DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1910. PAGE TURKS. IT IS HIGH PRESSURE HOT AIR CURRENTS r3 II ii r m uuu EIGHT PAGES. trim STOKANK ASTRONOMER SAYS HALLEY'S COMET IS TAME Takes No Stock In Forecasts About Its IJfo Exterminating Gases -Has Keen Sizzling Around for Many Centuries Is Visible Now. Spokan, Wash. "Forecasts by so Balled scientists In, various parts of the country that the gases In the tall of Halley's comet will presently poi son mankind or cause other calamities may be properly termed 'high pres sure hot air current' " Father Adams, S. J., professor of astronomy at Gonzagn. College of Spoltane, made the foregoing observa tion In referring to statements attrib uted to observers In California and elsewhere. "Halley's comet has been sizzling around Its ordained orbit century af ter century, Just as Its creator design ed it to do," said Father Adams, add ing: "Were there any devastating elements In the appendage of the vis itor humanity would have been ex terminated regularly every 76 years. "It seems that such Incidents In earthly affairs would naturally attract some attention. They ' might even have a Blight tendency to affect the Increase of population and check the progress of human events generally. Very little suspicion along this line Is sufficient antidote for sensational predictions as to Halley's comet, even though they are made by alleged sci entists." Father Adams claims he has defi nitely located the comet, having seen It through a telescope the night of February 22, saying: "The moon Is so bright Just now that It is difficult to catch the light from anything else, but - the comet showed fairly well.'. There were little streaks out from the edges that I Judge to be evidences of the tall. The comet may be visible to the naked eye early In March at the speed it Is traveling, but rot sooner. To locate It, take the line formed by the two lower stars of the constellation Orion and follow It north to a point just above the planet Saturn. On that line above and slightly west of Saturn the comet should be, found, but not without at leant four-Inch glasses." OREGON WILL SITPORT NEXT NATIONAL IRRIGATION MEET Pueblo, Colo., Mar. 8. The The Eighteenth National Irrigation Congress, Pueblo, September 26-30, 1910, Is assured of the heartly co-operation . and support of the state of Oregon, which has, Itself, entertain ed In recent years, this greatest de velopment agency of the country. Governor BenBon, writing to the board of control, extends his hearty greeting and promise of aid, saying: "I beg to advise you that I am In hearty accord with the objects of your organization and, while I can not state definitely at this time whether or not I shall be able to at tend the sessions of the congress to be held In your city, I assure you that I shall be on hand If more Important official engagements do not interfere. "In any event, I shall do everything In my power to secure the attendance of a targe and enthusiastic delegation of Oregon citizens at the congress; and when the time comes for the ap pointment of delegates I shall see that Oregon is properly represented." The most cordial corespondence has passed between Governor Benson and the officers of the board of control, who are pleased to know that a coast state Is planning on adequate repre sentation. Governor Benson has been urged by the board of control to appoint his delegates at an early date and trans mit their names to the organization here that it may begin to get Into ac tive touch with them. The governor hns also been asked to submit a list of topics which he things may be Interesting for discussion at the Eighteenth Congress, In view of his familiarity with western problems that will undoubtedly come within the range of consideration. The entire coast country, particu larly those state vitally Interested In Irrigation. Is responding to the Invi tation of the local officers here. PORTLAND POLICE CHIEF AFTER SUNDAY DANCE HALLS Portland, Ore., March 8. Chief 'of Police Cox got after the dance halls last night and ordered that they be closed and remain so every Sunday in the future. Sunday afternoon and evening have been regarded as the banner times of the week by the dancehali proprietors from a mercenary standpoint. The STOMACH MISERY FOR OVER SIX YEARS Read what Mr. Hoffman, landlord of the Webster Hotel, writes: "I suffered misery and intense pains from stomach trouble for over six years, and all the doctoring I did or medicines I used were of no avail un til about two years -go, when I ased a treatment of Mi-o-na. The first few days' treatment helped me great ly and upon using It awhile I was made entirely free from any stomach trouble or complaint whatever. Since the cure by Ml-o-na I have regained my weight, I eat and alee. well, am never nervous and my general health la much better." Max M. Hoffman, Webster, N. Y., Aug. S. 1909. Ml-o-na stomach tablets relieve dis tress In five minutes. They act like magic. They are guaranteed to cure sour stomach, gas eructations, heart barn, dizziness, biliousness and ner vousness or money back. For sale by druggists everywhere and by Tallu,-in Jz Co. for E0 cents a large box. Try Booth' Pills for constipation; tkey never disappoint, lie. I . 11 I ' "S CLOTHtr ALWAYS CORRECT Benjamin Clothes Chesterfield Society Brand APPAREL OF QUALITY Spring and Summer Styles Now On Display t AV til i ( to BOND BRTH1R.S Pendleton's Leading Clothiers Sole Agents Knox Hats Sole Agents Edwin Clapp Shoes dancehali feature has heretofore been one of the magnets which attracted throngs of people to The Oaks, Coun cil Crest and other amusement resorts on Sundays. These places also have come under the ban. of the police chief. Tho uctiuli of the police head lhuiu after he had dug up an old, musty statute book which included a state law prohibiting dancing on Sunday. He made a further Investigation and found, so far as he was able to learn, that this particular law had never been repealed. No city ordinance was ever drafted that might be interpreted to place a lid on Sunday dancing. Guided by the state law. Chief Cox Is sued the order forbidding dancing In amusement resorts. Every Mother Is or should be worried when the lit tle ones have