PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON", OREGON, TCESDAY, MAKCII 22, 1910. EIGHT PAGES. CV: 'Z ?;; . rfe?'Sv ill & 7 Z & X o , Millinery Modes that are so Distinctive and Different The chief thought in Easter dress is the hat that tops the costume Dl C fffl r till iyr nop "nts for more in the creation of Millinery IIO LIJiCLLLTiCSS Modes at this time than in any other article of women's apparel. The Peoples Warehouse selection of Easter Modes is one that will appeal to all choosers. Make a call at this store and see the display. Rich Pattem HatS From the best originators in America. Street and Tailored Hats From such famous makers as Gage and Fisk. This line is exceptionally complete. Call and see them. Children's and Misses Hats Of Milan liraids or in Burnt Leghorns in new I-'.-ryth shapes. Also a fine line of Bonnets, very appropriate for Easter. All at Department Store prices which means a savins to vou. '7-N By Let 11 The Peoples Warehouse; Where it MODERN DWELLING SITCATED IN THE BEST RESIDENCE LOCALITY OP PENDLETON, ONLY FOUR BLOCKS FROM BCSLVEBS CENTER. CP TO DATS CONVENIENCES WITH SUFFICIENT ROOM Dt REAR FOR STABLE OR. GARAGE. PRICE I1004.M. FOR FURTHER PARTICU LARS CALL ON Mark Moorhouse Company 111 EMt Court 81 Pbooa Mala U. a w v. rrit ' ' N. f J W Worn en's Suits of Style and Beauty Our one wish Is that the suits we are selling at from $27.50 to ?35.00 could be compared side by side with the best you can have made to order at $50.00. These suits can not be compared with the ordinary ready-to-wear suits. The Fabrics are pure wool. The style and tailoring is far superior and the linings are the best, guaranteed for two sea sons' wear. These suits are real stylish models, nil tailoring, and we have such a vast a model here becoming to every figure. All Means See your own judgment guide you. SITUATION IN THESSALY IS GROWING CRITICAL Constantinople, March 21. A thou sand armed peasants assembled In the province of Thessaly In prep aration for an organized movement against the Turkish and Mohammed an land owners. The peasants are In- Iflamed because several of their num bers were killed yesterday In clashes with the Greek troops at Nemboglor and Larifha. The situation Is critical throughout the province and civil war appears Imminent. Several Turkish landlords have been murdered by peapants despite the troops. This may result In an armed invasion by Turks. Foley's Kidney Remedy is safe and certain remedy for all kidney and bladder diseases, whether acute or chronic. It Is a splendid tonic for middle aged and elderly people and a sure cure for all annoyances and Ir regularities of the kidneys and blad der. Koeppen Bros. PAYS TEN DOLLARS FOR WEARING HAT New York. Tt cost Thomas A. Nosworthy, a broker, $10 to wear his Spring Tailored specimens of the most skill asortment that there is Th Suits ese Pays to Trade hat about 10 seconds in Justice Da vis' part of the supreme court. The broker had finished giving tes timony, when, stepping down from the witness stand, ho placed his hat on his head and started to leave the t:;jrt room. "Take off your hat," shouted Thom as Sweeney, a court officer, as he started for Nosworthy on the run, and Justice Davis- banged with his gavel. Nosworthy stopped, short, looked around in surprise, and then removed his hat. "You are fined $10 for contempt," exclaimed the Justice. "To whom do I pay It?" inquired the broker. "To the court clerk," answered Sweeney. Nosworthy pulled out a roll Of bills and handed a yellow backed $10 note to the clerk. "Is there anything else?" he asked. "No, that Is all," replied the clerk. "Good morning," said Nosworthy. Then the broker walked out of the court room hat In hand. Sulphite paper mills pour more than 8.000.000,000 gallons of waste liquors Into the streams of the Uni ted States each year. ....... i NEWS OF TffiE NORTHWEST To 'ki Ilay-Yulc ltoiul. I'orUantl. That thu Ilarrfman In trrests will rush construction of its priijiusPd ron.J across the state of Orefron from Coos B:iy to Vale, by way of Hurns. is the latent report in rallroaj circles on the coast; Gener al Maiwgor-J. P. O'Brien being out of the city it is Impossible to get his confirmation, but the news emanates from excellent sources, leaving little room for doubt of its authenticity. Man Is Wholesale RoIiIht. Tncoma. "Wash. John I. Fitch, an electrician and a native of Tacoma, was arrested Monday morning charg ed with wholesale house robbing, ex tending over a period of more than six months and involving property In a large sum Many homes and offi ces were looted by him. Young Fitch has made a partial confession to the police, implicating his father, and the elder Fitch will be arrested as an accomplice. The prisoner is 32 years old. . Former Teacher Sues South Bond. South Bind. Wash. Miss Bertha Ransom of Portland, formerly a teacher in the South .Bend high school, has brought suit against the city for $16,700 damages for Injuries received last January by falling over a plank that had been placed upon the sidewa'.k to prevent hoys from coasting. Miss Ransom's Injuries were so serious that she was compell ed to give up her