TEN PAGES. DAILY EAOT OIUOOONIAJI, PEXPLKTOX, OMOKM, SATURDAY, MARCH It, 111. A Whizzing 6 to 9 o'clock SALE Come up town this evening alter supper and see our Special Value Offerings , Every Department Brimming Over With Values Specials in Ladies and Children's Shoe Department $3.00 New patent ankle strap pumps, I! to 9, sale $1.98 $2.50 Gun metal or patent oxforda, i to !), sale $1.68 $l.."0 Latest styles oxfords, all leathers, i! to 9, sale " $3.00 $1.00 pumps and oxfords, all leathers, FONDAS - jV". i auey uoimoir suppers, ail colors, sale 98? Unities soft solo shoes, (10c values, sale ;.. , Gilt. Kdjje polish, ii.Vvnlup, sale SHEEP WINTERED WELL IN MORROW ALL INDICATIONS ARE FOR PROSPEROUS YEAR Decrease In Number of Slieepv Kept Through Winter Account for Good Condition of Band Lambing Sea son In at Hand Grata Coining Up Nicely. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THH Westchester Fire Insurance Co. Of Now York, In the state of New York, on-the 31st day of December, 1999. made to the Insurance Commissioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL, Amount of capital paid up . ' $ 100,000.00 INCOME. Premiums received during; the year in cash. .. .$2,583,8(0.10 Interest, dividends and rents received during; year 173.J65.01 Income from other sources reoelved during; year 10,6(1.48 30t 18t - Men's Department I Joys' Golf Shirts, all sizes, values 50c to $1.25 Full line of Imvs 2 pieee suits 1-2 price. Full line Men's Suits values up to $15.00..,. I'u 11 line 7."c and $1.00 ties ... Hat values up to $.'J.'0 Fancy Vests, $2..0 to $5.00 25 .. $5.00 48 .$1.50 .. $1.98 Ladies Waists Special for Tonight After 6 A lwjiutiful assortment of Silk Waists that sell for $5.00 and $G.00, tonight...- $3.75 I luck towels that every one wants. 12 1-2 Values 8 l-3 20c Viilues : t ; 15 25c Values 16 2-3 Fancy Uihlions, 25c ami "5c riblxjns tonight ,. 17 l-2 -Alexander's Dep't Store- is FOR E. 0. S. N. S. SUM OMMITTKK HAS AGREED ll'ON INITIATIVE MEASURE One Tumly-IIMi of Mill on Dollar Axkcd for Annual Maintenance of Kailrm (inn-iin ScImmiI Scliool to lie MiUingiil by Hoard of RoKvntB. As a sul-coinnilttec from the nor mal school executive committee, Col. J. H. Haley. Judge J. A. Fee and C. W. Stern have drafted a bill asking for support fur the pastern Oregon nor mal school under the initiative. The bill Is now in the hands of the execu tive committee and It is understood will be adopted as It stands. In de tail the bill as drafted Is as follows: A bill to propose by Initiative peti tion a low to provide for the perman ent support and maintenance of the Eastern Oregon State Normal Scnooi nt Weston, Umatilla County, Oregon. Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon: Section 1. For the support and maintenance of the Enslern Oregon State Normal School at Weston, Uma tilla County, Oregon; for the payment of salaries of its teachers and em ployes; to keep the buildings, grounds and other property thereof in repair; for the purchase of additional land for tbe campus thereof, or other wise If necessary; for the purchase of library books, laboratory supplies and appa ratus and for the payment of neces sary incidental expenses, there is here by levied annually a tax of one twenty-fifth of a mill on a dollar upon all the taxable property within the state of Oregon. Such tax shall toe levied and collected annually as other taxes are levied and collected, and the fund arising therefrom shall be paid into the state treasury and kept separate and apart from other funds, and shall be known as the "Eastern Oregon State Normal School Fund," and shall be paid out only on warrants drawn by the secretary of state on the state treasurer against said fund, and un der the direction of the board of re gents nnd their successors In office. If any portion of said fund shall not be used during any fiscal year, the balance remaining shall be carried over until the next year and added to the fund for that year, and the sec retary of state Is authorized and di rected to audit and allow all claims payable out of such fund. Section 2. The Eastern Oregon State Normal School at Weston, Uma tilla County, Oregon, shall be con trolled, mannged and maintained by a board of regents and their successors In office, appointed by and with the authority conferred upon hem pur unnt tn phnntor 1S9 nf the General Laws of Oregon, filed In the office of the secretary of state on February id, 1901. LANDMARK IX POLITICS PASSES INTO HISTORY Salem, Ore. When the carpenter's hammer and saw began the remodel ing of the Hotel Willamette this week there passed out of existence one of the oldest landmarks in the history of the city and one of the most Inter esting hostelries In the northwest Owing Its birth to business jealousy and rivalry, It never during the course of Its career paid Its