TEN PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX, PENDLETON, OHEGOX, 1 IIL'KSDAY, MARCH 24, 1010. PAGE TOREK. of the . N0MHWES1 Condon HlurtH Boosting Fund. Condon, Ore. At a rousing booster meeting here Wednesday night over $1000 was subscribed for advertising Gilliam county. This, with $.400 rais ed ut Arlington Tuesduy, easily covers the guurunty required by the O. IX. & N. company as the condition of Its spending $4 to each dollar subscribed. A Suicide at Seattle. Seattle. Sick and despondent after an alleged spree, Edward F Tressler, brother-in-law of retiring Chief of Po lice Ward, shot and killed himself at 11 o'clock yesterday morning at the Ward home. Ha was 36 years old, unmurried and made his home with the Wards. Since election day he Is aid to have been drinking heavily. Breaks I1goon Shoot Record. Vancouver, Wash. In a clay pige on shoot at Yacolt last Sunday Ralph Moon of the Yacolt Gun club broke 94 out of a possible 100, establishing the highest score made this year in Clark county. Hlllls of Portland held the record of 92 birds. The Yacolt Gun club Is composed of five members and they expect to Issue a challenge to Vancouver and Portland clubs for a contest. Hold, Bad Boy. Vancouver, Wash. Each with a re volver strapped about his waist, a bowle. knife, 20 rounds of ammunition and a blanket, three St. Johns, Ore., boys Clair Peters, Amos Jones and George Schmlsher were arrested In Vancouver Wednesday night and given lodging In the city Jail. The boys are 16 and 15 years of age respectively, and had started out to see the world when intercepted by the police. Addition to filing fees and commis sion. Much of the land which was believed to be available for filing, has been designated hs timber bind and I withdrawn from entry. The names oi toe nii'ky ones in tno lour north western Hlatis ure; Washington Harry M. Huston arid John K. Anderson, Vancouver; Nora X. Gilbert, 'Dorothy Wilson, Fred W. Olsen and W. A. Mackey, Seattle; Kdnu Whitney, t'heney; H. A. Trcadwell. Mabton; Mlehnel Schocn berg, Mead; Rntph W. Vermllya, Wonn tehee; Walter Johnson.- Mol son; E. B. Fuller and James K. Solomon. Maltby; C. J. . Backus, Tii cntna; Addia Murdock, Span"1"- '" B. Combos, llrocnneres; Rautiuriu Jannl, Northportj Albert H. Squires, Valleyford; Samuel Olsen, Milan; J. ft. Hoover. Mondovl; Jnnn Stanley, rnderwnod; Uriah Cannon, Kock ford; Frank Grey, Beep Creek; Ed ward K. Byland, Ludwig Nelson, John Hanna, Conrad Nelson. B. A. McDougall, Ralph O. AtiKtln, M. Mer rlc, Anna LundquiHt, W. J. Stones fler, Andrew Sanderson, Joseph Hick ey, Jr., R. E. Bledsoe, M. J. Cum mlngs, H. J. Harders, Joseih Barnes, Lottie M. Sheldon, J. T. Taylor, Carl Peterson and Arthur B. Cook, Spo kane, Idaho A. J. Millen. Wallace; Lu ther A. Courter, Sandpolnt; E. M. Carter, Caldwell; Frank Farrell, Pot latch; William Buckley and Elbert V. Chamberlain, Coeur d'Alene; Frank A. Bacon, Woodland; R. A. Landsdell, Twin Falls. Oregon W. H. Daugherty, and D. E. Bales, Portland; William C. Gru ger, Holbrook.' Montana Frank Olaf Nelson, Tim othy B. Henderson and Louis Stoll. Butte; Allen Newton, Helena; Fred Black, Kallspell; Ira Trlplett, Old ham; and Anna Hokanson, Bojteman. Women Hear "Irrigation" Talk. Oregon City. A well attended meeting of the Oregon City Woman's club was held Wednesday afternoon in the rooms of the Oregon City Com mercial club. The principal feature of the program was an interesting paper on "Irrigation" and an Informal talk on "Dry Farming" by Mrs. A. King Wilson of Oswego, chairman of the irrigation committee of the State Federation of Woman's clubs. Pol lowing the paper and talk a general discussion of irrigation and dry farm ing was enjoyed. Motor Service on S. P. Eugent, Ore. Local Southern Pa cific officials have received notifi cation that a gasoline motor service will be inaugurated next Monday be tween Springfield and Albany on the east side branch, thus bettering the passenger service out of Springfield, which has veen very inconvenient for a long time. At present the only pas senger tran out of Springfield on the branch leaves at 4:30 o'clock in the morning and arrives later than 10 o'clock at night. The motor will prob ably