East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 25, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Latest Spring Fashions are arrayed in all their Beauty
Spring Suits in
lnawiauai iLrrecrs
A kffl
yV7 if- ll
:h If. '$
; n, W
Our suit department is noted for the wide range of ita styles.
In buying we have selected such models as will please each individu
nl customer.
A suit that shows such beautiful tailoring and such a carefully
thought out design as this in the picture would look distinguished in any
Iu the fine, pure wool used by us in these suits they, attract the admi
ration of everyone who sees them. The harness stitching and crow's feet
give it the air of a suit made for the individual wearer.
These beautiful WOOLTEX garments can be found nowhere else
in this city They are guaranteed to be all wool and to give two
full seasons' satisfactory service. On this guarantee we are authorized
by the manufacturers to make good without question whenever called
ell Jo do SO.
Suits $15.00 to $60.00
k. , -
. V I'rl
1 .
A ,
The Ladies of the Westminister Guild of the Presbyterian
church will hold a sale of home cooked foods here in this store
Saturday, March 26th.
-71 "J-
Ony One More Day In
Which to Buy That pair
Our handsome new styles are attracting great admiration
from every looker. We've everything in footwear for every
body. FOR WOMEN we've dress boots, street boots, oxfords
and pumps in all styles and leathers, $3, 3.50, 4 to $5.
FOR MEX we've all the new styles in high or low cut
shoes. All leathers, black or tan $3.00 up to $5.00.
Just received a large shipment of misses' and children's
ankle strap pumps in all leathers. Also a full line of boys' ox
fords for Ea?u-r.
..Pendleton's Supremest Hat Show...
All thot is newest and loveliest in Hats. Every model with a fashion secret of its own. Something youthful and becoming
for every type of womankind. Something new and appropriate for every age and occasion.
There is nothing newer in Paris than what we are showing in Hats.
Xo stone has been left unturned to make this a complete exhibit of styles that nde for spring.
An especially strong line of smart Tailored Hats ?5 to $12.50. A superb assortment of street and dress hats. Best in
Eastern Oregon $10 to $25. Let your Easter crowning be a Peoples Warehouse Hat.
buys more groceries at the Peoples Warehouse than at any store in
Eastern Oregon
Largo cans sliced Pineapple at the low price, can 25
Fancy Table Peaches at the low price, can 25
T. P. W. Special Blend Coffee, the finest 25 coffee in the
Durand's Salad Oil, gal. tins $1.25
' liars Fels Naptha Soap 25
f, Bunt T. P. W. Soap 25
Everything the market and garden affords in vegetables
.oid fruits. C'ouic in early Saturday and order your Sunday
Where It Pays to Trade THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where h PVS to Trade
Subject Is "Value of One-Year High
School Normal Course" Points out
Merits of Such a Course In Some
Cases Inadvisable.
rno nf thp Interesting addresses of
the present teachers' convention was !
the one by Prof. J. M. Powers, city
uner'titendent of the Salem schools
before the normal school section on
"The value of the one-year high
chool normal course."
While greatly Impressed with the
success which has attended the In
troduction of the course In the Salem
and Baker City high schools, Super
intendent Powers said the establish
ment of the course depended some
what upon the local conditions sur
rounding the Individual school. For
Instance he thought the normal course
might not be necessary if a good nor
mal school was close at hand. He
did believe, however, that If the lo
cality is far distant from a normal
school, as In some parts of Oregon,
that such a course is advisable, per
haps necessary.
He said the course may be said" to
have the following values:
(a) It affords the same mental
discipline as other studies.
(b) Since 80 pr cent of all young
people marry, and since 70 per cent
of these have children, this course
wouU prepare the parent for a better
understanding of the principles and
processes of education and enhance
the parentH' Interest In the school.
(c) It will prepare for better
teaching In rural schools where better
advantages are Impossible, or not con
veniently accessible.
(d) It may encourage many high
school studfrnts to continue and round
out their training for teaching In the
regular state normal schools.
In substantiation of his contentions.
Superintendent Powers frequently re
ferred to Illustrations In his own
school at Salem and In the one at
Baker City.
Th office lJunter observes no game
With the Exception of One Month He
Works for the Rancher.
Washington. "The crow is a much
abused bird and it Is time that some
one said a good word for hia old black
coat," remarked Dr. C. Hart Merri
am, chief of the biological survey.
