PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGONLAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1910. RIGHT PAGES. Agents for Carhartt Overalls, Blwks Gloves, Red Cross Shoes, Royal Worcester, lion Ton, ' Ailjnsto and Gos snnl Corsets, Ituttcricks Patterns and Publications. FOR THE BENEFIT ' OF THE TAXPAYERS ASSESSOR STRAIN WOULD MEET WITH All PEOPLE Smart Models for Spring Our'Spring display of women's ready-to-wear is now at its best. Complete in everything that is newjn tailored suits, dresses, costumes, euening frocks, waists, skirts, and wraps Exclusive Novelities This is the phrase that correctly expresses the character of our new garments. Those ladies who want something out of the ordinary distinctly original will find their expectations realized in our showing. NOTE We urge our trade to make their selections of Easter Suits at the earliest moment In order that the suits may be properly fitted and altered In plenty of time.. Only 17 more days remain beforex Easter. Give us your order now. $15.00 $25.00 $32.00 $45.00 to $60.00 A Money Saving Message For Youl 30 pairs Misses Shoes ' Vici kid. box calf, patent toe 1.50 t0 $2 val ues. Just the thing for spring wear, sizes 11 1-2 to 2, your choice 9S Men's Fleeced Lined Underwear A fine fleeced garment, not too heavy, very service able, tan color, regular 50 quality. Message price, each 43 Men's Canvas Cloves for 5c We sell the same grade of canvas gloves for 5 pair that most of our competitors sell for 10c. Don't forget to come here when you want canvas gloves next time. 36 inch Colored Taffeta Silk Seasons most wanted kind for a smart waist and dressy gowns, only a few colors left, so come early and get first choice of these fine colors, brown, light blue, tan maize, red and navy blue, regular $1.00 values, special, yard ' 50c 25 inch Fancy Lawns and Summer Suiting This is a rare opportunity among our bargain events. Come in neat tiny figures, stripes, mixtures, dots and checks, regular 102 value, special vard 4 1-2 58 inch Fancy Oil Colored Scotch Table Linens Celebrated for Its strength and wearing qualities, colors come in red, butf and blue in pretty patterns. Regular 50 value, special 1 39 THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE, Where it Pays to Trade lMlnls March 19 as Day to Jiret With Deputy Assessors to Discuss i Values of personal Property nnil Invites Taxpayers lo Attend. Pendleton, Ore., Mar. 9. Editor The East Oregonlan: I am going to call the deputy as sessors of the county together this year before the general listing of the property is begun for the purpose of discussing with me and among them selves the value of personal property for the year 1910, and also for deter mining, so far as may be possible, the relative values of real estate In the various sections of the county. In view of the dissatisfaction which has arisen from the constantly in creasing tax burden, I feel that it would be a good plan to invite the public generally and representatives of the Grange and other farmers' or ganizations and of commercial bodies to meet with us also. Of course, every well Informed per son knows that the assessor's office has nothing whatever to do with the general increase ,ln taxes, but If 1 could meet the representatives of the different sections of the county and of the various Interests of the county, and If they could meet one another, so thnt we could discuss these mat trs face to face, I think It would certainly bring about a better under standing ' and possibly a more equit able' assessment. I therefore hereby appoint Satur day, March 19, at 2 o'clock p. m. at the court house at Pendleton, os the time,and place for such meeting. The press of the county is the only means that I have of bringing this matter already devoted so much time and space to the public benefit that I do not have the face to ask you to give notice of this meeting, yet I will ap preciate it if you do. c. p: strain. County Assessor. A Godse i nil fo the p.'f MR. AXDY CARNEGIE IS JEALOUS CAIJ.S JOHN D. IMITATOR eepess. "A Physical Wreck In Bed, Back on the Job in Three Days, after Tak ing Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, Which Re stored My Health and Enabled Me to Sleep." Mr. James Byrne writes as follows:- . "I want to tell you of the benefit I have derived from the use of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. 