TBN PAGES. TEN FACBB. PMiE JXJCR. DAILY EAST Q1U3HOX1AN. PENDLCTON. OKKGOM. THURSDAY, MARCH 10. 10. 1Z TT .-li!... .V"',r"J. i .... AZmiwTmiii.n-rMi nniMnmrr m DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THUlUiDAY, MARCH 10, 110. fjkSwV paok nrm. ooo Max Baer Pendleton's Leading clothier has placed his entire stock in the hands of Lewis Bros. & Company the world's greatest mercantile adjusters Spokan, Washington and Chicago, 111., Branch Offices in Canada at Montreal, Toronto and Winnipeg T DARIN ATTACK On PR, GELS A N VA u Who are Lewis Bros. Go. Ask the highest financial and mercantile authorities in North America if you have not already heard of the great mercantile adjusters, famous from the Atlantic to the Pacific as the great est bargain givers of the century. There will be something doing every minute of this great sale. Lewis Bros. & Company have blazed their path in legitimate merchandising. What We Have We Advertise What We Advertise We Have A Perfect, Landslide BA1LGA 01 MS Gigantic Just think about $40,000 worth of the highest grade mer chandise that the world can produce thrown to the four winds. Many thousands will no doubt grasp this golden opportunity Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings at Almost Your Own Prices Lewis Bros. & Company's sales manager is now in full charge and hisorders from headquarters are to Sell Sell Sell and that at any old price. What do sales managers care about costs, profits, orloss "not two whoops". So Saturday morn ing at 9 o'clock the store will be , One great blaze of glory There will be no chicken hearted methods or half measures employed during this great sale The kniie will be welided without mercy. A Bargain Feast in Boys Dep't. 60c Knee Pants . . 19c $2.50 Suits, Broken Lots . 98c $3 50 Suits, Broken Lots . $1.59 $6.50 Suits, Broken Lots . $3.69 Double breasted suits, single breasted, Blues and mixtures with plain pants or knickers, Hundreds of patterns to select from. Boys' Furnishings at L ess than Actual Wholesale Cost 60c Golf Shirts . . 37c 50c Golf Shirts . . 19c 15c Hose . . 8c A thousand and one bargains for the boys, big and little. Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Sox and Mens 'Fixins' Galore 10c Cotton Sox . . 4c 15c Cotton Sox . . 8c 10c White Handkerchiefs . 5c 35c Suspenders . . 19c President Suspenders . 38c Make your dollars work over time while you have the chance. Shirts For a Song 0 The shirt question can be settled and the sooner the better as there won't be any more at these prices when they are gone. Good strong work shirts . 39c Dress shirts, broken lots . 25 c Dress shirts $1.50 grades . 79c Shirts of every kind and color. Be here early and lay in a supply for years to come. A Reign of Terror in the Mens Clothing Department Mens high crade suits, slims, stouts and regulars. Grays, browns, blacks and blues in every pattern. Broken lots $12, $ 1 3.50 Suits $3.98 Broken lots $ 1 5 Suits . $5.98 Broken lots $20 to $25 Suits $7.98 Your dollars stretch 23 and even 4 times at this great Sacrifice Sale A Thousand Styles in Nifty New Neckwear . Neckwear that will excite your fancy. A charming .array of the prettiest ever 50c tiesv . . . .19c 75c- ties . . . 39c $ 1 .25 and $ 1 .50 ties . 69c Don't come to this sale if you are looking for old styles, We haven't got them Oodles of Underwear We have a bunch of surprises waiting for you. Underwear at red hot prices Good wool mixed . 48 c per gar. Sanitary fleece . 38c per gar. Cotton ribbed . 38 c per gar. Wake up Be alive to this golden opportunity Now the Stock is in the hand of Lewis Bros. & Co. we want to say right here and now There are thousands of bargains in every nook and corner. It would take ten times the space to give you a detailed list and then the story would be partly told. So we can only give you a few prices taken at a random from the different stock that you may gain avague idea of the many astounding bargains in the cream of high grade merchandise. Wagon loads of it for next to nothing. Store closed all day Thurs. and Friday of this week. Extra Salespeople wanted at once This Great Distribution Sale Starts Extra Salespeople wanted at once AT UR.DAY MARCH 1 2iL 1 9 DOORS OPEN AT 9 O'CLOCK PRECISELY R JAMHED TO JELLY The stock is of the Newest and the Best that money and brains secure-Nothing More can Nothing Less. Never in all your life did you hear of such . cutting and slashing as will go on at this great sale First Come First Served It Up to You Now All Those High Grade Suits Not a single garment reserved. The stock is brand new and up to the minute in style. There are scores of new ideas to select from and no matter whether ou be big or small we can fit you as well as any merchant tailor. Former Prices All Forgotten So Men Go to IL Men's finest suits for spring and summer, newest styles and latest' patterns will go for less than factory prices. Saturday is the Great Day We will Pay Your IUilroad Fare R. R. fare to those who live within 75 miles who's purchases amount to $ 50.00 or more Lewis Bros. & Company Don't Forget the Name and Address Look for the big signs and the name Lewis Bros. & Co. Come Sat. If you can't come Saturday come Monday, Tuesday. Come any day but be sure you don't wait till to late Throw Away That Old Hat understandable values in Hats All hats are included in this never to be forgotten event. The king or all makes "The Stetson" will go for .... $2.85 Standard makes $2.00, 2.50 Hats . 98c The Entire Stock of Shoes All shoes are included in this great sale, Shoes and Oxfords in the best styles, all sizes and widths at a great saving. You know the besL brands. Will we have 'em Space will not permit us to give you a list of prices. But come prepared for the most sensational values you ever heard of and you won't be disappointed. A Word to the Wise isSuflicient Get hereN early the earlier the better. Let the whole family gather round this great bargain feast. All Ordinary Sales Skinned to Death You men who work, hard for your money should get in on this great sale of mens work and dress pants $2.00 Pants $3.50 Pants $4 Pants $5 and$6 Pants $1,25 $1.89 $2.45 $3.45 Delays are dangerous Spear 'em Saturday This Mammoth Stock of Merchandise does not need any praise from us. Mr. Baer has been in business for more then 20, years in Pendleton. The high standard of quality maintained in his store has made the name a popular one throughout the county MERS PENDLETON, OREGON LEWIS BROS. & CO. IN CHARGE El HBHBHMHBMi y