PAGE BIX. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL t, 1910. EIGHT PAGES. TERRIBLE SKIN lill Business Man Suffered Agony Head, Neck and Shoulders Cover edBecame An Object of Dread Consulted Most Able Doctors and Hospital but Got No Relief. SURPRISINGLY QUICK CURE BY CUTICURA "Cutioura did wonders for me. For twenty-five years 1 suffered agony from a UTnuis numor, com pletely covering my head, neck and shoul ders, so that to my friends, and even to my wife. I became an object cf dread. At larre ex-rtt-nse I consulted the most able doctor far .and near. Their treat ment was of no avail, nor was that of the n v i " Hospitai.auringstx months' efforts. I suffered on and con cluded there was no help for me this sido of the grave. Then I heard of some one who had been oxiivd by Cuticura Reme dies and thought that a trial could do no harm. In a surprisingly short time I was completely cured. S. P. Keves, 147 Con gress St., Boston, Mass., Oct. 12, 1909." CURED B0IL5 With Cuticura when Everything Else had Failed. "I am verv prateful for Cuticura as my daughter bad been Buffering for eleven months with awful great boils on her bodr. We tried everything which ne could mention but nothing was any good. The bcils made her very weak and ill and :he had to leave her place. After using one tablet of Cuticura Soap, cne box cf Cuucura Ointment, two vials cf Cuticura and throe bottles of Cuticura Kesolvent she got quite well and has not had the boils since. I should have written to you before but have been waiting to foe if she had any sign of any comins back. My dnuphtor Is eighteen vears c id. Mrs". Ellen Heather, Hillside R"1., A?h Common, nr. Alder ahot, Hants, England, June 29, 1S09." CulMjrs SnjTi :.V V Cintrar Omtrafnt 50c.) ard rallcura Rpo;venl (doc . tor in form ol Chorolstf Pil. IV pr vml ot CO). PoW tfcroiurbout Me word. Potter Drue A Chern. Corp, Bok Pror. SS Oolumtuis Ave.. Button. Mass. f-?2-:w - oitlmra Rnok. msiWl frrr. e;vinz enpttcn. trcutneci AO cure ol urease ot the frkm. T FORGET That on a Round Trip Ticket East You Can Tee the Soo-Spokane Route of the Through Alberta and the Canadian Rockies If you purchase your ticket from the Nor. Pac. Ry. you can return via the Soo-Spokane. If from the O. R. & N. you can either go or return via the Soo-Spokane. Details, Berths, Literature address local agent, or G. M. JACK SOX. T. P. A. J. S. CARTER, Gen. Agt. 14 Wall St., Spokane. i F. A. C1XSK the only Exclusive Op i tometrlat located ta Umatilla county. Office John Schmidt building, Pen dleton, Ore. Over 20 years practice fitting glasses. Remember I grind my own glasses. Eyes carefully ex amined and glasses ground to fit. IN POCND. The following described animal has been taken up by the Marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: One red steer, two year old, no brand visible, white face, crop off each ear. If said animal Is not claimed by the owners of those entitled to the pos session of them, costs and expenses against them paid and they taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at Z o'clock p. m. of the th day of April, 110, the said ani mal sold to the highest bid der, at public auction, for cash, at the City Pound, at the Oregon Feed Tarda, In said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and ex pen, es of making sale. Dated this J9th day of March, 1110. TOM GURDANE, City Marshal. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received by the Furnish Ditch company at Stanfield, Oregon, up until Tuesday noon, April 12, 1910, for the building of the stor age reservoir on the Umatilla river, Including about 140,000 cubic yards of earth exca vation. 8000 cubic yards solid rock excava tion, and 1200 cubic yards concrete work. Maps, plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Furnish Ditch company, at Pendleton, Oregon, or at the office of the Furnish Ditch company. Beck Building, Portland, Oregon. THE FURNISH DITCH COMPANY. HUMOR 25 YEARS NEWSY NOTES OF ECHO FIXE PROSPECTS FOR FRUIT AND GRAIN CROPS Delegates Elected by Rebekahs for Assembly MacWhorter Buys Au tomobile Other Notes From Neighboring Town. (Special Correspondence.) Echo, Ore., March 31. The fine weather and almost nightly rains con tinue. Only one windy day during tills month of March. No harm done by the light frosts of two weeks ago. Never has there been better promise not only of grain but of fruit like wise. Last night at the regular meeting of the Rebekah lodge No. S6, I. O. O. F.. T. G. Smith and Mrs. C. R. Bonney were elected as delegates to the Rebekah assembly which meets at Eugene, Ore., In May. Miss Audrey Watenburger invited a number of her young friends to her home to celebrate her birthday. A very enjoyable time was spent and after light refreshments, the party disbanded for their several homes.- - Manager MacWhorter of the Tele phone Co., arrived here this evening from Spokane, he was accompanied by his wife and child. While In Spo kane he bought an automobile and came down in the same. He made the trip In three days, coming via Walla Walla, Pendleton and Pilot Rock. The machine will be used by the company for line work. Ruby and Co.'s agents were here yesterday with six head of fine hors es from their Portland stables. After selling one to a company headed by Jesse Moore, they left with the bal ance of the animals for Idaho. Jack Toung, of the confectionary store, received a carload of Ice yes terday. Jack is early preparing for the summer trade. Mrs. J. A. Reeves and children ar rived here from Nashville, Tenn., on Monday and "were met by the hus band and father. Mr. Reeves came out about a month ago and bought ten acres of the most choice land under the Western Land and Irriga tion Co.'s ditch. He is now building a house and until Its completion his family will remain at the Hotel Hos kins. The latter part of the week F. W. Andrews shipped a car load of choice beef cattle to The Dalley. Ezra Meeker, who went through here the first of the week, bought a splendid team of mules of Daddy Ty son,' with which he can draw his emi grant wagon while the famous oxen bring up the rear. The Lisle Hardware company re ceived today a carload of mowers, rakes In fact a full line of cutting machinery, direct from Chicago. J. E. Taylor of this place is in Jo. sephine. Ore. He is traveling for a Portland firm. Mr. Oxman, Durkee's prominent stockman Is here, It is reported, for the purpose of buying sheep. A. P. Bradbury, the veteran cracker drummer, is In Echo today. R, P. East, who has suffered the past three months with rheumatism, returned home the first of the week from the Hot Springs, very much Im proved In health. Miss Ara Wilson leaves tonight for San Francisco after spending the win. ter here with frlenrl Mrs. C. R. Lisle returned home Mon day from a visit with friends In Pen dleton. Messrs Bert Longnecker and M. H. Gillett are In Pendleton attending court. Presbyterian services continue In the Bethel hall. Seven conversions was the last report. Henry Pulmutter of Milton, Is here visiting with his brother Jay Pul mutter and family. Mrs. W. H. Boyd is in McMinnville at the bedside of her sister, Mrs. A. J. Howell, who Is not expected to live. Mrs. Pearl Templeton Is visiting with her sister at Tacoma. Grandma Holmes, who has been sick Is very much Improved In health. M. H. Gillett, mine host at the. Ho tel Echo, Is treating the building to a general house cleaning. All the lower rooms are being repapered as well as receiving a new coat of paint. Mrs. F. E. Everltt spent Tuesday In Etanfield visiting with her mother, Mrs. A. Reid. Mrs. L Ward returned Tuesday from a visit to Portland. Mayor Scholl and wife made a short visit to Stanfield yesterday. John Schmidt, a prosperous Mea dows farmer has Just purchased a new buggy. A Knocker Is a' man who can't see good In any person or thing. It's habit caused by a disordered liver. If you find that you are beginning to see things through blue spectacles, treat your liver to a good cleaning out process with Ballard's Herblne. A sure cure for constipation, dyspepsia, indiges tion, sick headache, biliousness, all liver, stomach and bowel troubles. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. SUbrrood. Those who have used ours say It Is the best they ever saw. We make three carloads each day at onr mill. If you will contract your supply for the coming season now to be deliver ed by August 1, we will make you at tractive prices. OREGON LUMBER YARD, Phone Main I- 1-4 of a Pound a Week at least, is what a young baby ought to gain In weight. Does yoursT If not there's something wrong with Its digestion. Give it McGee's Baby Elixir and It will begin gaining at once. Cures stomach nd bowel trou bles, aids digestion, stops fretfulness, good for teething babies. Price 16c and 60c. A. C. Koeppen A Bros. Ladles Boles Sewed. With my new machine I can sew year soles on for 6e per pair. They will look better and last longer. A, BKLUND. OF THROAT AND ADAMS NEWS AND (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., April 1. Miss Grace Blake was the guest of Mrs. C. Barett of Athena for a few days this week. Mrs. J. Stanfield and niece. Myrtle. are the guests of Mrs. L L. Rogers this week. Miss Winnie Gless returned to her school in Walla Walla Monday after visiting for a few days here. Mrs. E. Furglson visited in the city of Pendleton Tuesday. Dr. Plamondon of Athena and Dr. Smith of Pendleton, were called to Adams Wednesday in consultation over Pete Lacourre who fell from his wagon seat a week ago and seems to be pretty badly bruised up. P. T. Hale sold his 1908 auto to Harley Rothrock for eight hundred dollars, and Mr. and Mrs. Hale weni tD Walla Walla Thursday and bought a 1910 model for $3100. It was 8 Chalmers-Detroit. It -will be here the first of next week. L. L. Rogers returned home Wed nesday from Alberta. He says every thing looks fine there and the farmer: are all plowing and seeding. Pros pects are for a fine wheat and oat.--crops there, he reports. Wade and Ora Holdman and F Blake and Miss G. Blake and Aleem Bowling and Miss Hellen Blake wen to Athena to do some shopping Thurs day. Mrs. E. Furglson visited In the cltj of Pendleton Friday. F. Collins made a business trip tc Athena Thursday. Miss Rena Hale who has been con fined to her home for the past twi weeks with a light attack of pneumo nla, is fully recovered and able to bi out again. Dr. McKenly of Adams attended the case. County School Superintendent Frank Welles, visited the Adams school Friday. Saved from the Grave. "I had about given up hope, after nearly four years of suffering from a severe lung trouble," writes Mrs. M. L Dix, of Clarksvllle, Tenn. "Often the pain in my chest would be almost unbearable and I could not do any work, but Dr. King's New Discovery has made me feel like a new person. Its the best medicine made for the throat and lungs." Obstinate coughs, stubborn colds, hay fever, la grippe, asthma, croup, bronchitis and hem morages, hoarseness and whooping cogh, yield quickly to this wonderful medicine. Try it, 60c and $1. Trial bottles free. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co. "The Alaskan" Is Coming. Virtually an entirely new version of "The Alaskan," a musical comedy of superior merit, will be the attrac tion at the Oregon theater on Friday, April 16. This is the same produc tion which ran for five months in Chicago, the past summer, and comes to Pendleton in Its new dress and with Chicago's strong stamp or approval written plainly all over It. It Is now a bright, cherry entertainment, full of crisp, clean, snappy dialogue, fresh humor of the twentieth century vint age and as the book in Its entirety has been rewritten carefully, many new songs Interpolated and a thoroughly competent company. It Is sure to be a welcome visitor, and a popular of fering. The story is brief, concerns Rlch ari Atwater, a young miner who has been grub-staked by a wealthy east erner. Atwater's claim Is on the verge of playing out when a letter arrives stating that his benefactor has Cjled, leaving one-half of the mine to his daughter Arlee and that she, with a party of friends will come to Alas ka. The party arrives about as quickly as the letter. Atwater falls In love with his partner, but the fail ure of the claim makes It Impossible to declare his love. A discovery of a rich vein of gold and the sale of the mine, brings wealth and happiness and wedding bells join in the finale. The present production Is full of novel. ' exclusive surprises, and the much heralded "Snowball" song is a strong feature. Richard Carroll, Gus Welnburg, Detmar Poppen,- John R. Phillips, Sidney Algiers, Jessie Stoner, Etta Lockhart, Alise Kean, Marcel Scott, and a large chorus go to com plete probably the strongest laugh producing combination to visit us this season. PERSONAL NOTES IS "" COUGHS 4N0 COLDS CURES '"THROAT LUNG DISEASES SAVED HER SON'S UFE My son Rex was taken down year ago with lung trouble. We doctored some months without improvement. Then I began giving Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for the better. I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly well and works every day. mSt SAMp RIPPEEi Ava Mo. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY TAXLMAN A COMPANY. California Knights Templar. San Francisco, April . Arrange ments were completed today for the conclave of California Knights Tem plar In San Francisco this month. . THE APPROVAL of the most EMINENT PHYSICIANS aid its WORLD WIDE ACCEPTANCE by the WELL-INFORMED, BECAUSE ITS COMPONENT PARTS ARE KNOWN TO BE MOST WHOLESOME AND TRULY BENEFICIAL IN EF FECT, HAVE GIVEN TO i3 ELIXIR "or SENNA THE FIRST POSITION AMONG FAMILY LAXATIVES AND HAVE LED TO ITS GENERAL USAGE WITH THE MOST UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS, AL WAYS BUY THE GENUINE Manufactured by the CALIFORNIA FIG 5YRUP CCX FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS Onc size only. Regular price 50 per bottls The First National Bank PENDLETON. OREGON Report of the Condition March 29, 1910, to the Comptroller of the Currency CONDENSED RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $1,524,331.74 Overdrafts . United States Bonds Other Bonds and Warrants.. Bank Building Cash and Exchange LIABILITIES. Capital Stock .. ? Surplus and Undivided Profits Circulation Due to Banks : Deposits I, G. M. Rice, cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. O. M. RICE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of April, 1910. C. K. CRANSTON", (Seal) Notary Public for Oregon. 