East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 02, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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ri t- .il i"c olly
Wo AlumHo
Pnbllsbed Daily, Weekly and Semi-Weekly
at Pendleton, Oregon, by the
Daily, one year, by mail $3.00'
Daily, aix months, by mail 2.50
Daily, three months, by mail 1.23
Daily, one month, by mall 50
uauy, one year, oy carrier i.au
Daily, six months, bv carrier.
Dally, three months, by carrier. . .
Daily, one month, by carrier
Weekly, one year, by mall
Weekly, six months, by mall
WeeklT. four months, by mall
Brail-Weekly, one year, by mall..
Bead-Weekly, six monms, by mall.
Semi Weekly, four months, by mail
The Daily East Oregonlan is kept on sale
t the Oregon News Co.. 147 6th street,
KorthwtNeSwa; Co.. Portland, Oregon. !
Chicago Bureau, 909 Security Building,
Washington, D. C, Bureau. 501 Four-
teenth street, N. W.
Member United Press Asociatlon.
Oregon, as second class mail matter.
Telephone Main 1
Official City and County Paper.
I wish that all the children of
the city's grimy street
Were out here with these wild
flowers beneath this sky
of blue;
I'd like to see their faces as they
scampered o'er these
I'd like to see them happy,
wouldn't you?
They're stunted, maimed and
weary' and their eyes are
far away;
The sunshine never sees them
and they never know 'tis
There's no flower in the alley
and no perfume in the
Oh, I'd like to see them happy,
wouldn't y-ou?
Sorry jest to sing at Easter,
did it unto Me,"
With the children all in prison
and the green fields far
Easter lilies wait their handclasp
where the sunshine
cleaves the blue -
I'd like to see them hap
py, wouldn't you?
The big helper engines on the
mountain division keep up steam even
when they are not at work. The idea
is to have the engines In readiness for
service when needed. The call may
tome suddenly and an engineer would
ot like to be caught with a cold
Now it so happens that the bulk
of the business men of this city are j
the ones. They usually have up a I
fail head of steam and whether there
is much to do or not they are ready
for action. They are . enterprising
and aggressive. To those men Pen
dleton owes its reputation for being
a bustling, prosperous towns.
But there are some few baslness
men in Pendleton who do not carry
enough steam to haul a handcar on
a down grade. Because business In
their lines may be a trifle dull they
mope and moan. They dont work for
business. They won't even adver
tise. They let the whiskers grow upon
their faces and the cobwebs in their
show windows. When a customer en
ters one of these places he has to
aunt up the proprietor or a clerk. If
be asks how business is he will be
told that it is "on the bum" and that
the town In dead. He will leave such
an establishment with the Idea that
he has been in the House of Misery.
It is" a fact that Pendleton gets
some very bad advertising from Just
uch people as this. It is not right
either. It is not right at all that
the good, vigorous boosting work that
ii done by the hustlers of the town
should be offset by this persistent,
pessimistic griping. Besides It only
Injures the man who gripes. If a
man is sick It does him no good to
think and talk constantly of his ail
ment. He should get out In the sun
hine and try to think he Is feeling
Heathlul Qualities
to the Food
Economizes Flour,
Butter and Eggs
DaKinsj powacr m
Lima Phosphates
veil even if lie is not. It is largely
a psychological proposition anyway.
Steam up and then see how you
. President Taft criticises the states
of the west and of the middle west
for not keeping their men In congress
for lengthy terms as do the eastern
states. It is a criticism that has often
been heard before and is worthy of
attention. Certainly the western
states lose out through sending so
many new men to - Washington. A
new man either in the house or In
' ...
the senate has little prestige. The
1""ger he remain8 ln congress the
better committee appointments he se
cures and the bigger he becomes. He
grows by the work he has to do. This
should also make him bigger at home
n'1 make his reelection easier each
succeeding term. Then
why don't
western representatives and senators
' become reelected more than they are?
j Perhaps it is because public life does
' not offer to western men the Induce
' menu that are to be found ln com
mercial and industrial lines. The
v.tst is a land of opftortunity. Men
of ability are able to make money in
j the west and advancement is com-
paratively easy. Possibly this makes
them Indifferent to sn.fp In nnh.
- . ... ft.-'
! lie life. At least this is a comfort
ing view from a western standpoint.
