East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 18, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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paoh nra.
Saturday Only
1728 yards Suitings in Plain, Stripes, Plaids and
Shepherd Checks. Just the ' thing for School ' Dresses
AH the leading shades, 36 in. wide,
Saturday Only
F. E. Livengood & Co.
April Ladles Home Journal Patterns Ready.
Phone Main 8 for coal.
Paatlme pictures please all.
Ice cream at Hohbach'i, Court st
Ask us about Nyssa, Nyssa Im
provement Company.
Plenty of good, clean coal at Bar
roughs Phone Main I.
Frou Froui' Something delicious for
the table, at Gray Bros.
Let the women clean your clothes.
Phone orders to Main 198.
I'll pay cash for your veal. Chas.
Rayburn, phone Main 420.
Dressed chickens every Saturday at
Ingrams grocery. Phone Main 87.
Wanted Boarders by week, day or
month. Inquire 411 West Bluff street.
There something doing In Nyssa.
Write to Xyssa Real Estate Company.
Lost Small mink fur. Finder re
turn to this office and receive reward.
Work wanted By man and wife
without children. Enquire Coutts &
More moving pictures shown than
any . other theatre In the city the
No coal famine v. 1th Burroughs.
Phone Main S and get good coal
Halrd reusing, manicuring and sham
poelng parlors in connection with the
Vogue Millinery.
For rent II room lodging house
within one block of Main street. En
quire 205 W. Webb.
For sale cheap, good second-hand
organ. Address 1322 East Court
street or phene black 2461.
Wanted A man to start a drug
store In a good town. Can get In easy.
Xo opposition. Inquire F. B. Camplln
Bowman hotel.
Wanted Toung man with $500 In
cash. Good busines proposition. Big
returns guaranteed. Inquire F. B.
Camplln, Bowman hotel.
.For rent Furnished or unfurnished
five room house. All modern im
provements. Inquire of Mrs. A. Stan
gler or phone Black 22(7.
Wanted Man or woman to buy a
good restaurant on easy terms. 20
steady boarders. A snap. Inquire F.
B. Camplln, Bowman hotel.
Hunt up your lighter clothing, suits
and dresses and have them made like
new. City Dye Works. Mrs. Hays A
Mrs. Finney. Phone Main 198.
Wanted man with three to five
thousand dollars. Business propositi
on. $16,000 guaranteed in 90 days.
Must be a business man. Inquire F.
B. Camplln, Bowman hotel.
For sale Corner lot nd six room
cottage with full basement has fire
place bath and toilet; range, gas stove
and electric lights; very desirable lo
cation. All for $3000, cash or easy
terms. Apply on premises, S14 Ri
ley street.
Here It is ngaln: Near Walla Wal
la a boy 14 years old was shot and
killed by his 12-year-old brother
whllo the two were playing with a
gun. It Is hoped thnt special men
tion of each of these frequently recur
ring accidents will prompt parents to
keep guns out of their children's
Chicago, March 18. Conferences
between representatives of the fire
men and members of the railway gen
eral managers In conjunction with fed
eral officials are being held held to
day. It in believed the conferences
may last two weeks, although both
sides hope for speedy and amicable
It is reported later that the fire
men and oflclals are hoplessly divided
on the wage question. The railways
are willing to concede but two and a
half per cent raise. Th'e firemen de
mand twelve and a half.
Aciiiullc RMrt at Stanford.
San Francisco, March 18. Swim
ming and canoe races, high diving, a
a tor polo game and other aquatic
sports, with the annual Interclass re
lay race this afternoon, will serve as
a climax today to the various athletic
activities of Junior week at Leland
Preparations are being made for
the Stanford track delegation to take
part In the annual Great Western
conference meet which Is to be held
In Chicago this spring. As usual the
local men are arranging to meet the
University of Utah and the University
of Colorado on their way east, and In
this way partially to pay their ex
penses. Word has been received from
the University of Utah that the 'var
sity men there are heartily in favor of
these plans and agreeing to arrange
for a competitive meet for a date
about May 24.
