EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OltEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAV, MARCH 18. 1S0. PAGE TlinEE. FOUR STANDARD MAKES We Guarantee, in for Mesn .1 II II ? "tf mm IS wk mWMm OHH-UEBWUICQHttNl 3 IL Kirschbaum Hackett-Carhart "EFF-EFF" Cahn Liebman We will deem it a pleasure to show you their excellence in Fit and Style. Clothes may not make the man, but they certainly do go a long way in the impression he maken on other people. It never has been so true as it is today that a man to be dressed correctly must be clothed in the clothes which fashion dictates as not only correct in style but properly tailor ed, for bo it known that when plain clothes are worn the tailoring is the all-important part. The tendencies for spring are plain effects with the to tal elimination of all that pertains to freakishnes. Our clothes are built from fancy worsteds, tweeds, serges, imported and domestic, by the best tailors in America today, with all the little details carefully attended to; good linings and best findings throughout The above clothes are priced from $10.00 to $28.50. Spring Clothes for Particular Young Men Hew Easter Styles In addition we have standard brands for men that combine all the characteristics essential young men. Here yon receive the very best con- to the preferment of particular young men ; fancy sideration of the ablest tailoring talent in Am- worsteds, tweeds and serges ; classy fabrics picked erica. Garments especially designed for young to suit the younger set Men's New Spring Suits of Serge Complete lines of new blue and unfinished serges in many of the popular weights; correctly tailored for particular men who want modest clothes but good. Make guaranteed. Priced from $10 to $25.00. ITR ITIT 1 A $2.50 guaranteed watch will be given away free with every F JtVl?Jv $7.50 purchase of merchandise. This olfer is now in elfect pur COME TOMORROW, THEY'LL NOT LAST LONG WORKWOMEN'S CLOTHING COMPANY Quality the same, but less expense makes the prices lower. LOST TO HIMSELF JOY mimj:k is at waiaa WAMjA, HIS MKMORY GONE FamniiK Utile Quarterback or Yost KWen Working on Fruit Ranch Remembers Nothing of Past Life Can't Recall Home, Alma Mater or Sweetheart. Walla Walla, Wash Unable to re member even his father and claim ing that he has never been In Michi gan, James Joy Miller, quarterback anil captatn-clect of the University of Michigan football team, Is working on the Blalock fruit form, three miles from this city. He was found through the efforts of the Inspection end of postofflce department ami Postmast er Hrunton. Miller remembers nothing of what happened up to a few weeks ago. Through bright and quick to learn his work at the fruit farm, he has no pre vious knowledge of his life. He de clares that he never saw a football game, much less played In one: that he has no knowledge of his parents or of his home, knows nothing of col lege and until he was shown on the E INIMGKSTIOX, GAS AND HEART- IUHN GO IX FIVE MINUTES A little ninpcpsln Now Will Make Your Out of Order Sloinncli Feel Fine Digests All Your Footl, Iicar Ing Nothing to Ferment and Sour, You onn eat anything your Btomnch craves without fear of Indigestion or dyspepsia, or that your food will fer ment or sour on your stomach If you will take a little Diapepsln occasion ally. Tour meals will taste good, and anything you eat will be digested; nothing can ferment or turn Into acid or poison or stomach gas, which caus es belching, dizziness, 'a feeling of full ness after eating, nausea, Indigestion (like a lump of lead In stomach), Bil iousness, heartburn, water brash pain In utomach and Intestines or other symptoms. Headaches from the stomach are absolutely unknown where this effec tive remedy is used. Diapepsln real ly does all the work of a healthy stomach. It digests your meala when tnmach can't. A single dose will digest all the food you eat and leave nothing to ferment or sour and upset Via atomach. Get a large BO-cent case of Pope's Diapepsln from your druggist ana start taking now, and In a little while you wll lactually brag about your healthy, strong stomach, for you then ran eat anvthlnsr and everything you want without the slightest discomfort or misery, and every particle or inv purity and gaa that Is In your stonv h and intestines Is going to be car rted away without the use of laxatives or any other assistance. Should you at this moment be suf ferlng fro mlndlgestlon or any atom ach disorder, you can get relief with In five minutes. map did not even know where Michi gan was or how far he was from there. He does not even know what his name Is, but took the name Joy Mil ler because that