1 am a hotel clerk 32 years of age and for four y ear have been at night work. Eating irregularly and trying to sleep in the daytime had made me a very weak' man physically, and as thin as the proverbial whip. I was finally com pelled to take to bed. I started to use your Pure Malt Whiskey and in james byrne. 3 aavs I was back on my lob. "Be sure and say to every night worker that it is a Godsend. Tell them I am sleeping fine, eating with a real appetite and am regaining my lost flesh, which is the hardest thing for a night worker to do. I thank you again and again for Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey." James Byrne 129 S. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. No medicine has stood the test of 50 years like Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey and always been found absolutely pure and full of good medici nal virtue. Men and women in all walks of life join in singing its praises as the true elixir of life which invigorates body, brain and nerve. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey If you wish to keep young, strong and vigorous, and have on your cheeks the glow of perfect health take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly, accord ing to directions. It tones and strength ens i the heart action and purifies the entire system. It is recognized as a family medicine everywhere. CAUTION. When you ask your druiaU cer or dealer for butty's Pure Malt Whiskey be sure you act 1M genuine, it is an enaoiuteiy pure medicinal malt whiskey and Is sold IN SEALED BOTTLES ONLY never In bulk. Look Inrlha trails-mark the "Old Chemist." on the label, and make sure the seal over tha cork Is nbroken. Price $ 1. 0O a large bottle. Wrlta Medical Department, Tha Dully Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester. N. V.,lor a tree Illustrated medl- cal booklet containing testimonials and rare rnon sense rules lor health and tree advice. 1 I jfVtXffW7. 1 IBM HACK TO JTDEA MOVE THREATENS DIFFICULTIES CHICAGO CANT AFFORD TO VOTE WHISKEY OUT Chicago.- Chicago will become bankrupt If the voters decide that the -city shall be made anti-saloon terri tory, according to a statement made to Nathan A. Cole of the Manufac turers and Merchants' association by Hugo Sgrocer, ex-city statistician. Sgrocer said that, despite arguments that are to be submitted by the "drys," the annual loss will be 8. 400,000 In saloon taxes alone, in ad dition to other revenue. THROW OUT THE LINE. The drys are rejoicing because they have been asured by Mayor Busse that they will have an opportunity to show how the financial loss to the city may be offset. They say that equal taxation will solve the prob lem. William F. MulvihlU of the Anti saloon League today prepared statis tics which he believes will convince the committee appointed by Mayor Busse that at least $9,000,000 addi tional revenue can De reauzea Dy iax- rrom the verge of de.palr sitlnn nf rtrnrtprtv that la now seniles- ' nr,,. - . Give Them Help and Many Pendleton People Will Be Happier. "Throw Out the Life Line" The kidneys need help. They're overworked can't get the poison filtered out of the blood. They're getting worse evny minute. Will you help themT Doan's Kidney Pills have brought thousands of kidney sufferer back tered. There is Only One "Bromo Quinine" That Is Laxative Bromo Quinine USED THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A COLO M OHE DAY. Always remember the full name. Look lor this signature on every box. 25c. TRAIN LEAVES PENDLETON 3 p. m. for Spokane and the East Northern Pacific Railway XO DELAY AT JTJN'CTIOX. ELECTRIC LIGHTED. TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAINS Compartment-Drawing Room Sleeping Cars Through Train to Chicago Via Twin Cities Will cure any form of Hdney trou ble. Mrs. G. W. Propeck of Elgin, Ore., lays: "Doan's Kidney Pills have proven of great value to me. Kidney complaint troubled me all my lift and I was gradually becoming worse. I never .found a remedy that would give me relief and my life was a bur den. I was subject to dizzy spells, my back ached severely and the kidney secretions were so Irregular In pas sage as to cause me great Incon venience. Whenever I took the least cold, It was sure to settle In my kid neys and greatly aggravated my suf ferlng. I tried several remedies which seemed to give me temporary relief but the attacks were sure to return. At last I learned about Doan's Kid ney Pills and procured a box. Before I had taken one-half the contents I was free from backache and my kid neys became normal. I have not had any trouble since and give Doan's Kidney Pills the credit for my pres ent good health." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, New Tork, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Santa Barbara, Cal. Apparently incensed by what he claims Is on in fringement of plans he is now prose cuting, Andrew Carnegie declares that the much heralded Rockefeller Foun dation Is a direct imitation of his own project. "Mr. Rockefeller's plan is copied from mine." the steel king asserted. "The research commission he found ed is similar to the one I established. The plan was suggested to me by Theodore Roosevelt while he was president, and I have followed his euRBostions in many of the details. "The Carnegie resenrch commission has $12,000,000 in bonds and an in come of $600,000 a year. It appears to me that this sum should be suffi cient to prosecute certain research work deemed necessary to the scien tific world. "Nor is the Carnegie commission confining Its work to one line to such nn extent that aid is necessary. Right now it has a yacht cruising around the world collecting data and material for investigation and study. Already the scientists who are on the trip have been enabled to correct many of the charts of the British admiralty, which were supposed to be Infallible. The Carnegie observatory on Mount Wilson was founded as a part of this plan." Carnegie has left Santa Barbara for Del Norte, where he expects to rest for several days. From Nel Norte he will go to San Francisco, where It Ih reported he will deliver several ad dresses. His plans call for a return to southern California about March 12. He will then visit the observatory he established on Mount Wilson, near Pasadena, making the ascent in a coach drawn by six horses over a road that has been prepared especially for his visit. The steel magnate refused unquali fiedly to reply to the thrusts made at him In a public speech by Mayor Mc Carthy of San Francisco. Continued references to the matter were met with a raised, warning forefinger, whereupon he adroitly turned the con versation into other channels. Constantinople. Rapid growth of the Jewish population in Asiatic-Turkey is causing alarm among the lead ers of the Young ' Turks, who It Is dumored, are endeavoring to arrive at a solution of the problem. So much more capable are the Jews than the Ignorant peasantry that the latter are being crowded from their homes and lands and a feeling of Intense bitterness is devel oping against the Invaders. The fear that forcible attempt may be made to oust the Jews Is growing here. The authorities have been warned to use stern repressive meas ures to rheck disorders and bloodshed, us the Young Turks realize that peace at home and abroad Is necessary nt the present time to the stability of their administration. The Young Turks, moreover, are partly blamed by the people for ad mitting the Jews, and the problem. It Is agreed, is likely to be fraught with growing danger for the present and future cabinets. Four-fifths of the population of Jerusalem Is Jewish nnd the Jews are constantly Increasing. Outside the holy city, ZionlBt agents have been nnd still are buying lands from fin ancially embarrassed Mohemmedan effendls. The famous Esdraelon plain is filling with Jewish settlers and the ancient limits, from Dan to Beer slieba. again mark the extent of the Jewish colonization. AGITATES CHANGE IN SACRIFICE HIT RULE II Low Westbound Settlers' Fares From all points In Middle West, the East and the South. You can arrange with our agent to have tickets delivered at any point without expense for the service. Foil Information as to fares, trains, etc., furnished on application. WALTER ADAMS, Agent Pendleton, Oregon A. D. Charlton, Asst. Geo. Pass. Agent, Portland, Ore. Cincinnati, O. Veteran Clarke Griffith, manager of the Cincinnati National League club, wants another change made In the rules for scoring sacrifice hits. The "Fox" doesn't have any hope of changing the pres ent rules this year, but he has an nounced his Intention of working for the alteration next year. Griffith thinks the rule that gives a batsman a sacrifice hit upon an outfield fly that scores a runner after the catch la absurd. "Tell me," he questioned, "how many men have gone to the plate with the deliberate intention of driving out a long fly to score a runner from third base? When a man bunts a runner along, and pulls off the prop er kind of a sacrifice, that's ft differ ent matter. That's a real sacrifice. The man who does It Is playing the game and he deserves credit