....isti k' EIGHT PAGE, PAHiY EAST OKKGONIAX, PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1810. J$WiWWlVt7(1wr PACK THREE. GIRLS WILL DEBATE AT THE UNIVERSITY Pendleton's Leading Clothiers SIX YOUNG LADIES TO , COMPETE IN TRYOUT Stadnnu Will Mako Study of Slide Rule Prof. Frederick Dunn's Ar ticles Copied In East Same Orator Picked for Both Contests. Cloth i ect Sprang 1 University of Oregon, Eugene. At the second preliminary try-out for choosing the co-ed debating: team at the University of Oregon six women were selected to enter the final con test. The try-out, according to state ments made by the judges, showed a great improvement in some of the speakers since the previous try-out They knew better what was expected of them, and seemed to have better control of themselves. "What student wouldn't pay a quarter to hear Oregon's women de bate?" said Managed Steele. "I'll get the glee club to sing if I can, charge twenty-five cents admission, and get a crowd out and show the girls that we are behind them In their contests and really do believe in them taking part in student activities." The time of speaking will be seven minutes for constructive argument and three for rebuttal. Those trying out are: Fay Clark, '12, of McMlnnvllle, prominent In Eutaxian and Y. W. C. A. work and a member of the Oregon Emerald staff; Lilah Clark, a junior from Portland, who has always shown up well in Eutaxian debates. Carln Deger mark is a freshman from Lincoln High, Portland, and Is the only fresh man who qualified in the prelimi naries. Hazel McKowan, '12, is a Eu gene girl who has always taken a great Interest in forensic work. Bird ie Wise, '12, is from Astoria high school. She represented that school on the debating" team two years, the last year in the High school league, when It won the state championship.' Wllletta Wright, '11, Is a new stu dent this year, entering from Albany college, where she took a leading part in forensic work. To Study Slide Rule. The slide rule is to be taken up and studied thoroughly by a club of engi neers that will meet for organization next Wednesday afternoon at the University of Oregon. The slide rule is the Instrument on which the engi neer does his figuring. Beginning as a rather simple instrument. It has been perfected to a high degree; and a few can operate them as effectively as they should. To become thorough ly acquainted with all forms, and es pecially the most modern and com plicated, this club will make a regu lar study of them and secure lecturers to demonstrate their different uses. Prof. Dnnn Honored. The November number of the Uni versity of Oregon Bulletin, which was edited by Prof. Frederick Stanley Dunn, head of the department of Lat in, on' "A Study of Roman Coins of the Empire" has been widely com mented on and copied by eastern pa pers and magazines. The latest to reprint It are two well known papers. "The Records of the Past," publish ed In Washington, D. C, and the Classical Weekly." The later prints another article by Professor Dunn on the confusion of Halley's comet with the "Julian Star," this being also re copied In the Popular Astronomy Re view for March, 1910.. That the University of Oregon's representative at Salem next Friday night will give a good aocount of himself, that his oration Is one of the best and most consistent winners that was ever turned out, was demonstrat ed In the try-out, when, for the eec onl time, a set of judges selected H. J. Rounds as the best orator in college and the audience unanimously pro nounced it a great Improvement on the Intercollegiate tryout This Is the first time in the history of Oregon that the same man has represented her In both the Interstate and Inter collegiate contests. Mr. Rounds Is a senior an a member of the Philo gogian society. HES I ' Comple Line Now On 'Display FOR. MEN YOUNG MEN Early choosers' as well as those intent upon merely getting an idea of the season's new styles, will be equal' ly welcome and all will undoubtedly find a visit here one of pleasure and profit. Benjamin Clothes Chesterfield Society Brand ALL STANDARD MAKES THE HOUSE THAT QUALITY BUILT: BOND BROTHERS $12 to $30 To view the smart productions of Bond Brothers spring correct styles will repay your coming. Sole Agents Knox and Merit Hats Twelve dnncers In San Francisco broke the world's Marathon dance record by remaining on their feet 14 hours 41 minutes. To keep one of the female contestants on the floor, an Injection of strychnine was neces sary, and another girl suffered a broken toe. The fool-killor always did give San Francisco a wide berth. Oregonlan. IVDIAN CATTLE WTIiL BE PUT OX MARKET PILES 8TTRF.D IN 6 TO 14 DATS VAZO OINTIIRNT Is gnaranteed to eoreaai rase of Itching, Blind, nietdlng or Protrod lng Plies In to 14 days or money refund ed. 60c Are Ton a Good Shot? Valuable guns and cigars given U the best shots at the Pastime Parlors. Ask Estee. CATARRH. Germ- Quickly Cured by a Pleasant Killing Antiseptic. The little Hyomei (pronounced Hlgh-o-me) Inhaler is made of hard rubber and can easily be carried In pocket or purse. It will last a life time. Into this Inhaler you pour a few drops of magical Hyomei. This Is absorbed by the antiseptic gnuze within and now you are ready to breathe It In over the germ Infest ed membrane where It will speedily begin Its work of killing catarrh germs. Hyomei is made of Austral Ian eucalyptol combined with other antiseptics and Is very pleasant . to breathe. It U guaranteed to cure catarrh, bronchitis, sore throat, croup, coughs and colds or money back. It cleans out a stuffed up head In two minutes. Sold by druggists everywhere and by Tallman Co. Complete outfit Including Inhaler and one bottle of Hyomei, II. And remember that ex tra bottles If afterward needed coat only lie. St. Paul, Minn. Throwing open to settlement the Cheyenne and Stand ing Rock reservations In North Da kota will, according to R. H. Treacy who is In charge of the United States bureau of animal Industry at Bismarck N. D., result in pushing 225,000 head of cattle on to the market. It will drive out approximately 50. 