111 II ii -iti n PAGE THREE eight pages. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN, PENDLETON', OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1910. Official Schedule Of Coniparallte Time In Reaching City on Different Car Line. f WEST PORTIAND MK kmMJ'$p: Line Mln. St. Johns .60... C'nlvcrsltjr Park ..50... Woodlawn ...... .37. Rose City Park MontavIHa Woodstock . . Wellington . . Hyde Park . . Irvlngton . . . Lanrclhurst . Eastniorcland .40... :.ai. ..27. ..37, ..25... . .25.., ..27J4 WEST PORTLAND PARK 22.. Price of Iota , .$400 and op , .$500 and np . . $600 and un . .$700 and up . .$408 and up . .$500 and up . .$225 and np . .$350 and up .$2000 and up .$1000 and up . .$800 and up ..$80 to $90 FREE LOT HAS BEEN WON bv foseph Stangier of your city, who made 2452 words out of WEST PORTLAND PARK .... . . x-i... v at r i.. ooei .akl v.5vl ..- r-PrtifW-atfi. Svbil Clontou. 2255 words, received $25 certifi- And th6 following persons have also won the certificates goo.1 to apply on pnivnaseiMwoi hmS ... .. . , nT, ...u , ' T T5 Wbittork bha Black, Anna L. cate. The following von a $10 certificate: Bortha Gadwa, Olive Gwinn, J..B. Earle, Mrs. .Tonmo Barret Oca J Gtanpjr, Lvman T. Ilurst M , J. J e Dyer In.zv, Irwin Mann, Mrs. B. E. McAtee, J. L. Dennis, l.lovd Perkam, Cecil Jones, Augusta Moule, Mr,. W. A. Slu.her, P. A. Burn,, Paralee llatlej, Cecil Reed, A. E. Dyer. These certificates are good for 10 days only. The certificates sre transferable. You didn't win in the contest, Now are you going to wait about buying till the property has advanced beyond your reach Remember the prices are subject to advance without notice, and the Tunnel Under Council Crest is an assured fact this alone will make these lots worth $500 each within a year. Will You Buy Now or Walt? Only few a more days and this opportunity is past history TODAY Lots $60 to $90. $ 1 0 Down and $4 per month Cook & Thompson, with Mark Moorhouse Company . . , , 112 Court. St. Special Portland Representatives r si ADAMS NEWS AND PERSONAL NOTES (Special Correspondence.) Adams,- Ore., March 21. Mrs. R. L. Blake of Helix. wa the guest of Mrs. C. Ulake of Adams Friday and Saturday. . Mrt, E. Furgeson vlaited In the city of Pendleton Friday. Mnlcom Mclntlre and son Peter went to Alberta Wednesday, to spend the summer on their homestead. Mrs. O. O. Richardson went to Pendleton Friday. Mr. Owens and son Chnrley made a business trip to Pendleton Saturday. Bait Klrby of the Inland Mercan tile company of Adams, transacted business 4 the city of Pendleton Saturday. L. L. Rogers made a business trip to Athena Saturday. Miss Barns, teacher of Adams pub lic school, went to Weston Friday night on No. H6 to spend Sunday at home. Misses Lola and Gwendoline Rog ers came up from Pendleton Friday night to spend Sunday at home. A. M. Coffey visited at the county seat Saturday. B. G. Marquis, the city druggist of Adams, made a business trip to Fen dlrton Saturday. v n. ninkn visited in the city of Pendleton Sunday. JaD Marquis went to Pendleton Sunday. Charley Owens went to Pendleton Saturday and bought a motorcycle to carry the mall with on R. F. D. No. 1. L. I.. Rog-. rs visited in the city of Walla Walla Saturday. Miss Winnie Gless of Walla Walla, Is tho guest of Mrs. A. J. Win of Ad ams thla week. Miss Edith Peringer returned home Sunday from Walla Walla, where she has' been attending school. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Marquis of Pen dleton, came up Sunday on No 46 and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Morrison for n few days. F. Collins, 13. Lewis, F. Blake, all went over to Cayusc to sec the wreck Monday. STANFIELD LEADS WEST END LEAGUE HAS WON BOTH GAMES OF THE EARLY SEASOX llcnniston and Echo Tied for Second Honors Stnnficld Wins from Viim l ilia 14 to 1 Erlio Moots Vinntilla Next Week. Worth n Pollnr a Drop. Fred Patchen, Manllus, N. T., writes: "For a long time I was affect ed with kidney trouble which caused an almost "Constant pain In my back and Inflammation In my bladder. Other remedies did not even relieve me, but two fifty cent bottles of Fo ley's Kidney Remedy completely cur ed me and I have not hand any symp toms of kidney trouble for over two years." Kopppon Bros. Siniuliii or Teams. Stanfleld I-000 Echo 600 Hermiston 600 Umatilla .; 00 CITY BEAUTIFUL IDEA IS IWAPIXG SPAIN Men and Women Wanted. By