Unless all signs fail the coming
ummer will be the busiest from a
j construction standpoint that Uma-
tilla county has experienced in many
years. The work on the O. R. & N,
line changes between Yoakum and
Pendleton alone will be an enormous
task. The work"1ncludes practically
the rebuilding of the main line road
bed for a distance of 17 miles. It la
a greater undertaking than was the
, construction of the Umatilla Central
J I and the cost to the company will be
I greater.
: Then the big cut off from Coyote to
Echo or to Stanfield will also be
J j made. This yvill involve almost as
1 much work as will the Yoakum-Pen-Jdleton
line changes. The construc-
j tion work the O. II. & X. company is
j to do will unquestionably help greatly
in stimulating business in Pendleton
! and in all other towns in this portion
i of the county.
; Aside from the railroad construe
j tion work the big dam and reservoir
at Horseshoe curve Is to be finished
by the Furnish ditch company. Many
men will be needed for that work.
Tiiere will also be much other work
lo the Irrigation section. ,
It looks like a busv season in the
construction line,
Hundreds of piles of rubbish that
have been raked together during the
past two days in answer to the clean
up summons shows that the people
of the city have responded loyally
to the call. It is to Pendleton's credit
that they have done so. Furthermore
the result shows that some good work
has been done by the city officials
and by the ladies who have been
named upon the clean-up committee.
Now it remains for the city to see
to the carting; away of the rubbish
and to the prosecution of those who
have failed to-do their duty. Unless
the city does take after the negli
gent ones the real benefit of the cru
sade will be lost. It Is from the dirt
that Is left that the epidemics result
It is up to the city authorities to see
that there is none left.
At Pendleton the rainfall so far
this season has almost reached the 12
inch mark. We are within about two
Inches of the average annual rain
fall and still have five months of the
present season left. The year la liable
to be a record breaker for a heavy
precipitation. The rainfall thus far
Is four Inches ahead of the total rain
fall for the season of 1907-8 and three
inches greater than the total rainfall
for last season. If Umatilla county
does not have bumper crops this year
it will not be through nny fault on
the part of Jupiter Fluvlus.,
According to a story from Walla
Walla some cases of hookworm have
been discovered near Frevwater. Tliot
is strange. Freewater people are
known as being a progressive bunch.
Here's betting they will soon give the
hookworm the hook.
The lUilIlnger-Pinchot controversy
si ems to affect all who get near.lt.
Now the Investigating committee is
mixing up In a wordy war.
My. proper precautions on the part
of householders and shopkeepers the
fly nuisance can be almost eliminated
and along with it much summer sick
ness. When you meet a knocker try to
show him where he is wrong. There
are many things for him to be happy
about if he only knows (t..
April showers are better than wind.
So it's poverty that is the worst
enemy of the 'young girl, is it, Mrs.
I don't agree with you. m
I never saw a good girl driven to
do wrong by poverty in my life.
And if you will come to think It
over, neither, did yot.
By loneliness? Yes.
By unkindnass at home? Yes.
By vanity and a fondness for dress
Yes. By laziness and envy and a silly,
empty-headed desire for excitement?
By poverty, by hard work, by self
denial? Xever in the wide, wide
The best girls In the world are
working girls. You know they're
good girls, or they wouldn't be work
ing. And they are working because
they are good girls.
No woman who was ever worth the
saving ever threw herself away' be
cause she was poor. Any girl who
amounts to a row of pins ln a paper
would kill herself before she would be
driven to any such way of getting out
of poverty.
She would scrub the stones in tlio
street for a living and hold her head
up with honest pride while she was
doing it, and It would never enter her
head to offer her good name for sale
just to get a new dress or a Cluinte
cler hat.
Good girla are made of different
material than that.
Can you mukts an honest man steal
because he wants a new tie or thinks
he ought to have a new hat?
You cannot. An honest man is born
honest, and nothing but the most des
perate need of some one he loves will
ever make him anything else but hon
est. The poor girls who stumble and
walk in the crooked, dark paths that
lead to misery do not deliberately
walk in that path to get away from
poverty. They are called by stronger
voices than the voice of mere silly
Dress, dress, dress I get so sick
of the very sound of the word some
times that I wish we could all be In
dians and dress in a blanket and be
done with it.
What are you talking about to your
daughter, little mother new clothes,
yours and hers and the neighbors?
Isn't there something else In the
world with which to fill that little
daughter's head? Is it so important
for 1ier to know the very latest styles,
or wouldn't It be better to keep her
busy enough so she wouldn't care
whether her dress was pink or blue as
long as it was clean and comfortable?