"Instead of being an enemy of the
farmer, as is generally believed," con
tinued Dr. Merriam, "the crow Is one
of his best friends and the protector
of his crops. True, during corn plant
ing time, the crow's bill Is turned
against the farmer during one
month and that month only, he is his
enemy. But the other eleven months
the crow is really working overtime
for him. It eats thousands upon
thousands of destructive insects and
tiugs every week and when It comes
to fe-d ng Its young, gives them a di
et composed almost entirely of worms
and Insects that prey upon the crops
"Therefore, It makes me righteous
ly indignant every time T see any one
try to kill a crow. These trials, how
ever, are not very often crowned with
success, for the crow has become one
of the wisest of wild creatures as the
result of hundreds of years of perse
cution and misunderstanding.
"The value of many of our birds
is unfortunntely unknown to the far
mers whom they are striving so hard
to protect. The oriole, for Instance,
is the only bird that will eat the fuzzy
caterpillars which are so destructive
to many varieties of trees. Were It
not for the woodpeckers there would
be no forests, for they go after and
keep down the enormous numbers of
worms that attack the trees
"The only bird that I would really
be glad to see destroyed In this coun
try ,s the English sparrow. He is ut
terly worthless to the farmer or the
orchard owner; he is dirty, quarrel
some and drives away the song birds.
Just at present the survey is striving
with ail its might and ma.n to keep
him out of southern California. So
far we have been successful in this
hattie. If the people of the cities and
villages would only take up the cru
ade against this little pest, they
might easily get rid of him, and the
beautiful song birds would come back.
The sparrow Is easily trapped and
easily poisoned; but every time an
organized effort Is made to rid a lo
cality of the nuisance, the crusaders
are met with the mistaken sentimen
tality of a few who know nothing
about the merits of the case, and are
scared off by the cry of 'Save the lit
tle birds' that is set up In the papers i
and from the pulpit. The English
sparrow has no more right to exist j
than rats, mice, scorpions, tarantulas,
or any other noxious creatures that
are recognized as enemies of our society."
100 Keward. 100
The readers of tnls paper will be pleueO
to learn that there Is t least one dreaded
disease mat science has been able tu con
In all lt stages, and tbat la Catarrh. Uall
Catarrh Cure Is the only ixiaitlTe enre now
known tu the medical fraternity. Catarrfi
being a constitutional diaeaae, require
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure taken Internally, acting directly anon
the blood and mucooa surface of the
tern, thereby destroying the foundation of
the dlaeaae, and glvlag the patient strengta
by building up tn conatltntlos and aaalat
liifc nature In doing Its' tort. Tbe pro
prietors have ao much faith la It coratwe
powers that the; offer One Hundred Do I
lar for any case that It falls to care. Heod
fur Hat of teatlmonlal.
A (Id rein :
F. 1 CHENEY k CO., Toledo, O
Hold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pill for consta
Pemny-in-Slot Milk Machine.
London. A penny-ln-the-slot ma
chine which delivers half pints of
milk has made Its appearance in Lon
don. The machine Is equipped with a
small Ice compartment to keep the
milk cool and fresh in warm weather.
It Is expected to prove a great con
venience to the housewives who run
short of milk after the closing hours
of the shops and dairies.
No mailer how old and
(aded your hair looks, ot how
long you have been (ray, it
will woik wonders (or you.
keep you looking young, pro-
mole a luxuriant growth of
healthy hair, stop iu (ailing
Tama mark out and POHlVly KC-
move Dandrull.
Will not toil skin or linen. Will net injure
your hair. Is Not n Dye.
tl.00 and 50e. Bottles, at Druggist
Ptallo Hav SoecXoNewark.N J,U.aj,
"Does all the Work"
Toss in the clothes, water and soap, turn
the button and the electric washer will do
your work
and at a costoi about
2c an hour or 5c a week
The clothes are cleaned and ready for
wringing in about 10 minutes. Xo rubbing,
no stirring, no paddling, no beating, wrench
ing or squeezing indeed all handling of the
clothes by mechanical parts, hands or fingers,
absolutely done away, with; no attention
needed ; done while you are eating breakfast ;
a child can operate it.
The 'Girl Question" solved at last this machine
washes and wrings your clothes without
wearing or Tearing Them
No breaking of tbe housewife's baok no wear and tear on your delicate lingerie no
washing in the same water with laifndry from homes containing contagious diseases, when
8 shirt size $75. 15 shirt size $85. 25 shirt size $125
Every one sold under an iron-clad guarantee. SOLD IN PENDLETON BY
A fine line of new and second-hand Furniture always on hand.
Corner Webb and Garden Streets. CIIAS. J. KOCH, Prop.