, Mrs. Lola G. Bald
win. W. T. Gardner. Hen Selling,
Thomas N. Strong. B. S. Pague, I. N.
Fleischner, all of Portland; Mrs. Car
oline Kelllhor, of Salem; Hon Stephen
Jewell of Grants Pass; Rev. C. E.
Sanderson of Eugene.
The Pustiiiic.
A program of extraordinary merit
kocs on Tuesday.
The much talked of picture "No
Trifling With Love," Film D'Art. A
magnificent film, full of life, love and
pathos. This artistic film Is taken
from Alfred do Musset's famous little
classic, "On ne bndine pas avee l'am
oiir," which means that love should
not be trifled with.
"The Courting of the Merry Widow"
1000 ft. Stung! they ejaculated sim
ultaneously. Then they shake hands
and smile again, then everybody
smiles. You Just can't help It.
"The Banks of the Ganges," Scenic.
"A Seaside Flirtation." comedy. This
la a bright little story.
"A Cure for Timidity," Comedy.
Sills Meat Market Buys Dairy
Charles Tullls who has been en
gaged In the the meat market busi
ness In this city for the past two years,
hjis disposed of his Interest in the
Pendleton Cash market to his part
ner, L. B. Ranisdell. whr, will con
duct the shop In future. Tullis has
now closed a deal for the purchase
of the famous Cheney dairy. Includ
ing the land, buildings and stock and
will take charge about the first of
May. .The transaction includes the
sale of 40 head of Jersey cows, said
by u deputy dairy inspector to be the
finest dairy herd in eastern Oregon.
Albany, Ore. On Wednesday af
ternoon, Civil Engineer H. G. Fisher,
assisted by 1). Havls. P. A. Young.
Wm. Barrett. M. J. Cameron, J. M.
Hawkins, J. S. Van Winkle, and Man
ager Strnble of the Albany Com
mercial club, drove the first slake In
the iirelimlnnry survey for the Al
bany & Interurban railroad which will
be built from hero to Sweet Home
via the Santlnm. The company was
Incorporated more than n month ago
by local capitalists.
Sublimity City Election.
Stayton, Ore. The town of Subli
mity "will hold Its municipal election
next Monday and candidates have
been nominated as follows: Council
men, Herman Rltstercr. Peter Welter,
John Zuber. Joseph Breitensteln Sr..
and Joseph Shrcvc; for recorder, H.
Hunke; for treasurer. William Bell;
for marshal. . P. M. Mermen".
Read the "Wsnt" ads today.
Stockholders' Meeting.
The- annual stockholders' meeting
of the Pendleton Building association
will be held In the office of Murk
Moorhouse company on April 12.
1!10. at 2:00 p. lit.
A woman or man with fifteen hun
dred dollars and their time, can
clnir seven dollars a day for about
three years, looking after the office
or home end of n safe and pleasant
business. I manufacture and sell my
devices myself. Address C. P. J., care
K.ist Oregonian office.
When-you don't like a man whose
record Is clear you usually say: "He
is a good business man, and smart,
but I have no use for him personally.
New York City manufactures more
fur goods than nil tho cities of the
country together. It keeps about 9.
Oiiil persons employed in the Industry
mid Its output for the last year Is
valued at 141,400,000. Cincinnati
Commercial Tribune.
He Wrote the Big O's.
Fritz Gannon, a card writer, is the
gentleman who wrote the letter G on
the doors of many Pendleton homes
and he did so without any thought of
inspiring fear In the hearts of the wo
men or the children of the city. C. S.
(Doc) Evans, proprietor of the
Main street cigar store, has Just re
ceived a letter from Gannon, who is
now in Salem. Gannon Is an old ac
quaintance of Evans and in his letter
he explained that he lettered the
houses -to keep from visiting any
places twice. He regards the matter
as a good Joke but hopes that no
one has been unduly alarmed because
of the letters.
righting Damage Suit.
A motion In the $20,000 damage
suit of Kearney versus the O. R. &
X. Is being argued at the court house
today. This is the case in which Clar
ence Kearney, a former member of the
police force is suing the railroad com
pany fop damages for physical and
mental injuries sustained in falling
from nn O. R. & N. passenger train
as it pulled Into the local station,
last summer. Cnrter & Smythe as at
torneys for the railroad company had
filed a motion asking that the plain
tiff be compelled to submit himself to
an examination by a board of physici
ans to be appointed by the court. At
torneys Fee & Sluter for Kearney are
opposing this motion, holding that
there Is no law or precedent for it.
Tuesday Only
At Wohlenberg Department Store
f 65c Percale Waists for each . . . 48c
$1 and $1 25 White Waists for . . . 85c
$2 Waists in several kinds for . . $1.25
1 5c White India Head for . . . .lie
35c Brown Dress Linen for yard . . . 26 C
50c Bath Towels, extra size, for each . . 38c
25c Long Cloth 36 inches wide for yard . " . 16c
Tuesday Only
"Better Goods for Less Money"
More Than 100 Delegates Will bo In
Attendance at Two Day's Sleeting
Three Sessions Dally Music Will
lie Special Feature.