Iinptlxts Hnrin Baseball.
Macon, Ga March 18. Mercer
College begins Its baseball season this
afternoon with a game against Dah
lonega in this city. The Baptist team
will play fifteen games at home this
season and eight on the road. Includ
ing contests with Gordon, University
of Chattanooga, Trinity, Georgia Tech
Auburn, Washington and Lee, Clemson
nnd the Macon and Buffalo profes
sional clubs.
General Morton Retires.
Washington, March 18. Brigadier
General Charles Morton, commanding
the department of Missouri, was plac
ed on the retired list of the United
States army.' Colonel Ralph W. Hoyt,
Awenty Fifth Infantry, was appoint
ed a brigadier general to fill the va
vnncy In that grade caused by the re
tirement of Morton.
l.loyd-George Broken Down.
London. March 18. Lloyd-George,
chancellor of the exchequer Is said to
today to be on the verge of a physical
collapse, due to his six months' fight
for the budget bill.
Oregon Ranks Increase.
Portland. Total deposits in Oregon
banks, both national and state, at the
close of business January 81, totaled
J91.314.138. an Increase of 81,266.888
since lust November. Loans and dis
counts In the same period Increased
11.441.249. On the last day of Jan
uary there wan due Oregon banks
from approved reserve agents outside
the state, a total of $10,239,858.
These figures are given in a statement
j Just issued by State Hank Examiner
l Steel.
The United States won't go to war
with F.nglnnd because Jim Patten was
hooted at In that country.
Will be found in the usual resourceful
. supply and variety and at prices
that don't cut much figure with
any kind of a purse
At Koeppen's Annex
"TEe'CifL Room" .
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Local Official Weather Report.
Minimum temperature last night.
Maximum temperature today, 70.
Partly cloudy yesterday, cloudy and
showers today.
Xo Story Hour Tomorrow.
There will be no story hour at the
free public library tomorrow morn
ing as the teachers are all too busy
with their plans for the coming convention.
Academy Banquet Tonight.
The. annual banquet of the students
of the Pendleton Academy will be
held at that Institution tonight. This
Is one of the big annual events for
the academy students.
Pendleton Musicians Played.
The members of the United Or
chestra who assisted the Matthews or
chestra in playing for the St Pat
rick's ball at Pilot Rock returned to
day that a fine time was enjoyed by
all present. Several Pendleton peo
ple attended the dance.
Sues to Collect Note.
A suit to collect a note for $480
was filed today in the circuit court
by the Hermiston Bank & Trust Com
pany against J. Jones and Ralph
Crowe. It is alleged that no part of
the note has been paid. The sum of
$100 is asked as attorney fees.
Forger Captured in Tacoma,
Charles H. Davis, a former resident
of Kansas, who bilked some local
residents and also some Hood River
people by means of forged checks,
was taken Into custody in Tacoma to
day on information furnished by the
local office of Sheriff Taylor.
Roy Is Farmed Out.
Louis Mettle, the Ukiah 'boy who
waa rearrested a few days ago on the
charge of having broken his parole,
Ijvas turned over to Roy Rltner today
by the circuit court and will be given
a chance to make good on the Storle-Rltner-Strand
reservation ranch. If
he does not make good he will be
compelled to serve his sentence for
S51.000 Land Deal.
A $51,000 land deal was consum
nted yesterday when John Bannister
came into possession of the 500 acre
Haddeley ranch near Athena, J. A.
Baddeley is the man who disposed of
the farm and the deal Is one of the
largest ever made between t'o men
In this county. The price paid waa
approximately $100 per acre. The
land Is used for growing wheat.
Taxes Conic Slower.
The tax payment hush is now over
for the present, since the three per
cent rebate Is being no longer allow
ed. A few are coming In each day,
however and It will be several days be
fore all the checks received by mail
are written up. It is impossible yet
to form anything like an accurate es
timate of the amount of taxes paid
In thus far.