school and has been In a Portland hospital for several weeks, besides undergoing a serious operation. Bunk Insolvent Through History. Portland. Testimony to strengthen his contention thnt the Oregon Trust & Savings bank was Insolvent throughout its history and was look ed upon with suspicion by one in a position to know ns far back as 1905 was offered by Deputy District Attor ney Fitzcerald In the circuit court Monday morning in the trial of W. H. Moore on the charge of receiving deposijt when he knew the bank was tottering. By the first ledger ever kept in the hank it was shown that on the day it opened there was only $6320 In the hank. Irrigation Fiuht F.ndod. Portland. Federal Judge R. S. Bean Monday handed down an opin ion in which he found favor of east- appointment of a receiver for the D.schutes Irrigation & Power com pany, which is reclaiming about 100, 0 o o acres of land in Crook county. The decision brings to an end a le gal battle which has been waging for months between Frank Shinn and Louis G. Addison of Co'umhus. Ohio, fin one side and Roscoc Howard, Frederick Stanley, J. Frank Watson and the Merchants Saving & Trust company on the other. A Timely Protection. Everyone knows the after effects of la Kiippe ar often more dangerous than the disease. Sj often it leads to pneumonia, whcli a weakened heart iiction makes fatal. La grippe coughs that strain and weaken the system yield quickly to the healing and strengthening quantities' of Foley's Honey and Tar. Koeppen Bros. TEAM OF ELKS IN RUNAWAY IN NEW YORK - transfixed by the white-hot - bar, -Residents of Flatbush. which burnt through his body. Ml ivenue, were treated to relli fell dead, and Molo has been ar New York. along Rogers the spectacle of a runaway team of elk on the streets of Greater New York. The elks are the property of Rob ert E. Voli of 2702 Church avenue, who bought them when the park de partment sold off a number of the animals In the Prospect park zoo. He made a bet with some friends that he would hitch the elk to a pony cart and drive them through the streets. Ie succeeded In driving them about 210 feet up Rogers avenue, when they bolted, dashed the cart against a tele graph pole; throwing Voll out, and then sprinted down the avenue. Policeman Slattery of the Flatbush station saw them coming and. after making up his mind that he was not "seeing things," he ran out in the street and managed to stop them. Voll escaped with a few slight cuts and bruises BILLION AND A HALF FROM TRANSVAAL MINES Johannesburg. Mr. J. W. S. Lang ermann, presiding at the annual meeting of 'the chamber of mines said that the gold output showed an improvement of 27,925 oz., valued at $1,840,000. The Increase In the Wit waters and al ne has been greater, there being a slight setback in the outside districts. In the Wltwater and the increase, as compared with 1U08. has been 258,698 o valued at $60,040,000. . tl Analyzing the results he found that a proximately 60 per cent had been ahsorbed In the cost of production, 31 per cent In dividends paid to the shareholders, and against 29 per cent in 1908, while the remaining 9 per cent had been absorbed by the profits tux, Interest on loans, and capital ex penditure. The value of the gold produced in tho Transvaal from the Inception of gold industry 23 years ago was $1, 425,500.000. HEROIC ACTION OF GUIDE SAVES LIFE Chamounlx. An act of great en durance and heroism by a profess ional guide has just been reported. Edouard Ravenel and Jules Favret, two guides, were returning on skis after making the ascent of the Aigu ille le Blaltlese, (11,650 feet) In the Mont Blanc range, when Favret fell and broke a leg on the glacier, three hours distant from the nearest house in t'hiunounix. Hnvenel knew that he could not return with assistance in lean than six or seven hours, dur ing which time his comrade would be frozen to death, as he was unable to move and was suffering greatly from the cold and fracture. Recently Ravenel had dislocated his shoulder, but in spite of this he de. eided to carry his comrade down to safety. . Favret, who is a-big man, told Ravenel to let him die as the feat wms impossible and dangerous, but Ravenel placed his friend on his shoulders and started for the valley. Four hours later he staggered into Cluinuiunlx with his jnconsclous burden and a doctor was sent for. Kavret will recover. This is the third guide whose life Ravenel has saved. SI1FF.P.MEN MUST PAY FOR FOREST GRAZING Washington. That herders are not to be permitted to graze sheep In California forests In defiance of the regulations of the agricultural de partment and the forest service, in dietates the stand the government will tuke 'ln regard to the same question in Oregon and Washington. According to an announcement by the agricultural department the grazing rules are to be enforced to the letter and foresters have been In structed to report all violations and to prosecute promptly. The announcement was made after the supreme court decision was made upholding Judge Wellborn of the federal circuit court of California, who acquitted three herders charged criminally with grazing sheep in the national