And you, Mr. Wise Man, who loVes
to laugh at the vanity of woman
to whom do. you show the most atten
tion the sweet, pretty, modest little
girl who thinks of something besides
her own looks or the flaunting hu
man paroquette who'd die if she did
not have the very latest hat and the
newest thing In spring dresses?
Vanity a cause for the ruin of young
girls? Yes. Poverty? Never. An
nie Laurie in ."an Francisco Exami
German concern to cultivate the
good graces of the American people
does not reach to the length of en
couraging German dipln'mats to wed
American wives. Third Secretary
Von Stumm, of the kaiser's Wnthlng
ton embassy, having wedded an .Am
erican girl, there Is much unofficial
protest in Berlin. Bismark laid down
the law that only a Herman wife
could be accounted a safe wife for a
German diplomat and there is a curl
rtus revival of that sentiment. The
fact that Baron von Sternburg. late
ambassador- ln Washington, had a
charming American wife, and inci
dentally was the despair of all the
other diplomats because of his faculty
for getting what he wanted from the
state department, scents to have been
forgotten. From Success Magazine.
Add to comfortable mediocrity a
sense of opportunity and you have as
good an Imitation of Renins as you
can use with comfort in most lines of
1S40 acres all fenced, good new
posts, 800 acres In grain, 250 acres of
alfalfa land mostly set. will cut 760
tons of alfalfa this year, a stream of
water runs through which furnishes
plenty of water for' Irrigating, good
concrete dams and ditches, good
buildings, lots of fruit trees and ber
ries. This Is an Ideal place for feed
ing stock for the market. A railroad
runs right through the middle of It.
Tou can buy this flue ranch for 14,
000. B. T. WADE,
Office In American Nat. Bank Bid.
Peadlston, Ore.
1 , vyM
1 1, R?-KJN1
I I i iS& x
Removed Catarrh,
MrJoseph II. Conlan, 487 7th Ave.,
"I suffered from catarrh which
weakened my entire system.
"I am now cured and cheerful in
na, which has cured me effectually and
'My only regret is that I did not
avoiueu an my previous suiiering and
Torpid Liver, Stomach Trouble.
Mr. James O'liyriic, iM Madison St.,
Topeka, Kas., conductor Sante Fe Rail
way and member Order of Railway Con
ductors, writes :
"I suffered with a torpid liver and
stomach trouble, which mudo my com
plexion very !How, and I felt misera
ble and tired a!l the time.
"An aunt wrote mo that she was tak
ing Peruua wilii oiich good results that
she advised me to try it, and I finally
bought a bottle, :, though I disliked to
take patent incomes.
"However, 1 found Peruna very agree
able to take, and effective, as I felt bet
ter lu a Week. I took only five bottles
la all nnd I found that was all I needed.
"1 nm most grateful to you for whnt
our medieino bus done for inc."
Dysentery Entirely Relieved.
Mr. W. N. Casey, Leamington, 111.,
'In two weeks r.fter lieginnlm; our
treatment 1 was well. 1 ucil uiuu but-
(Me evening as the mother of a lit
tle niece of Phillips Brooks was tuck
ing her snugly in bed, a caller was an
nounced. The muther told the child
to say her prayers and promised to ,
be back in a few minutes. I
When she returned she asked the
child If she had done as she was bid- !
den. I
Baty's coming will be a time of rejoicing, and not of ap
prehension and fear, If Mother's Friend is used by the expec
ton, mother ln preparation of the event. This is not a medi
cine to be talten internally, but a liniment to be applied to the
body, to assist nature in the necessary physical changes of the system. Moth
er'j icriend is composed of oils and medicines which prepare the muscles and
tendons for the unusual strain, render the ligaments supple and elastic, aids in
the expanding of the skin and flesh fibres, and strengthens all the membranes
and tissues. It lessens the pain and danger at the crisis, and assures future
health to the mother. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Writs for ear
free book, containing valuable information for expectant Mothers.
Flou r
PERUNA rarely fulls to restore lie.
appetite. J mmc diately upon begu
iling the use of IVruua patients begin
toeat and digest. This is the universal
testimony, coming from all parts of the
civilized world.
Catarrh is a very frequent cause of
loss of appetite and disturbed digestion.
Tlio beneficial influence of l'eruna on
caturrh completely restores the appo
tite in such cases.
To prod the digestive organs with
medicines that are merely stimulants is
a poor way to remedy audi cases.