was the one In his watch. The walch also contains a photograph of his sweetheart, but he did not know who she was. He first used the name "J. J. Mil ler" and got letters under that name. Articles he had with him, however, convinced Postmaster Brunton that he Is the right person: he wns also trac ed by other Inspectors. Minor left his home In January, af ter having been dismissed from college and his position on the rootbnll team for non-registration. He went to Chl nin remembering that he saw "a big sheet of water," then to Montreal, which he recalled because It was so m ih..ro Then he came west, fi nally coming to Spokane and then to Walla Walla. Miilpr'. hair is srray. He first naa work sorting potatoes on the ranch and is now running a transit. He is voii iiuort nn th farm. His ratner is arranging to come west and get him to see If some operation win noi re store his memory. A Swollen Jaw is not pretty nor pleasant. Whether if. mused by neuralgia, toothache, or accident, Ballard's Snow Liniment will reduce the swelling ana relieve the nnin. The ereat and sure cure for rheumatism, cuts, burns, bruises. scalds any and all aches and pains. Sold by A. C. Koeppen A Bros. H. II. WEATHERSPOOX IS EI-KCTKD F.IXilX'S MAYOR Flcln. Ore At the annual city election the Citizens' ticket won over the Citizens' Independent party, or tne or the old law and order party. While , oiiot. nienteri ft mavor and one councilman, all the other successful candidates were members or tne citi zens' party, which Insures that the policies of the city will be the same as the past year, and that there will be n wholesalA raid on the soft-drink houses, which no doubt would have taken place had the citizens' independ ent party candidates been elected. Th successful candidates rouow: Mayor, H. H. Weatherspoon: Coun cilmen, R. Blumensteln, H. H. Hug. Wm. Morelock: recorder, L. Denham; marshal, William St. Peters; treas urer, J. B. Thorson. The hold-over coun'cllmen are: R. B. Nlles, R. C. Mays and F. E. Smith. WenthersDoon and Hug are the only radical law enforcement men on tho tlrket. The bone of contention was the strict enforcement of the local option law, which has been decidedly slack in Elgin. Farmers' Union Meeting1. Thn remilRr semi-monthly meeting nf tho Farmers' Educational and Co operative Union will be held on Satur day, March 19, at 1 p. m., in Pendle ton. All candidates for membership are kindly asked to be present to be Initiated. It Is also very much desir ed that all members of the Pendleton local as well as of the other locals or the county be present a there is some very Important business before the union. , C. H. ROSENBERQ, President Th l.loii iukI the Mohmv In the remark of a federal Judge who was offered the nomination of one of the Brent political put-ties nfter fining a certain trust u number of million dollars. "For (Jod's sake leave me my judicial honor, manhood and the; respect of my friends." we have the keynote of Charles Klein's play, "The Lion and the Mouse," which conn s to the Oregon theater on Monday, March 21. This Is one of the many recent in stances which demonstrate beyond ca vil that Mr. Klein did not begin to touch the center of reality when he wrote his preat drama which has kept the public of the entire country talk ing for the pa-st three years. The cler py and the press in reference to re cent graft Investigations have used this play which Henry B. Harris had the wisdom to produce as texts for sermons mid editorials, and lately the president of the United States was urKed to use the lesson taught by the "Lion and the Mouse" as a campaign document. It is over three years since the piece had its premier, but a brief resume of SPOKANE ORGANIZES GOOD ROADS CONTRACTING COMPANY Notice. To subscribers of the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph Co. On and after April 1st, 1(10, all telephone bills will be payable la ad vance on the first day of each montn and not later than the 10th, at the office of the company In the Matlock building. Call at Recorders window or mall check. MANAGER. Cnroyln Tlberts, Who Portrays the Chancier of Shirley Itossmorc In the "Lion and the Mouse," at the 'Oregon Theater, March 21, the story may not be inapropos. John Burkett Ryder, the unscrupulous mon ey king of the world, is thwarted in his plans by Judge Rossmore of the United States supreme bench. Ryder resolves to ruin both financially and in reputation the honest Jurist. The former wreck haa been accomplished when Shirley Rossmore, his daughter, and Ryder's only son, Jefferson, re turn from a European trip. They met abroad and had fallen In love. The girl, learning of her father's impend ing