,1.' , HKIWl H A.,. TEX 1AG1 ttAJLY MAOT OnnGOITlAy, MrTDLETOW, OIUDOOK, FRIDAY, MARCH SS, 111. Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing m CO 0) O BOS! 2J K 2.1 CO to O C3 to O for the final attack on prices and values Mens and Boys' Clothing; Shoes, Hats, - . Furnishings at ridiculously low prices. An Absolute Slaughter of High Grade, Dependable Wearables For Men and Boys $0.50 Suits ?3.69 50c Shirts .; 19 '$20.00 Values 311.98 COc Shirts 27 Men's New Spring Suits Men's Furnishings o CO $22.50 Values 812.98 i:,c Hose $25.00 Values $14.98 30.00 Values $16.98 75c Shirts Men's Hats, $2.00 and $2.50 Hats J. 15. Stetson $1.00 Grade Men's Suits Broken Lots 8 $1.50 Dress Shirts '0c Work Shirts 60c Underwear ..98 ; 35c Ties SVl.bU and $13.50 Values . .. $3.98 75c Ties ?2.85 $15.00 and $17.50 Values $5.03 41 kq Tj $20.00 and $22.50 Values $7.98 Vc gox $25.00 and $27.50 Values $9.98 50c SmnZZr I Boys' Clothing and Furnishings M ' . ' " en's Pants, $2.00 and $2.50 Pants $1.25 . 10c White Handkerchiefs " hiu,s - " -- J8 Men's Pants, $3.50 and $4.00 Pants $2.45 15c HandkerehiWa 75c Suspenders . 23 . 79 39 39 . 19 . 39 69 - 8 29 43 5 . 10 :!-"' Suits $1.59 Men's Pants, $5.00 and $0.00 Pants $3.45 SHOES All shoes at a big reduction. Grasp this Golden Opportunity. Save from 30 to 65 per cent. on Your Easter Toggs. Lewis Bros. (& Company in Charge Look For the Big Blue Signs lax Brer's Clothing Store Hats Hats Hats Hats ' Hats ill . I; ftttttt it if ioMttt FACTS FOR FARMERS J;; j tiiunptloii mi I Ik- I'arni. Now 'tli spring, nnl weeds ore shal low rooted ; Suffer tlirin now and they'll overgrow the garden. Shakespeare. Trade one of tin- pups for a pig. Uoll the meadows urn) green fields. Beware of planting sprouted pota to need. Plant the garden whi n the cherry blooms. It Ik scabby business to plant scab by potiitoes. Few farmers harrow quite enough. Harrow, harrow, harrow. He who by the plow would thrive must straighten up nnd look alive. Dogs can thrive on bones better than a woman can on unkind words. Keep manure near the sunace; plow It deep and you lose some of It. Don't plow the ground too wet; get it just right and then rush things. Seek only that which Is honorable that thou In thy poverty shouldgt die rich. Don't forget to make two sowings of clover, and be Rure to use one-half iilxlke. Those who charge farmers with responsibility for the high cost of liv ing tell a fib. Do not rush the teams too hard; let them have time to get their shoulders hardened to the work. The farmer who allowed his imple ments to be sheltered by the sky dur ing the winter will now find himself out. When a man insists upon giving you advice, you can readily get rid of him by offering him a little In return. If there is no place In the shed for i he grindstone, get a box at the store that will lt over It, thus keeping It covered from the weather. April Farm Journal. ' To Become Oootl Farmer. The man who wants to become a good farmer must not make the mis take of hiring out to a poor one. Nev er work for a man who cannot teach you something about the business. The successful farmer does not suc ceed by sheer luck. He succeeds be cause he know how to farm better than his neighbors or because he makes better use of common methods. The man who learns his secrets will add to his own value and be able to earn better wages or succeed when ho goes to farming for himself. The hired man who Is working for wages alone and has no ambition to become an expert In hlsTiuslness has no sym pathy from me. If he has the op portunity to learn the secrets of the successful farmer who employs him and does not do so he will be a fail ure. The secret of any successful business Is Information and the man who knows his business from every angle, whether he Is a farm hand or a rllroad president and then puts gin ger and common sense in his work, will win as he deserves. Fort Worth ntlztn-Star. , Fur tlio Swine Breeder. Hogs fed on corn meal and tankage require n great deal of water and this adds to thc digestibility of the feed and helps, to make gain. A hog will eat almost anything when hungry, but his appetite should be tempted with palatable food if he is to make the greatest possible profit. The fact that hogs require a great deal of water makes feed fed as slop more desirable than dry feed. Southern farmers have learned that feeding cotton seed meal In large quantities is bad business as it often leads to fatalities. Fed in small quantities, however, with corn and alfalfa, It Is beneficial. One