000 head owned by the Indians on the Standing Rock land, and as many more owned by leaseholders. It will drive out 40.000 cattlo owned by In dians on the Cheyenne reservation and between eighty and a hundred thousand owned by holders of leases. The Standing Rock reservation Is approximately 90 by 120 miles square. The Cheyenne reservation is about 120 miles square. These are the lands of the Sioux Indians, their last strong hold In the United States. Eighty per cent of the land Is tillable. According 'to Mr. Treacy, the "air ship" land in that part of the country has sold on open bids at prices rang ing from 8 to $20 an acre. "Air ship land" is land belonging to dead Indians who had no direct heirs. "The Indians are beginning to take a philosophical view of the situatloin," Mr. Treacy said, "and have about made up their minds that they will be benefited by the opening. The in come of each Sioux family at present is between $600 and $7000 a year. This la from rentals, sale of horses, salo of cattle and other sources. "From the production of beef last year they realised approximately $180,000 and from horses between $50,000 and $60,000. They realize that when their land Is converted from grazing grounds Into farms, its value will increase and they are will ing to take the money. Naturally, as soon as the graning grounds become farms, the herds will go." ROnilER VERY OBLIGING. Semis Back Chocks, Drafts and Legal Tapers. Lincoln. A real nice gentleman burglar was the chap who rifled a mall pouch on the eastbound train out of here. E. J. Straight of Lincoln, received an envelope, postage paid. In closing a legal document of consider able value to htm and also a number of miscellaneous money orders, drafts and bank checks which had been for warded from Lincoln to different per sons from various Lincoln firms. Straight's address was secured through a self-addressed envelope in his letter, and to make sure that he would receive the document the rob ber man put on an extra stamp. The letter to Straight was the first intimation to the authorities that any robbery had been pulled off. The pouch taken was one sent to Platts mouth, but the new postmaster there hadn't missed it. The letter was postmarked from South Omaha, but beyond that there Is no clew to the man, and nothing Is known of where the pouch disappeared. Woman Conducts Revivals. Vienna. Frau Julia Varga, a wo man preacher, is making a great stir in Transylvania, where she goes from town to town holding revival meet ings. She is the first woman who has ever been ordained In Hungary, and she owes this distinction partly to the fact that she Is the daughter of Evan gelic Bishop Karl Tasza, from whom she inherited her rhetorical gifts. A scientist says chewing straws will give a person actlnomysosls. But we poor people must have something to chew. THE QHLY REMEDY F0RBLO0BPOIS0H Tho first symptom of Contagious Blood Poi3on is usuully a little sore or ulcer, so insignificant that often no attention is given it. But when the blood becomes more fully infected with the virus tho mouth and throat get eoie. glands in the neck and groin swell, and sometimes ulcerate, forming sores and ulcers, the hair comes out. copper colored spots appear on the body, and where the disease is allowed to remain in the system the poison frequently penetrates deeper and attacks the bones. S. S. S. is the true antidote for Contagious Blood Poison the only remedy that is able to get at the very root of the trouble and remove every particle of the virus from the circulation; at the same time S. S. S. acts with upbuilding and tonic effect on every portion of the system. As soon as the system gets under the Influence of S. S. S. the symptoms begin to disappear and soon a perfect cure is made. S. S. S. can bo used in the privacy of one's own home and a permanent cure effected. To aid those who wish to cure themselves at home we have prepared a special Home Treatment book which contains much valuable information to Contagious Blood Poison Sufferers. With the aid of this book and the use of S.S.S. a cure can be effected in every Case. We will send this hnnlr nnrl olor, nm,nt j . all hn tnr-Uo """""" " THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Whitman College GIRLS GLEE CLUB Presbyterian Church Friday, March 11, '10 FISH! FISH! For the Lenten Season, fresh every day at the Central Meat Market 108 B. Alta 8t Pb.ne Mala IS Farmers Auction Salo Under Auspices of Farmers Union trturd&y Star, Beginning at 1 p. m. at Fair Pavi lion in Pendleton, Oregon All persqns having anything to sell, list before sale opens with the clerk, James Johns at the Hartman Abstract Office. .Colonel Eiffert, ExperienAtcti Auctioneer LET AN ELECTRIC f MOTOR DO YOUR WORK Steadiest, cheapest and moat reliable power for small or heavy work. Less danger and easier to operate you turn lever and It does the work. The Housewife's work will be lessen ed .when Electricty and Gas come into.the home COOK WITH GAS Make the work easier for her and save on your fuel as well No dirt, dust and excessive heat No fuel to hand)? and fire to kindle and It cosU lees. For Her sake, put as In your home before the hot weather arrives LI . T l Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. ! 1tky.u If. 1 M A m nunc jnmw V, mar.- - - . -wi miMiin n V: