East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 10, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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T'XGZ 'I'll KEE.
Some Stirring Specials
Tell OUt Ladles Story of Woe and
Receive Charily IYoin Tliem Re
turn KlmlncHN by Robbing mid
Killing Old Ladles Sentenced to
Life Imprisonment.
Friday and Saturday Selling at
WohBenberg EBep't. Store
Showing of Ladies and Misses'
Our stock this season is by far
larger and more varied than ever
before. Beautiful suits in all the new
and desireable spring shades at from
$ 1 5 to $37.50. Call and see them
The Balcony will be a busy place
all this week
F. E. Livengood & Go.
March Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Ready
Phone Main E for coal.
Pastime pictures please all.
Ice cream at Hohbach's, Court at
Plenty of good, clean coal at Bur
roughs, phone Main 6.
I'll pay cash for your veal. Chas.
Rayburn, phone Main 420.
Let the women clean your clothes.
Phone orders to Main 198.
Farmers, list everything you have
to sell for sales day, next Saturday.
Dt eased chickens every Saturday at
Ingrams grocery. Phone Main 37.
Wanted Boarders by week, day or
month. Inquire ill West Bluff street
, Wanted,-woman to work In dining
room. Apply Southern Cafe, 206 Al
ta St.
More moving pictures shown than
any other theatre In the city the
No coal famine with Burroughs.
Phone Main t and get good coal
Halrdresslng, manicuring and sham
pooing parlors In connection with the
Vogue Millinery.
For rent 12 room lodging house
within one block of Main street. En
quire 20S W. Webb.
Up to date dressmaking at reason
able prices. Call at 70S Aura street.
Will sew at home or go out by the
For sale or trade for 6x7 or 4x6
plate camera one nearly new Cyphers
Incubator, 144 egg size. Inquire
Glenn Finch, at postofflce.
Hunt up your lighter clothing, suits
and dresses and have them made like
new. City Dye Works. Mrs. Hays &
Mrs. Finney. Phone Main 198.
For sale Corner lot and six room
cottage with full basement has fire
place bath and toilet; range, gaa stove
and electric lights; very desirable lo
cation. All for 13000, cash or easy
terms. Apply on premises, 114 Ra
lqy street.
Orplieum Today's Program.
1. The Price of Patriotism. Drama.
2. Seaside Adventures at Home
3. Ransom's Folly. Special adapta
tion of. Richard Harding Davis' fa
mous story, "Ransom's Folly. Pro
duction for Thomas A. Edison.
4. Loving Hearts, one of the good
Lubin comedlea.
6. The Hand of the Heiress Dra
ma. 6. Sng Whistle and I'll Wait for
The Pastime.
Program for Tuesday's change.
"His Last Burglary," Biograph",
1000 ft. Another of those famous
Blograph pictures, without doubt the
most unique and consistent story ever
'The Blue Swan Inn," Urban. A
drama of much Interest.
"Before and After," comedy. There
is plenty of life and action and the
humor runs high.
"The Acrobatic Fly," nature vaude
ville. "The Professional Suicide," Pathe.
One set Travelogues.
One illustrated song.
Paris. Two Savoyards, aged re
spectively 19 and 20, who' had em
braced the uhuhI career of chimney
sweeps, have been tried at Ximes and
found guilty of an atrocious crime
the murder of two old ladies who
had, out of kindness, given them
some work to do to keep them from
starvation. One day last November
the two lads? who had roamed all
over the country without finding any
work, knocked at the door of the two
ladles, who lived alone In a house on
the outskirts of the village of Breau,
near Mimes, and told them that they
were starving. They had only 7 cents
left In 'their pockets. The ladies out
of kindness gave them something to
eat and let them clean the chimneys
of the house, for which they paid
them. There was no urgent need for
this work, but the ladies, though they
were themselves rather poor, had con
sented to It merely out of kindness,
The chimney sweeps, on the contrary,
thought that they were rich, and re
turned the following night to rob
them. As often happens, they did
not stop at mere robbery, but mur
dered their two benefactoresses out
right. The next morning the crime was
discovered. The elder of the two la
dies was found dead In the hall, with
her skull broken. Her sister was also
lying dead In a room with a number
of wounds in her head. Two little
dogs, which had been great pets of
the ladies, had been strangled. Sus
picion Immediately fell on the two
Savoyards, who had been seen com
ing away from the house, and who j
had hurriedly left the locality. Their
clothes as chimney sweeps were found
near a stream, where they had evi
dently changed them for new ones,
and they were next traced to, a rail-'
way station where they had taken
tickets for Paris.