disgrace, sets about to save his reputation and becomes a member of the money baron's household. How the Lion succumbs to the Mouse Is unfair from the dramatist's standpoint to reveal. Miss Elberts will be seen in the role of Shirley Rossmore and Walter Ed wards is dealing with the part of Ry der. It is claimed by the critics that Mr. Harris is this season sending the best company yet seen In Mr. Klein's drama.. Ladles Sole Hewed. With my new machine I can sew your soles on for (So per pair. The) will look better and last longer. A. KKLUND. Spokane, Wash. Good Roads Con traet'ng company of Spokane,- has been organized under the laws oi Washington with a nominal capital, of JlO.nno to build county roads at a profit of not more than 7 per cent on the Investment, the purpose being to give the people the greatest value for every dollar expended. The incorpor ators are officers of the Spokane County Good Roads association, of which J. A. Perry, formerly a news paper man In Missouri, Is secretary, the trustees being William H. Cowles, owner and publisher of the Spokesman-Review and The Chronicle; R Insinger, chairman of the board of governors of the ISth N'ational Irri gation congress; David Brown, origi nator of the National apple show and head of the Hazlewood company, a J2.000.0(in concern operating dairy plants in Washington, Oregon and Idaho; 1"). W. Twohy. president of the old National bank; Frederick W. De wart, counsel, and F. H. Mason, mil lionaire merchant, who is now in Eu rope studying good roads and methods of building to get the best results. RKCOGXIXES BROTHER AFTER 1IK HAS REMOVED BEARD Vale, Ore. A man walked into the barber shop of H. L. Rose, on A street Saturday and seated himself in the chair presided over by the proprie tor. Barber Rose went about lather ing his customer, and all time he worked thought there w-as something familiar about the face of the cus tomer. As he proceeded he became convinced that he had seen him some where, and as the razor scraped off more and more of the growth, this conviction became fixed, but he could not yet recall who he was. Not until the razor had done Its work on both sides and the chin did the tonsorlalist recognize the man in his chair, the shaving having brought out the now familiar visage of Rose's brother, whom he had not seen for 17 years. The visitor knew who was the proprietor of the shop when he seated himself in the chair, so the joke was on the knight of the razor. The stranger was C. H. Rose, of salmon City, Idaho, where he Is a large landowner. Stubborn As Moles are liver and bowels sometimes; seem to balk without cause. Then there's trouble loss of appetite. Indlgeatlo. . nervousness, despondency, headache, But such troubles fly before Dr. King's New Life Pills, the world's best stomach and liver remedy. So easy. 25c at Tallman & Co. BOY THINKS HE IS DOG HYPNOTISM IS ONLY RELIEF San Francisco. Ralph Madison, 13-year-old son of a wealthy rancher living near Palo Alto, thinks he Is a dog, and when he hears footsteps, crouches and barks. Physicians call this kind of hallu cination chorea. Hypnotism is be lieved to be a cure for the strange malady, and an uncle of young Madi son has brought him to San Francis co to be treated. While walking along the street on the way to the doctor's office the boy startled pedestrians by his savage growls. He was still growling when the physician's quarters were reach ed, but by gazing fixedly into the lad's eyes and hypnotically combating the sufferer's delusions, the doctor man aged to quiet his patient. Medical students at Stanrord uni versity have had "the boy under ob servation for some time, and the case has attracted much attention from the medical fraternity. y Every Metker is or should be worried when the lit tle ones have a cough or cold. It max d to croup 6r pleurisy er pneumonia then to something more serious. Ballard's Horchound Syrup will cure the trouble at once and pre vent any complication. Sold by A. C Koeppen & Bros. A Test. "Can that young man of yours take a hint?" "I don't know, papa." "Find out, will you. tonight?" "How shall I go about ltT" "You might set the dog on him.' OREGON THEATRE ION. MARCH 21 5th Year The talk of all America 5th year Henry B. Harris Will Present The Everlasting Success HE LaE AND tM Mom By Chns. Klein, author of "The Tird Degree" A Carefully Selected Company and Complete Production. A Clean Play Vivid and Truthful lias Broken all Records of Enduring Popularity A Play of Today Appeals to All Classes What the Public are Awaiting Endorsed by Press, Public and Pulpit. 2 Lower Floor $ 1 . Bal ?5c. Boxes $1.50 Seat Sale Opens Sunday. Gal. 50c Pendleton Drag Co.