East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 12, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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With Terrible Eruptions Grew
Worse in Spiteof Doctors Would
Scratch and Tear Flesh Unless
Hands were Tied Mother Says
"Mr little son, when about a year
Btl half eld, began to have sores
corao oui on nis
face. I had a phy
sician treat mm,
but the sores crew
worse. Then they
began to come on
his anus, then on
other parts of his
bodv, and then one
cane on his chct,
worse thr.n the
others. Then I
ealW another phvsioian. Still he grew
worse. At the end of about a year and
a half of suffering ho prew so bad that
I had to tie his hands in cloths at night
to keep him from scratching the sores
and tearing the flesh. Ho got to bo
mere skeleton, and was hardly able
"My aunt advised me to try Cuticura
Soap and Cuticura Ointment. So great
wag her faith in thera that she gave me
small piece of the Soap to try and
ft little of the Ointment. I took them
home without any faith, but to please
her I tried it and it seemed to dry up
the sores a little. I sent to a drug store
and got a cake of Cuticura Soap and
ft box of the Ointment and followed
directions. At the end of two months
the sores were all well. He has never
ad any sores of any kind since. He
Is now strong and healthv, and I can
slncerelv sav that only for the most
wonderful Cuticura Remedies ray pre
cious child would have died from those
terrible sores. I Used only one cake of
Cuticura Soap and about three boxes
f Ointment.
"I am a nurse and my profession
brings me into many different families
and it is alwavs a pleasure for me to tell
bit storv and recommend Cuticura Rem
edies. Mrs. Egbert Sheldon, R. F. D. 1 ,
Litchfield, Conn., Oct. 23. 1909."
Complfte EitmaJ and tnwrnil Trrstmwit for
Etmt Humor ol Jolanu. Cuiidrfa and AduJta : run-
Kia of Oinrura Sonn (25c.) to nnM th Pkir .
immOmfwrit (50c. 1 to Heal the Sin and Cilt
orm RnolTMit (AOc ). (or In the form pi Cnoro...iv
hnntea pm. 35c. per rbl ot STi to Pvr.tr the Blv. -fcd
throuchout the wo.rtd. Potter rw Cher
Son Pro- . 1350o!mt'.i5 Ave.. H"ton. Vi
T auied Free. Cuucura Book oo Skin Dlaeaaes.
s uraam ua;m l&Mho
it 4uicV!y absorbed.
dies Relief at Once.
urius aua protects jj
the dise-iwi nvm-
braner--bniuuirfrom t"
Latarrh and drives
away a Cold in the
Head qnuKly. lie.W CCICO
stores tlie S. n--h of RH I I Uf Hi
Taste atiJ Sun-'l. Full size 50 cts., atDrug
gists cr by mail. Iu liquid form, 75 rents.
Ely Broilers, oo Warren Street, New York.
GARAGE. PRICE $4000.00.
Mark Moorhouse
112 East Court St.
Phone Mala 83.
The celebrated Chinese Doctors
have made a life study of the
curative powers of roots, herbs
and barks and are giving the
benefit of their years of research
of the people both at home and
Abroad. It Is by simple reme
dies that they guarantee to cure
such diseases as catarrh, lung
trouble, stomach, constipation,
liver, bladder and kidney, also
all private diseases of men and
Consultation and Pulse Diag
nosis Free. Successful home
People who live out of town,
write for symptom blank and
210 W. Main St., Walla Walla.
Those who have used ours say It Is
the best they ever saw. We make
three carloads each day at our mill.
If you will contract your supply for
the coming season now to be deliver
ed by August 1, we will make you at
tractive prices.
' Phone Main 8.
KrHAT-rTVER ) iv jM
The Busy Bee Sewing and Study
club of the L. O. T. M., held Its reg
ular meeting at the home of Mrs.
Kenneth McRae Tuesday afternoon,
March S. There was a good attend
ance of members and eleven visitors:
Madames Hampton, Chaney, Proeb
stel, Raymond. P. Peterson, James,
Long. R. Farlinger, R. N. Farllnger,
Zeuske, Elliott and Miss Ellott. Por
trayal of the life of Washington Irving
read by Mrs Ora Hamilton, Irving's
Essays from the Sketch Book by Mrs.
Edna Craig and Longfellow's sonnets
to Irving by Mrs. Dave Rogers, were
the subjects for study. All were very
instructive and much enjoyed. In
strumental and vocal music by Mrs.
and Miss Elliott completed the pro
gram. The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Ora Hamilton,
March 22. Subject for study, the life
of James Fennimore Cooper. Mrs.
