1 EIGHT PAGES. DAILY KAST DKIXidMA!!. I'KM)I,PT(H, OKKGOBT, WUDXESDAY, MARCH , I10. PAUK KOCR. m HtgilL ESS AN INDKl'KNDEXT NEWSrAXEtt. rskllsaed DmliT. Weekly and Semi-Weekly, at tVadletou. Oregoa, I: the sUT OUKUOXIAN I'lliLlSHlXG CO. SCBSCRHTION RATES. Dally, one year, by mall (5.00 tally, all months, bj mall 2.60 Dally, three mmiUis. by mall 1.-5 Dally, one mor.iU. by mall 50 Dally, one year, by carrier T.&O Ivliy. an mouths, by carrier 3.75 Dally, three months, by carrier .... 1.95 Dally, one oinntb. by currier 65 Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50 Weekly, six mouths, by mail 75 Weekly, four mouths, by mall - 50 eml Weekly, one year, by mall .... 1.50 eml Weekly. six months, by mall . . .75 i-weekly, tour months, by ir.au . .au Tke Pally East Oregonlan Is kept on sale at the Oregon News Co., 147 Oth street, Portland, Oregon. Cblcago Bureau, 909 Security Building. Washington. D. C.. Bureau, 501 Four tsenth street, X. W. Member United rress Association, Entered at the postofflce at Pendleton, rtajaa, aa second-class mall matter. telephone ..Main 1 SI RE, VOr WILL. 4 As you look on the waste of your small back yard, With its blankets of weeds o'erlald, Do you dream of the time you'll 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 "4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 be working hard With your rake and your hoe and spade? Do you long to clear up all the rusty cans And the trash? I suppose you do, T exneet you are busy with springtime plants. Me too. Are you having fond visions of clinging vines And the scent of the bloom ing rose, And of tulip beds and their bright designs And the flash of the "piney blows?" Do you yearn for the lettuce and beets and peas And the radishes peeping through? Are you simply crazy for things like these? Me too. When the wind's from the wfit and the prass grows green And the robins begin to sing. Will you get out and dig, will you rake and clean, Will you cultivate one blamed thing? . No; you'll hire a strong man at three dollars a day, And you'll stick to your chair like glue. Me. too. Kenneth Harris. 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 of bossing Mr. Ricker around and Is looking for new foes to conquer. Then again she may want the of fice so that she may further "lord if over her neighbor, Mrs. Spuffles, or whatever that madam's name may be. Hut regardless of her motives Mrs. Kicker has done much for New Hamp shire. Phe has brought the old New England state "out of the woods." Already people are inquiring "Where is this New Hampshire we rend of? The people "down there" should he jrrateful to the lady. HOT WOIIUS KOK JI'l"F. I Senator Joff Davis of Arkansas does not seem to stand well even In southern society. Following the dis closures just mad? against him In congress the Atlanta Constitution of fered him the following vitriolic "roast:" "As a common grafter, In direct contravention of the law. Senator Jeft Davis, of Arkansas, superficially at Vast, appears before the country. "There is but one recourse to the senate, in Justice to itself and to Sen ator Davis. "That is to institute, forthwith, a (searching and non-partisan Investiga Ition. Tf Its verdict corroborates the present ugly charges, action In the premises should be prompt and sum mary. "Here is the gravamen of the sen ator's alleged offense: "According to our Washington cor respondent, he admitted to the house committee on public lands, Derore whom he was pushing a bill to quiet fnr private parties rights to certain Arkansas swamp lands, that should success attend his efforts he would be rewarded with a large fee. -It is contrary to law for congress men to accept fees for pleading for ROYAL I mB BakingPowder JjpiCi renders ihe jmmmmm Vf food more 4 l(9mmmJ digestible I and Pj V -iS$mml wholesome ft pppip- fc- WfmM- Highest Scientific Authority Has demonstrated that ol two loaves of bread, one raised with Royal Baklnrj Powder, and the other with alum bak ing powder, the Royal raised Pgf Q loaf Is 32 per cent, more ' digestible than the othcrm Absolutely 1 .? k Avoid Alum 'fm Pneumonia Season Is Hero Better cure that seld before It Is too late. TALLMAJJ'8 F. 8. cold capsuls will knock tke wont cold In two days. Manu factured and told only by Tallman & C o. Leading Druggists of Orecwa. Bast era Just Received Carload of Poul try supplies of all kinds COLESWORTHY 127-129 E. Alta X SHK WASN'T AFRAID A rrowd gathered at nose in iinr l'r "He's Th.