a cough or cold. It may lead to croup or pleurisy or pneumonia then to something more serious. Ballard's Horehound Syrup will cure the trouble at once and pre vent any complication. Sold by A. C. Koeppen St Bros. OPERATION SAVES YOUTH. Stone Thrown by Another Boy Causes Clot on Brain. Eugene,, Ore., March 8. The life of De Witt Hocnlg, a boy 14, has been saved by nn operation at the general hospital which removed a clot of blood from the brain. The trouble was caused by a stone thrown by another boy which struck tho Hoenlg boy behind the ear. The accident occurred Friday afternoon about 4 o'clock, but the- boy did not notlca It until evening, when ho be came 111, By 10 o'clock ho was unconscious, and a physician was called. The boy was taken to tho hospital and a section of his skull removed. Ho is now conscious and will doubt less recover. PEARY AND SHACKI.ETON WILL MEET AT BANQUET New York Commander Robert E. Pi'ary. "Xorthest North," and Sir Er nect ShackUHon, "Farthest South," ale lo be brought together under the auspices of the Civic Forum as guests of honor at a banquet In this city Ap ril 20. This will be on the eve of Com mander Peary's departure for Europe as he sails the following morning with Mrs. .Peary, their two children, and Captain Bartlett of the Roosevelt, in order to reach London by May 4, when he Is scheduled to receive the gold medal of the Royal Geographical society in Royal Albert Hall. A sil ver medal will be presented to Cap tain Bartlett. On Shackleton's arrival In this country. Commander Peary will make the address of welcome at his first lecture In America, to be given In Car negie Hall, March 29. Joseph H. Choate will preside. On the afternoon of their arrival, sir Ernest and Lady Shackleton will go to Washington as the guests of Ambassador Bryce. They will be pre sented formally to President Taft on Saturday, and then the president will confer upon Sir Ernest, at the request of the National Geographical society, that society's medal. On the following Monday tho Pil grims will give a luncheon in honor of Sir Ernest, when he will receive the gold medal of the Geographical society. Indoor Polo Tourney, New York, March 8. The National Indoor Polo association opens its sea son here this evening with a tourna ment In the ring of the Ticherior Grand Riding academy. The trophies comprise silver cups offered by well known players and riding associations. A Melancholy Lay. This is no time for songs and Jokes, The state of things forbids With grip for all the grownup folks And measles for the kids. BOOTLEGGING IS CHARGE. Two Springfield Men Arc Arrested for Soiling Liquor Illegally. Springfield, Ore., March 8. Edward Cooper, a local cigar dealer, has been arrested on a charge of bootlegging. Tho liquor was sold and the sale wit nessed by Deputy Marshal William C. Lyons, who swore out the warrant. Cooper Is a new resident here and asked for time In which to plead. He will be heard Monday. Dick Spong, over whose head f(ve indictments for bootlegging hung for several months, was also arrested here this afternoon by Deputy Sheriff R. M. Pratt aqd taken to Eugene. His case will be heard before the circuit court. 1 Hardware Men Are Cut-ups. Denver. Colo., March 8. Retail hardware men of Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming assembled at the Albany today for a business meet ing which will continue through tomorrow. Calling cards, wedding stationery and commercial printing to order, at the East OregenUa. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF The Liverpool & London & Globe Ins. Go. Of Liverpool. England, on the 31st day of December, 1909, made to the In- j surance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up None in United States INCOME Premiums received during the year in cash .... $7,839,471.35 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year 548.323.40 Income from other sources received during year 224,706.14 ' Total income DISBURSEMENTS $8,812,500.89 Losses paid during the year $3,689,244.45 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock Commissions and salaries paid during the year.. 1,967,561.42 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year... 252,581.65 Amount of all other expenditures 1,964,895.22 Total expenditures ASSETS Value of real estate owned $1,551,406.12 Value of stocks and bonds owned 6,340,605.00 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc 8,549,960.00 Cash In banks and on hand 1,624,484.41 Premiums in course of collection and In trans mission 1.717.007.91 Interest and rents due and accrued 102,349.44 $7,874,382.74 Total assets $13,885,802.88 $13,885,802.85 LIABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid 630,669.19 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstand ing risks 7,000,160.31 Due for commission and brokerage , All other liabilities 774,934.97 Total llabilltle $8,405,654.47 Total Insurance in force December 81, 1909 $1,264,454,199.00 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR. Total risks written during the year $6,017,901.00 Gross premiums received during the year 121.305.76 Premiums returned during the year 19,072.30 Losses paid during the year , 4-93 Losses Incurred during the year "."J-" Total amount of risks outstanding In Oregon Dec. 31. 1909.... 6.454.881.00 THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANTS COMPAJTY, By CHARLBg D HAVEN. Manager. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: W. H. RAYMOND. Portland. Oregon. HENTLEY & LEFFINGWELL, Resident Agents, Pendleton, Oregon. Farmers Auction Sale Under Auspices of Farmers Union aturday Biter. II Beginning at 1 p. m. at Fair Pavi lion in Pendleton, Oregon All persons having anything to, sell, list before sale opens with the clerk, James Johns at the Hartman Abstract Office. Colonel Eiffert, Auctioneer lllllil A Splendid Overall sMBssiiBisjBjpajssa for every use.' Cut generous y full. Two hip pockets. Felled seams. Continuous fly. hrUtsslk MURPHY, GRANT SCO. Manufaawrrt 9 SMrilKilC (islfKM FISH! FISH! or the Lenten Season, fresh every day at the Central Heal Market liS Alia Si 'Phon MJn II For sale at the East Oreeonian olfiee Larue bundle of new psrra, OTitainiriir over HK) bg papers, enn for 25p a bundle.