I TEN PAGES. DA1LV JCAHT OREGONIAN, PBNDLB7TON, ORBOOIf, SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1910. PAGE NINE. AT UP AMD a Want Ms. E The people of Pendleton were hot slow in taking ad vantage of the many sensational bargains offered at the big sale today From the hour of opening the store has been packed to the limit with buyers, anxious to get their share of the wonderful bargains The crowds were much greater than we anticipated and some had to wait until others had made their purchases before getting attention. More salespeople will be engaged for the different departments and .no matter how overwhelmingly great the crowds may be you will be waited upon promptly Come in tonight if you can, If you can't come to night come Monday Buy now while there is a complete line of sizes, styles andfpatterns to choose from W BAERS PORTLAND PAYS $11 FOR BIG PORKERS SBWIkO SHIPPER CARRIES OFF HO NOUS Hlgliest Iriee in .Country .Obtained for 82 Hogs Only One Carload of Stuff Arrives n Market Today. Portland Union Stockyards. Stock da . March 11 Friday was a very ln. ky day for U. S Grewell and for f-'h mlko for It gives Mr. Grcwell $11 p r hundred pounds for hogs and puts Shanlko on the may as receiving the highest price for swine in the coun try. Total arrivals of livestock In the Pnrtlnn.I vsrrta during the past 24 hours were but one carload of hogs, . 97 head. These enmc from Shanlko. Out of the lot 82 sold at $11 per hun dred pounds and 15 head went at $3 50. The latter wore simply feed ers and therefore Shnnlko not only broke all American prices for finish ed hogs hut likewise secured way above anything heretofore seemed for tc, swine. All Lines Arc Very Finn. All lines of lhestock are wry firm In the Portland yards and the scant supplies indicate that not only will present values be continued for some time but there Is a. probability of still higher values. However, until actual sales nre made none can say what the market here will reach. Sale of cows at $5.50. reported yesterday, indicated nn advance even above $6.25 for steers for cows gen erally sell at a reduction of $1 from the price of the former. However, quality counts. Today's run of livestock compares with this day In recent years as fol lows: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. 1910 97 ... ... 190l 200 190H 200 1907 1906 1906 140 102 139 170 20 450 A year ago today nil lines of live stock were firm at unchanged prices, yards' Representative Prices. Following are representative of to day's trnnsnctlnns In the locnl mar ket and indicate demand, supplies and quality offering: HOGS. Av. lbs. Price. S2 hogs 190 $11.00 CHILDREN WHO ARE SICKLY Mothers who value their own comfort and the welfare of their children, should never be without a box of Mother Oray's Hweet Powder for Children, for use throughout the season. They Break op Colds. Cure FererlshneM, Constlpatloa. Ttethlng Dlsord.rs, Ilesdarhs and Htomark Troubles. THERE POWDRK8 NBTER PAIL. 8old by all Drug Stores, 25e. Don't accept any tvbiHtvtu. A trial paekage will be sent FREK to any mother who will ad dress Allen S. Olmated, Le Roy, N. T. TOOK-NOTIC Your Dollars work overtime m i Lewis Bros. "A Quick Dollar is Better 15 feeders 95 9.50 Today's range In livestock values: Cattle Best steers, $6.25; good steers, $5.85 ft 6;; common steers, ,4 T5; medium, 15 25 & 60; fancy heifer", ,5.50; bent cows, ,3.754 50; bulls. ,2.2503.75; stags, ,2.503. Hogs Best east eat of the moun tains, $11; funcy, $10 50? stockers and feeders, ,9.60. Sheep Best wethers, ,6; ordinary, $5.50; spring Iambs, $6.5006.75; straight ewes, $5.766; mixed lots, $5.60. Calves, Best, $7; ordinary, $6. SAYS 1. S. YACHTS A HE SUPERIOR TO GERMAN Kiel, Prussia. Admiral Brandon, who attended the German and Amer ican yacht contest at Marbiehead last September, contributed an interesting account of it for the new volume of the year book of the Imperial Yacht club of Kiel, which built some of the best German yachts, and Is thus In position to speak with authority on the comparative merits of these crafts. In regard to the handling of the contesting bouts, the Admiral thinks that the Amcrlcnns were not superior to the Germans and in the case eff the Havella. he thinks they were de