' '.It ' ' -:.i-::. ! PAGE TWO I I ( m I T ,XT 1? A Cm HU vr a - - .. ... v"vviah. riiMdgrox, OREOQN, SATCnDAV, APIUL g, 1B10 ETQITT PAGES. S PE CIALS For Saturday Evening After 6 p. m. this evening we will offer the following extraordinary val ues. It will pay you to take advantage of these special prices. Every item mentioned is a bargain. You will Find them here in the store ex- n ryl I r J . J 'til I t I . . uvcuouuru, no numoug no' hot air" positive facts, comeandsee JEWS OF TIE ' NORTHWEST Women's 35c Vests for 28c This Sattmlay evening we will offer a large assortment of vomon's sleevelJ vests, beautifully finished nn.1 trimmed. A bargain at 35c, tonight your ehoiee for ; 28 $1.00 Men's Golf Shirts for 63c We have a lot of 15 doz. men's golf shirts, good quality mad ias, good pattern?, nearly all sizes, mostly light eolors. Regu ,ar $1.00 values, tonight after C o'clock 63 6 pr. of Men's Everwear sox $1.50 Tl. 1 . . a no oet sox on earth without an exception. 6 pairs Guar anteed to wear 0 months. If they don't we will replace them with new sox. Xo Questions asked. 6 PAIRS $1.50. Try them. All eolors and black. 75c Four-in-hand Ties for 45c A will place on sale this evening, 20 doz. four-in-hand ties, i he most beautiful .patterns you ever saw. Such makes as Keiser's, Auerbaelvs and other equally well known makes. This is your chance. Don't pass it. 5c Writing Tablets 2c This is the chance of a life time for the school children. This evening we will sell our regular 5" writing tablets for 2 each. I5c Hand Towels 9c i 10 doz. hand towels, 15c quality, a good size weight This evening and good .9? Foulard and Fancy Taffeta Silks Most desirable this coming season for pretty waists, dresses and haiulsome gowns, 1!) to 27 inches wide in all the choice shades and patterns, including neat, tiny figures, mixtures, s-hepherd cheeks, stripes and shadow effects, values up to fro? yard, special Homo for Wayward Girls. Seattle, Wash. A home for delln fluent, homeless and neglected girls was opened today nt Ravenna Park l no new Institution will co-operate with the juvenile court In caring for wayward and dependent girls of from Hi to is years of age. 36 in. Black Peau-de-soie Silks Very high grade, superior make, guaranteed all pure silk warranted not to crack or break and retain finish and color, U full yard wide. Regular $1.75 value, special . $1.25 Mill Work Contract Let. Albany, Ore. The Sears & Son planing mill of Albany, has secured the contract for the mill work on the new $50,000 depot at Medford. The new depots at Corvallls and Grants Vims, now under construction, are also being finished by Sears & Son. Missionary Rally. Seattle, Wash. With a monster banquet nt the Armory, the Seattle convention of the Laymen's Mission ary Movement will be opened this evelilnir U'ni-I, mm. ...... u 1.171 111111 and missionary workers will sneak ai the cessions during the next three duys. 40 in. double width Crepe-de-chine Silks Thev I! Loudrriiiilk Is Acquitted. La Grande, Ore. L. D. Loudor mllk, the Union man who has figur ed in scores of lawsuits and land office hearing over tho now famous Town ley homestead, was Thursday exoner ated of the charge of trespassing which has been hanging over him for a year or more. are in vogue more than ever this ..! .m.-,.i.i silk, soft, fluffy and lustrous. Colors come in maize, Nile green, pink, light blue, lavender, cream, tan. r. .,.!:,; S1.2S . - - -0 T velue, special 98 Dress Skirts at a Barain Blue, tan, black and white, pleated effects. S4.50 Grade will go for Tanama and serge. The latest $3.95 r - S4.35 $5.00 Grade will go fo $5.50 Grade will go for m ' $4 85 $6.00 Grade will go for $7.00 Grade will go for '. I.a Grande Family Poisoned. La Grande, Ore. County Fruit In spector Garit Oldenburg, his wife and daughter, had a narrow escape from death by ptomaine poisoning Thurs day night. The family was seized with terrible pains, and all night long were in grave danger of death. They are improved today and will recover. They are unable to trace the pois oning to its