EIGHT PAGHS. DAILY KAST OREGON IAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1910. PAQB TOREK. I . . :;, .... .. . . . . ... tots ... Lots I $60 pivj $60 4vii $90 i. WEST POCTIANDMu I : v. .....a J...J.. ...7 .. .-. ... . , i ....r ., . . ---t((l Jfojj.nrti, rr n ,-n m- :- -y, nffnU-TfiM-.-i 'ini-'. "fti'iiim mm ,i J NLY THREE MOM DAYS CAN YOU BUY LOTS IN WEST Am PARK At $60 and $90 Prices Advance April 1 st. Will You Buy Now or Wait,? ! Terms $10 down and $4 per month. Office open evenings. Cook Thompson, Special Portland Representatives with Mark Moorhouse Company 112 Court St. mm NEWS NOTES OF ADAMS RURAL MAIL CARRIER BUYS AN AUTOMOBILE WIU Do Work In Modern Style School Social a Succcsa Other Items from Little Town, (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., March 29. Elmer Hale, one of the U. S. mail men of Adams, went to Walla Walla Satur day and bought an auto In which to carry the mall on R. F. D. No. 8. He paid three hundred dollars for It. The school social Saturday night was a great success and was well at tended, the proceeds being thirty dol lars. Mr. and Mrs. F. Martin left Sun day on No. 8 for Alberta to look after her wheat ranch in that country and visit friends. Wade and Ora Holdman went to Pendleton Friday and remained over Sunday as he guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. McFaul of Pendleton. Misses Lola and Gwendoline Rog ers came up from Pendleton Friday night to spend Sunday at home. Mrs. M fin tire and daughter, Mable, visited In the city of Athena Thurs day. . L. L. Rogers made a business trip to Athena Thursday, Mr. T. J. Ayers went to Pendleton Friday on business. Miss Lula Llcuallcn was the guest of Mrs Casper Woodward Thursday at the ranch. Miss Hermann of Walla Walla, was the guest of Miss Lula Lleuallen Wed nesday for dinner. Miss Winnie Giess and sister, Mrs. A, J. Winn, visited In the city of Pen dleton Monday. J. O. Hale and family of Pendleton and Miss Cora Raulstonc of Walla Walla, came up from Pendleton Sun day in their auto. Fred Collins visited In the city of Athena Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lleuallen and family went to Weston Sunday to the ball game. Claud Waldrn visited in Weston Sunday. M. Lewis made a business trip to Pendleton Monday. Edwin Walker visited in Adams Sunday. G. M. Morrison and family went to Athena Thursday In their auto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ferguson vis. ted In the city of Pendleton Friday. Mrs. Plcard and daughter Gertrude went to Pendleton Friday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Morrison went to Pendleton Friday. They made the trip in their auto. L. L. Rogers of Adams, went to Al berta Saturday to look after his ranch in that county. John Stanton of Athena, was an Adams visitor Friday. Mrs. T. A. Lleuallen visited In the city of Pendleton Saturday. A Night Alarm. Worse than an alarm of fire at night is the metallic cough of croup bring ing dread to the household. Careful mothers keep Foley's Honey and Tar In the house and give It at the first sign of danger. Foley's Honey and Tar has saved many little lives and is the only safe preparation for children as It contains no opiates. Koeppen Bros. "T.l.Kt:i TO DEATH RY FRIENDS," HER EPITAPH Carlisle, 111. "Talked to death by friends" is the rather startling In scription on a gravestone In the Prlt chett cemetery, 15 miles northeast of this" city. Persons doubting the story have made special trips to this par ticu:ar burying ground for the pur pose of being convinced. Others who have read about it in the newspapers have doubted the au thenticity of the story, and to con vince these a photograph has been ta ken of the stone. Whether the woman was actually talked to death cannot be proved be yond a doubt, but her husband must have been convinced of the fact. Thomas Philip was a farmer and liv ed in East Fork township. He was educated and passed much of his time reading high grade hooks and maga zines. Some of his neighbors said he had peculiar ways, and the women seem ed to be of the opinion that his wife did not know much of the domestic side of llfr. She was advised to do this and do that. One day she took sick and died within a short time. Her husband said the voluntary advice given his wife had worried her into sickness. After she was burled he caused the tombstone with the above inscription to be placed at the head of her grave. A Timely Protection. Everyone knows the after effects of la grippe are often more dangerous than the disease. So often it leads to pneumonia, which a weakened heart action makes fatal. La grippe coughs that strain and weaken tho system yield quickly to the healing and strengthening quantities of Foley's Honey and Tar. Koeppen Bros. MI'S TWITCH WHEN WOMAN LIES, SAYS J TOOK New York. "If you wan, to teli if n man is lying to you. watch his eyes, but If you seek to know if a woman Is telling you an untruth, look at her month." This is the condition reached by Magistrate J. E. Corrigan of the Es sex market police court. "Women have hetter control of their eyes than men," continued the mag istrate. "The most Innocent olue ryes I have ever seen belonged to a girl who was a little demon. Hut It often happens that a woman -those rye- look blandly truthful will tel' a eVfftrcnt story by a slight twitching i-t inu comers or ner mourn "Men cannot lie with the eyes so well as women, but tho signs by which they demonstrate their lack of ver ulty are so illusive that It Is Impos sible to describe them." TO I'RGE PROHIBITION. Philndilpliln Uibor Union Would Put City Dry" and Avenge Defeat, Philadelphia, March 27 Declaring the passage of a local option law would hasten the settlement of