Instructions received rrom me Dr. Howard company, the enterpris ing druggists, A. C. Koeppen & Bros., are advertising today for fifty men and women to take advantage of the pedal half price offer made on Dr. Howard's celebrated specific for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia and get a fifty cent package at half price, 25 centa. So positive la the Dr. Howard company of the remarkable power of thla specifics to euro these diseases, as well as alck headaches and liver trou bles, that he agrees to - refnnd through his agents, A. C. Koeppen & Bros., the money to any customer whom thla medicine does not quickly relieve and cure. With Dr. Howard's specific at hand, vou can eat what you want and have n fen of 111 consequences. It strengthens the stomach, gives per feet digestion, regulates the bowels. ratas an annetlte. and makes life worth living. This Is an unusual opportunity to obtain 60 doses of the best medicine ver made for half Its regular price, with the personal guarantee of a well known business firm to refund the money If It does not give satisfaction. If you cannot call at A. C. Koeppen A Bros ' drug store today, send them 15 centa by mall and they will send you a package promptly, charges paid. Seville. During his recent vlisit here King Alfonso discussed with Senor de Tcna the plans of the mu nicipality for tho widening of the streets of Seville. The king express ed regret that some of the ancient, winding streets of the city were to be replaced by ordinary straight thoroughfares In the common Euro pean fashion. The king added that It would undoubtedly be well to widen and straighten many of the streets, but that It would be regrettable to reconstruct all those which give to Seville Its quaint and picturesque as pect. Tho king's remarks are very favorably commented on and there Is a general hope that, the Calle Sierpn In particular will not be al tered. ' The king explained to Senor de Te- Tcna other plans of his own, among them the construction within the Al cazar of lawn tennis, croquet and other courts. By winning both games played so far, the Stanfield team of the West End league, has taken Its place at the head of the procession In the race for the' pennant. Echo and Hermiston are tied for second place with one game each while Umatilla has not yet yet been able to get her feet on the first round of the ladder. The game Sunday at Stanfleld be tween that team and Umatilla went to the leaders by a 14 to 1 score. As the result indicates the contest was decidedly one-sided and never In doubt from the start though the vis itors made several valiant attempts to pull themselves together and over come the long lead, I The Echo-Hermlston game at Her ' n4ston was much more Interesting, the final score being 4 to 2 in favor of Echo and the result was in doubt until the last man was out in the last Inning. Both sides put up good ball for a contest so early In tho season between teams of such purely ama teur standing. The games next Sunday will be played at Echo and Umatilla. who then fled and. never again were seen thereabouts. Tho barking of a dog attracted the attention of Christian Dean, a far mer, to a half smashed pasteboard box which was on top of one of his kennels. In this, with the robbons of his cap tied tightly about his neck, was the baby, then only a few days old. Dean turned the child over to the local charity authorities, and they cave it for the time being, to Mrs. Anna Fischer". The boy thrived for awhile, but several months ago It had a severe spell of Illness and became blind. Overseer Joseph Eratt, who had official charge of the baby, could find no provision in New Jersey for a bl:nd iaby, so he communicated with Mrs. Cynthia Westover Alden, of this city, head of the International Sun shine society. Mrs. Alden received the blind ba by and took him to the home. So impressed were several passengers on on the cars that they made generous donations toward his care. For the pvposes of registration the baby had to have a name, so Mrs. Alden christened him Arthur Valentine Lyndhurst Arthur, be cause he will eventually be sent to the society's "Arthur Home,," Val Valentine because it Is believed he was about a year old on St. Valen tine's day, and Lyndhurst after the town where he was found. ARSENIC IN PANTRY; FOUR SERIOUSLY ILL White Salmon, Wash. Arsenic for baking powder