source. Portland Runaways CuukIiU Albany, Ore. Throe Portiaud iiuj -. giving their names as Lloyd Chllder. aged 13: Cecil Chlldeis. age, 11, and Clarence Klrklund. ' need 12, arrived In Albany on a freight train early Thursday morning. Chief of Police Munkers questioned the bny-i nnl found them to be runnimr nw:i- fr-- home. They were held until their par lents -in-rived from Portland. Spring Tired? Are You Weary and Run Down? Are You Sick and Depressed? Is Your Blood Thin and Poor? Do you take cold easily? Do you feel shivery? Utterly fagged out after a little exertion? Is your complexion bad? Do you feel that life is not worth living? Nearly every one has some of these symptoms in spring, for winter, while apparently bracing, is all the time sapping your strength. l!y spring every one is in a more or less played-out con dition just right to catch any disease. Not always sick, but tired, tired, tired. To carry you through the changeable, trying, disease-breeding weather of spring you need Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey It is prescribed by doctors every where. It is an absolutely pure, gentle and invigo rating stimulant mid tonic. It over comes all weaken ing, wasting and rundown conditions of the bodv. braFii and muscle, giving the system power to throw off and resist coughs, colds, asthma, grippe, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles; it is a wonderful remedy in the prevention and cure of consump tion, pneumonia, malaria and low fevers if taken as directed. All druggists", grocers and dealers, or direct, $1.00 a large bottle. Be sure you pet the genuine; substitutes and imita tions are injurious. Medical booklet. containing rare common sense niles for health, and testimonials, also doctors advice, sent free to any one who writes Tba Dully Malt Wbbkty Co.. Rachwter, N. V. Park Street Pharmacy, Portland Ore., Distributors. Columbia Baseball. New York, April 2. With Rutgers at South Field this afternoon, the Co lumbia University baseball season will be Inaugurated. The Princeton gam is set for April 16, at Princeton, whiU the Yale game will bo played here May 28. Earl Grey as Patron. Montreal, April 2. Under the pat ronage of the Governor-General of Canada, Eary Gray, the Montreal Am ateur Athletic association will held Its gymnastic display this evening. $5.15 $5.95 The Peoples Warehouse Where it ...7- lr v.amam uveratls, Hart, Sehaffner Marx Clothe LEADERS OF LEAGUE MEET T Pay its. Manh -hw. 11. SMsnn Hal, s to irade s. .Uanliattan SJurls. ; Surveyors Siviire Injunction. I t.ayloii, Wash. The state survey- J .ors who were Thursday driven off the' I ranch .of LeTIs Winilost. three mile west of here, by armed farmers" (wives, Thursday secured a restrain- j lng injunction authorizing them to j I proceed with the survey for the pro posed state highway leading from Uayton towards Walla Walla. The I Injunction holds until today noon and the surveyors will complete the work of setting stakes today. S4 PEXDLETOX AXD WESTON TO FIGHT FOR SUPREMACY Contest Will Be Pulled Off in This City Both Teams Strong and Con fident Changes in Pendleton Line up Harlan Will Pitch Again. tomorrow morning, and the showlnir there made may work some changes in the line-up. The game will begin promptly at 2:30 and will occur on the West Court street grounds. by Tomorrow's sun, the clouds per - mitting, will look down upon a strug gle for supremacy within the precincts of this city, for the willow wielders of Weston will wage war on the lo cal diamond with the horsehlde jug- lers of Pendleton. The event in ques tion Is the second game of the Blue Mountain league series and the con test here will be fought by the leaders of the league. Both teams won their Initial game last Sunday and both teams have a determination to annex another before the world Is ons day older. Weston is coming with a bunch that knows the fine points of the game, and if the locals succeed in making a marginal score It will be only after a strenuous and hard-fought exhibi tion. Among the artists who will ap pear on