"I am now cured and cheer
ful in sfiii ils, all Itrough the
agency of Peruna, which has
cured me effectually and restored
my appetite.
"My only regret is that I did
not use Peruna sooner and I
would have avoided all my pie-
vious suffering and misery."
Mr. toseph It. Con an
Restored Appetite.
Brooklyn. N. Y.. writes!
completely destroved mv aonetile and
spirits, all tlirouch the acencv of Peru
restored my appetite.
uue Peruna sooner and I would have
! ties of Peruna. My rase was bowel
trouble or dysentery.
"I also tried Peruna for a cough, ac
cording todirectioiia.aud it exceeds any
cough syrup I ever u-ed.
"1 wish every one afflicted would giro
Peruna a trial."
Pe ru na as a Tc;.;c.
Cnpt. R. B. Smith, tir(.iT.iJ:aro, Oa,
"After using several bottles of Peru
na lean recommend it us one of the best
catnrrh medicine on the market. As a
tonic it has no equal.
"l'eruna is all that in clai.u J ,'or it."
Catarrh cf Stomach.
Mr. Henry N'eoly, First I -it-is t !i.::it,
Co."F,"Sith U-ui n!, o, V. I., i;..t
ti23, Trenton, Mo., writes: "1 suffered
for years with calurrh i.f the stomach.
Seeing nil advertisement f l'eruna, I
bought n Itotllennd every dose made mi
feil better. Seven liottlel ruinpli I. iy
CUiCl u.o."
"Well, you see, mamma, I was aw
fully sleepy, so I Just askcdVQod If
he wouldn't excuse me tonight, and
He said, :Oh, certainly, don't men
tion it, Miss Brooks.' " From Suc
cess Magazine,
A scientist advises people to Investi
gate the building of the wasp's nest.
We decline, except from a distance,
through a magnifying glass.
A Splendid Ovcralit
for every me.
Cut generous
ly full. Two
hip pockets.
Felled seams.
Minuhaiiicn n
Is miido from llio choicest, wheat that
crows, (iood bread is assured when
nVFKS' 1JKST FLOUR is used. JBrnn,
Shorty SioMin T lolled Hurley always on
Pendleton Roller Mills
Pendleton, Oregon.
'travel by the meat line.. Rice eating
nations and vegetarians generally
may be healthy enough and live long
enough but It takes meat to give real,
lasting strength. That Is. if the moat
i nutritious and comes from healthy
stock. Looking for this sort? Look
here and you'll seek no further. Our
meats, their price, our care and
prompt and courteous service will win
you approval .once you know them all.
Central Meat Markel
inn n Alts st
Phon Main II
Is Hero
.Better cure that seld before
It la tso late.
cold capsula will knock tas
worst cold In two days. Manu
factured and sold only by
Tallman & Co.
Leading Druggists of Barters
International Stock Food
the old reliable
The" best for your stock
Try it
127-129 E. Alts
CusLa Fontaine, Prop.
Best 25c Meals in North
. west
First-class cookc and service
Shell fish in season
La Fontaine BIk., Main St
V'4 60 YEARS'
Trade Marks
fViv. . . s-d V Designs
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone iwnrttng a k ketch and dwrrlntlon m
Quirk If Mcrlain our opinion fr whotlipr m
Invention l prnhuMy pMC'itnM. Cnmmunlr
tlofisiirlct1ron!iilntlal. HAIJDHQDK cm I'atfutsi
etit Iri4B. Mftt nurtiry fur M-unitf patfma.
I'ateuu Inkfn ttiroimli M.iiiti X I'o, receive
4rrtdi uofictt, without clmrue, lu Ua
Scientific JitiKiican.
A hmtttoTn!? 11!ntrtMl wfctt, Ijtnmt Mis
dilation of mif -lontlilc Joiiniitl, T writ a, W a
ywnr: four mnntua. fU tioid bja!! nwdeAlaT
Urucb UOli. 634 r 8U Wulilunun, IXO.
That Dollar
Will buy the MOST COAt. hr
and also buy the most In real coal
We are amply stocked with CLBAM.
tha will meet your most exacting re
For that coal aualltv you've ba
expecting and didn't secure go to
'hone Mslii 178.
iililne Transfer
Phone Main 5
Calls promptly answered
for all baggage transfer
ring. Piano and Furnture
moving end Heavy Truck
tng a specialty.
. " ir m
Cures Co! 'M Prevents Pneumoais)