- i of I hi' Tenth and handsome ing about, the air. while froth was run iii the dug's mouth, mud:'' yelled a fat man. i. U-ir.ir stood in the center cr'Hip. with wide-open eys. too ifuul or too frightened to WESTWARD HO! The spring rush of colonist to the northwest which is already underway hows again that the people of the country are "land hungry." Those who are now coming westward to set tle In Oregon, Washington and Ida ho, are moved by a world old de sire the wish to obtain a foothold and establish homes of their own. A man of energy and ambition does not want to be a nonenity. He does not like to be a mere cog in the great wheel of metropolitan activity. He wants to come west, secure some land and establish an identity of his own. For those who are now rolling west ward this section has a warm wel come. We know the class of men that are coming and the spirit that has prompted them to come. It Is the same spirit that made our fathers and our grandfathers cross the plains In the early days to seek new homes in the "land of the setting sun." At this time most of the newcomers are seeking Irrigated land. The open ing up of the great Irrigation tracts of the west has provided homes for thousands who have heretofore been without them. Of course there are hardships connected with the settle ment and the cultivation of the water ed desert. There were many hard ships connected with the early settle ment of the west. But those who braved the dangers and did the work that was before them were well re warded. The same will be true with respects to those who are now coming to people the land that has been reclaimed. ,aaa,iroa hpforp roneressional com mittees. Later, the senator must have ! -t t. ZTLfn realized the enormity ot his error. ie Mtempted to secure a revision of the record. With trival concession, the committee stood pat. "We have not seen nil the evidence in ' the case. We are not infromed regarding the extenuating circum stances, if there he any of that nature. "Be we do know that Arkansas, In its own behalf, should demand such a searching investigation s would conclusively clear up me present ui reputuble and suspicious status. "The senator is a political mounte bank and a demagogue of the cruder sort. It Is owing to his own state, himself, the south and the senate to establish, without delay, whether he Is anything more aggravated. "He should, himself, be foremost In calling for an inquiry." In spite of the prestige of his name Je-ff Davis seems to be faring badly. either move. ' At this juncture -the policeman ar rived. A dozm voices began to tell 111 in that tin- dog was mad; that it must be killed; that it had been snap l.iii at the children; that 't began to froth when it passed a pool of water, and how best to shoot. A tall, quiet looking woman push ed fhrouirh the crowd and started-toward the dog. A dozen men yelled at her; two or three men grabbed at her. olie picked the dog up and started out of the crowd stopped her with: "Madam, tht d"g i be shot. Look at the foam coming out of his mouth." "Foam." she said, contemptuously, "that's a cream puff he's eating." St. Louis Pot Dispatch. , HE HAD CILXGF.D. Vice Admiral Urlu of the Japanese navy was a member of the class of 1SS1 at the naval academy at Annap olis, and has recently been visiting his classmates and celebrating a reunion with them. At a dinner given to the VW.". Ad miral when he was in this country one of his classmates told a story en the vice admiral as an illustration of the progress of the Japanese in the past thirty years. "L'riu was the most correct and proper person in our class," said the story teller. "He was prim and pre cise and very reverent I met him one morning on the parade ground. " 'Good morning,' I said, enthusias tically. 'Isn't this a splendid day?" " 'It is. Indeed,' Urlu responded gravely, 'and I thank heaven I am ln-re and permitted to enjoy It.' "When I met Urlu this time, after n lapse of nearly thirty years, I re called that conversation and said, Mood morning. Isn't this a splcdld day?' " 'It Is. indeed,' Urlu replied, 'and will you for heaven's sake, kindly tll me where I can get a drink?' ' Sat urday Evening Post. i i From appearances the government will soon be busy with the erection of the federal building. Let us hope so at least. Furthermore let us hope that the architect who designs the building will look somewhat to the needs of the future Pendleton as 'well as to the needs of the present city. Pendleton Is going to grow and we will not want to ask for another fed eral building soon. It takes too long to get such improvements. The policeman M is mad. IT- mut fl-tfSl US The It ace. i Cook I'll be lavin' yez, mum. i Mistress Very well, Bridget. Keep j to the right. Incoming cooks keep to j the left. ! Typewriter Economy IT. QUELLE Cus'La Fontaine, Prop. Best 25c Meals in Northwest First-class cookc and service Shell fish in season La Fontaine Blk., Main St. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Good Work any Is Cheap price at '232? TftDC Marks i Chicago aldermen are trying to leg. islate against the lengthy hat pin. In cidentally they are having troubles with their fair constituents. "We want to protest right here against this attempt fo regulate our attire," said the feminine attorney represent ing the women. If you see a newcomei show the true western spirit. Grasp his hand and tell him he showed good Judg ment In coming this way. Tell him of the good things about the country. This is better than the country he came from anyway. GOOD WORK, MAKILLIA. New Hampshire Is a state that has not done Its part towards entertain ing the world. It has been on duty all the time no doubt, yet It has scarcely been heard from since that morning some years ago when Ethan Allen captured Fort Tlcondcrago "In the name of the Great Jehovah and the continental congress." So unim portant has New Hampshire been In the world of affairs that August Wolf, publicity man for Spokane, has never even seen fit to refer to .the state as being "East of Spokane." But New Hampshire Is awakening from her sleep and Is coming to the front "with bells." It Is all on ac count of a lady too. She Is Mrs. Marlllia Rlcker and she wants to run for governor. Why she wishes to fill the gubernatorial chair la not dis closed. Evidently though she Is a wo man of ambition and has become tired Since the O. R. & N. has been hav ing little trouble keeping Its line open perhaps It will be possible for the company to soon begin on its line changes In this county. Some people had evidently forgot ten that gambling is contrary to law. Union Republican: Ab spring ad vances, rome more inquiries for land. These Inquiries are often for small tracts and the trouble is that so few of them are offered for sale. It will he a glorious day for Union when some of our large tracts can be brok en up in tens and twenties and placed on the market. They will be snap ped up like hotcakes. You Can't Expect to be strong and healthy if the stom ach Is too weak to properly digest vour food, and In order to overcome this weakness, you should begin each meal with a done of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS You will be agreeably surprised at Its beneficial results. Tour appetite will return and your food wll be perfectly digested. Try It today for Indiges tion, costlvcneCHH, lillllouKiiew, Colds, Grippe and Malaria, Fever and Ague. The genuine has our Private Stamp j over neck of bottle. A Philadelphian who saw a child ; crushed by a trolley car wheels has ' patented a fender which may drop to I the rails by a latch under the motor- j man s feet. I UNDERWOOD STANDARD TYPEWRITER Model A67 is a new one. i shows the way to the best work at the lowest operating cost. Visible writ i Ing, combined with the perfect action of the machine allows the operator ; to keep the mind constantly on the work. The result: work Is turned out neater, freer from errors and quicker ; than is possible with any other machine you can buy. j The perfect balance with the absolute freedom from friction gives a , durability to the Underwood that shows a very marked saving In the cost i of repairs. Before deciding upon a machine, let us show you the difference between a "Trailer" and "THE MACHINE YOU WILL EVENTUALLY HUY." ; UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Inc. ! 08 Sixth St., Portland. r' i' si-si -i h-lsY ii"sr-ii i i ci THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. PHCIETOUR ORDERS-TOUGH THEM RIGHT ANOTHER GOOD BUY , 1640 seres all fenced, good new ' posts, S00 acres In grain, 260 acres of alfalfa land mostly set, will cut 760 , tons of alfalfa this year, a stream of water runs through which furnishes : plenty of water for Irrigating, good ! concrete dams and ditches, good ', buildings, lots of fruit trees and ber- ' rles. This Is an Ideal place for feed- j Ing stock for the market. A railroad j rnns right through the middle of It. 1 You can buy this flue ranch for Ht,- ' 000. E. T. WADE, ! Office In American Nat. Bank Bid. Peadleton, Ore. I Known For Its Strength The First National Bank PENDLETON. OREGON CAPITAL, SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED . PROFITS . RESOURCES OVER. . !1 0 S2.IJQU,UD0.0IJ SECURITY mrm Biliousness, Sick Eaodache, Sour Stom ach. Torpid Liver and c Laxative Fruit Syrup pir, A. C. KOEPTEN A BROS. Cleanses the aysteca thoroughly and clean sallow complexions ol es and blotchoaJ s guaranteed Designs Copyrights Ac Anyona Minting o krlrh nd rivncriiitlfcn ni, qttloklf Mrerlniu 4yir opinion fr wiitllf r au Invention It prJCp1ly pnlentuhln. ComniutilMi tliintfltricllrcugirjr.nthil. HANDBOOK onl'iuui sent free. ry Rtrnrv fur iKimnit pntpnra. Fnlenl Vikan llirouitll Iui:ii A t'u. N04WS ttriol gdf Tflthoiil clinrt-.l. In tuft Scientific Mtxm. ' ' hndom! lllntrstmt wwklf. Ijrswf Mi enlallun of any trientiuo lMiirnaL lerma. year : f our tnontbt, SL Bold bj all naaadi MUNN & Co.36,!ro!-! New Braocb omca. rami. vrMDiDgivg, 1 MARCH WINDS Are a true trial of our Rock Sprlaf coal. These piercing raw breeses penetrate the best of constructed homes and unless you are burning; a fuel that gives the maximum heat you are bound to experience chilly sensations. Our Rock Spring coal not only gives the maximum of heat, but gives It with the minimum consumption. Prompt delivery and reasonable prices. HENRY KOPITTKE Phone Main 1J8. WILIlAMvON HAFFNERCO EN0RAVBR?PRINTRRj 1 DBNVEKCOlyQ. Milne Transfer Phone Main 5 Calls promptly answered for all baggage transfer ring. Piano and Furnture moving ahd Heavy Truck ing a specialty. Cures Culilfci ir ruvonls Pnoumonla