East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 18, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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hi ii .
Pakllabed Daliy, Weekly and Semi Weeklj,
t Pradletoo, Oregon, t; th
Pally, unc fear, by mall $5 00
Dally, six montba, by mall 160
Dally, three mouths, by mall 1.25
Pally, one month, by mall . ...i. ... .AO
Dally, on year, bj carrier ... .... T.50
bally, alx montba. by carrier t.73
Daliy. tbree montba. by carrier .... 1.05
Dally, one month, by carrier 65
Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50
Weekly, alx montha, by mall T5
Weekly, four montba, by mall 60
ml-Weekly, one year, by mall .... 1.50
eml Weekly, alx mantha. by mall . . .75
ail Weekly, four montba, by n ail . .50
Tlie Dally Eaat Oregonlan la kept o aale
at tbe Oregon Newa Co., 147 Sth atreet,
Portland, Oregon.
Chicago Bureau, 609 Security Building.
Washington. D. C, Bureau, 501 Four
laantb atreet, N. W.
Member United Press Aasoclatloo,
Entered at the poatofflce at Pendletoa,
Oregon, a aecond-claaa mall nutter.
falephone .Main 1
Washington-Oregon company. If tho
ni!rtny that now lias n franchise
from Pendleton does not build some
other company will do po.
In addition to the above we have
pi ospects for splendid crops this sea
son, with the heavy rainraii nna tne
fine growing weather we are now en
joying the farming outlook Is better
than It has boon before for at least
three years.
Where Is there any room for pessimism?
111:1. p this ;ooi c.unk.
No Prophet I,
And yet 1 dare to prophesy:
This coming spring
The birds will sing,
And from her tuneful throat
The thrush's note
Will ring;
And blossoms fair and white
Will spring forth in the night
To gladden some sweeter day
In coming May,
and roses rare
Will scent the air,
While frolic bees their sweets
will seize
And hide them in the
And silver streams will
For years the old north side cemc
Ury lias been a big and standing dis
grai-e to Pendleton. It has been an
eye-sore and a reproach to the cltU !
zenship of the town. So it Is with
decided pleasure that the Kast Ore
gonian announces elsewhere today
that the ladies of the civic club are
to proceed with' the Improvement of
the place. Owing to the fact that they
are hampered in what they wish to do
it will be impossible for t';i" i'u'.i la
dies to make all the desired better
ments. However tin are going to do
all they can to improve the old tract
and to make It more presentable. To
ean-v out their work they solicit the
support of the people of the city.Con-
Inbuiions be wn.uiui'ii in the
form of money or in the form of trees
or shrubs to be set out upon the tract,
bocal people should respond quickly
and with generosity to this call. It
is worthy work and the ladies who
have taken up the task ore entitled
to cordial assistance.
Shortens your food-Lengthens your life
Cottolene is a wholesome product. It is made from Cotton Seed Oil in a thoroughly
modern and hygienic manner, and is just as pure as olive oil. It is a clean product
because its source is clean. From Cottonfiela to Kitchen human hands never touch
the oil from which Cottolene is made.
Cottolene makes a palatable, digestible, healthful food, which will agree with the most
delicate stomach. Lard food, on the contrary, is indigestible, and will cause trouble
sooner or later.
Cottolene is a product of nature. Warmed into life by the Sun on Southern Cotton
Fields, nurtured by rain and dew, the cotton plant finally concentrates in its seed that
life-giving and life-sustaining quality which is the basis 01 Lottolene.
There is no substitute for Cottolene because there is no other
shortening so good.
COTTOLENE is Guaranteed
not pleased, after having given Cottolene a fair test.
Never Sold in Bulk
Your grocer is hereby authorized to
refund your money in rase you are
Cottolene is packed in pails with an air-tight top to
kcet) it clean, fresh and wholesome, and prevent it
from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable odors, such as fish, oil, etc.
.And babble from their merry-
Of mating with the sea
The while the woodland wild
will teem
With wakings from a wintry
From Icy fetters free.
Where late was snow
The April glow
Of genial sun will melt the way
That violet and lily pale
May find again the ferny
And elfin comrades at their
And skies above
Will speak of love.