leave at 7 or 8 in the morning and return early in the evening. IIoiiHwtend Ruling Pleases. Aberdeen, Wash. Some 20 or 30 settlers in the Qulnauk and Hon dis tricts will be affected by the order of Secretary Wilson granting homestead rights to bonaflde claimants on un surveyed lands In forest reserves. But few of the SO old families In the Quln lault country will be affected, but the statement was made today that several on the Hoh will profit by the order. The order of the secretary is also con strued to make agricultural lands In the forest reserves of the Olympla district and straits country available for settlement. How Good News Spread. "I am 70 years old and travel most of the time," writes B. F. Tolson of Ellzabethtown, Ky. "Eerywhere I go I recommend Tlectrlc Bitters, be cause I owe my excellent health and vitality to them. They effect a cure every time." They never fall to tone the stomach, regulate the liver, invig orate the nerves and purify the blood. They work wonders for weak, run-down men and women, restoring strength, vigor and health that's a daily Joy. Ty them. Only 60c. Sat isfaction is positively iruaranteed by Tallnian & Co Ll'OKY NUMBER HOLDERS IN IT. g. LA XI) LOTTERY Spokane, Wash. Officlnl advices Just received by Hal J. Cole, register of the United States land office here, from Washington, D. C., gives a cer tified list of 260 holders of the lowest numbers for homesteads on the Spo kane Indian reservation, for the en try of which the persons named are ratified to appear In Spokane on April 1 and 2 to make their selec tion. Sixty-four of these will get land, the tracts ranging from four to 160 acres, appraised nt IS an acre In LURID LIGHTS BURN AXI SEATTLE REJOICES Seattle. The restricted district storm has begun to break over Se attle. There have been rumblings, but the real storm breaks with the re opening of the old King street ten derloin. The King street district and the "Midway" were running in their old time glory last night and were crowded with a motcly assortment of humanity. There are scatterings of redllghts farther south, where Mayor Gill seml-offlcially announced that the district was to be, but the white lights and the crowds were nil in the old tenderloin last night. Aroused from their fancied secur ity, induced by Gill's campaign prom ises, the residents of the First, Sec ond and Fourteenth wards are up in arms. Councilman Eugene Wny, one of the few GUI councllmen, and the only one that appeared witn him on the platform, has announced that he will resign from the council Immedi ately unless the district Is closed at once. "From the platform Mr. Gill prom ised the people of my ward that, wherever the district was located. It would not be against my wishes," Bald Way, "and .In turn I assured the peo ple of the "ward that I would protect them. Gill has absolutely Ignored his promise." Five carllnes pass through the re opened redllght district. Every Mother l.i or should be worried when the lit tle ones have a cough or cold. It may lead to croup or pleurisy or pneumonia thin to something more serious. Ballard's Horehound Syrup will cure the trouble at once and pre vent any complication. SolJ by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. X KV PROVISIONS FOR SMOKING TOBACCO Washington. Tobacco, snuff. ci gars and" cigarettes in the hands of jobbers and dealers removed from fac tories prior to July 1 next, will not be subject to the Increase In the tax of from 6 to 8 cents per pound provided for In the Payne tariff bill. This an nouncement was made by Mr. Cabell, the commissioner of Internal revenue In a circular letter to collectors throughout the country. The Increase provided for. he sets out, does apply to packages removed from the limits of bonded premises of factories or cus tern houses after midnight of June 30. Thousands of Inquiries, hnd come to the office on the subject. Notice also has been given by the commissioner that In acoordance with the new law, on and after July 1, the caution notice and factory brand must be on each statutory package of ci gars and cigarettes of domestic man ufacture. Irrespective of whether such caution be on an outside retainer or not Stubborn As Mnlea