cidedly outclassed. The German boats were superior to the American only when their 9alls are carried com pletely erect, that is, when sailing be fore a light wind, but as soon as the American yachts heeled over before the wind they showed themselves con siderably faster than the Germans. The admiral thus sums up his Judg ment: "It seems to me, therefore, that the American boats, except in really bad weather, are considerably better than the Herman ones" SIN TEMPLE DISCOVERED. Prof. Cni-stnng Make. Find on Site of Ancient Merot. Cairo. Professor Garstang has dls. covered on the site of the ancient Merot, the later capital of the Ethi opian nionnrchs, a sun temple by Krgamenes, mentioned by Diodorus. The temple is a unique structure showing Greek Inspiration, and con taining sculptures representing King Ergamenes victories and a trium phal procession. The building In eludes a sanctuary lined with brilli antly enameled tiles. The discovery shows that the In vention of the Meroltlc script was due to Ergamenes, the alphabet being modeled on the Greek. It also estab lishes the values of the Mcrolc let ters. Further excavations which have been carried out on the site of the Temple of Ammon at Meroe prove that the building was grander than had been anticipated, and was restored by Netog Amnion. Many Inscriptions and statues have been found. The smallest dog probably Is the Chihuahua of Mexico. It can snuggle in the palm of the hand and may be hidden In a bunch of flowers. at this great sacrifice sale HI Co. In Charge Than a Slow Five Spot" THE WHEAT MARKET lU'Y WHEAT ON REPORT OF LOSS TO GROWING CHOP Initial Advance In Chicago Is Lost for July and September but May Closes With Rise of Quarter Cent. " Chicago, March 11. Wheat started firm but closed generally weak for now crop and firm for present crop deliveries. Closing values were l-4c higher for May, 3-Sc lower for July and l-4c a bushel lower for the Sep tember. There was considerable buying early on the report of damage to the grow ing crop and all options were helped thereby. While May was firmest all day, there was more activity In the July and September. Foreign markets were generally higher. At Liverpool the opening was 3-Sd higher and the closing 5-8d to 1 1-8 above yesterday. Berlin wheat closed with an advance of lc above yesterday. Broomhall estimates the world's shipments of wheat and flour Mon day, exclusive of North America, at 10.O00.0U0 bushels. He likewise pre dicts a moderate increase on passage to the United Kingdom. Indian shipments of wheat are 336. 000 bushels. Australian shipments, l.OOS.OOO bushels; Argentina, wheat. I.064.nnn bushels, corn, 41.000 bush els. Cash sales: Wheat No. 2 hard winter, $112 7-S0?1.13 1-2; No. 3 hard winter. J110Z1.12; No. 3 spring. $1.05ff?1.06 1-2. Corn No. 2 yellow, 62c; . No. 3 white. 60 1-2 61 l-2c; No. 2 yellow, 69 l-2(f?60o; No. 4 white, 56(iT5Rc; No. 4 yellow, 64(0)66 l-2c. Grain Market Lower. Portland. While lower prices are named in the local wheat market, practically no business is reported for any account. Irfirge millers say they have all the wheat they want and small millers are not buying because flour is too hard to sell. Best quo tation available today Is $1.02 1.03 track for club and $110 for bluestem. According to leading milling Inter ests there is no business at all offer ing in the oriental flour mnrket except at a sharp reduction In prices, which the millers cannot afford to accept at the resent price of wheat. "We are holding on ninl shipping' a few lots to the orient nnd hope to bring the buyers to our way of thinking." ex plained one Interest today. TOOK IN THE SCIENTISTS. Swiss Impostor Fools Geneva Geo graphical Society Successfully. Geneva. At the meeting of the Geographical Society at Berne recent ly, a well-dressed young man with an Arabic name presented himself to the committee, stating that he held a high position In Abyssinia, and was STO RE a friend of the Emperor Menelik. He was warmly received, and was present at the receptions, banquets and meetings of the, society, spoke eloquently, and at great length on Abyssinia and its people, the customs costumes and morals of Ethiopia to the venerable professors and the pub lic, on whom he made an excellent impression. For three days the young man was feted, and could not attend to all the social Invitations. It has now been discovered that the "Abyssinian" was a Swiss with a large imagination, who had carefully studi ed Abyssinia In books, and who had the audacity on an impostor. The meat boycott was of short dura tion, or else the boycotters are keep ing very quiet about it. T JUST VANISHES NO MAN OR WOMAN HERE IN PENDLETON NEED WORRY All Backache and Distress from Bad Kidneys or Weak Bladder Ends A Few Doses of Pnpe's Diuretic Will Make Your Kidneys Act Tine And Cure All Urinary Disorders. The most effective and harmless way to cure backache and regulate out of order kidneys, or end bladder trouble. Is to take several doses of Pape's Diuretic. You will distinctly feel that your kidneys and urinary organs are being cleaned, healed and vitalized, and all the miserable symptoms, such as backache, headache. nervousness, rheumatism anil darting pains, in flamed or swollen eyelids. Irritabil ity, sleeplessness or suppressed, pain ful or frequent urination (especially at nlirhM and other distress, leaving after taking the first few doses. The moment you suspect any kid ney or urinary disorder, or rheuma tism, begin taking tills harmless prep aration as directed, with the knowl edge that there is no other medicine, at any price, made anywhere else In the world, which ewwect so thorough and prompt a cure as a fifty-cent treatment of Pape's Diuretic, which any druggist can supply. Your physician, pharmacist, banker or any mercantile agency will tell you that Pape, Thompson & Pape of Cin cinnati, is a large and responsible medicine concern, thoroughly worthy of your confidence. Uon't be miserable or worried an other moment with n. lame back or clogged, inactive kidneys or blndder misery. All this goes after you start taking Pnpe's Diuretic, and in a few days you feel and know that your kidneys, liver and urinary system are healthy, clean and normal, and all danger passed. Accept only Pape's Diuretic fifty cent treatment from any drug store anywhere In the world. WANTED. For Sale Continued. WANT TO RUN abont fire acres of FOR SALE 80 acres of good alfalfa garden or poultry ranch on shares. Ua l tae Hudson Bar eUstrleC Beginning first of March. Paul Every foot under cultivation. Ooo4 Rubesamen, St Anthony Hospital, water right No buildings, to. Pendleton. rounding lands sell for from ,1I WE BUY AN SELL PASCO proper- S&K T"lJw55 ty of every description. If we can Wana Must sell and wtU be of any service to you call on or uke m write p. W. Olwe.l & Co.. Pasco. balan'e g w ' Address, F. E. Cockburn, Milts. WANTED Solicitors to gather sub- Oregon. , scriptions for our various publico- FOR SALE CHEAP-Good l-roeea , tions; experience not necessary; $ co steTdyTork6 ZJZfZJSSS ' made for easy terms. Apply at BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Man of 1614 W. Railroad, corner Pine. real ability, integrity and energy EQOS FfflR BATmran pv ZT and ,400 to ,700 capital, wanted at SmShJvJ each town in Umatilla county. Fine , . " 7 . , " " . winter layers from prise wlnnlasT anne8s,rCeThrotff?CeAddrea'' FOR SALE. - . HAIR WORK DONE Go to Madam FOR SALE Thoroughbred Single Kennedy's Hair Parlors and get yew , Comb Buff Orpington eggs frem tas hair work done. No Imported Cal- prize-wlnnlng Wlndle strata. ,1.11 nese or leprosy hair used. The nat- per setting of 16. Mrs. A B. Wis- ural human hair, handmade an . dom, 11, Walnut street Phone B. guaranteed. Shampooing, hair 6011. dressing, facial massage. 107 E. Court street. Pendleton. Phone FOR SALE 8. C. Black Minorca Red 3752. eggs. The kind for eggs, slse and - i beauty. Eggs $1.69 per 16. Lester Unfurnished housekeeping rooms Boyd, 410 East Webb street. for rent In the East Oregonian bulld- - . - Ing. Steam heat; electric lights; hot CITY OF PENDLETON MAPS at and cold water; bath. Inquire at East Oregonian office. Price 16a, East Oregonian. Classified Directory PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD. M. D., HOMEO pathic physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephones: Office, black 3411; residence, red 2C33. DR. LYNN K. BLAI-3SLEE, CHRO nic and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputlcs. ' Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 554. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, DENTIST, OFFICE Main street next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone, black 3421; residence 'phone, red 3351. DR. M. S. KERN, DENTAL SUR geon. Office, room 16 Judd build ing. Phone, red 3301. VAUGHAN BROS., DENTISTS, OF flce in Judd building. Phone Main 73. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector and member State Veterinary Board. Office at residence 916 east Court St. Res. 'phone Main 69. ATTORNEYS. RALEY ft RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National Bank building. FEE & SLATER, LAWYERS, flee in Despaln building. OF- CARTER & SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in American Nation al Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office in Despaln building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds. mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17 Schmidt block. PETERSON & WILSON, ATTOR- neys at law; rooms J an 1 4 Smith- Crawford building. PHELPS & STEIWER, ATTORNEYS at law. Offices In Smith-Crawford building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2. 3. and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS. ETC D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walks, etc. Phone black 37S6, or Oregonian office. AUCTIONEER. COI F. LUCAS. LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena. Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. 1 MACHINERY. UNITED ENGINEERING CO.. ME chanlcal engineers. Irrigation power or electric plants gas produc ers. 25-26 P.-I. Bldg., Seattle. Wash ington. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer." Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night 'Phone main 76. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS W. D. FLETCHER, SUCCESSOR TO R. E. Tarbet Real Estate, Fire. Life, Accident and health insurance. Basement American National Bank. Employment Office and collection agency. HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loans ea city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Doea a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent insurance. Feferences, amy bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. W. S. HENNINGER, VIce-Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. BENTLEY & LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. New location, 816 Mala street Phone Main 404. LTVERY AND FEZD STABLES. x : CITY LTVERT STABLE. THOMPSON i street, Carney & Bradley, Props. I Livery, feed ahd sale stables. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connec , tlon. 'Phone main 70. i J RESTAURANTS. canri wtauSavt, noodles and chop suey, Ung D. Goey, prop. At the old stand, Alta street In rear of Tallman & Co. TEE SAM, LEE CO.. NOODLE RES taurant, Eng Dean, Prop. Chickea noodle soup, chop suey, etc. Webb St., between Main and Garden. Phone Red 3391. MISCELLANEOUS. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RE. pair work on all kinds of machines, structural iron work and machine castings. Junction of Court and Alta streets. Marlon Jack, Prop.; A. F. May, manager. LET ELECTRICITY DO YOUR work It's clean, reliable and con venient. Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed. $5.25. Electric Hot Water and Curling Iron Heaters, Electric Coffee Percolators, etc. A complete stock of Gas and Electric fixtures. First-class wiring of homes, etc. J. L. Vaughan, S'lB Main street SLOM KEE, CHINESE LAUNDRY, family washing; work done by hand: mending free; goods called for and delivered. 40S East Court street second-hand dealers. vTst7oleTeTler In second hand goods. If there Is anything you need In new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his prices. No 212 East Court street FRATERNAL ORDERS. . PENDLETON LODGE No. If A( A. F. and A. M.. meets tW first and third Mondays l each monui. Alt TkatiMfc tkretkn w-v , V of P., meets every Monday evening In I. O. O. F. halt Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend. W. I. C. C; R. W. Fletcher, K. of Gadwa, R. 4 S. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. PHOMEYOUR ORDERS TOU 6ET THEM RIGHT I i MAPS CITY OF PENDLETON A l East Oregonian office. Price It.