the visitor's nine will be Jack Keefe, who performs Just as well on the diamond as he docs on the stage. Young Harlan, Pendleton's . phe nomenal twirler. will again occupy the mound for Frazler's colts, and since his record a week ago, the an nouncement of his appearance will be the signal of much rejoicing among S-Jc-al fans. At the receiving end of the battery there will be a change, as Col lins is absent from the city. Lester Crnin, who has been seen In a uni form many tlm?, will peek through KKAPP WINS HIS GAME. Portland Defeats San I-Yauclsco Score of Three to Nothing- San Francisco, April 2. Portland defeated San Francisco in a fast game yesterday afternoon by a score of 3 to 0, neither side scoring until the seventh, when the northerners chalked up three runs. The clever twirling of Eugene Krapp, who -was in the box for the nortnern aggregation, was largely responsible for the latter winning, San Francisco securing only one hit a double by Tennant in the fourth while the visitors scored six against Willis. Score: K. H.. E. San Francisco 0 1 2 Portland 3 6 0 Batteries Krapp and Fisher; Wil lis and Berry. ERRORLESS BALL PLAYED. Oakland Wins from Senators by Score of Three to Nothing. Sacramento, Cai., April 2. The Oaklands played errorless ball be hind Harkins, who pitched a superb game yesterday afternoon and won from the Senators 3 to 0. Doubles by Hogan and Harkins In the sixth In ning, aided by Darringer's error, gave the Oaklanders three runs and the game. Score: R. h. E. Oakland 3 5 0 Sacramento 0 4 i Batteries Harkins and Spiesman; Whalen, Fitzgerald and La Longe. PLAN FOR BIG BOWLJXG TOURNAMENT AT SPOKAXE Spokane, Wash. J. Oscar Peterson, treasurer of Spokane, who was elect ed first vice president of the Western Bowling congress at San Francisco, a few days ago, and officers of the Spo kane Bowling league have taken an optional lease on the mammoth pa vilion at Natatorium park here, for the western tournament in 1911. Ar rangements are already under way for the installation of sufficient standard alleys to accommodate at least 500 bowlers from various cities and towns west of the Mississippi riv er. The Spokane chamber of com merce and The Inland Herald will of fer special trophy cups for the high est Individual team scores, in addi tion to which there will be medals by Mayor Pratt and others. The cham ber of commerce and other local or ganizations will also co-operate with the league In entertaining the dele gates and teams at the tourney next spring, and everything will be done to make the meet the most successful in the history of the congress. VERXON WINS FROM ANGELS. by Scrappy Contest at A'ernon Lost Angelenoe by Score of 8 to- 2. Los Angeles, April 2. Vernon won in a scrappy contest with the Angela yesterday afternoon at Vernon by a score of 8 to 2 Umpire McGreevy tho bird cage and from all accounts Is had several lively discussions with the Just as good on the peg as in his players and Dillon and Daley were palmy days. The only other change j both fined. Daley was ordered off In the line-up will be Dickson, moved the grounds following a discussion from field tu third base, and Strand filling th vacancy in the outer gar dens. Several of the- younger players will be kept on the ut'llty bench and may be given an opportunity to prove their mettle before the game is over. Final practice will be hold at nine o'clock A Reliable Remedy CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm It quick l absorbed. 6iet Reliel at One. It cleanses, soothes. Deals and protect the diseased mem brane resulting from Catarrh and drives way aCcrld in the Head quickly. Restore the Senses of Taste and bmelL Full size SO eta. at Druggists or by malL Liquid Oreum Balm for cm in atomizer! 