Storey chairman of study committee.
Dainty refreshments were served, Mrs.
McRae being assisted in serving by
Mrs. F. Neagle and Mrs. Kees Sou
venirs of the occasion consisted of
hand painted roses and, buds, the
handiwork of Mrs. McRae.
Mrs. James A. Fee entertained the
members of the Current Literature
club Friday afternoon with the fol
lowing program on Thomas Moore, the
Irish poet:
Sketch of Life of Thomas Moore. . .
Mrs. Rlngo
The Odes of Anacreon . Mrs. Alexander
Irish Melodies Mrs. Skiles
Songs (r) When Love Is Kind: (b)
She Is Far from the Land
Mrs. Vaughn
Selections from The Broken Heart
(Irving) Miss Boyd
Lalla Roohk Miss Boyd
Paradise and the Peri Illustrated
and arranged by Mrs. Berkeley
and Mrs. Vaughn.
Songs (a) O, Thou Who Driest
the Mourners' Tears; (b) 'Tls
the Last Rose of Summer .....
Mrs. Dickson
Roll Call Original Limericks ......
Mrs. McAllister, Leader.
The singing by Mrs. Vaughn and
Mrs. Dickson was excellent and both
responded to an encore, Mrs. Vaughn
with "All Through the Night" and
Mrs. Dickson "Tipperay Town."
The program included a response
to rollcall with Irish limericks which
were both clever and witty, Miss Boyd
receiving the prize.
The best feature of the afternoon
was the illustrated poem. Paradise
and the Peri, which was beautifully
read by Mrs. Berkeley, while Mrs. F.
Vaughan looked charming in many
poses, as the Perl.
Light refreshments were served,
Mrs. James H. Raley, presiding,
The Current Literature club held Its
annual business meeting on Tuesday.
March 1. The success of last year's
study on English literature was so
pronounced that it was decided to
have a consecutive study with the
programs outlined and In the year
book again this year. The officers
elected were Mrs. McAllister, presi
dent; Mrs. G. W. Clark, vice presi
dent; Mrs. Charles Bonney, secretary,
and Mrs. E. T. Wade, treasurer.
The ladles of the Presbyterian
church are planning "a trip around
the world" immediately after Lent. A
number of the homes In different
parts of the city will be arranged to
represent the different countries.
Egypt, Ireland, Scotland and Japan
will be among the countries visited.
It Is planned to make this one of the
social events of the closing season.
The Epworth League held a soap
and towel social at the home of Miss
Mayme Batterson, Tuesday evening.
A large number of young people were
present and the evening was spent
in social erames. Choice refresh
ments were served by the young ladles.
The eenerous donations of soap and
towels will be forwarded to tne
Methodist hospital In Spokane.
Miss Gertrude Sheridan, who Is to
become the bride of Mr. W. G. Lyons
during Easter week, was the guet of
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble, and Never Suspect it
How To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with yew
water and let it stand twenty-four hours;
a brick oust, seal
ment, or settling
stringy or milkj,
appearance of ter
indicates an un
healthy condi
tion of the kid
neys; too fre
qu'ent desire tc
pass it or pain it
the back are also symptoms that tell yot
the kidneys and bladder are out of ordei
and need attention.
What To TJO.
There is comfort in the knowledge sc
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer'f
Swanip-Root, the great kidney remedy,
fulfills almost every wish in correcting
rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys
liver, bladder and every part of the urinarj
passage. Corrects inability to hold watei
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad
effects following use of liquor, wine ol
lx-er, and overcomes that unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled to go often
through the day, and to get up marty
times during the night. The mild and
immediate effect of Swamp-Root is
6oon realized. It stands the highest be
cause of its remarkable
health restoring prop
erties. If you need a
medicine you should
have the best. Sold by
druggists in fifty-cent
and one-dollar sizes.
You may have a sample bottle sent free
tivttmil Address I)r. Kilmer&Co.. Bine
batnton. N. Y. Mention this paper and
remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, and the address, liinghamtou.
N. Y., on every bottle,
honor at a number of social events
during the week. Chief among: these
was the miscellaneous shower given
In her honor Wednesday afternoon by
Mrs. Clarke Nelson at her home In
North Pendleton. Miss Sheridan
leaves the first of the week for Port
land to be the guest of friends In that
city for a couple of weeks.
A number of Pendleton women at
tended the concert by Madam Schu
mann-Heinle In Baker City last Wed
nesday evening. They report a very
enjoyable time, speaking in the high
est praise both of the concert and the
treatment afforded them In Baker.
