DAILY BAST OHEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1910. PAGB rrvx. Newsy Notes of Pendleton LADIES-Pick Out That TEN PAGES. -NOW- Don't wait till the last minute You know It, takes time to do the altering and do It right. -The largest and most complete line of Read-to-wear Garments we have ever shown. Suits from , . $15.00 to $37.60 Coats from $15.00 to $20.00 Jackets from $5.00 to $10.00 Dresses from ; $1.50 to $37.50 Pkirts from $5.00 to $18.50 Waists from '. 75oto $10.00 Let Us Show You F. . Livengood & Co. April Ladles Home Journal Patterns Heady. Duugliter Is Horn. ' Born, at noon toduy In this city, an 8 1-2 pound daughter to Mr, and Mrs. Walter McCormmach. LOCALS Phone Main 8 for coal. Pastime pictures please all. Ice cream at Hohbach's, Court at ; Let the women clean your clothes, i Phone orders to Main 198. For sale Thoroughbred bulldog. ' Inquire 5T West Webb street. ; Wanted Boarders by week, day or 1 month. Inquire 4 It West Bluff street j Wanted, woman to work In dining ' room. Apply Southern Cafe, 206 Al- i ta St. ; More moving pictures shown than j any other theatre in the city the Pastime. No coal famine with Burroughs. Phone Main 6 and fet good coal promptly. Halrdressing, manicuring and sham- poeing parlors In connection with the : Vogue Millinery. j For rent 12 room lodging house j wunin one diock or main street, en quire 20G W. Webb. Up to date dressmaking at reason able prices. Call at 708 Aura street Will sew at home or go out by the day. Lost Small, black, d amond shap ed pin. Name of E. Wells engraved on back. Return to this office for re ward. For sale, cheap 5 acres in River side. Plume 2412 or address Mary English. Pendleton, Ore., box 13 A, route 1. Lost Check book containing re ceipt and few papers. Finder please return to First National bank and re ceive reward. Hunt up your lighter clothing, suits and dresses and have them made like ( new. City Dye Works. Mrs. Hays Mrs. Finney. Phone Main 118. Lunch will be served, consisting of coffee, tea, cake, sandwiches and salad at the Easter Sale to be held In the new Christian church basement,-Saturday, March 12. For sale Corner lot and six room cottage with foil basement has fire place bath and toilet; range, gaa stove and electric lights; very desirable lo cation. All for $3000, cash or easy terms. Apply on premises, 614 Ra le? street. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orphcuni Program Today. 1. Training a Husband. A Bio graph drama. 2. A Victim of Bridge. A society drama. 4. Lost and regained. Edison. 4. The Girl of Dlxons.. Edison. 6. Song, "You're as Welcome as the Flowers in May." Sunday and Monday program. 1. Fate Against Him. Pathe dramo. 2. Three Queens a Joke. Pathe (1 nun a. 3. Paid In Full. The Vltagraph drama. 4. The President's Special. Edi son melodramatic. 5. When the Blue Birds Nest Again Sweet Nellie Gray. Son For Dr. D. C. Lazier. A ten pound son has been born to the wife of Dr. D. C. Lazier of Wes ton. The birth occured on March 4. Appraisers, Appointed. Appraisers were appointed today for the estate of John Allen, deceased. Those appointed were W. H. Booker, James Lleuallcn, and L. R. Van Win kle. . Lee TeutMch In Business. Lee Teutsch Is now associated with the Worklngmen's Clothing company and took up his duties at that business house yesterday. Until a few days ago Mr. Teutsch held the position of fore man at' the O. R. & N. company's freight depot. He resigned his post there to take up the mercantile line. Helix Wheat Iookn Good. W. H. Scott, a resident of Walla Walla, who has a large wheat farm near Helix, came In from that place this morning after an inspection trip to the farm. He says xhe found the conditions of the fall sown grain to be all thut could be desired and the prospects bright for a bumper crop. Some Stirring Specials for Saturday After Supper lfohSeBilberg Oep'i. Store . Teaching Contract Filed. Miss Bessie Porter Is to teach a spring term of school In district No. Ill, about ten miles south of Pilot' Rock, according to a contract filed today with county superintendent Welles. Miss PorU-r is now teaching near Pilot Rock but will bring her school to a close In a few days. Hullroad Contractors Through. , A party of Twohy Brothers' con traction crew which has been at work on the Washington division of the O. R. & N., passed througfl Pendle- ton this morning on their way west, j It is understood that the contractors j are preparing to start work on the i changes tobe'made in the track be-i tween this city and Yoakum. ' The Pastime. "The following new program for Fri day: "The Trapper and the Redskin." Drama. 