50c AND $1.00 ' EZ2S2 CuNhman Eulogies. Washington, April 2. Eulogies of the late Representative Cushman, of Washington, were held today In the House of Representatives. 49,945.06 250,000.00 19,261.25 10,000.00 273,361.87 $2,120,899.92 250,000.00 189,985.00 237,500.00 19,002.60 17430,411.42 $2,120,899.92 ThelEconomv! of Time is a most Important factor that all must consider, ami the moat helpful of all time savers Is a rood, reliable watch, ons that can be depended up on under all conditions. Our Una ot watches la very complete. . We have them at all prices, and In every style, from the plainest to the most elabor ate. Watch and Jewelry repairing- a tpeclalty. We guarantee our work. With Wrr. E.Han8com Leading Jeweler MODERN DWELLING SITUATED -V THE BEST RESIDENCE LOCALITY OF PENDLETON, ONLY FOUR BLOCKS FROM BUSINESS CENTER. CP TO DATE CONVENIENCES WITH SUFFICIENT ROOM IN REAR FOR STABLE OR GARAGE. PRICE 40.M. FOR FURTHER PARTICU LARS CALL ON Mark Moorhduse Company 113 East Court Bt. Phone Mala U. NOTICE OF PROPOSALS FOR STREET SPRINKLING FOR THE SEASON OF 1910. Notice Is hereby given that propos als will be received by the Street Com mittee of the common council of the City of Pendleton at the office of the City Recorder In the city hall build ing until April 13th, 1910, at 7:10 o'clock, P. M. for sprinkling the streets of the city of Pendleton, for the season of 1910, the districts to be sprinkled are as follows, vis: District No, 1. All streets on the north side of the Umatilla River. District No. a. All streets on the south side of the Umatilla River, west of the east line of Main street, and north of the south line of Webb street. District No. S. All streets lylnn east of a line be ginning at the Intersection of the east line of Main street with the Umatilla river, thence following the east line of Main street to the south line of Webb street, thence following the scuth line of Webb street east to the west line of Vincent street, thence following the west line of Vincent street enst to the north line of Bluff street, thence following the north line pf Bluff street east, to the termina tion thereof, thence southerly to the City limits. District No. 4. All streets south of the south line of Webb street, and west of the west line of Vincent street The City to furnish sprinklers, wa gons and water, and the contractor to furnish horses, harness and driver, and to put up and take down all stand pipes etc., separate proposals will be received for each district, and no con. tract will be awarded to any one bid der for more than one district, the hours of sprinkling to be In accord ance with the orders of the street committee, all bids shall specify the price per team and man per day of 10 hours, time when teams are not engaged In sprinkling to be deducted, the city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 31st day of March, A. D. 1910. THOS FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the board of school directors of school district No. 14, Hermlston, Oregon, at the office of the clerk of said school district, up to six o'clock p. m., April 14, 1910, for furnishing all ma terials and the erection and comple tion of an addition to the present school building In said school district, according to plans prepared for the same by T. F. Howard, architect. The present building Is not to be altered In any manner as shown by the draw ings, except as necessary In making roof connections. All parts of the addition are to be made as shown by the drawings, except the Iron heating pipes and plumbing fixtures In con nection therewith. A certified check will be required to accompany each bid for the work, made payable to the order of the clerk of said school district In the sum of five per cent of the amount of the bid, which check will become the property of said school district. In case the bidder selected by said board of school directors to perform the work of erecting said building shall refuse to enter Into a contract and furnish a good and sufficient bond to said district for the faithful perform ance of the work according to the plans and specifications. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids for the work. April t, 1910.