Miss Harrlette Young of the Pen
dleton academy, and her piano pupils
gave a recital in the Presbyterian
church on Tuesday evening. The pu
pils all acquitted themselves with
credit to themselves and their Instruc
tor. Miss Charlotte Phlnney gave her
usual monthly musical for her young
er music pupils last Saturday after
noon at her studio. The pupils all
took part and later games were play
ed and refreshments served.
The ladles of the German club were
entertained at the home of Mrs. E.
Weber Thursday afternoon. The next
meeting will be at the home of Mrs.
Charles Rohrman on the afternoon of
March 24.
Mrs. Leon Cohen was hostess for
a trading party on Tuesday afternoon.
Hats, waists and clothing of various
sorts were traded Indiscriminately
amid much confusion and merriment.
Mr. and Mrs. William Blakely have
returned from an absence of three
months, during which time they visit
ed Los Angeles, San Francisco, Port
land, Seattle and 'other coast towns.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lockley and
son, Lawrence Lockley, arrived last
evening from their present home In
Portland and will spend a few days
as the guests of Pendleton friends.
Miss Gwendoline Smith was pleas
antly surprised with a dinner Wed
nesday evening. It was arranged by
Mrs.. Smith in honor of Gwendolin's
Mr. Adolph Eddy of Pasco, was In
Pendleton Tuesday en route to San
Francisco to join Mrs. Eddy and cele
brate their silver wedding anniver
sary. -
Mr. and Mrs. William McCorm-
mach, Mrs. J. W. McCormmach and
Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Brown have re
turned from an extended California
Mrs. W. H. Lytle, accompanied by(
Barbara Stanfleld, returned Sunday
from Hot Lake, where Mrs. Robert
Stanfield Is a guest In the sanatorium.
Mr. William Lowell returned to the
University of Oregdh Wednesday af
ter a brief visit with bis parents, Judge
and Mrs. Stephen A. Lowell.
William Switzler returned to his
home In Umatilla this morning after
spending a couple of days In Pendle
ton. Mrs. L. G. Frazier entertained the
Bridge club at her home on North
Main street yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. John F. Adams of Walla Wal
la and her son, John Adams of Ad
ams, spent Friday In Pendleton.
Mr and Mrs. E. P. Croarkln of
Echo, were the guests of Pendleton
friends one day this week.
Mrs. Maud Goddard of Portland Is
visiting Mrs. Clifford L. Morgan at
the Hotel St. George.
Mrs. Vlda Johnston of the federal
office Is absent upon a brief visit
In Portland.
Mrs. Mark Moorhouse entertained
two tables at 600 on Tuesday evening.
Miss Adna Raley has returned from
an extended visit In Walla Walla.
Mrs. D. C. McNabb Is the guest of
Mrs. F. A. Lleuallen in Pilot Rock.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lleuallen
of Adams visited Pendleton Friday.
Mrs. H. Dyer of Umatilla, visited
Mrs. William Shults on Tuesday.
Miss Juliet Cooper Is In Portland
the guest of friends.
(Special Correspondence.)
Henpner.' Ore.. March 10. At the
home of T. J. Mahoney, cashier or tne
first National bank, a stag dinner
was given In honor of Mr. Mahoney'
hirthdav. Covers were laid for ten
and a very dainty dinner was served,
Those present were Mr. Phil Conn
Mr. R. F. Hynd, Mr. F. C. Marquard
en. Mr. Mahoney. Dr. F. B. Kistner,
Mr. B. R. Patterson, Mr. F. Gilliam,
Mr m T Clark. Mr. Sam E. van
Vactor and Mr. W. E. Pruyne.
Attorney Sam E. Van Vactor and
wife have gone to Portland. Mr. Van
Vactor goes to defend a case In the
federal court.
"English Is a funny language, after
"Why so T"
"I heard a man talking of a politl
cal candidate the other day say: It
he only takes this stand when he
runs he'll have a walk-over.
Plenty of good, clean coal at Bur
roughs. Phone Main I.
"Two years ago a severe cold settled on my lungs and so completely prostrated me that I was
unable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and
after using one bottle I went back to work, as well as I ever was."
W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn.
Corner of College and Alta streets.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.; morning
preaching service at 11 o'clock; Ep
worth League at 6.30 p. m.; evening
preaching service at 7:30. Special
music. A cordial Invitation Is ex
tended .to the general public. W. H.
Bleakney, acting pastor.
Christian Si-Ion
Services on Sunday morninar at n i
j Churches
I 1 1
o'clock. Subject. "Substance." Sun- having little liking for some of the
day school at 10 o'clock. Services on ways of the English crosses the ocean
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, to claim his own. With his heredl
Reading room open dally from 2 to 4 I tary feud with the house of Wycher
ln the afternoon. Everybody cordial- j 'y a"d his good-natured attempts to
ly Invited. Corner E. Webb and , Introduce his American methods of
Johnson streets. doing things, Breuster finds himself
I fully occupied. Imagine his feelings,
Methodist KDlHOnnal. I wen he discovers that his daughter
The annual thanksgiving service of i
the Women's Foreign Missionary so
ciety will be held at the Methodist
Episcopal church. The address will
be by the pastor. Rev. N. Evans.
Evening topic, Cbrist's Call to the
Weary." Preaching, 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. Sunday school, 10 a. m.;
Epworth League, 6:30. Strangers are
nvlted to worship with us.
First Christian Church.
Meets In the South M. E. church.
West Webb street. 9: 4 5, Bible
school: 11, communion and prepara
tory service for Scoville meeting;
:30, Young Peoples meeting; 7:30,
nprm nn hv N TT Firooks: Wednesday
vcnlnir nravr mpetlnir- Tliesdnv eve-
" '
ning choir rehearsal. Lord's day,
March 20, all services will be held in
the new church. The public cordial-
ly Invited to all services. Watch pa- eral years lne supporting company
pers for announcement of Scoville hn been carefully chosen, and in
meeting and dedication. W. F. Tay- , eludes a number of players who have
lor, clerk j successfully appeared with Mr. Han-
Church or the Redeemer.
Tomorrow being Passion Sunday,
the holy communion will be celebrat-
ed at 7:30 a. m. .Sunday school at 10
m. Divine service with sermon at
1 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The Lenten
services this week will be Tuesday and
Thursdnv at 4 r m Wednesday at
inursaay ai p. m. neuni-nuay ill
: IB p. m., with choir practice Imme-
lately after the service. Friday
morning the Literary will bo said at
o ., n ... .Lii.n,,
u viuv-n. ....
Charles Qulnney, rector.
Baptist Church.
At the Baptist church tomorrow
Evangelist Ledford will preach morn-
ng and evening. The revival meeting
which has been In progress for two
weeks will probabiy close at the eve
ning service. All are Invited to hear
the evangelist before he leaves the
Young people's meeting at 6:30 and
Bible school at 9:45. R. E. Storey,
King Recovers Art Gem.
Brussels. The Rubens picture,
The Miracle of Saint Benlngnus,"
which the late King Leopold sent to
New York. In the hope of finding a
purchaser at a price of $200,000, Is
on its way back to the Belgian Royal
palace by orders of King Albert The
picture was hawked about Paris last
year but the price was prohibitive.
Soon now by getting up before dawn
on tlie cloudiest mornings, we can see
th.- omet. The thing would be much
more acceptable If It had shown up
In the evening.
Any Cold Can be Cured
without "cold cures," cough mixtures" and
the like opiate filled medicines. All you have to
do Is to open your bowels
arr, i
That will carry the cold frcrnis
you'll eet well in no tunc.
stipated or have rheumatism, liver or Kidney trni mcs,
take an rK taoici lo-iugm u j "
better in the morning.
,4 Get a
"The American Lord," a four-act
comedy by George H. Broadhurst
and Charles T. Dazey, Is the offering
for Tuesday, March 16, at the Ore
gon theater.
In brief the story of "The American
Lord" is that of John Breuster, a
North Dakotan who Is about to be
nominated for congress when he
learns that thVough the death of
Lord Breuster he has become heir to
the title and estates of the fine old
isngiiBn nouse. e gives up nis iaeas
of going to Washington, and, although
"nd the son of Lord Wycherly are In
love, and that his son has lost hlB
heart to an English girl! Breuster
makes It "three of a kind" by falling
In love with an attractive Irish wid
ow, Mrs. Westbrooke, and the story
ends most happily.