came near causing the death of an entire family here. Mrs. W. W. Griffith and her sister had gone to Lj-le for a few days visit and during her absence, Mrs. Griffith s little daughter decided to bake a cuke. She used in it two spoonfuls or what she supposed was baking pow der, which was in reality arsenic In tended for spraying. The arsenic had been put into an empty baking powder can -and placed on the pantry shelf. After eating some of the cake, Mr. Griffith and three children were tak en violently "ill, and only by the prompt use of emetics were serious and perhaps fatal results prevented. Every Mother id or should be worried when the lit tle ones have a cough or cold. It may lead to croup or pleurisy er pneumonia then to something more sanne on Sunday, had. to put on tha highest possible speed, as some heav ily laden goods wagons, which had broken away from the train soon at- . ter leaving the station of Croy, de scended with terrific speed on tha passenger train. A race for life en sued, which was watched by a nam ber of alarmed passengers through) the windows. The locomotives won the race, for near the station of Arnex, on a steep grade, the wagons stopped and wera again coupled on the train, which in spite of delay, arrived at Lausan ne several minutes earlier than tha scheduled time. S100 Reward. 10O. 1 be readers of tbli paper will be pleaa4 to learn that there Is at least one dreade disease mat scleiice bai been able to care In all Its stage, and tbat la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tbe only positive core sow known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh King a comtttatlonal dtaeaae. requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure taken Internally, acting directly npea the blood and mocoua surfaces or tne aya- serlous. Ballard's" Horchound Syrup 1 tem. thereby destroying thi fonBdatloa of will cure the trouble at once and pre- the diffuse, and glvlag the patient streotrU ,ii,,n ci,. vv a r hy building np the tonstltntloa and aaslat vent any complication. Sold by A. C. , ,n'g natnr, , aolng . wk. Tne pro. Koeppen St Bros. prletors have o much faith Is Its curative power that they otter ub uniorea uoi lar for any caae that It falls to care. Beoa for list of testimonials. TRAIN" RACES FOR LIFE AND WIN'S BY HAIR Geneva. To prevent a serious col lision two locomotives, with several passenger coaches, while descending the Jury Alps from Vallorbe to Lau- Addreaa : F. J CHENEY ft CO., folaao. O. Sold by Druggists, TBc. Take Hall' Family Pill for eosatla- tloa. Read the East Oreteolan every cay. I Notice. To subscribers of the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph Co. On and after April 1st, 1910, all telephone bills wjll be payable In ad vance on the first day of each month and not later than the 10th, at the office of the company In the Matlock building. Call at Recorders window or mall check. MANAGER. Coughs That Hone On. Coughs that start In the fall and hang on until spring are sure trou ble breeders unless checked and .cur ed. Bronchitis, pneumonia and con sumption are the direct result. Fo ley's Honey and Tar cures the cough, stops the hard breathing and heals and soothes the Inflamed air passages. Refuse substitutes. Koeppen Bros." DR. KING'S for GOUOEIS and C OLDS AND ALL DISEASES THROAT and LUNG BLIND BABY, DISCARDED, , IS GIVEN A NAME - fdabrrood. Those who have used ours say It Is the best they ever saw. Wo make three carloads each day at our mill. If you will contract your supply for the coming season now to be deliver ed by August 1, we will make you at tractive prices. OREGON LUMBER YARD, Phone Main 8 New York. A baby boy, about a , year old, wag received In the Blind j Baby's Home, at Bay . Ridge after i having lived through several most re- markacie experiences. I It was the baby boy unnamed j who Hast April was flung out of a fast moving automobile, In Lyndhurst, N. J., by a party of men and women. PREVENTS AND "Two years ago a severe cold settled on my lungs and so completely prostrated me that I was unable to work and scarcely able to tand. I then was advised te try Dr. King's New Discovery, and after using one bottle I went back to work, as well as I ever was." W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn. PRICE 50c SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY JZ TALLMAX A COMPANY. AND SI.OO i!