PACK nx. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PEXDLKTOX, OREGON, I RID AY, MARCH IS, 1910. EIGHT PAGES. fW. Offered Yom Gold Mkrs fr It amounts to practically the same thing when we offer you merchandise of the highest character at half the regular price Tomorrow at the big sale your dollars will go further than they ever have before. We have just received a shipment of men s suits for spring and summer wear that will excite your fancy. All the new shades of Gray and Blue and a great variety of fancy worsteds in this lot, We have decided to include these suits in the sale and will place them on sale to morrow at just what they cost in Eastern markets. Here is an Opportunity not to be neglected, a chance to buy a suit of the highest quality and latest style for less then you would payfor inferior Clothing elsewhere. Don't hesitate. Act now. Gome in and select your suit for Easter and go home with unexpected dollars in your pocket. Record Breaking Prices on Men's New Spring Suits .$20.00 Values $22.50 Values $25.00 and $30.00 Values $12.98 $14.98 $16.98 Broken Lots Suits That are made right and wear right Good woolen materials. Fine blues, browns, blacks, grays, checks and stripes. $12.00 Values $15.00 Values $22.50 Values $25.00 Values $2.00 Pants $3-50 Pants $4.00 Pants 33.98 $5.98 .... $7.98 .. $9.98 Men's Pants $5.00 and $6.00 Pants $1.25 $1.89 $2.45 $3.45 Great Values in Boy's Dep't. 6$c and 75c Knee Pants $2.50 Suits L $3.50 Suits $0.50 Suits I lf4 J 98 $1.59 $3.69 Boys' hats and furnishings at about half the regular cost. Men's Furnishings, Shoes and Hats No use quoting prices here. You would hardly believe such cutting and slashing possible SEEING IS BELIEVING and you are invited to call and convince yourself as to whether we are offering real bargains. A Months Business Crowded into a Single Day-That s what we expect to do tomorrow and if bargains ever brought crowds, this store should be packed from wall to wall. Mr, If you value your dollars make a bee line for Max Baer's Clothing Store tomorrow -MAX BAEEl'S CLOTHING STORE- Lewis Bros. & Co. in Charge Big Blue Signs on the building 0. R. & N. TO HAVE BETTER EQUIPMENT $1,755,000 TO BE SPENT ON HARRIMAX LINES IX OREGON Requisition Is Approved and Orders Soon to Be Placed Xo More Car Shortage at Critical Times Engines Are to Be of Latest Atlantic Type- Increased efficiency in the freight and passenger service to be afforded by the O. R. & N. hereafter is assur ed in the announcement from Port land that requisitions for approxi mately $1,775,000 for the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon and for the O. R. & N. system have been approv ed and orders will be placed soon through the New York offices. This means there Is not to be another car shortage this fall when the bumper wheat crop is ready for transporta tion to tidewater ports. It means that freight trains wll be handled In greater numbers and at greater speed than ever before and that passenger trains will not fall hours behind their schedule because they are heavier than the locomotives are capable of trans porting at schedule speed. These figures represent the approx imate value of equipment that will be added in addition to new freight cars. For the latter on the two roads, Man ager O'Brien has asked for cars that will mean a further expenditure of $1,860,000 anl on which the eastern officials have given a qualified ap proval. A large part of the new freight equipment asked will be order ed but the extent of the purchases throughout the year will depend on later conditions. The total represent ed in the equipment budget for the two systems in this state and In Wash ington is about $4,630,000. In engine equipment the O. R. A NEVER FAILS TO RESTORE CRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR AND BEAUTY. No natter how old sod faded jroui hair looks, ot how I long you have been gray, it will work wonder or you, keep you looking young, pro mote luxuriant growth oi healthy hair, atop it (ailing mm mark out ana rimiuici; m Dftove Dandrall. Will sol toil akin of linen. Will not injure hair. Is Not Dye. BEFUSE A IX SUBSTITUTES f 1.04) and 60C. Bottles, at Druggist Pkllo Bav nec.C,.WwurkJUU.SA WCVDUBTTO! " DRU COUP AWT. N. will receive this year 25 new con solidated engines for freight traffic; 12 Atlantic type engines for high speed trains on low grades, and thre switch engines. Steel Postal Cars Asked. In new passenger equipment there are to be two steel postal cars, eight steel baggage cars, four combination baggage and postal cars, and 12 ateel coaches. The freight equipment re quisition includes 12 cabooses, 200 stock cars, 300 flat cars and 1200 box cars. In addition approval has been given to the purchase of a 120-ton wrecking derrick. The value of the new equipment for the O. R. & N., exclusive of the freight cars, will be approximately $1,000,000, according to the standard price list of such equipment. The vaiue of the hew freight equipment, if all Is furnished, will be approxi mately $1,750,000. For the