1000 feet A lively and well told story. There are real Indians In cluded in the cast, which adds much to the strength of the picture. "Muriel's Strategem. Vltagraph. Drama. A pretty story which repre sents a girl who is opposed In her love affairs by her grandfather. "Beautiful Windermere." Scenic. "The Gambler's Doom." Dramatic. A story of much dramatic power. "The Bag Race " Comedy. One set travelogue. One illustrated song. NOTES FROM THE CITY FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Easter sale to be held by the Ladles Aid of the Christian church, Satur day, March 12, In the basement of the new church. Aprons, shirt-waists and other articles as well as home conked foods. ,ATit. I III F. A. CI4SE the only Exclusive Op- mmetrisi located ih Umatilla county. Office John Schmidt building. Pen dleton, Ore. Over 80 years practice fitting glasses. Remember I grind my own glasses. Eyes carefully ex amined and glasses ground to fit. S. C. BUFF ORPINGTON EGGS for hatching. Large, prize winning stock. $1 per IB. Infertile eggs re placed. D. C. Brown, Route 1; Phone Red 2663 evenings. That "Pays Out of Doors" by Charles A. Abbott, Is written by a real lover of nature is shown from the fol lowing quoted from the preface: "Whether It be the crested tit defy ing the chilliest blast of January; vi olets mantling the meadow banks In April; thrushes singing their farewell summer songs, or dull and dreary dim December days It matters not they never repent themselves, or else I am daily a new creature:" The book Is In the public library. A Seasonable nook. At this time of the year there should be an Increased Interest In books on plants, birds, animals, etc. "California Plants in Their Homes, by A.. M. Davidson, called "A Bo tanical Reader for Children," Is writ ten in a style Interesting to both grown people and children. Sociological Problems Discussed. Perhaps there are some citizens of the town who would be interested in knowing that the "Works" of William K. Chnnning, D. D., are in the library. The book contains addresses by Mr. (.'banning on many of the sociological problems of the present day. Will .Meet With Missionary. Mrs. Pomer, a foreign missionary. will meet with the members of the missionary society of the Presbyterian church at the home of' Mrs. H. J. Bean, Monday afternoon. This meet ing will be open to the public and In addition to the talk by Mrs. Pomer the regular annual ejection of officers will be held. $1.25 All wool Serges in black and navy, 50 in. wide, for yard (55 All Wool Batiste, all shades, 36 in. wide, for yard $1.25 Kabo Corsets," two spring styles, for 750 Muslin and Cambric Drawers for v . 500 and 650 Hosiery, plain and fancy for pair $1.75 and $2.00 Muslin Petticoats for, each $1.50 Lingerie and Tailored Waists for. 980 480 950 500 390 $1.20 98 350 28-in. Tourist Cloth and Canvas Dress Linens, extra special values at When you have seen the assortment of Spring styles in all the leathers that we are displaying, you will agree with us, that its a display of toinslhi Footoeaip Our $3.50 Josephines and Oxfords surpass in their style and value, Better made, Better fitting than all others The pretty foot and ankle have a better chance than ever this Spring to display their special points of beauty. IVohlenberg Department Store " Better Goods For Less Money" DEATH DEPRIVES LABORER OP IIARD EARNED REWARD New Mayor for Vale. Elwood Clark, newly elected mayor ol Vale, Oregon, Is a son of Mrs. Ruth Clark of this city and a brother of Mrs. Glenn Wlnslow formerly of Pen dleton. Mr. Clark Is in the banking business at Vale. He formerly lived at Corvallis. was a student at O. A. C. and served in the Second Oregon In the Philippines. Tom Richardson Coining. Tom Richardson, manager of the Portland commercial club Is to be here next Wednesday evening and de sires to meet with local business men. Word to this effect was received to day by Ben Hill, secretary of the Commercial association. Mr. Rich ardson is to arrive here at 12:20 on Wednesday and will remain until noon of the following day. Washington School Wins.. The spelling contest held yesterday afternoon at the Hawthorne schools between the eighth grade class of that school and the eighth grade class of the Washington school, was won by the latter by the narrow margin of one word. There were 26 members of each class and 200 words were giv en out. The winners missed seven words and their opponents eight. In-)cctlon for Co. L. Captain King of the First Infan try, United States army will be In Pendleton this evening In the capacity of an inspecting officer for the pur pose of Inspecting Co. L. The mem bers of that organization have there fore been ordered by their command ing officer, Captain D. B. Bailey, to appear nt the hall at 8:30 this eve ning in Field Service uniform. "Why." asked the judge, "do you think your husband is dead? You say you haven't henrd from him for more than a year. Do you consider that reasonable proof that he his passed out of existence?" "Yes, your honor. If he was still alive he'd be askln' me to send him money." .1. (). Elrori the Purchaser. J. i Elrod. the big Sherman coun ty hunker and wheatraiser, who now lives in Portland, was the purchaser of the Hilton residence on South Main street. At the recorder's office today the deed transferring the property from the Hiltons to Mr. Elrod was filed. The consideration Is not nam ed in the deed. Private advices re ceived here from Mr. Hilton state that the sum of 17000 was paid by Mr. El rod for the property on South Main street and for the Hilton cottage on Willow street. (Special Correspondence.) Shear's Bridge, March 10. George Yukonic, a native of Austria, died suddenly here this morning In his camp at 7:00 o'clock, death being due to heart disease. He had been work ing in a station gane with his coun trymen since the beginning of con struction work at this point on the Deschutes railroad. Within a few weeks he would have finished with his partners a piece of heavy rock cut' of station work by which they will clear several thousand dollars for their labor. His partners will contin ue to carry his name on their payroll, allowing him pay for each day they work until their contract is finished, when a division of their earnings will be made; the wages and share of profit made in the work due Vukonic had he lived to completion of the work will be sent to his wife and chil dren in the old country by his part ners. The body was taken to Grass Valley this afternoon, where burial will take place Friday evening at sun down, all arrangements having been made by the timekeeper of the camp, who is always a friend of the foreign er on occasions such as this. Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our most sincere thanks to the many friends and neigh bors who so kindly assisted us dur ing the late illness and bereavement of Mr. Jeff Spere. RELATIVES OF DECEASED. Save money by reading today's ads Koeppen Bros. Cordially invite the ladies to step into their store and be taught free of chnrpe how to make the very best Vanilla Flavor ings, and they may take home with them a free sample to see how good it is. Fifty rents worth of material will make one quart of flavoring and we sell nothing less than that amount, but you can make it up in small quantities and the balance will keep for future use. The process is new, the flavor supreme, expense subnormal. The Drug Store That Serves You Best TWO ROYAL MATCHMAKERS SEEK MATE FOR MANTEL Paris. The matrimonial affairs of King Manuel of Portugal are In the hands of two of the most skilled matchmakers In Europe. These are his mother, Queen Amelia, 'and his friend. King Edward of England. The gracious Amelia Is already at Biar ritz and King Edward will shortly join her for the purpose of arranging a marriage for the youthful King. Though It is said on excellent au thority that he did not favorably Im press the young English princess, It is still thought thar King Edward and Queen Amelia may come to an understanding. But, nfter all. what have the daughters of the king to do with the choice of their husbands. Governor Harmon of Ohio, Gover nor Marshall of Indiana and Mayor Gaynor of New York are expected to be tho chief speakers at the big dem ocratic banquet to be held In Wash ington next month In celebration of Jefferson's birthday. J&coL S c r e c k e r)' V Crackers- SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co. Of Hartford, in the State of Connecticut, on the 31st day of December, 1909. made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: v INCOME. Premiums received during the year $ 4,472,033.63 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year 1,319,090.64 Income from other sources received during year 24,497.94 Total income 15,815, 622.26 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid for losses, endowments, annuities and sur rendered values $ 2,303,825.11 Dividends paid to policy holders during year... 620,179.01 Commissions and salaries paid during year.... 720,697.70 V Taxes, licenses and fees paid during year 127,977.75 Amount of alt other expenditures , .... 189,472.98 . Total expenditures $3,862,112.65 ASSETS. Book value of real estate owned $ 497,055.00 Market value of stocks and bonds owned 6,680,743.60 Loans on mortgages 16,411,132.60 Premium notes and policy loans 3,215,167.18 Cash in banks and on hand 591,885.57 Net uncollected and deferred premiums 354,935.41 Other assets (net) 404,809.40 Total assets ;. .428,055,728.66 Less special deposits In any state (it any there be) $ 144,280.00 Total assets admitted In Oregon $27,911,448.11 LIABILITIES. Net reserve $25,816,724.00 Total policy claims 60,355.40 All other liabilities, less special deposits 913,799.87 Total liabilities $26,780,879.17 Total Insurance in force December 31, 1909 $118,603,688.09 BUSINESS IN OREtiON FOR THE YEAR. Total risks written during the year $ 9,000.00 Gross premiums received during the year 14,769.21 Premiums returned during the year 1,574.78 Losses paid during the yead 6,240.00 Losses Incurred during the year 6,240.00 Total amount of risks outstanding in Oregon Dec. 31, 1909.... 463,624.09 PHOENIX MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. By S. H. CORXWELL, Secretary. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: J. C. COX. Portland, Ore. Charles E. Miller, Manager for the States of Washington and Oregon, White Building, Seattle, Wash. It will soon be time for women to consider their age as they will glvo It to the census enumerator. Copvr'.ghl It? v Outcault AiWertivnf; Co., Chuo March 12. 1910. Dear friend: I like racky cruckers very much. The trouble with many crackers Is they won't crack. You can get nice crisp crackers in this town if you know where to go. Then your ma nia can buy lots of things for the table and save herself the trouble of baking. My mama does. Isn't It cheaper to buy these things than to bake them? Preferred Stock Goods. Closset & Devers Coffee. Early Rose Seed Potatoes. Your friend. JACOB. P. S. You can get all kinds of crackers and cookies at CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 174. 544-546 Main Street. Pendleton Creamery Ice Cream Parlors Special For Saturday Evening BANANA STRAWBERRY AND VANILA Ice Cream Latest Improved Absolute Sani tary Soda Fountain