And with their dreamy blue
Will put to rout
The hosts of doubt.
Of trouble, care and rue.
John Kcndrlck Bangs, in Har
per's Weekly.
Pome tenderfoot has written for the
j Technical World a story about the
sand dunes along the Columbia. In
the article he uses the following vivid
"A sand dune of this kind Is a de-
i vouring and remorseless monster. It
lis a hill, sometimes attaining the size
of a small mountain, which. Instead
f remaining stationary in one spot.
continually travels. Anything useful
to man that happens to be in Its path
U destroyed utterly. It swallows up
houses and even villages; the culti
vated fields' over which it makes Its
dreadful march are converted into
hopeless desert."
What a brutal sand dune that must
have been. Now what particular
grade of "near" beer 'did the author
drink while he was in this vicinity?
If we could find the brand we could
feed some of the stuff to jack rab
bits and then sell them as white rhi-nosceroses.
Pendleton has so many good things
In store for the near future that there
is bona fide reason for optimism on
the part of local people. To begin
with the O. R. & X. company is short
ly to start upon the expenditure of
omething like two million dollars In
this section. Close to one million
will be spent on the line changes and
Improvements between Toakum and
Pendleton. An amount almost as
Urge as this will be spent in making
the big cut-off from Coyote to Echo
or to Stanfield.
Necessarily a large part of this ex
penditure will be in the form of
wages to workingmen. 'The men in
turn will spend much of tnelr money
with local merchants for supplies.
Accordingly the railroad work should
stimulate business to a considerable
Then there are ojher and more per
manent blessings In store for this
c'.ty. Pendleton stands to gain much
from the development and settlement
of the Umatilla project and of the
private projects of the west end.
That great section It contiguous to
Pendleton. This city will naturally
derive a certain percentage of the
business of that region. The same Is
true with respects to the country
outh of Pendleton and extending as
far to the southward as the John Day
Naturally the percentage of busi
ness Pendleton will secure from its
adjacent territory must depend large
ly upon the character of transporta
tion service provided into this city,
Eut this feature of the situation la
being looked out for and at this time
the outlook is certainly encouraging.
The O. R. & X. company and the
Northern Pacific combined give a
splendid service into Pendleton from
the north and east. It is understood
that betterments are soon to be made
In the service from the west end. An
Improved service from that section la
now needed.
Then the Washington-Oregon com
pany is out to establish an electric
Interurban system with this city as
1U base of operations. While tha
company has been moving slowly it
till promisea to construct Its line and
there is hope that those promises will
b' fulfilled.
But should the Washington-Oregon
company not carry out Its enterprise
the failure of that concern would not
mean that "all Is lost." There are
other concerns desiring to build elec
trie llnea for Pendleton. There are
local people Just as able to build elec
Two successive jolts have been de
livered Speaker Cannon this week.
On Tuesday the house refused to en
dorse a move to provide him with a
special auto and Wednesday he was
reversed on an appeal from a decision
hv the chair, the vote being 163 to
111. On the last occasion 42 repub
limns voted with the democrats to
uDet the autocratic boss. These In
cidents make it more and more ap
parent that the house of representa
tives, as well as the entire country,
has grown tired of Cannon and his
methods. j It will not be long until he
will receive a jolt that will make him
"take the count." '
VKAKIOIS INTOXICATION. .time the party broke up and left the
! Silver Grill Jo walk west on Sprague
Did you ever hear of intoxication by avenue, the total abstainer was In
auto-suggestion? Well, of course you such condition that he had to lean
know what intoxication is mere ' for support against the Saturday Eve
booze poisoning, pure and simple, j nlng Post In front of Davenport's.
And auto-suggestion you've doubt- j Inland Observer.
less heard of that also? Auto-sugges- I
tion occurs when you look at your ADAM WAS NO GENTLEMAN.
watch, riding home In the car after j
work; somebody across the aisle' In the "Memoirs of the Duchesse of
thereupon looks at his watch, so you , Dino." just published, the following
look at your own again, automatic- j good story is told: ,
ally, auto-suggestively, and a whole j "I have just heard an amusing
lot of other ways too scientific and thing said by the old Marchioness of
numerous to be mentioned. Salisbury. Last Sunday she was at
All Spokane people who are inter- j
ested In psychology, metaphysical pa- ,
thology, and the sublimation of 11s
tral ceramics will be thrown immedi
ately into a state of coma when th
come to read the foil
able proof of the pow
Last Saturay night six gentlemen
stepped Into the Silver drill: They
were boon companions; they worked
in the same office, and always spent
their salaries in company with each
other on Saturday night. However,
one of the six had promised his wife
faithfully not to touch a drop of In
toxicating beverage on this particu
lar occasioh. Happening to be a man
ot his word, he sat by, testing lithla
water and cigars, while his friends
quaffed Joyously from the bottle.
The conversation brightened, sallies
of wit were exchanged. In which the
abstainer presently took part. Soon
hilarity became apparent, and the man
with the promise In his heart felt the !
contagious power of the party's ex-j
hilaration, and without knowing it, be
gan to elude his labials, and fre
quently drop entire diphongs. " By the
church, a rare thing for her, and the
preacher, speaking of the fall, ob
served that Adam, excusing himself,
had cried out, "Lord, the woman
tempted me.' At this quotation Lady
Salisbury, who appeared not to have
heard of the incident before, Jumped
up in her seat, saying, 'Shabby fellow,
indeed!' "
Is Hero
Better cure
It la tao lata.
that aald before
TAUiMAN'8 F. 8. '
cold oapaula will knock tha
worst cold In two days. Manu
factured and sold only by
Tallman & C o.
Drugglata of
Just Received
Carload of Poul
try supplies of
all kinds
127-129 E. Alta
"You know a man may smile and
be a villain still."
"But can a woman."
"I don't know as to that. She might
smile and smile and be n villain, but
she could hardly be still."
isj ;
ollowing irrefut- 1
wer of auto-sug- j - J
Pendleton's only trouble at this
time Is a psychological ailment that
may be designatea ressimuruus, s
sure cure for this disease is ror an
citizens to take off their coats and
get to work for the advancement of
the city. Try It.
Good citizens are now making plans
to have their yards ana tneir streets
thoroughly cleaned on "Clean-up
Day." It does not matter whether the
work is done In person or by proxy.
Roosevelt has left Khartoum and
will soon be home again. Then both
Peary and Cook and Halley's comet
as well will go upon the shelf.
When you hear a knocker speak
to him about It. Some of them don't
realize what they are doing.
Robbing the Poor Dog.
A Texas man says he will pay a good
price for fleas Our condemnation
cannot be too severe for one who
would rob a poor dog of his best
friends. David Hams tells us that
"fleas is- good for a dog; they keep
him from worrying about being a
dog." And we quite agree with David
Speaking gently. It is better far,
At least while feeling ground,
The man may be a pugilist
And heavy on the pound.
Good Health
is w'uhin reach of nearly every
man and woman who earnestly
Start ri.'iht with
If you want
prompt relief
frrtm CfAmnh
C stomach 0a n d Kidney
DITTCDC you wl"
Ol I I CLiOkeep a bottle
of the Bitters
handy. It la
for Headache,
Poor Appetite,
Colds, Grippe
and Malaria.
Try it today.
1? outward symptoms is not all thnt is necesaary to cure
! roi.i;i. The virulent germs which produce theso exter-
s ui..ot bo completely driven from the blood before a real
t:-i. Tae least taint left In the circulation wilt sooner or
; (j-.ivbivak of the trouble, with all its hideous symptoms
;'i :'.;n! t!iroat, copper-colored spots, frilling hair, sores and
! Hood purifier can cure Contagious Blood Poison.
'i.crvly check the symptoms for u tune, becuuse of their
tai e. and leave the poison smoiUlerir;i.r in the sy.tem, have
brow p!a .;isuf;poin?!'i-nt t0 thousands. The disease Uways returns after
such treatuiont. S. . S. cures Contagious Blood l'oinon tnd cures it per
manenlly. It ors i:it. the blood, and removes every particle of the poison,
making 'tito circulation pure, rich and healthy, nor lo"s S.S.S. leave the
slightest tra;e oi uisease for future outbreaks. S. S. S. does not contain
any iou:u:..l i-.i;; : .k in .. but is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks,
which aro mo.it val.iu'cle in their blood-purifyinc properties, and at the
game tir.13 pneeificill'- adnptsil to building up the, 01. rite .-ystem. If you'
have C:ti;..ious l.-h;.l Poison S.S.S. will cure you !)e;r.i;o it will thor
oughly p .rily your Ulood. Homo Treatment Book a:ul u::y medical advice
P-moviM!" th
Cont:.-r: ,s "''' '
ual 111. ..:;;(
cure ra 1 i-fi,:
later cir.i.i-- a :roa
of ti'.r ?! ;ce,l r.'.o:
ulcer, ft-. Or
Medicines v;i Kh
ftroti' :v. iiviMl i"
Cus.La Fontaine, Prop.
Best 25c Meals in Northwest
First-class cookc and service
Shell fish in season
La Fontaine BIk., Main St.
I made from the choicest wheat that
grows. Good bre.id is assured when
BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran,
Shorts. Steam Rolled Barley always on
Pendleton Roller Mills
Pendleton, Oregon
the only Exclusive Op
tometrist located la
Umatilla county.
Office John Schmidt building, Pen
dleton, Ore. Over 30 yeara practice
fitting; 'glasses. Remember I grind
my own glasses. Eyea carefully ex
amined and glasses ground to fit.
1(40 acres all fenced, good new
posts, 800 acres In grain, 260 acres of
alfalfa land mostly set, will cut 780
tons of alfalfa this year, a stream of
water runs through which furnishes
plenty of water for Irrigating, good
concrete dams and ditches, good
buildings, lota of fruit trees and ber
ries. This la an Ideal place for feed
ing stock for the market. A rallroaU
runs right through the middle of It.
You can buy thla fine ranch for tit,
000. E. T. WADE,
Office In American Nat. Bank Bid.
Peadlaton, Ore.
Orpheum Theatre
J. P. MEDERNAC II, Pr4rletor
For Men, Women and Children
Irogram Changes on Sundays, Tuesday's and Friday's.
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac
Anyone ending tkttrh and dpa.Ttttwi mmy
qnlrktlr ajrflrtiiln our npinion free hihfr to
Invention is pmhuMT pmentat-'iv (Vnmitinlr
tlotunirietlr 'tfliivititil. HA'inHQOK on riat
tent fnm. ('Meat mrcih-Y for n"-urtiif patenta.
rntriKfl lukoti thnniL.i V;...n ,v t. reclv
fytruti noflc, without i linrco. In tho
Scientific iterienn,
A hdndmrnHf ItlnfftmfM WMhiv, f.nrfffwt rtr
culailnn of hmt it"(Hio J'.Mfsutl, )rni, A3 4
Tr: four montha. 4L tiuU by at) newadlrt.
MUNN & Co,3'0 New iforlr
Brtncb om.u. r HI. Wubinmou, ii u
The Highest
In real coal quality la Rock Spring,
obtained of us la obtained HERB
where you also aecure full weight an4
prompt delivery.
Tour bin might be getting low now
remember It will pay you to send
the order to
I'Ihhih .Main 178.
For the Lenten Season, fresh
every day at the
Central Meal Market
H.x K Alta St 'Phone Halo II
1 1 Cures Coughs. Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat
J y and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption
in the
VM t.P'V F'ACi
la now located In the atore room formerly occupied by INGRAM'S Gro
cery, where we will be glad to meet all our old friends and patrons.
W. R. GRAHAM, Manager.
I Milne Transfer
Phons Main 5
Calls promptly answered
for all baggage transfer
ring. Piano and Furnture
moving and Heavy Truck
ing a specialty.
trie roads are the men behind the
Sold Everywhere. In Boxe 10c and 25c
Cufi i . .'. ..jiila Pneumonia