Southern Pacific lines In Oregon orders will be placed for ten consolidated engines, six ten-wheel passenger engines and two switch en gines; four steel postal cars, six Bteel baggage cars, five combination bag gage and postal cars, ten Bteel coach es and one wrecking derrick. The new freight cars for which requisition was made. Include 100 flats and 100 stock cars. Engines to Be of Atlantic Type. The requisitions that have been ap proved for Southern Pacific equip ment will run up to about $630,000, while the new freight equipment will cost about $112,000. The Atlantic type engines ordered for the O. R. & N. passenger service are similar to those used on the New York Central fast trains. The Pacific type of engine has been abolished on the Harriman system. The big order for freight cars and engines on the O. R. & N. is account ed for In the Increase of tonnage In sight, not only through extensions, but also because of rapid development of the Interior and increasing demands for western lumber. Growth of the northwest also Is Increasing the vol ume of westbound transcontinental traffic. At the list price on boxcars quoted by the manufacturers, which is $1200 fach, the one order for 1200 boxcars means a total expenditure of $1,440,-000. house and taking down his bear gun fired from the window the ball strik ing Tooley in the arm as he was about to level bis rifle for the second ahot at Diltz. The old man's arm was shattered and the attending physician says it will have to be amputatednear the shoulder to save the old man's life. How Good News Spreads. "I am 70 years old and travel most of the time," writes B. P. Tolson of Ellzabethtown, Ky. "Eerywhere I go I recommend Tlectric Bitters, be cause I owe my excellent health and vitality to them. They effect a cure every time." They nsver fall to tone the stomach, regulate the liver, Invig orate the nerves and purify the blood. They work wonders for weak, run-down men and women, restoring strength, vigor and health that's a daily Joy. Ty them. Only 60c. Sat isfaction is positively guaranteed by Tallman & Co. HALLEY'S COMET MAKES GOOD . PROFITS FOR SWINDLERS Kieff. Taking advantage of the ignorance and superstition of the Russian masses, swindlers in many parts of the empire are reaping a har vest in the shape of subscriptions for special prayers for the delivery of the world from Haliey's comet. In Kieff and vicinity the scare is general. It is suspected the police are getting their share, as no attempt has been made to stop the frauds. PILES BtTRBD IN TO 14 DAT8 PAT.n OINTMENT Is guaranteed to eareaai ! case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud ing Files In fl to 14 nays or money reruno ed. BOe. RACE HORSES WERE DRUGGED BEFORE ENTRY Emeryville, Calif., March 17. De tectives are today seeking to ascer tain the Identity of the persons who drugged several horses at the race track stables here. Three valuable animals are expected to die and the Jockey club officials are alarmed at the possibility of a general covert at tack upon the racers. All three horses were poisoned the night before they were entered for the race. OLD MEN FIGHT DUEL; POLICE ARE PUZZLED Spokane, Wash. Police authorities of Spokane county and the state of Washington are In a quandry as to what action to take over a duel with rifles fought by Oliver A. Tooley, 73 years, and Norrls Dllts, 62 years of age,' near Saltese Lake, near here, a few days ago, when the former was severely wounded In the left arm. Tooley declares he will not prosecute his enemy. The duel was the culmi nation of a feud of long standing the men having quarreled over political and religious questions for years, and finally fought over the ownership of a gate, which both claimed. Tooley carried a rifle and opened fire when he saw Dllts. The latter ran to the CONDUCTOR OF FATAL MAIL I TRAIN IS GIVEN REWARD I Everett, Wash., March 17. Walter I Vogel, conductor of the mall train that went down In the Wellington ; avalanche, was today appointed train- master of the Great Northern. Vogel 1 escaped death by going to Scenic un I Aer orders thn dav before. He suc ceeds A. R. Blackburn, who lost his life In the disaster. Troops and Peasants Clash. Constantinople, March 17. A se rious clash between Greek peasants and troops In which many peasants were killed and wounded, occurred at Kardlta, according to a censored mes sage from Athena today. The fight was the result of land riots. WHOLESALE BUTCHERY IX HUSTON, TEXAS Huston, Texas., March 17. Gus Schulz, wife and two children, and Walter Hymann, a boarder, were found dead piled In a room of the Schulz home today. Each body was mutilated and they are apparently victims of an axe. There is no clew to the murderers. The pure food law is designed by the goverment to protect the public from Injurious ingredients In both foods and drugs. It Is beneficial both to the public and to the conscientious manufacturer. Ely's Cream Balm, a successful remedy for cold In the head, nasal catarrh, hay' fever, etc., containing no Injurious drugs meets fully the requirements of the new law and that fact Is prominently stated on every package. It contains none of the injurious drugs which are requir ed by the law to be mentioned on the label. Hence you can use It safely. PACIFIC SQUADRON SUPERIOR TO THAT OF ATLANTIC Washington, March 17. The navy department announced this afternoon that the Pacific fleet had won the navy battle practice pennant The Pa cific fleet's standing was 39.92 while that of the Atlantic fleet was 21.62. CAXDY "JAG" LATEST. Chicago Residents Find This An Easy Sort of Recretation. Chicago. Getting drunk on candy has become such a widespread 'prac tice among men, women and children In the stockyards district of Chicago, that the state pure food department has announced It would put a stop to It. "One particular candy Is worse than whisky for Intoxicating results." said Assistant Commissioner John B. Newman. "It is a medical intoxicant with 32 1-2 per cent ether, 2 1-2 per cent ether oil and 65 per cent pure al cohol. It causes not only drunken news but sickness. We found lots of candy filled with whisky and sold to women and children." fflabrrood. Those who have used ours say It Is the best they ever saw. We make three carloads each day at our mill. If you will contract your supply for the coming season now to be deliver ed by August 1, we will make you at tractive prices. OREGON LUMBER YARD. Phone Main 8. Even Pore Enough to Eat I f KjfCouUfcAP HorFuiHrM 1 I IQ A it m hot fefTta JCj9 J In Sanitary 25c & 50c Tubes Write or Ask Druggists For this Free Sample There Is enough Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly in this frco sample sent for a penny postal for several days' treat ment enough to give Instant relief from cold In the head or nasal catarrh, etc. This wonderful, pure remedy (In sani tary tubes) Is appliud direct to the raw surfaces. It Is so soothing and healing that It gives Instant relief, and Its con tinued use will cure permanently all forms of catarrh. Over 35.000 druggists sell It In 25c and 50o tubes. Doctors, nurses, druggists recommend It. The sample proves. Ask your druggist or write to day for free sample. Kondon Manufacturing Co. Minneapolis, Minn. . a mnmimmmnmM uwm Are you Interested In orchards at NyssaT Write, Irrigated Lands Cor poration, Nyssa, Ore. Do you take the East Oregontan? A Little Cold, He caugst a little cold That was all. So the neighbors sadly said. As they gathered round his bed. When they heard that he was dead. He caught a little cold That was all. (Puck.) Neglect of a cough or cold often leads to serious trouble. To break up a cold In twenty-four hours and cure any cough that Is curable, mix two ounces of Glycerine, a half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine Compound pure and eight ounces of pure whisky. Take a teaspoonful every four hours. Tou can buy these at any good drug store and easily mix them In a large bottle. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE BOSTON INSURANCE COMPANY Of Boston, in the State of' Massachusetts, on the 31st day of December, 1901, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: . CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up $1,000,000.04 INCOME. Premiums received during the year in cash. .. .$2,866,609.04 Interest, dividends . and rents received during year 226,627.14 Income from other sources received during year 18,224.86 Total Income $3,100,461.04 DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid during the year $1,294,669.98 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock 300,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year. . 777,909.49 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year... 60,608.64 Amount of all other expenditures 188,240.59 Total expenditures ASSETS. Value of real estate owned $ 40,000.00 $2,611,421.7 etc. Value of stocks and bonds owned Loans on mortgages and collateral, Cash In banks and on hand Premiums In course of collection and In trans mission Other assets Interest and rents due and accrued 4,624,760.26 784,200.00 384.680.36 461.944.62 45,416.24 25,687.78 Total assets $6,266,589.11 Less special deposits there be) In any state (If any 6,957.73 Total assets admitted in Oregon LIABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid $ 831,226.22 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstand ing risks 1,814,274.78 Due for commission and brokerage 60,187.60 All other liabilities 27,164.25 $6,269,611.42 Total liabilities $1,222,851.71 Total Insurance In force December 81, 1909 $3,785,460.11 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR, Total risks written during the year $ 66,900.00 Gross premiums received during the year ... I, $48.00 Premiums returned during the year jl 101.10 Losses paid during the year 817.00 Losses Incurred during the year 177.00 Total amount of risks outstanding In Oregon Dec. 31, 1909.... 10,100.00 BOSTON INSURANCE COMPANY, By FREEMAN NICKIRSON, Secretary. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: , GEO. S. RODGERS, 14$ Second, St, Portland.