the trouble between the Philadelphia Rapid Transit company and Its em ployes, the Central Labor Union at its meeting today adopted resolutions calling upon the members of the trades unions of this city to agitate ami vote for local option at every op portunity. The failure of the brewery workers to join the sympathetic strike, it Is al leged, was practically responsible for the passage of this resolution. The aye and nay vote on a motion to ta ble the resolution was 34 to 83. The general strike in sympathy with the car men which has been In effect for more than three weeks was officially called off at today's meeting. A ma jority of the workers who had re sponded to the call have already re turned to work. The committee of ten which had charge of the sympathetic strike made its report today and recom mended that the strike be discontin ued and financial support be given to the car men. was belnr distributed. the orchardists, and pot lighter will The smudge campaign has been j he hurried into the orchards. thoroughly organized by the local Commercial club. As soon as the danger point is reached the central telephone office will be notified. Emergency operators will then warn Apricot trees are uow in fall bloonl and the peach blossoms are Just op ening. ' Read the East Oregonlan every day. "4 MOTHERS -who have delicate children should try o Mrs. C. Allen, of New Rprlfnrrl f,cc ... - - -"h-j piiv uiuuien, which were restored to iwf.'rt h-ilth K v;i Tf It u t -t I -- r Hiui. xi ii siiuuiu lau with your child, we will refund your money. Please try it. aHL PENDLETON DRUG CO., Pendleton. Good health Is Impossible when there is any derangement of the di gestive organs. Foley's Orlno Laxa tive is a natural remedy for stomach liver and bowel troubles. It aids di gestion, stimulates the liver, and cures habitual constipation. A I J. EG EI) QUACKS ARE TAKEN BY WHOLESALE State of Ohio, City .of Toledo, Lucas Coun ty, s. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Che ney & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, ind Hint sniri firm will pay the sum of OKB HUNIHF.D DOLLARS for each and eTery rase of Catarrh that cannot be cored by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK i. CHKNEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 0th day of December, A. D 1886. A. W. OLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hail's Catarrh Care Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mncoiw surfaces ot tne system. Bend for testimo nials free. F. J. CHKNEY h CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all Drngglsts, 75c. Take Hall's Family rills for constipation. FRUITGROWERS KEEP SMUDGE POTS READY 5 MVflMH!T' ' " - - - - - . M.I .III , t ASpimiidUveran for every use." Cut generous ly fulL Two hip pocket. FeHed seams. Continuous nr. K&m. grant ten. MmufacturtfV - Una UIUIIIUIIMUUI Catarrhal , Deafness Avoided and Cured Prove this to yourself by writing usto day for a free sample, postpaid, of this permanent, safe and speedy cure aro matic, soothing, healing. Or ask your favorite Druggist for Liberal Free Sample Especially valuable In sural affections ot children mild, pure, and sanitary. Specially recommended by physicians for children with cold in the head, which so often brines on chronic nasal catarrh. Contains no harm ful drugs. Sold only In sanitary, convenient tubes and recommended bv over 85.000 drueelsts in 25c and 50c tubes. If yours hasn't Koudon's a 25c or 50c tube will be sent you postpaid oil receipt of price, or absolutely free sample by Kondoa Mlfj- Company Minneapolis. Minn. iiiiiiiiijuijjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.riuiuiuiuiiiiuiiu Seattle. Wash. With the arrest to night of 10 people of both sexes for the alleged Illegal practice of medi cine, osteopath and chlrorathy In Senttle there was dumped on the floor of tho prosecuting attorney's offices a barrel full of medicines and nos trums, ranging from corn salve, nerve tonics and liniments, to cures for cancers and consumption, the evi dence of alleged Illegal practice ob tained by two natty female detec tives. When one of the alleged doc tors Insisted upon one of the detec tives drinking some concoction in his office, the girls decided they had enough evidence and the arrests fol lowed tonight. Detectives were work ing in the interests of the state med ico 1 board. TO CCRH A COIJ IN ONH DAT. Take LAXATIVR HrGmO Qolnlne Tablets. Prog-gists refund money If It falls to core. B. W. tiltaVB'S signature Is on each bos. Iftc. Kennewlck, Wash. Should the temperature drop to the freezing point In the Kennewlck valley within the next two weeks 25.000 smudge pots will bo lighted to protect the fruit crop from frost. For the past week orchardists have been working al most day and night to get In readi ness for firing up. All day long Tues day the farmers braved a driving rain In hauling the newly manufactured pots from town to their orchards and yesterday a long line of teams await ed their turns in the freight yards, where their tank cars of crude oil CHILDREN WHO ARE SICKLY Mothers who Tilu tbelr own comfort and ths welfare of their children, shnnld never he without a box of Mother Uray't Sweet Powder for Children, for in throaghont the seasoa. They Rrak up Colds. Core Fevertshnera, Constipation, Teething Disorders. Hesdsehs nd Btomsrh Tronbles THHSH POWDHH8 NEVER FAIL. Sold by all Drug Stores, 25r. Don't ecrpt any nvbttitute. A trial packs will no sent FKKK to any mother wno will ad dress Allen 8. Olmited. Ls Roy, N. T. Known For Its Strength The First National Bank PENDLETON. OREGON CAPITAL, SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS RESOURCES OVER . S45D 000 nnn JUUU) III SECURITY