Rapid inquiries at their native place!
showed that they had a relative in j
the capital, and the police inferred j
that they would at once seek him out. i
They were right, as the Savoyards
went straight from the station to the
home of the relative.
Detectives were waiting for them
in the street and arrested them. They
pleaded Kuilty at once, and were re
manded for trial to the Assize Court
at Nimes. The trial was short, and,
though the public prosecutor askert
for a sentence of capital punishment
the jury returned a verdict of guilty,
with extenuating circumstances. The
prisoners were, in consequence, con
demned to hard labor for life.
$1.25 All wool Serges in black and navy, 50 in. wide, for yard
65 All Wool Batiste, all shades, 36 in. wide, for yard
$1.25 Kabo Corsets, two spring styles, for
75 Muslin. and Cambric Drawers for
50 and 63 Hosiery, plain and fancy for pair '.
$1.75 and $2.00 Muslin Petticoats for, each
$1.50 Lingerie and Tailored Waists for.
i'ivin. Tourist Cloth and Canvas Dress Linens, extra special values at
; 95
... 98?
Physicians Aro Naturally Prejudiced,
against proprietary or advertised med
icines, as the sale of these remedies
decrease their Incomes. ,
However this may be, the general
public is benefited by the use of such
standard medicines as Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, with its
wonderful record of thousands of
cures among suffering women. We
are very glad to aay, however, that
there are hundreds of honest physi
cians In the United States who do not
hesitate to recommend such medicines.
Calling, cards, wedding stationery
and commercial printing to order, at
the East Oregonlan.
the only Exclusive Op
I tometrlst located Im
Umatilla county.
Office John Schmidt building, Pen
dleton, Ore. Over SO years practice
fitting glasses. Remember I grind
my own glasses. Eyes carefully ex
amined and glasses ground to fit.
Paris. Madame Anna Gould has
assumed her new title of "Duchess de
Talleyrand ct de Sagan." Moreover,
she has ceased to be a citizen of eith
er France ur the United States, and
has become a subject of the German
As the wife of Count Boni de Cas
tellane she acquired a French citizen
ship; as the wife of the new Duke de
Talleyrand she shares his allegiance
to the German emperor and becomes
a German subject for, property rea
sons. The estates of the late duke are
at Sagan, in northern Germany, and
in spite of the mountains of debt piled
on them they are extrefnely valuable.
They are now under the guardian
ship of the kaiser and are bringing in
a revenue of (90,000 yearly, which is
applied to the upkeep of the estates,
Interest on debts and other legal
In order to keep his Sicilian estates
as a subject of the kaiser, tho pres
ent duke will have to follow the ex
ample of his late father and become
a German subject. This Is indispen
sable, as the kaiser cannot continue
to act as guardian of a French citi
zen. It is understood that the new
duke and duchess have already taken
preliminary -tcps and possibly in time
will desert France for Germany, where
they have been advised they will be
received at court and enter the best
society. '
Colonel Perry Fyffe, who was re
cently appointed by President Taft,
Is on his way to take charge of the
police of the canal aone. The new
chief is a soldier and an editor. When
appointed to his present position he
was managing editor of the Chatta
nooga News. He was graduated from
the University of Kentucky and is a
Chicago. "Diana at the Bath" had
nothing on some of the living models
at a great fashion show which open
ed Tuesday night in the Coliseum. In
truth the models did not have much
on themselves.
The show attracted a great crowd.
as the latest creations In sheath
gowns, pajamas, lingerie and chanti
cleer habits are being shown on B00
shapely young women. The men have
a look-in this year, no only at the
show, but the newest fashions for men
are displayed. The managers of the
show urge the men to bring their
wives and sweethearts and educate
them In what is proper, so as to avoid
the customary heartaches of holidays
and birthdays, when the loved ones
Inflict circus socks and racetrack
neckties upon their male friends.
The show is destined to be the at
traction of ttie week, as special nights
have been set aside for theatrical, so
ciety and other classes, and the de
mand for tickets promises to fill the
Coliseum every night. Some of the
living models are so perfect and the
gcrwns they display so costly that they
are shown in glass cages.
l7on(9eBful Suit Values
at. to $2(B5(1D
Triumphs of artistically smart designing and tailored art. Suits of very fine serge
fancy worsteds, prunellas, satin berbers and ether plain and fancy Spring Suitings
with coat linings of peau de cygne. Skirts in the new, slim-hip pleated mode.
Many of the coats feature the long shawl col Iar styles, in all leading colors and black
big special values at . . . . $23.75 to $26.50
They are superior to any $35.00 Suits Elsewhere
When you have seen the assortment of Spring styles in all
the leathers that we are displaying, you will
agree with us, that its a display of
Our $3.50 Josephines and Oxfords
surpass in their style and value, Better made,
Better fitting than all others
The pretty foot and ankle have a better chance than ever
this Spring to display their special points of beauty.
IVohlenberg Department Store
" Better Goods For Less Money"
The people who accomplish tho
most in life don't waste any time
tracing thoir ancestors.
Koeppen Bros.
Cordially invite the ladies to step into their store and be
tAiight free of charge how to make the very best Vanilla Flavor
ings, and they may take home with them a free sample to see
kow good it is. Fifly cents worth of material will make one
quart of flavoring and we sell nothing less than that amount,
but you can make it up in small quantities and the balance will
keep for future use. The process is new, the flavor supreme,
expense subnormal
tf6 E H? P E M 9
The Drug Store That Serves You Best
In l'orm Mko "Getting Married"
Won't Require Four Hours.
London. Some extraordinary sto
ries have come from America concern
ing Bernard Shaw's new play, to be
produced during Prohman's season at
the Repertory theater, which opens
next month, after the conclusion of
the run of "Peter Pan" at the Duke
of York's.
It has been stated for example that
Mr. Shaw's play will require four
hours for representation, that there
will be no regular intervals, and that
"It will be left for the audience to de
cide when the curtain should fall."
Although they have been repeated
in this country, It Is quite obvious
that the statements are absurd. The
truth probably Is that Mr, Shaw's new
piny resembles In form his play of
last year, "Getting Married;" and It
will no doubt be found that It will oc
cupy about the same time in presen
tation, and that, though the action Is
continuous, there will be similar in
tervals for tho convenience of the au
dience. "Getting Married," It may be re
called, re-attalned the Grek form by
preserving all the unities of time and
place. There was no division Into
acts, no change of scene, no Impos
sible lapse of time. The performance
was Interrupted twice by the descent
of tho curtain for a few minutes, but
this was done for obvious reasons con
nected with the personal convenience
of the audience. When the curtain
rose again, the play was picked up at
the precise point at which It had descended.
Campbell Millinery Opening.
We will have on display a beautiful
line of patterns March 10, 11 and 11.
Rose Campbell, leading milliner.
Save money by reading today's ads
Paris. All Paris is talking of the
beautiful young evangelist, Miss Ger
trude Davidson, of California. In
spite of her extre youth she has al
ready won a university degree as M.
O. It must be said that it is quite
a novel profession for a young lady
to exercise in Paris that of bringing
the heathen Into the fold.
Christians, pagans, Buddhists, Mo
hammedans, all sects, are represented
in these weely gatherings. The con
version of the old Latin quarter,
which, though not so black as It Is
painted, Is still wicked enough, is a
heroic task for the charming young
Calif ornlan.
.V . weather prophet is pretty well
satisfied if he comes close to hitting
the bulls-eye.
See Our Window-New Line of
Heinz Goods
New, Fresh and Delicious
Phone in your orders to Main 3?
Ingrams Grocery
Every Family Should Buy
C We desire to give the consumers of
"Blanchard" the Best and Freshest But
ter produced. Each package is dated.
Watch the date and see that it is not
over a week old. CHURNED DAILY.
Jensen Creamery Co. Jfijftjy