good way to feed alfalfa dur ing the winter is to chop it into about 4 inch lengths. Soak it In hot water or steam it In a barrel or tank. Feeding the Calves. The calves should be well fed, but a lot of calves are fed to death. Four quarts of skim milk a day is enough for a four weeks-old calf. As soon as any sign of bowel i trouble shows In the droppings reduce the quantity of milk. Give a calf all the hay and bran it will eat and let it run on grass, but do not overfeed on skim milk. The calf that Is reared naturally gets only a small quantity of milk at a time ,and the wild cow does not give much at any time. Hints for the Orcliardlst, "Plant a tree, Jock. It'll be grow ing while ye're sleepin'." Bobble Burns. Promptly gather up and burn all brush and rubbish in the orchard. When spraying do not work with b'are hands. They'll be sore If you do. Put on a pair of rubber gloves. Remember when you plow in the orchard that the roots are very near the surface. Three Inches Is plenty deep enough. Some fruit growers aay that It Is not a good plan to plow an orchard when the trees are in blossom bet ter do It before or after. How long will our orchards bear the neglect seen on every hand? We need less of extensive farming and more of Intensive and sensible oper ations. Now, don't wait until the last mo ment before ordering the berry plants Give the folks who grow them a chance to fill the order In good shape without being hurried. Better for them and surely better for you. When the leaves begin to grow, the canker-worm may commence to move up on the trunks of the fruit and other trees. Bands of tar or printer's Ink. If put on the tree trunks in time will catch many of the pests. As soon as the leaves start on cur- hi." i. f Jf Sir f - , ri J-' " i v " i i I'M'?! f r " .s.-av v X TV. V.V. "Vl.: KCVi., Wl K f if a . fc - t. I T V Mil , zH."i a cM 7 - rl'z?t. Kzx )) LET AN ELECTRIC MOTOR DO YOUR WORK Steadiest, cheapest and most reliable power (or small or heavy work. Less danger and easier to operate you turn a lever and It does the work. V . ' - .. j. j...... iiTn,,,, sf-ifi--" '-Hi iiiin Mnrgiierlte Kecler, With "A Stubbo rn Cimlertiia," at the Oregon March 39 rnnt or gooseberry bushes, cut out all sickly-looking or non-starting canes and promptly burn the cuttings. Borers are probably within, and in this way they can be kept In check. Get ready to fight the codling moth which causes wormy apples. Next month we'll tell you how. In the meantime, fruit growers should pre pare themselves for the campaign by ordering a first class spray pump and the necessary attachments. April Farm Journal. A Clear Brain and healthy body are essential for success. Business men, teachers, students, housewives and other workers say Hood's Sarsaparil la gives them appetite and strength, and makes their work seem easy. It overcomes that tired feeling. The soothing spray of Ely's Liquid Cream Balm, used in an atomiser, is an unseakable relief to sufferers from Catarrh. Some of them describe It as o godsend, and no wonder. The thick, foul discharge is dislodged and U patient breathes freely, perhaps for the first time in weeks. Liquid Cream Balm contains all the healing, puri fying elements of the solid form, and It never falls to satisfy. Sold by all druggists for 76c, Including spraying tube, or mailed by Ely Bros., 66 War ren street. New Tork. PILES 8URRD IN 6 TO 14 DATS PACO OINTMENT Is inaranteed to rare aay rase of Itching, Blind, Weeding or Protrud ing Flits In te 14 days or money refund ed. BOe. Save money by reading today's ads The Housewife's work will be lessen ed when Electrtcty and Gas come into. the home COOK WITH GAS Make the work easier (or her and save on your fuel as welL ' No dirt, dust and excessive heat '""i i uauon ana nre to f ynl Vv' ainaie ana it costs less. For Her sake, put gasjn your home before tbe hot weather arrives Plitiilf Northwestern Gas &. Electric Co. Phone Main 4. Matloafc B mild lag. TFe Man Who Dees Not Advertise ATT The business man wk does not advertise be ij cause it costs money, should stop paying sal aries for the same reason. 4TT The business man who does not advertise be cause he tried it once and failed, should throw away his cigar because his light went out ATT The business man who does not advertise be jj cause he doesn't know how himself, should stop eating because he can't cook. The business man who does- not advertise be cause somebody said it did not rav. should not , leve the world is round because the ancients said it was flat be 4 i