EIGIIT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1910. PACK Ulll, JIT -4 OWES FINE HEAD OF HAIR TO CIIIICH Itching, Scaling Scalp Humor was Making It All Fall Out-Two Doc tors Could Not Stop the Trouble Niece Advised Using Cuticura. CURED HER SCALP AND MADE HAIR GROW AGAIN "My mother tiscd to have a very bad humor on her head which the doctors called an eczema, and for it 1 had two different doctors. Her head won very sore and her hair nearly all fell out in Bpite of what they both did. One day her niece came in to see her and they were speaking of how her hair was falling out and tho doctors did it no good. Bhe eavs, 'Aunt, why don't you try Cuticura Hoop and Cuticura Oint ment?' Mother did and they helped her, so she soon began bathing with the Cuticura Soap and anointing with the Cuticura Ointment, and in six months' time the itching, burning and scaling ft her head was over and her hair began growing. To-day she feels verv much in debt to Cuticura Soap and Ointment for the fine head of huir she has for a old lady seventy-f;ur years old. "In regard to my own case, mino was ancczemasomething like hers. It was in my feet. As ioon as the cold weather came my feet would itch and burn and then tliey would crack open ond bleed. Then I thought I would flee to my mot her's f riendn, Cut icura Soap and Cuti cura Ointment. I did for four or five winters and ivw my f't are as smooth asanvone's. Ellsworth Dunham, Hiram, Me., Sept. 30. VMM." What Barnum Said of Cuticura. P. T. Barnum. thi famous circus man, nee wrote: ' I have had the Cuticura Remedies among the contents of my medicine chet with my shows for the last three seasons, and I can cheerfully certify that they were very effective in every case which called for their use." Oomntft Eitrmal and Internal Tmiinifnt ff F.Try Humor of Intania. Children and Adulu fort mot Cutirura s.in 2.V i in Clranw tn Him. CutKrunOintmrni J0c in llml the rkin and (uti cur RiwnlTrnl (&0f . (or In the form of chocolate OmimI PlIKl 2V per rial nf fiO; to Purify lhi HmmI Sold Ifcrouicnoilt Ui world Potter f)ru Chcm Corp .8oi prona nft Coiurobim Ave . Vmioo. sm F" Mailed free. 32-piirc ("utlrura finok nn Skin Cacsies, s&4 Uieir dpccUjf, cuuuniital lrcainieul MODER.N DWELLING SITUATED .f THE BEST residence locality or PENDLETON, ONLY FOUR BLOCKS FltOM BUSINESS CENTER. UP TO DATE CONVENIENCES WITH SUFFICIENT ROOM IN REAIt VOH STABLE OR GARAGE. PRICE $400.M. FOR FURTHER PARTICU LARS CALL OX Mark Noorhouse Company 112 East Court St. Phone Main SS. YORK and YORK The celebrated Chinese Doctors have made a life etudy of the curative powers of roots, herbs and barks and are giving the benefit of their years of research of the people both at home and Abroad. It la by simple reme dies that they guarantee to cure such diseases as catarrh, lung . trouble, stomach, constipation, liver, bladder and kidney, also all private diseases of men and women. Consultation and Pulse Diag nosis Free. Successful home treatment. People who live out of town, write for symptom blank and circular. YORK YORK CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 110 W. Main St., Walla Walla. WEAK OR SICK, VITRO VIGOR CUKEYUDESS uxidsd nati mm or. Lhur'i Infuroratpr atnva all bania. lou faal an lmprovemna pm Som. We ban M modi wilHam m m a tor that we offer sou lor an aaaaa WiU remertr poalUralj nraa thf vorai and louns Loat vigor. Vartoacaa Till remerti pcwltlralj Jon and fauna of boat Vigo fralnt, btrlntar. Narro femorr, Proautnrrbaa. at Nil of arl7 dleetpellon. tlon and daath. Bant aa pralnt, Btnotara, Narroqa rrrmnv m mm, bob TSjrarum r Sutras anttlei to. Oiiamnwed to mra, - rvt-i nninrn rviiat . ISfteLrLrUaVJ VVS-sAPT FRANCISCO Ai US Occidental Avenue, SKATTLai. When orderlnn rJeaee ratal at tar .14.- A umi liull.'' rOti SALS. Old newspaper wrap ped In bundles of ISO each, suitable for wrapping, putting under car pets, etc. Price lSc per bundle, two bundles Sac Enquire this ox floe. Bars money by reading; today's ads. Va3 a. Kltaam. i waatlnc at LOSES ON STEERS BY CONTRACTING AHEAD SIIANIKO MAN COULD HAVE SECURED ADVANCE lllg Bunch of Steers Comes From In terior and Is Delivered at $0.50 Offering $0.90 According to Trade. Portland Union Stockyards, Stock dale, Mar. 25. Had not Henry Cram of Shanlko some time ago contracted to sell a certain company a certain number of steers at $6.60 per hun dred this would have been a very lucky Friday for that Individual In fact a Good Friday. Toduy Henry Cram brought forward 14 loads of steers from Shanlko to fill his contract and it is the general op inion of the trade that these animals would have brought the shipper with in a fraction of the $7 mark In the open market today were they not sold prior to arrival. This Is the second bunch of cattle that has recently entered the yards and for which the shippers would hiive realized more money had they not sold in advance and this Is caus ing considerable comment among the trade comment that Is decidedly ad verse to the present system of con tract for by this means the shipper UHually gets the worst of the bargain. Six loads of cattle from Monona sold at $6.65. While the exact weights could not be secured this morning the buyer stated that the average was between 1080 and 1100 pounds. Con sidering the quality, this was among the best sales In the yards recently. There were no arrivals of hogs or sheep In the yards today, but demand In both these lines continues good at former prices. Among the Shippers. Phlrman & Harris had a shipment of six loads of cattle from Manlda, Mont., on today's market Henry Cram brought in 14 loads of cattle for S. & S. Today's run of livestock compares with this day In recent years as fol lows: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. 1910 .; 1909 69 250 225 1908 310 12 1907 170 84 77 1906 78 159 1905 205 ... 103 Today's range in livestock values. CattlL Best steers, J6.76; good steers. $6.50; common Btecrs, $4.75 5.25; medium. $5.50 Ti 6.00; fancy heif ers, $5.50; cows, $3.75B4.50; bulls, $2.n0i 4.60; stiiBR. $2.503.00. H,lfrs Ti,.t cast of the mountains, $11. 251 11.50; fancy. $11.25; stock ers and feeders, $9.60. Sheep Pest wethers, $7.50; ordi nary, $7.00; spring lambs, $12; year ling' lambs. 8c; straight ewes, $7.50; mixed lots, $7.00. Calves Pet, $7.00; ordinary $6. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Invariably bring relief to wo men suffering from chronic constipa tion, headache, biliousness, dizziness, sallownens of the skin and dyspepsia. Sold by all dealers. but women's tongues go on forever. Men may come and men may go. ENDS KIDNEY OR . BLADDER MISERY IS ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS THOUGH ALWAYS EFFECTIVE Ilacknclio and All DlNlrcss from Out of Order Kidneys Vnnlsli A Few Dotes of l'niw's Diuretic Will Make Your Kidneys Act line nnd Ctiro All l iliuiry Trouble. ' If you take several doses of Papc's Diuretic, all backache and distress from out of order kld.neys or bladder trouble will vanish, and you will feel fine. Umo back, painful stitches, rheu matism, nervous headache, . dizziness, irritability, sleeplessness Inflamed or swollen eyelids, wornout, sick feeling and other symptoms of sluggish, In mtlve kidneys disappear. Uncontrollable, smarting, frequent urination (especially at night) and nil bladder misery ends. This unusual preparation goes at once to the disordered kidneys, blad der and urinary system and distrib utes Its healing, cleansing and vltal Isslng Influence directly upon the or gans anil glnnds affected, and com plctcs the cure before you realize it. The moment you suspect any k'id ney or urinary disorder or feel rheu matism pains. bcRin takirfg this harm-l.-SH medicine, with the knowledge that there is no other remedy at any price, made anywhere else In the world, which will effect so thorough and prompt a cure as a fifty-cent treatment of Pape's Diuretic, which any druggist can supply. Your physician, pharmacist, banker r nnv mercantile ngrncy will tell you that Pape, Thompson and Pape, of Cincinnati, Is a large and responsible medicine concern, thoroughly worthy of your confidence. Only curative results can come from taking Pape's Diuretic and a few days' treatment means clean, active, healthy kidneys, bladder and urinary organs and no backache. Accept only Pape's Diuretic fifty- cent treatment any drug store any where in the world. Every Woman Is lntarmted and should know , Mxmttbe wonitirrfnl Marvel LCT Anlc ronr dnittHrt for It. If ha cannot nrrlT is MARVKIa. arrant no nthnr. hut and itimo 3 fltvfV tint 1 Y,.vik-m.fML It r.TM foil MBtetffnlaira anri rfirttkttttnnM InvaJnaih.a 'ekdleo. MMVELCQ,44bSMtt.eeWYff cm .rvawn it- mm THE FOR AND ALL DISEASES mm ptraaiA " consioTian " Two years ago a severe cold settled on my lungs and so completely prostrated me that I was unable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and after using one bottle I went back to work, as well as I ever was." W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn. PRICE 50c NEWSY NOTES OF ECHO IIOTKL HOSKIXS CHANGES IIAXDS OX APRIL 1 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bailey Are New Proprietors Chris Mlkeeell Recov ering from Operation Other Items (Special Correspondence.) Echo, Ore., March 24. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bailey have leased the Hotel Hosklns and will take charge of the same on April 1. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bailey are experienced hotel keepers and the management will be up to date. Mr. Hosklns and family will still reside in Echo. Mrs. Chris Mikesell returned this morning from Pendleton, where she has been in attendance on her hus band, who Is at St. Anthony's hos pital. Mr. Mikesell is recovering from a recent operation, but will not be able to be home for some time. Mrs. Mikesell was accompanied by her sis ter, Mrs. Eva Skinner. O. D. Teal returned this morning from a short business trip to Pendle ton. Esther Scholl spent today visiting with friends in Stanfleld. W. J. Stapish, treasurer for the Western Land & Irrigation company, came down yesterday in his automo bile from Walla Walla.. Mrs. Jas. McLaughlin and three sons left this evening for Pendleton where they will visit until after East er. P. C. Hunter, O. R. & N. company agent, left on No. 5 this morning for The Dalles on business. Mrs. Cora H. Ward, editor of Echo's Echoes, left for Portland this morn ing to attend Easter services. She will be absent for several days. Mrs. C. R. Lisle is visiting friends in Pendleton. Misses Audrey Watenburger and Vina Houser spent Thursday in Stan field on a pleasure trip. S. J. Campbell, fruit tree Inspector, is here from Freewater. Mr. Jesse Brown Is here from Se attle visiting with his uncle. Mr. Scott Brown of this place. Are you frequently hoarse T Do you have that annoying tickling In your throat? Does your cough annoy you at night, and do you raise mucous In the morning? Do you want relief? If so. take Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy and you will be pleased. Sold by all dealers. XF.W AF.ROXETTE DANCE. Measure That Imitates Movements of An Aeroplane Captures Tnrls. Paris. This city Is enthusiastic ov er its new dance. It Is called the "aeronettc," and the idea is to Imi tate the aeroplane In a succession of graceful movements and beautiful steps that suggest Hie sway Ins and dipping of the aeroplane In midair. The music as well as the dance, in dicates the whole procedure of the aeroplane taking a trip. After a few introductory bars, the music changes to a slow, dreamy waltz, which sug gests the starting of the machine. The time moves faster and faster un til it finally stops. Following this, the music changes to a lungorous Vi ennese waltz, which afterward breaks into a gallop, which Is meant to rep resent the highest point of ascent. After a crash at the climax, the mu sic gradually becomes slower, until the dancers have danced toward their scats. Navy Needs $200,000,000. London. An Important article on the forthcoming British navy esti mate appears In the current number of Engineering, in which It Is slated that the proposed total expenditure will be in the region of $200,000,000. "This 1200.000,000," continues the article, "Is the largest sum that has ver been asked for by the admiralty In the ordinary estimates for any one year and marks an advance of $76 000,000 on the total of ten years ago. It Is easy to prove that we have been forced into this Increase by the growth of the expenditures of other govern ments." Good health Is Impossible whea there is any derangement of the di gestive organs. Foley's Orlno Laxa tive Is a natural remedy for stomach liver and bowel troubles. It aids di gestion, stimulates the liver, and cures habitual constipation. lit r , V 7 OF' DR. KING'S DOUGHS AND THROAT SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY TAIXMAJf & COMPANY. Goethe Ms. Vneartlictl. Berlin. An Important literary dis covery bas been made at Zurich. Goeth's lost version of "Wllhelm Meiseter," In manuscript, has been' un earthed from among some old forgot ten papers. It Is supposed to have be longed to Barbara Schulthess, one of Goethe's friends to whom he was in Any Cold Can be Cured without "cold cures," cough mixtures" and the like opiate filled medicines. All you have to do is to open your bowels our, u a That will carry the cold germs you 11 get well m no time. stipated or have rheumatism, liver or maney irouoics, ukc an i in. lauici better in the morning. S4 Get a I a 1 OR SAuE BY A. C. Will is ill ib mi Located on the corner of Seventh if the block to Park street, Portland, Oregon. Our new Park Street Annex the only fireproof hotel building in Oregon. Rates $1 a Day and Up. European iw nil mil 111 in 1 ii 1 11111 THE G R M N D PENDLETON'S BIG. POPCLAU VAUT-ETILIJ! AND MOTION riCTTRE THEATRE. New Performers, Acts and Pictures twice each 1 week, Sunday and Thursday Johnson's Four-Tiece Orchestra, Every Performance. Matinee Every Saturday ADULTS 25c. CmLDRKN 15c. Doors IB GOLDS and LUNG PREVENTS AND $1.00 the habit of sending manuscripts. The manuscript, which Is In 600 sheets, differs materially from the publish ed version. Although It is not in Goethe's own hand, the genuineness of the Ms. has been recognized by high German authorities. Hitherto its identity had been hidden by the absence of both date and title. wide with pat ornce and systemic poisons away and It you have a coia or are con lu - mgi.t auu yuu u vw 25c Box finiRUii KOEPPEX ft BROS. A Splendid Overall for every use. Cut generous ly fulL Two hip pockets. Felled seams. Continuous fly. hfUltfal festal MURPHY, GRANT SCO. Manutactotera 9 Suhavix CiCtail '.,ti'ii.a. tV:-.'Afc ami Stark streets, extending throng Under t.he Old Managemen and Sunday Afternoon. Open at 7 p. m. : v;. aOTEL OREGON. e&3Jl - ; -V' i if. ; .1 To The Public I have added an up-to-date optical department which will be In charge of A. E. SERUM Optimetrist who has had years of practical experience. Tour optical work will receive thorough attention. A. L. Schaefer Jeweler Fresh Fish Meats and Sausages EVERY DAY. We handle only the purest of lard, hams and bacon. Empire Meat Go. Phone Main 18. 'T FORGET That on a Round Trip Ticket East You Can Use the Soo-Spokane Route of the "tr mrw t n Through Alberta and the Canadian Rockies ' If you purchase your ticket from the Nor. Pac. Ry. you can return via the Soo-Spokane. If from the O. R. & N. you can either go or return via the Soo-Spokane. Details, Berths, Literature address local agent, or G. SI. JACKSON. T. P. A. J. S. CARTER. Gen. Agt. 14 Wall St, Spokane. t THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. PHOIETOUR ORDERS TOU 6ET THEM BIGHT NOTICE OP PROPOSED IMFROVE MENT OP JANE STREET BE TWEEN BLUFF STREET AND AND HIGH STREET BY BUILD ING SIDEWALKS THEREON. Notice is hereby given that at a regular meeting; of the common coun cil of the city of Pendleton, held March 16, 1909, the following reso lution was unaulmously adopted, vis.: Be It resolved, by the common council of the city of Pendleton that It is expedient to Improve, and it is hereby rroposed to improve Jane street in the city of Pendleton from the south line of Bluff street to the north line of High street, by con structing sidewalks and crosswalks along the west line thereof, such Im provement to b'e made in accordance with the ordinances of the city of Pendleton, and the cost of making the same to be charge and lien upon the lots and parts of lots and parcels of land in front of which such improve ments shall be made, as pro-vided by the charter of the city of Pendleton, and the owners of lots, parts of lots and parcels of land fronting upon said streets where such improvement shall be made shall be liable for the pay ment of the portions of such Im provements In front of their respec tive lots, parts of lots and parcels of land. And be It further resolved, that the recorder of the city of Pendleton shall cause a copy of this resolution to be published in the East Oregonlan for a period of ten days, and all per sons interested , in said Improvement will govern themselves accordingly. Dated this 17th day of March, 1810. TIIOS. F1TZ GERALD. City Recorder. NOTICE OF PAYMENT OF QUAR TERLY LICENSE. Notice is hereby given that all quarterly licenses will become due and payable on April 1. 1910. and all persons affected thereby will gov ern themselves accordingly. No fur ther or other notice will be given prior to arrest for violation of the city or dinance llcens'tiR certan callings, trades nnd professions. For further particulars inquire at the city re corder's office. Th:s notice is given by order of the common council of the city of Pendleton. Dated this 23d day of March, A. D. 1910. . THOS. FITZ GERALD. 1 City Recorder.