75 eta. Ely Brothers, CO Warren Street, Kew York, w ith the umpire. Score: R. H. E. Los Angeles 2 S 2 Vernon g n 0 Batteries Criger and H. Smith; Stovall and Brown. Chicago No. 2, 9; Pueblo, 4. Pueblo, Colo., April 2. The Chica go White Sox No. 2 defeated a picked team here yesterday, 9 to 4. White was hit iard in the eighth inning. Score: r. h. E. Chicago 9 ig 2 Pueblo 4 9 j White and Ryan; Jackson and Whalen. Emery Race Results Oakland, Cai., April 2. Daddy Glp beat the barrier in the Cordelia handi cap at Emeryville yesterday and won from Chester Krum a nose. With an equal break Chester Krum would have won.' Salall beat Han An a neck in the two year old event. J. R Laugh rey gained a neasy victory in the dis tance event. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas 'Coon ty, M. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be Is enlor partner of the firm of F. J. Che ney it Co., doing business In tbe City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE UUNDItED DOLLARS for eacb and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cored by the ose of Ball's Catarrh Cor. FRANK i. ORKNEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, tbls 0th day of December, A. D. 1889. A. W. GLEARON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous anrfaces of the system. Bend for testimo nials free. F. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all Drngglat, 75c. Take Ball's Family rill for constipation. Real Estate Dinner. New York, April 2. The Xew Tork New Jersey Real Estate Exchange will hold Its annual banquet at the Hotel Astor this evening, at which me governors of both states the Judiciary, will he present. with Every family and especially those ,who reside in the country, should be provided at all times with a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment. There is ijo telling when It may be wanted in case of an accident or emergency. It Is most exeeHent In all cases "of rheu matism, sprains and bruises Sold by all dealeis. PilHt-o Man Suicides. Pasco, Wash. Dr. C. Schumacher cr-nunitted suicide Thursday morning by shooting himself In the mouth with an old pistol. Tills note was found on the corpse: "Dispose of my body In the cheap est possible manner. Perhaps here on my own place. My wish always was to be cremated. But It may cost much. Do as you think best." Xo inquctit was held. Dr. .Schumacher was born In Ger many. He was 73 years old. Ho Is survived l,y his wife and three daughters. Workmen Praise Diaz. City of Mexico, April 2. Several thousand Mexican workmen paraded today as a manifestation In favor of the re-election of Diaz to the presi dency. Today was chosen because It (N the anniversary of Gen. Diaz's vlc- I'hl Delta Phi Banquet. Washington. April 2 Cabinet mem bers, senators, representatives and luominent government off eials will ! -.. . n...i be .present at the. annual banquet of I ll .. . ID inline, Chamberlain's Stomach and CAMPAIGN FOR OPENING OF COLUMBIA RIVER Spokane. Wash. Professor W. D. Lyman of Walla Walla, Wash., rep resenting the National Rivers and Harbors congress, Is waging an. active campaign In Spokane and other parts of this district for the opening of the Columbia river from Uevelstoke, B. C, by way of Kettle Falls, Wash , to the Pacific ocean, to provide a water way of 1000 miles. The cost of the work on tho American side Is esti mated at between $7,000,000 and $8, 000,000, to which Is added $1,000,000 to Improve Snake river from its mouth to Lewlston, Idaho. He believes the work can be done within five years, and he points to its completion as the solution of the freight rate problem for Spokane and common points in the northwest, saying also that tho opening of the rivers to navigation will mean the construction of hun dreds of miles of electric railway lines In Idaho, Oregon and Washington. This, he adds, will provide waterway competition with transcontinental line, which expert in rate matters hold, Is the fundamental principle un derlying cheap transportation for cit ies and district in the interor. .and he writes about It. "Some time Liver ! ago I was confine,! tn mu ...uu T.W..I. ..!. ... .. . . ' ..v naiuro in uriving all , rnronic rneumatism. I used two bot- impurities out of the system, insuring ties of Foley's Kidney Remedy with a free and regular condition and re- j good effect, and thethird bottle put storing the organs of the body to me on my feet and I resumed work health and strength. Sold by all as conductor on the Lexington, Ky., dealers. street railway. It gave me more re- "'f than any medicine I had ever Southern Athletic Meet. used, and it will do all vou claim In Charlottesville, Vr., April 2. Vir. eases of rheumatism." Foley's Kld gin a athletics are pitted against the ney Remedy cures rheumatism by bf st from many other universities and eliminating the uric acid from tho colleges In today's Southern interenl. ' hi,,,,,! i.