"The American Lord" Is one of the
brightest, most wholesome of the stage
offerings In recent years, and the ex
cellent company will give it the ren
dition It deserves. The part of John
Breuster Is In the hands of Mr. Charles
li. Hanford, one of the strongest ac
tors on the American stage, and In It
he Is said to have found one of the
most sympathetic roles of his artis
tic career. The Irish widow of the
' PCe Is Miss Marie Drofnah,
, . J .,,
I ln a"" iUCT,"'",t",:ui
nas neen air. naniora ieaumB ww-
j man and accompiisneo pans iur v-
lord in me past. llic yruuueuuii win
i be both elaborate and complete.
stoo Kewarri. t0.
j Tue readers of thta paper will be plai
"1B" been .b". "to en
1 1 .n i,. nanf. and that Is t'atarrh. Hall
; Catarrh Cure la the only posltla care dow
' known to the medl-l fraternity. Catarrh
. , -ntltiitloni riliua. ronlrMi a
f ronatltatlonal treatment. Hall'a Catarrh
i rare taken lnternnny. acting directly upon
i the blood and murona "'" ' b
tem,.thercby destroying the foundation ot
; ,ho ,1 -.on. an( crlwlair tnm r,lll-Dl atrcnEin
by building up the constltntlna ana aniat
Ing nature In doing Its' tori. The pro
prietors bare ao much faith Is Ita enrailt
powera that they offer One Hundred Dol
lars for any caae that It falls to enre. 8nrt
for Hat of teatlmonlala.
F. J CHENEY CO., Toledo. O.
Hold by Drngglau. 76c
Take Hall'a Family I'll la for conitUa
To subscribers of the Pacific Tele
phone and Telegraph Co.
On and after April 1st, 1910, all
telephone bills will be payable In ad
vance on the first day of each month
and not later than the 10th, at the
office of the company In the Matlock
building. Call at Recorders window
or mall check.
Take LAXATIVE RR.OMO Qnlnlna Tablets.
DrngRlata refund monay If It falls te cure. H.
W. OKO.VB'8 algnatura la on each box. 2Tc.
Ladles Soles Sewed.
With my new machine I can sew
your soles on for 65c per pair. They
will look better and last longer.
wide with
par rirncr
and systemic poisons away and
II you nave a com
25c Box
and LUWG
AND $1.00
Smallpox Spread Being; Checked.
Oklahoma City. Okla. Mayor
Scales issued an ultimatum in the
city's fight to prevent the spread of
smallpox, and Dr. J. C. Mahr, atate
.commissioner of health, has entered
the fight. At the detention hospital
camp there are 175 cases. An order
has been Issued commanding a whole
sale vaccination of negroes, and It la
probable that all nickel shows in the
city will be ordered closed.
Every Mother
Is or should be worried when the lit
tle ones hare a cough or cold. It
may lead to croup or pleurisy or
pneumonia then to 'something more
serious. Ballard's Horchound Syrup
will cure the trouble at once and pre
vent any complication. Sold by A. C.
Koeppen & Bros.
"Teacher Can any little boy tell
me what a pessimlt is?
Tommy I kin, teacher. It's a boy
what thinks that when any one is
carted away In the ambulance on his
block It'll sure happen while he's In
school. Harper's Buxur.
Will purify your blood, clear
your complexion, restore your
appetite, relieve your tired feel
ing, build you up. Be sure to
take it this spring.
Get It today in usual liquid form or
tablets called Sarsatabs. 100 Doses 61.
Tlint on a Round Trip Ticket
East Yon Can TTe the
Soo-Spokane Route
of the
Through Alberta
and the
Canadian Rockies
If you purchase your ticket
from the Nor. Pac. Ry. you can
return via the Soo-Spokane.
If from the O. R. N. you
can cither go or return via tho
Details, Berths, Literature
address local agent, or
J. S. CARTER, Gen. Afrt.
14 Wall St., Spokane. '
KEsroas wag
lhig'i itiTigurmtir ttopa ail Umm ta II
4um, Wa ban
mu ufliiniinuH mat ut uaa
tU that w offar IAO lag any
r.iti ratntYty praUlvaly jnraa tha wotat n i it L7
and ouii of Loat Vlfrw. VuVnoaaa, ftUai
Dralna, Strtnttm, Natrona DafcilityT Com
MrtnorT, Proatatnrrhaa, a
feota of aartj damnation.
'.T xa. f) ta1 njUiia
iV.LLUIU U-iAit rRANCiaqt)
Aad Itn Orrldratal Avanne, RHATTUB.
Wlim nrdarlrfi pltua raftr a aaViartiaaaaaaaft la
'"Tha imariflan Waafcl.
Every Woman
la Intnrtnuid and fliould know
, sbi'l the womlnrrnl t
Marvel ".T."' X
A' 1: voiir drnirelrt I
It. If ha rnnnut tnnnlv
tha MAltVKl accept no
n:hr. but aend atnmn T.'r 1
tnitfd book amiit. It alw foil
nirttriilara nntl dtrnctlona InTfilnnhla
r ladles, MARVEL CO.. 44 E. 234 tU W Tsrf