on" the j scoring card. I "On the other hand it's Just as easy to drive out a safe hit as It Is a long fly. A man can lay down a Dunt at any time, Dut a nil or an out' field fly usually is the result of lean ing on the ball with no other Inten tion than to pound it out of the dia mond. "Away with the foolish outfield sac rifice rule. I'm after it next year." THE ROSARY AS SUNG BY WHITMAN GLEE GIRLS One of the most beautiful songs of recent years, one which the world has learned to love and appreciate as a song of the soul is Nevln's "The Rosary." Indeed this song is loved so well that we hear It on every hand from many a different Instrument, but sel dom is Justice given to this composi tion. The Girls' glee club of Whit man college, to be In Pendleton Friday night, March 11th, sing this old favorite in a finished manner. They bring out with the different voice parts the sublime harmony of tho piece, presenting it not only as a song of love and beauty, but also as the work of nnortlst. A feature of the program will be the appearance of Mr. Sterling, pianist, who has previously appeared before Pendleton people. 1100 Reward. tlOO. Tbe resden of this paper wttl be pleased to learn tbat there Is at least ona dreaded disease tbat science baa been able to care la all Its stage, and tbat la Catarrh. Hall') Catarrh Care Is tbe only positive care sow known to the medl fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dliesae, reqtflres i coustltatlonal treatment. Ball's Cttarrn Cnre taken Internally, actjng directly npoo tha Blood and mucous tarrauM of fue syt tetd, thereby destroying tbe foundation, of the discuss, and glvlag the patient atrengtt by building op the constitution and assist In natnee In doing Its' ork. The pro prietors have so mneb faith Is Its curative powers that tbey offer Ona Hundred Dol lars for any esse that It falls to core gand for Hat of testimonials. Address : F. J CBENBY at CO., Toledo, O. Bold by Drogglsts, 75c. Take Hall's family Pills for eeaitlpa-tloa. How Good News Spreads. "I am 70 years old and travel most of the time," writes B. F. Tolson of Elizabethtown, Ky. "Eerywhore I go I recommend Tlectrlc Bitters, be causo I owe my excellent health and vitality to them. They effect a cure every time." They never fall to tone the stomach, regulate the liver. Invig orate the nerves and purify the blood. They work wonders for weak, run-down men and .women, restoring strength, vigor and health that s a dally Joy. Ty them. Only 60c. Sat isfaction is positively guaranteed by Tallman $ Co. Will Una n Girls in Pendleton. The Girls' Glee Club of Whitman College are to sing In Pendleton at the Presbyterian church on Friday, March 11th. The girls have been working hard under the Instruction of Mrs. Appy of the Whitman Con servatory, and their program Is an unusually attractive one. The club will be assisted by Mr. Stirling, pianist, who already has an enviable reputation In Pendleton. A Little Cold. He caugst a little cold That was all. So the neighbors sadly said, As they gathered round his bed. When they heard that he was dead. He caught a little cold That was all. (Puck.) Neglect of a cough or cold often leads to serious trouble. To break up a cold in twenty-four hours nnd cure any cough that is curable, mix two ounces of Glycerine, a half ounce) of Virgin OH of Pine Compound pure and eight ounces of pure whisky. Take a teaspoonful every four hours. You can buy these at any good drug store and easily mix them In a large bottle. A Swollen Jaw Is not pretty nor pleasant. Whether It's caused by neuralgia, toothache, or accident, Ballard's Snow Liniment will reduce the swelling and relieve the pain. The great and sure cure for rheumatism, cuts, burns, bruises, scalds any and all aches and pains. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Kansas City Is what It Is by reason of the Missouri river, says tho Kan sas City Star. And Portland Is what It is and will be what It will be largely because of the Columbia and Willam ette rivers, greater and more Import ant than the Missouri nnd the Kaw. MODERN DWELLING SITUATED IN THE BEST RESIDENCE LOCALITY OF PENDLETON, ONLY FOUR BLOCKS FROM BUSINESS CENTER. UP TO DATE CONVENIENCES WITII SUFFICIENT ROOM IN REAR FOR STABLE OR GARAGE. PRICE $4000.00. FOR FURTHER PARTICU LARS CALL ON Mark Moorhouse Company tia East Court St. Phone Main VS. l amiss aajmeaaasaanasejessMasa JTO-NIGHT Rend the Bast Oregonlan every day. Whitman College Girls GLEE CLUB Presbyterian Church Friday, March 1 1, '10