PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OKBOONIAN. PKXPLgTON. ORBQOX. SATOKDAY, MARCH 28, 1010. EIGHT PAGES. OREGON THEATRE, Tuesday, March 29th MOR.T H. SINGER Presents 66 A Stubborn CSmte 99 With Homer B. Mason and Company of 7--Gomedians, Singers and EBamceirs--? DncEaading) The Worlds Most, Beautiful Women. A whirlwind of Life, Fun, Music and Pretty Girls. THIS ATTRACTION COMES DIRECT FROM THE BUNGALOW, PORTLAND, ORE. PRJCEf-Boxes and first 3 rows $2.00; Lower Floor $1.50; Balcony $1.00; Gallery 75; Children 50c. Seats Monday at Pendleton Drug Co. A "CELL"' OX MASOX TS "A STTBBORX CINDERELLA" Homer B. Mason, the star' of Mort H. Singer's "A Stubborn Cinderella" Co.. is a big, strapping fellow with a humorous twinkle In his eye. and a chap who enjoys a joke even when it is played upon himself as the follow ing will show. "So you want a story? Well, here's one, that happened to me when I was in vaudeville. I was playing in St. Paul. A friend of mine named Cal Stone framed up a deal that I was to come to a party he was giving at his house that night, rigged up In my regular burglar makeup, and do a piano stunt. Well, I fixed myself up and went to his back door and asked for a bit to eat and told a hard luck story. "The girl was on and they got me into the parlor where all the guests were seated, and Stone asked me a lot of freak questions and I faked the answers, and finally ended up by do ing my piano stunt. Nobody was on but a couple of young girls who had seen me do my turn at the vaudeville theater but they kept mum and I went out of the back door as much a bur glar as I was when I came In. "Well, that fellow Stone, by George, had gone to the Chief of Police, who was a friend of his, and put up a job on me. so when I was walking down the steps to my carriage, a big cop Jumped out at me. I wasn't 'on,' you know, and was sure scared to death. ' I argued with the cop. " 'Look at my make-up,' says I. " 'What do I care for your make up,' says the cop. 'Don't you know it's against the law to go about the streets in disguise? How do I know you're what you say you are? Tou come along with me.' "I told him to wait before he made a fool of himself, but he would not listen. I showed him my carriage. That didn't phaze him. "Then 1 said, 'See here, Just come back into the house and my friend Stune will tell you who I am.' "The cou was agreeable, so we went back. Stone came to the door. " 'See here, Stone, this is a new man on the force, I guess, and he wants to and let me go home. I'm freezing to death.' "Stone gave me a glar and said, 'I don't know you. He looks like a crook, officer. You had better take him along.' "Well, you can imagine how I felt I cussed the cop, I cussed Stone, I cussed myself, and then cussed every body in general. To heap it on the cop took me to the station in the car- ' riage I was paying for. The sergeant would not believe me, and had me searched. They found my pistol in j my pocket, the one I used in my act. I That was evidence against me, they I said. The pistol was a fake and would not go off at all, but he said I that did not cut any ice, it was a gun j Just the same. Then I began to get sore. They gave me permission to telephone Stone, and I told him he : had gone far enough. ) "I guess he thought so. too, so I j was released. That's the nearest I ever came to languishing in a prison j cell. SUfcVTOOd. Those who have used ours say It la the best they ever saw. We make three carloads each day at our mill. If yon will contract your supply for the coming season now to be deliver ed by August 1, we will make you at tractive prices. OREGON LUMBER YARD, Phone Main t. TO CURB A COLD IN ONB DAT. Tk LAXATIVE BROllO Quinine Tablets. Drngglsts refund money If It falls to ear. B. W. UROYE'S signature is on each box. 25c. Ladies Soles Sewed. With my new machine I can sew your soles on for (Be per pair. They will look better and last longsr. A. EKLUND. Thermometers- make more than the big fish that get away. liars Notice. To subscribers of the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph Co. On and after April 1st. 1910, all telephone bills will be payable in ad vance on the first day of each month and not later than the 10th, at. the offlcs of the MimnuiT In the Matlock hnlMInff Pflll at Rewmler wlnAnw or mall check. MANAGER. Spring Humors Come to most people and cause many troubles, pimples, bolls and other eruptions, besides loss of appetite, that tired feeling, biliousness, Indigestion and headache. The sooner you get rid of them the better, and the way to get rid of them and to build up the system is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla The Spring lediclne-par excellence as shown by unequaled, radical and permanent cures. Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. NUT AND LUMP gC in any quantity. We have the only real Rock Spring Coal in Pendleton Also good dry black pine, yellow pine, fir, tamarack, slab wood and split wood. - Only good fuel carried here Prompt delivery HENRY KOPITTKE Phone Main 1?8 A Swollen Jaw is not pretty nor pleasant. Whether It's caused by neuralgia, toothache, or accident, Ballard's Snow Liniment will reduce the swelling and relieve the pain. The great and sure cure for rheumatism, cuts, burns, bruises, scalds any and all aches and pains. Sold by A. C. Koeppen as Bros. Of Interest to Ladles. ' Beautiful hair Is a crown of glory, i and we have just received a new and complete line the largest ever on display In Pendleton. 30 inch braids in all shades, coronet braids and tur banettes. Call and Inspect them at Mrs. Campbell's, leading milliner. Df-pth is the faculty of discovering run me In. Just tell him who I am 1 the obvious with an air of restraint. ( ft ' -' V' . . . 'I' " . v?-- V . '', ,. ..... -TVf., '".'-- ' ' ' . 1 SMALL FRUIT TRACTS NEAR MILTON Executors Sale of Real Estate at PUBLIC AUCTION Monday, April 4th, at 10 a. m. Sale takes place at the G. M. Harrah place, known as the Ingle Homestead, between the stations of State Line and Twilight., on the interurban car line, right in the heart of the famous orchard belt be tween Milton and Walla Walla. (55 Acres flBivided Onto 113 Tracts off 3 ito IB Acres Each a 4r Afffl slx mes ' Walla Walla and four miles north of Milton and Freewater; on the g,iUmi . interurban electric line; roads for each tract; close to good schools and churches; tele phone and rural mail service; plenty of spring and running water. Abstracts up to date. Are so ar ranged that parties so desiring can buy continuous tracts. CaaSh" Tftn Per cent down and balance upon confirmation of sale by the Come atany time and be shown over the tracts someone always on hand to meet you. Fd(& Laaoiidh) aft ITJedDDi Wesley W. Harrah, Executor of the estate of G. M. Harrah, deceased. Fred Eiffert, Auctioneer Homer B. Mason and &Iaxguerlte Keeb-r, With "A Stubborn Cinderella," at the Oregon Theater, Tuesday, March 20.