Divorce Is Granted.
A divorce was granted this morn
ing by Circuit Judge Bean to G. W.
Hansell. The woman from whom he
was granted legal .separation was the
wfdow of George Dixon, the man
killed by Mike Ryan about a year
ago., According to Hansen's testi
mony the woman choked him and
otherwise made life burdensome for
him. She did not appear to fight the
Will Get Drab Uniforms.
Captain -Bailey of company L. has
received decidedly welcome news for
the eomparfy in the form of a notice
to the effect that olive drab uniforms
ore to be issued the company at once.
Captain Bailey has been Instructed to
ship the present dress uniforms, of
blue, back to headquarters. As soon
as they are received there the olive
drab service uniforms will be shipped
to Pendleton. As the drab uniforms
have long been desired- by the guard,
the local militia boys are pleased over
the news. Company L now has sev
eral vacancies in the ranks, and a
number of new men are desired to fill
up the command.
Pilot Rock Wins.
Ity the score of 10 to 5 the Pilot
Itoek baseball team ' yesterday after
noun administered defeat to the team
representing the Pendleton academy
and composed of academy and high
school players. The game was play
ed at Pilot Rock and was replete with
errors. At the end of the fifth tn
nlng the home team took a hrace.
They made a couple of hits, profited
by a serious error and rolled up a
total of six scores In the one canto.
Two more were added In the eighth as
a result of an error. Dr. Fred Lieu
alien ,of Pilot Rock occupied the box
purfof the time, while Mflne and Ra
der were the slab artists fur the Pen
dleton team.
Xew Packing Plant Starts.
Seattle. Portland's big new pack
ing plant. Just completed by the Swift
Interests hits begun killink livestock.
From now 'on. it will enlarge its op
erations until all the departments and
allied industries are under way. It Is
expected to be two or three months
before the big $2,000,000 plant Is In
full operation. The completion of this
groat packing house is a big boost for
the producers of livestock not only in
this state but throughout the north
west. The killing department is pre
pared to handle about 600 cattle a
day as a starter and has a capclty to
handle about 500 cattle a day as a
starter and has a capacity of 1000
hogs and sheep. The Interest shown
In livestock production throughout the
big territory tributary to this market
will largely determine the magnitude
of operations by the new plant. Hogs
reached $11.25 during the past week.
Though his name is Philander, he
married the girl.
Satorday itly
at Wohlenberg Department Store
15c Indian Ilead in white, old rose, navy and ton at yard .
25c Indian Linen at yard
50c All wool Albatros, all colors at yard
$3.50 White Lingerie and Tailored Waists for.
Ladies' 65c Union Suits, summer weight, for, etch
12 l-2c Percales, 36 inches wide, for
. 39
... 4S
To demonstrate the superiority of our
O 0
o o
and prove our absolute supremacy in
giving. We . offer for Saturday
your choice ot our regular $ I .Z5 f0
Gloves for nair
Every new Easter shade is in the assortment. Far and away the best collection of Eastv
Gloves in the city. On sale for the two days only at pair " 98
The Prettiest Oxlords ol Spring are Here
All new stock, the choicest styles
and Prices Less ;
You ought to come here and see our Pumps, Josephines, and Oxfords. Xew stock new
leather, new shapes, lower prices.
t Misses' and children's $1.75 shoes on sale Friday and Saturday $1.35
Women's $5.00 shoes, button 'and lace, on sale Friday and Saturday $3.95
IVohlenberg Department
".'Better GoodsFor Less Money'
Program at Orpheum Today.
1. The Cowboy and the Squaw. Es
sanay. Drama,
2. Saved from the Tide. Drama.
1000 feet long. Sells.
3. The Gunsby's Sojourn in the
Country. Comedy.
4. A Corsican's Revenge. Drama.
Pa the.
i. Sons Two Blue Eyes.
Three thousand feet of motion pic
tuns all new in the above program.
Xew pictures Sunday, Tuesday and
Friday of each week.
'Gorman Evang. Lutheran Church.
There will be services on Palm Sun
day. March 20. at Mynck station, be
ginning at 10 a. m. In connection
with the services will be confirmation.
Those to be confirmed 'are: Irene
Kuther. Helvy Breding, John Loren
zen and Christian Moeller. All are
cordially invited. Geo. L. Sprattler,
"Pardon me," said the young man
from New York, "but, may I inquire
what kind of dog that is?"
"Certainly," replied the Boston
maid, "he is an txpectorator."
"Indeed:" exclaimed the y. m. "1
don't think I over heard of the breed."
"No doubt," rejoined the fair own
er, coldly "He is what you would
"'! a spits." Chicago News.
Tens of thousands of sufferers
from hay fever and catarrhal asthma
find great comfort and quick relief
by breathing Hyomel.
Of course where asthma is not caus
ed by a catarrhal condition, but by
nervous contraction of the bronchial
tubes, Hyomei is not recommended.
But in a case of asthma where there
is a discharge of mucous, breathing
Hyomel gives most wonderful relief
by soot hi n gtlie Irrit.ited and highly
inflamed membrane,
Mr. V. A. White, R F. D. No. 1,
ICvansport, writes: "I have been
bothered lth asthma . for over five
years but could not get any relief un
til I tried Hyomel. I have spent lots
of money on remedies for asthm and
If I could not get another bottle I
would not be wlthouf Hyomel for $50.
I recommend It."
A complete Hyomel ' outfit, Includ
ing hard rubber pocket Inhaler, costs
$1 with Instructions for use In hay
fever and asthma. Extra bottfrs of
Hyomel cost 50 cents at druggists
everywhere and at Tallman & Co.
United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co.
maX'?..0"; U,e State f Mariand. on the 31st day of December. 1801.
made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law:
Amount of capital paij Up J2.000.000.00
Premiums received during the year S3.5S2 S14 89
Interests, dividends and rents received during
Inthe'y'ar 136.544.56
income rrom other sources received during year 14S.405.S7
ToUl lncme $3.867.7S5.$f
Losses paid during the year, including adjust
ment expenses, etc 11.038,189.06
dividends paid during the year on capital stock 161,500.00
Commissions and salaries paid during the year..
Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year.. 141,37144
Amount of all other expenditures 2Ssio 7 460
Total expenditures $2,843,161.11
Amount of all other assets J 104.043.44
Value of real estate owned 463!s5o!o0
Value of stocks and bonds owned 3,536,635.22
Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc 171,149.00
Cash in banks and on hand 543,146.34
Premiums in course of collection und in trans-
, 'l"on 345,665.78
Interests and rents due and accrued 49,491.73
Total assets S5.213.SS6.51
Less special deposits in anv t'tate (if any
i!,e,r be) .. 137,966.67
Total assets admitted in Oregon $5,075,919 84
Gross claims for losses unpaid 8 850.530.45
Amount of unearned remiuns on all outstand-
"'S risks 1.691,947.55
Due for commission and biokcrage 68,156.84
All other liabilities . . .' 90444 13
Total liabilities $2 "01 O'S T
Total premiums in force December 31. 1909 j,,'' ' '
Total lisks written during the year
Gross premiums received during the year '.'.'.'.',$' 49 Wl'll
Premiums returned during the year '. !!!!"'.!!!!! 2 716(1
Losses paid during the year 11(77 93
Losses incurred during the year '
Total amount of premiums outstanding In Oregon Dec. 3 1." 1 909! !
By RICHARD LANG. Vice-President
Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service:
JOHN U HARTMAN, Portland, Ore.
Resident Agents HARTMAX ABSTRACT CO., lVinllotoii, Oregon.
For sale at the East Oregonian office Large bundle of news
papers, contaiiun? over 100 big papers, can be had for 25e a bundle.