are liver and bowels sometimes; seem to balk without cause. Then there's trouble? loss of appetite, "indlgeatht. . nervousness, despondency, headache. But such troubles fly before Dr. King's New Life Pills, the world's best stomach'and Ilyer remedy. Se easy. 26c at Tallman A Co. Would You Gain Weight? Begin the use of Samose today and you will soon notice a gain In good, healthy flesh. To all who are thin, weak and run down, this remarkable flesh-forming food promises plump, rosy, perfect health, vigor and vital ity. Samose mingles with the food that is eaten, so that It Is assimilated by the blood, and builds up pleasing plumpness and good healthy flesh. Those who use Samose for a week or ten days will soon notice a gain In weight and an Improvement In gen eral strength and health. N Put good solid flesh on your bones and you will be strong and well. In no other way can this be done than by the use of Samose. It gives plumpness and physical grace to the thin and scrawny, and will make you bright, rosy and normally fat. Samose Is In tablet form pleasant to take and Is sold by one of the most reputable drug stores In Pendleton, A. C. Koeppen & Bros., under the personal guarantee of the company to refund the money If It does not give satisfaction. Sent postpaid on receipt of price, 60 cents. Notice. ' To subscribers of the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph Co. On and after April 1st. 1910, all telephone bills will be payable In adr vance on the first day of each month and not later than the 10th, at the office of the company In the Matlock building. Call at Recorders window or mall check. MANAGER. flabwood. Those who have used ours say It Is the best they, ever saw. We make three carloads each day at our mill. If you will contract your supply for the coming season now to be deliver ed by August 1, we will make you at tractive prices. OREGON LUMBER YARD, Phone Main 8. Ladles Soles Sewed. With my new machine I can sen your soles on for 66c per pair. Th will look better and last longer. v A. IKLTJND. The Kind That Commands Attention The Greatest Line of the Grandest Clothes ever shown in Eastern Oregon awaits your viewing at, Bond Brothers Mi Mei's Eaister I (r i I BOND -urn,: Wear We wish to call particular attention to our well selected line of Blue Serges for Spring and Summer the finest we have ever shown A S U I T Your every need well cared for, in Easter Neckwear Easter Hats Easter Shirts Easter Oxfords Easter Hosiery Our Spring lines are now complete ROTHER.S---PENDLErMHiERsEAI)ING WHAT THE FREEDOM OP LONDON MEANS London. In view of the fact that considerable discussion has been aroused in the action of the corpora tion In deciding to confer the honor ary freedom of the City of London on former President Roosevelt on the oc casion of his approaching visit, the London press Is taking pains to ex plain the proposed honor and its sig nificance. It seems that though a presentation of this kind is called the honorary freedom, foreigners of distinction on whom It is bestowed are naturally not expected to take the oath or make the declaration of allegiance to the British crown, v nnd they are conse quently not recorded as freemen In the chamberlain's court. But In every other respect the ancient ceremonial is carried out, and the distinguished visitor Is handed a copy of the reso lution of freedom In a gold box and the chamberlnln offers him the right hand of fellowship as a citizen of London. This was the procedure adopted In the cases of Garibaldi. General Grant, George Peabody and Count Ferdinand de, Leasers. Do you want five (6) or ten (10) i acres In Canyon Conty, Idaho? Great1 orchard belt. Write. Oregonldnho I Apple Orchard Company, Nyssa, Ore. j Those two territories to which state hood has long been promised have not keen admitted yet. Are you Interested In orchards at Nyssa? Write. Irrigated Lands Cor poration, Nyssa, Ore. Read the Baat Orecoalan every aay. NUT AND LUMP gGoffl! lock Sprin in any quantity. We have the only real Rock Spring Coal in Pendleton Also good dry black pine, yellow pine, fir, tamarack, slab wood and split wood. Only good fuel carried here Prompt delivery HENRY KOPITTKE Phone Main 178