owners a divi dend, and but few of its tenants ever reaped financinl benefit from its op eration. Hut it enjoyed the distinction for several years of being one of the finest hotels in the northwest, and within Its walls much of the political history of the state of Oregon has been made political fortunes won and lost. Ever since the hotel was construct ed It has served as the political head quarters for the members of the leg islature during the legislative session, and It has been the scene of many political storms and battles. The hotel is now to be completely remodeled by its owner, the Capital Investment company, which will upend 175,000 in doing so. A Night Alarm. Worse than an alarm of fire at night is the metallic cough of croup bringing dread to the household. Careful mothers keep Foley's Honey and Tar In the house and give It at the first sign of danger. Foley's Hon ey and Tar has saved many little lives and Is the only safe preparation for children as it contains no opiates. Koeppen Bros. Read the Bast Oregonian every day. (Special Correspondence ) Heppner, Ore., March 10. March was ushered in with a succession of warm, sunshiny days and has left Morrow county little to ask for In the line of fine spring weather. The hills with their new grass growing nicely, give promise of some good pasture,' and the sheep have been turned out to rustle for themselves. This la a great solace to the sheepmen, for, on account of the length and severity of the winter the cost of wintering the sheep this year has been from twenty to twenty-five per "cent more than during the ordinary year. Owing to the unusual length of time the sheep men were compelled to feed, the sup ply of hay and grain In tlie local mar kets was totally exhausted. However, sufficient grain was shipped In to supply the demand for feed, and It is estimated that the losses sustained by the sheepmen in this county despite the unusual conditions, were very lit tle, if any, more than normal. Fortunately there were less sheep In Morrow county this year than ordi narily. On account of the late rains last fall, twenty thousand Iambs were sold In this county, to be shipped to winter pasture In Montana. This fact In a measure accounts for the better care taken of the remaining sheep. According to good authority, the sheep are in as good condition this year as usual at this time of the year, and there seems to have been no damage done to the wool. Lambing season is near at hand now, and it is estimated that the in crease in lambs will be about nor mal. There are practically no cattle In Morrow county this year, and those few who did run cattle were prepared to care well for them, consequently the loss sustained by them was only the usual winter loss. The grain Is beginning to come up nicely and if the favorable conditions we now have continue, Morrow coun ty bids fair to have a prosperous year. A Swollen Jaw Is not pretty nor pleasant. Whether It's caused by neuralgia, toothache, or accident, Ballard's Snow Liniment will reduce the swelling and relieve the pain. The great and sure cure for rheumatism, cuts, burns, bruises, scalds any and all aches and pains. Sold by A. C. Koeppen St Bros. Expert Examines Asphalt Deposit Sulphur, Ok. L. L. Hutchison, as sistant director of the Oklahoma Geo logical survey was in Sulphur for an Investigation of Murray county's wealth In asphalt and grahamite. His report on the big mines in this coun ty will be made a part of the general report on Oklahoma asphalt by the Geological survey, which will soon be printed in bulletin form. Foley's Kidney Remedy is a safe and certain remedy for all kidney and bladder diseases, whether acute or chronic. It is a splendid tonic for middle aged and elderly people and a sure cure for all annoyances and ir regularities of the kidneys and blad der. Koeppen Bros. Are Yon a Good Shot? Valuable guns and cigars given U the best shots at the Pastime Parlors Ask Bate. it Oregon Theatre, Tuesday Mar. 15 F. Lawrence Walker announces the engagement of (E(hi3ioi(&s EL Mainifiwdl Accompanied by Miss Marie Drofnah In a Modern Comedy AMEMGAM By Geo. He Broadhurst and Chas. T. Dazey Prices $ 1 .50, $ 1 .00, 75c, 50c Sale Opens Monday. 10 a. m. Pendleton Drug Co. 1W5 Total Income DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid during the year $1,176,8(9.49 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock 90,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year.. 661,826.63 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year.. 70.S20.6I Amount of all other expenditures 248,990.99 $2,787,777.89 Total expenditures ASSETS.' Value of real estate owned $ 8,925.61 Value of stocks and bonds owned 8,724,810.00 Loans on mortgages and collateral, -etc 193,638.70 Cash In bank and on hand 220,260.66 Premiums In course of collection and In trans mission 207,037.82 Interests and rents due and accrued 7,671.28 $2,346.(13.64 Total assets $4,462,124.06 Less special deposits In any state (If any . there be) , 1,193.40 Total assets admitted In Oregon LIABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid $ 229,029.11 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstand ing risks 2.441,824.69 Due for commission and brokerage 2,000.00 All other liabilities 68,000.00 $4,460,940.66 Total liabilities $2,730,363.80 Total Insurance in force December 81, 1909 $514,076,890.00 BUSINESS IX OREGON FOR THE TEAR. Total risks written during the year : . . .' '..$1,674,712.00' Gross premiums received during the year 28,784.18 Premiums returned during the year 6,264.12 Losses paid during the year 8,778.38 Losses incurred during the year , 10,621.20 Total amount of risks outstanding in Oregon Dec. 31, 1909 2,378,606.00 WESTCHESTER FIRE IXSURAXCE CO. By JNO. H. KELLY, Secretory. Statutory' resident general agent and attorney for service: EDWARD HALL, 603 Concord bldg., Portland, Or. HALL & VAN FRIDAGH. Agents. REALTY & TRUST CO.. Agents, Concord Bldg. Chamber of Commerce. SYXOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE New Amsterdam Casualty Company Of New York, in the State of. New York, on the 31st day of December, 1909, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up $ 314,400.00 INCOME. Premiums received during the year $ 867,448.86 Interest, dividends and rents received during year 36,601.97 Income from other sources received during the year (Miscellaneous) 3,394.17 Total Income DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid during the year. Including adjust- $ 907,446.00 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock Commissions and salaries paid during the year.. Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year.... Amount of all other expenditures 363.6 26,152.00 316,541.50 14.198.80 69.470.33 Total expenditures ASSETS. ' Value of stocks and bonds owned $ 854,350.00 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc 86,000.00 Cash in banks and on hand 80,138.37 Premiums in course of collection and in trans mission 118.469.62 Interest and rents due and accrued 6,686.66 $ 787.912.61 Total assets ....$1,094,644.11 Total assets admitted in Oregon LIABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid $ 116,0(3.86 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstand ing risks , 377,291.46 Due from commission and brokerage 32,137.40 All other liabilities, including $25,000 contingent fund voluntarily reserved 37,(71.82 $1,094,644.66 Total liabilities $ 662.164.64 Total premiums in force December 31, 1909 $ 760,822.66 BUSINESS IX OREGON FOR THE YEAR. Gross premiums received during the year $ 7,046.86 Premiums returned during the year 1,346.48 Losses paid during the year 13,979.23 Losses incurred during the year , 2,720.26 NEW AMSTERDAM CASUALTY COMPANY, By GEORGE E. TAYLOR. Sec'y. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service; W. L. PAGE, Portland, Oregon. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF OREGON LIFE INSURANCE CO. Of Portland. In the State of Oregon, on the Slst day of December. 1909. mad to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up IN COM3. Premiums received during the year $ 118,803.80 Interest, dividends and rents received during year 8,169.06 Income from other sources received during year 96.08 $ 100.000.00 Total income DISBUR&HHSNT8. Paid for losses, endowments, annuities and sur rendered values $ 3,356.64 Dividends paid to policy holders during the year 6,210.(6 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year 7,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year. 39,100.71 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year... 2,166.00 Amount of all other expenditure 16,463.60 $ 126.6(8.92 Total expenditures '. ASSETS. Market value of stocks and bonds owned $ 76,781.84 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc 108,050.00 Premium notes and policy loans 2, 628.18 Cash in banks and on hand 19,906.88 Net uncollected and deferred premiums 6,8(9.89 Other assets (net) 7,999.89 $ 71.296.41 Total assets Net reserve , Total policy claims , All other liabilities Special reserve . . . I J ABILITIES. $ 210,132.81 98.(27.02 972.(4 1.196.42 2.900.00 Total liabilities $ 103,(96.88 Total Insurance In force December 31, 1909 $3.1t6,94l!oO BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE TEAR Total risks written during the year $1,416.(82.00 Gross premiums received during the year 118.30s!s0 Premiums returned during the year (.6(6.10 Losses paid during the year 2.000.00 Losses Incurred during the year 3,000.00 Total amount of risks outstanding In Oregon Dec. 81, 1909.... 8.266,948.00 OREGON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, A. L. MILLS, President