-.... r t . 1 ...... ui ua. Prompt relet in all cases of throat and lung trouble if you use Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Pleasant to take, soothing and healing In effect. Sold by all dealers. Dickinson at Princeton. Princeton, N. J., April 2. Dickin son college's baseball nine will be Princeton's opponent on the local dia mond this afternoon. Prepare for Woodmen Cmni. Buffalo, N. Y., April 2. Head cainn , officers of the Modern Woodmen of .merica met here today to make pre liminary plans for the national con vention of the order, which will he held In Iluffalo In June, 1911. Do you want five (G) or ten (10) acres In Canyon Conty, Idaho T Great orchard belt. Write. Oregonldaho Apple Orchard Company, Nyssa, Ore. Catholic Championship. Snn Francisco, April 2. Baseball nines of Knntn flnrn nn Cf 1Lrn..,. ... uiiu ; l. iuai j o I colleges win piuy today the first of a series of three games for the Catholic college championship of California. flRf Do Vou Get Up With a Lame Back? :Uncy Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everyone k nows of Pr. Kilmer' 'wanip-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, be cause of its remark able health restoring properties. Swami coming rheumatism, pain in the hack, kid neys, liver, bladder ami every part of tho urinary passage. It corrects inability la old water and sc-aMin;;xiin in passing it, w bad effects following use ofliijuor, wine r Oecr, unci overcomes that unpleasant lecessity of beiiitf compelled to j;o often Jirouxh the day, and to get up many jiues during the uiht. Swamp-Root is not recommended for ;verythitij but if you have kidnev, liver ar bladder trouble, it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been thor oughly tested in private practice, and has -roved so successful that a special ar angeiuent has been made by w hich all readers of this paper, w ho have not al ready tried it, may have a sample Ixittle ent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root, and how to uuuouui you nave Kid ney or bladder trouble. v hen writmirmeiition T:"'M2.m readiiiK thi9 generous I TTtr! 5ffcr in this paper and ieilltRSfliJcii ;nd your address to Or. Kilmer & Co.. 'nJZT' Jinghnmton, N. Y, The regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles are sold by all druggists. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swnmp-Ront, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dws.Binghanitou.N. Y.,ou every bottle. There are a lot of people hunting trouble out of season. Overindulgence Some day you may eat too much. Some nicht - (if you're a man) you may drink more than is good for you. For all excesses in eating and drinking is best because it acts on the liver, moves the bowels and gets rid of whatever may be overloading your stomach, for any sickness of the sort constipa tion or stomach and liver troubles take an NR tab let to-night and you'll feel better in the morning. $2 Jb&4 XH bAuU UY A. O. KOKPPF.N ft niU8. X V 7 Cp;iitht 19 by Ouiciull Adven'iinf C.. Ckft April 2, 1910. Dear friend: All eggs are not the same Just be cause they all have shells around them. Its the inside not the outside of nn egg that counts. Can't you tell a fresh egg when you taste it? I can. My mama wants fresh egg from th country. City hens don't lay freh eggs. Fresh country egg will cost you 20 cents a dozen. Mr. Clark also keeps Preferred Stock Canned Goods, Closset & De vcr Coffees, Tea and Spice. CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 174. 544-546 Main Street