forests. Fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism Is simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, neither of which require any Internal treatment. All that Is needed to afford relies' Is the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. Give It a trial. You are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which It affords. Sold by all dealers. CI.OUDBUI JST PR EC I PITATES DELUGE ON LA GRANDE La Grande. Ore. Two weeks of sunshine ended abruptly . Saturday afternoon when a cloudburst In the mountains sent a heavy shower., of rocks and a great volume of water down Deal canyon, west of the city and the flood waters are covering a jj i.wse neciiuu m me western una cen tral portions of tho residence dis tricts. Heavy rain started here at noon and the cloudburst, started the flood i down towards the city. Business ! streets are more or less under water and cellars and residence lawns In ' h.e uth overflowed sewer dl tricts are being washed out. t The O. R. & N. roadbed Is In dan ger and soft tracks are already be ing reported to the local office. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are safe, sure and reliable and have been praised by thousands of women who have been restored to health through their gentle aid" and curative properties. Sold by all deal ers. ILLS MAN IN FI N WITH WHITE HOI STF.F.L Geneva. I'omedy ended lu tragedy i tut Bellingona, near Ciene,,. n fe-! ! markable fashion. ' : Two young Italians named Min Hi I and Molo, employed In u large black- ! smith's shop, drew out two long bars j of white hot steel from the furnace J and made feints of attacking each other. Molo suddenly lunged forward ! ;tinu nis irienn, taken unawares, was rested" on the charge of manslaughter. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Invariably bring relief to wo men suffering from chronlo constipa tion, headache, biliousness, dizziness, sallowness of the skin and dyspepsia. Sold by all dealers. Are you interested in orchards at NyssaT Wrrte, Irrigated Lands Cor poration, Nyssa, Ore. One Mai; Overcome constipation permanently by proper personal co-operation with the bene ficial effects of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna,. when required. The forming of regular habits Is most Im portant and while endeavoring to form them the assistance of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna Is most val uable, as It Is the only laxative which nets without disturbing the natural functions and without debilitating and It is the one laxative which leaves the Internal organs in a naturally healthy condition, thereby really aiding one in that way. To get Its beneficial effects, buy the genuine manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by all leading druggists. Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna Is never classed by the well-informed with medicines which make extravagant and unfounded claims to cure habitual constipation without personal co-operation. Remedy6 CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm it quickly absorbed. Civet Relief at Once. It cleanses, soothes, heals dud protects the diseased mem brane resulting from Calarrh and drives awuy a Cold in the imbauC 551 COLO Head quickly. t A V CTUrD stores the Senses of HHT LVLH Taste and Sinell. Full size GO cts., atDrng gista or by mail. In liquid form, o cents. Ely Brothers, 50 Wurrou (Street, New York. I I f i w01ymplcl I I fW Flour Wj ' J is an aid to rather I j pSy than a test of your jj Ir'' if ability-" V jf Mother, lu g'ilt you don't gt , , , tmm til the baking results 4 you should try, !3jiiW1J gjl imck of Olympio I Cp HI it always nmltei i jfS$ jftv Ml good things to eat. inMTTljT 5 IV It's "better . VTTTV than ever." jtjL JbtfB AT YOUR GROCER'S Portland Flouring Mills Co.. Daytoa. Wu) THE FREE SEWING MACHINE. Insured against loss by fire or accident for 5 years free. It has the beat polnta of all machines combined In one- sews faster, runs lighter, lasts longer, prettier, makes more perfect stitch. Case hardened and adjustable ball bearings. price, 50. Other make as low aa $18.03. See me for easy terms. Sole Agency roi Su : Hand Vacuum A A Cleaner V I U In one operation, cleans, sweeps, dusts. No pipes or wires; ready for Instant use. Weights only I lbs. Jesse Failing Main street, near the bridge. Reduced Colonist Rales Westbound MARCH I TO APRIL 15 Chicago $33.00 St. Louis $32.00 St. Paul $25.00 Corresponding rates from all points Bast of these terminal points to a'l stations in OKEGON WASHINGTON. IDAHO Via Soo-Spokane Route Tickets will be delivered to any address by mall or wire on amount being deposited. If un used refund made in full. Particulars from G. M. JACKSON, Trav. Pass Agt. J. S. CAHTEIt, Gen, Agt. 14 Wall St., Spokane. Cass Matlock, Prop. HEST PICTURES MOKE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES nnd illustrated songs in the city. . Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined., and -an-tertniuing for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three time eacli week. Be sure and ee the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c. PA8IIME WITH