With more than 100 delegates In
attendance the fifteenth annual con
vention of the Umatilla county Sun
day school association, will be con
vened in this city tomorrow morning
at 10 o'clock. The sessions of the
convention will be held In the Meth
odist church on the corner of Webb
and Johnson streets.
Eighteen of the 30 Sunday schools
In the county outside of Pendleton
have reported a total of 75 delegates
while the 12 schools yet to hear from
will bring the number to more than
100. Those yet to hear from are
Echo, Umatilla, two at Pilot Rock,
two at Adams, one at Athena, two at
Freewater, two at Holdman, one at
Hermlston, two at Milton. In additi
on to those from the outside all the
Sunday schools in Pendleton will be
represented. The attendance will
therefore be the largest of any con
vention held since 'the county orga
nization was formed.
A special feature of each session
will behe musical portion of the pro
gram to which particular attention
has been given.
The complete program for tomor
row will be as follows:
Morn I iifr Session, 10:00 O'clock.
Devotional services. .. Rev. X. Evans
What Benefit Can We Derive From
This Convention. Rev. C. A. Phipps
Organizing the Adults
Rev. R. E. Storey
Business session.
Appointing of committees, etc.
Afternoon Session, 2:00 O'clock.
Praise service led by Rev. R. G. Cal-
The Cradle Roll... Mrs. A. J. Owens
Boys' Clubs Rev. C. A. Phipps
Temperance Work in the Sunday
Schools .... Mrs. Carrie M. Shields
Evening Session. 7:30 O'clock.
Praise service, led fty Rev. W. H.
Music ....Pendleton Male Quartet
Sunday School in Corners
. . . . Rev. A. Mackenzie Meldrum
Special music.
Signs of Promise. .Rev. C. A. Phipps
Music Pendleton Male Quartet
Read the "Want" nds today.
While Scratching Around
these fine days don't let your enthusiasm or the climate make you for
get your hands and fingers and let you spoil In a moment that soft
velvetv texture which you have spent months In perfecting and pre
serving, but come In and let us clothe them with a pair Pt our
Rubber Work Gloves
and save a little worry, dirt, cracks and few scratches. We have a
nominal supply and place them on sale this week at a very low figure.
Sizes 7 to 10, 55c
7V 0
K 0 E P IP E M
Indian Woman Wauls Dninugcs.
One of the most important cases to
be called for trial at tho first term of
the federal court for eastern Oregon
which will be convened here tomorro.v
i. that of Minnie Joshua against the
Northern Pacific company and in
which she asks for damages In the
sum of Jlo.t'UO. Minnie Joshua is an
Indian woman of 43 years who was
Injured in the train wreck which oc
cuieU' on the Pendleton-rasco branch
of the Xorthern Pacific, n.stli of this
city in October of 1907. Her spine
seems to have been permanently In
jured at that time. She had employ
ed McCourt & Phelps as her attorneys
and they brought suit In the local cir
cuit court. The railroad secured a
transfer to the federal court and It
was supposed the case would be tried
in Portland. Since that time the firm
of McCourt & Phelps has been dls
solved by reason of McCourt having
been appointed United States Attorney
eastern Oregon hua been given a sep
arate district of the federal court and
the case has been sent bnck here for
trial. Attorney Harrison Allen of
Portland, will represent the railroad
The busiest hour In the day In the
telephone service Is between 10 and 11
Attention. Knights.
Damon Lodge Xo. 4. K of P.. will
meet In regular session this evening.
Business of importance to transact.
All members please attend.
W. I. GADWA. C. C.
Liquid Foot Ease.
Relieves tired, aching and sweaty
feet. Happiness for evedy one at 2nc
a bottle. First Class Drug Stores.
Po von want five (5) or ten (10)
seres In Canyon Conty, Idaho? Great
irehnrd belt. Write, oregoniaane
Apple Orchard Company, Nyssa, Or.
The Home Beautifier
Murphy Bros.
The paint men
will tell you about
Orpheum Theatre
J. P. MEDERNAC H, Proprietor
For Men, Women and Children!
sex: program in today's paper.
Program Changes on Sundays, Tuesday's and Friday's.
Under t.he Old
New Performers, Acts and Pictures twice each
Sunday and Thursday
Matinee Every Saturday and Sunday Afternoon.
Doors Open at 7 p. m.
Pendleton, Oregon
United States Depositary
Condensed Report of Condition at
the close of Business Mar. 29, 1 9 1 0
Loans and Discounts
Securities and Warrants
Banking House
Other Real Estate
U. S. Bonds (at par)
Cash on Hayid
Capital Stock
Undivided Profits (net)
Circulation .
Deposits .
. 60,000.00
. 101,000.00
1 hereby certify that the above statement is true
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd
day of April. 1910. CLAUD HALE
Seal Notary Public for Oregon
The Drug Store That Serves You Best
a. m. and the busiest day In the years
Is the one before Christmas. .