East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 08, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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New and Attractive
Fresh and Attractive jcl$S& 27 inch
as the first flowers of spring are. the new models
..f 1910 headgear. Our latest importations in
early spring models, make a showing that will
arouse keen interest among fashions followers.
Don't Fail to See Our
Grand Display
REMEMBER The Red Goose drawing contest will close the 10th,
all drawings must be in by Thursday night.
(I I I
r "t. 'v a v a aa an aa
V i friii mi i ii i
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During this great money saving sale we are selling our $3.50 and $3
Men's Hats, all kinds, soft and V--. tf0 0C
stiff, all the latest blocks and colors I OUT CIOICC $4.0D
We are sole agents in Pendleton for
The Famous Harvey-Ricker One-Half minute Coffee Pot
Positively makes the very finest of coffee in one Kalf;minute. 2 quart 'size sells for $1.75
The handiest article ever made for the kitchen. : quart size sells for .. $2.00
1 quart size sells for , $1.50 quart size sells for $2.25
STAR CUT TUMBLERS Regular $1.75 per set $1.43 ETCHED WATER BOTTLES $2.00 vol. for $1.72
ETCHED TUMBLERS Reeular $1.30 -rade $1.05
The Peoples Warehouse where pays to Trade
Baked Cauliflower.
Boil one small cauliflower -and
break It apart carefully Into flower
et. Put a layer of these In the bot
tom of a baking diBh, then a layer of
toasted bread crumbs, a dusting of
rn.lt, pepper, nutmeg and grated
-onion; then another layer of cauli--flower
and seasonings; then the bread
crumbs, with a few cracker crumbs
and three tablespoonfula of cheese.
TTse for the seasonings a level dessert
spoonful of grated onion, 12 grates of
nutmeg, one quarter teaspoonful of
aa.lt, one cupful of toasted bread
crumbs. Make a cream sauce by rub
bing one tablespoonful each of butter
and flour together, to this add three
quarters of a cup of hot milk, a salt
poonful of salt and a dash of pepper
and stir until boiling. Pour over the
Ingredients In the dish, dot with a
few bits of butter and sprinkling of
crumbs and bake in a quick oven 10
or IS minutes. Serve as soon as the
top has browned delicately.
Twisted Maple Cookies.
One cupful each of granulated and
maple sugar and one of butter, two
well beaten eggs, two tablespoonfuls
of water, and flour enough to make
of the consistency of cooky dough. Cut
Into strips, roll in a powdered sugar,
twist, and bake a light brown.
Pineapple Fruitade.
Pare the thin rind of six lemons
and three oranges and pour over them
one cupful of boiling water and let
stand covered In an earthen or gran-
Knwi nnttl nold. Strain It in a large
bowl and add the Juice of 12 lemons
Guaranteed Remedy for onstlpation.
a r. KoeoDen & Bros., the drug
gists, have made arrangements with
the Dr. Howard Co. to make a special
half-price Introductory offer on the
regular f:fty-cnt size of their cele
brated specific for the cure of con
stipaUon and dyspepsia.
This medicine Is a recent discovery
for the cure of all diseases of the
stomach nd bowels. It not only gives
quick relief, but It makes permanent
Dr. Howard's Specific has been so
remarkably successful in curing con
stipation, dyspepsia and all liver tfou
. bles that A. C. Koeppen & Bros., have
hen Irurtructed by the Dr. Howard
company to return the price paid in
every case where It does not give re
lief. Bo great Is the demand .for this
specific that Koeppen Bros, have been
abie to secure only a limited supply
under this special price, and every
one who is troubled with dyspepsia,
constipation or liver trouble should
call upon A. C. Koeppen and Bros, at
once, or send 26 cents and get sixty
doses of the best medicine ever made,
m this special half price offer with
a guarantee from the manufacturers
through their agents, to refund the
money if It does not cure.
- I
an ) bmbi -vm an m a an h an n il
i iiiimj in .in i
S3 v
and three oranges. Add light brown
sugar to taste, a pint of tea made of
half an ounce of Oolong and a few
sprigs of fresh mint brewed with the
tea. Pour on enough water to dilute
sufficiently, allowing for a bottle or
even two of seltzer water, which Is
to be put In Just before serving. Add
also a can of grated pineapple, some
thin slices of comquats, and some
Maraschino cherries. Serve ice cold.
Creamed Shrimps.
For a quart of the canned shrimps
allow one tablespoonful of butter, a
half tablespoonful of flour, one cup
ful of heated cream, 'one beaten yolk
of egg, salt, paprika and a drop or
two of Worse8tershlre sauce. Melt
the butter, add the flour, and when
frothy pour in the cream. When
smooth and slightly thickened add the
shrimps, seasoning and egg yolk.
Serve on toast, In croustades or pat
ty shells.
Lime Juice and Dandelion Wine,
For some people a drink In which
there is a suggestion of bitter quench
es thirst more effectively than any
thing else. A tablespoonful of the
commercial bottled Juice of limes
with a rash of callsaya is very re
freshing, or Just enough dandelion
wine to favor a glassful of water.
Both drinks are exceedingly health
ful. To make the wine pour a gallon
of boiling water over two quarts of j
dandelion rlowers. Let this stand for
twenty-four hours, then strain and add
two pounds of white sugar and two
lemons. Boil down to three quarts,
strain again, let the mixture stand for
two days and bottle.
Timetable for Cooks.
The following valuable table of
time for the boiling of vegetables will
be of use to many cooks:
Asparagus, 15 to 20 minutes.
Beans (shell), 1 to 2 hours.
Beans '(string), 2 "hours.
Young beets, 45 to 60 minutes.
Carrots, 40 minutes.
Cabbage, 30 to 45 minutes.
Onions, 30 to 45 minutes.
Peas, 14 to 20 minutes.
Potatoes, 20 to 30 minutes.
Spinach, 20 to 30 minutes.
Tomatoes, 15 to 20 minutes.
Turnips, 2 to 3 hours.
Worth Knowing.
Orange salad is quickly made and
will help out many a hurry-up meal.
Simply peel large seedless oranges
and slice thick. Lay the pieces on
lettuce and pour rich dressing over
them. Chill and serve.
Caramel sweet potatoes are dell
clous. To prepare them, simply boll
and slice the potatoes and dip them
first In milted butter and then In gran
ulated sugar. Put Into a hot oven,
till a coating of brown caramel is
formed. '
When cutting brick butter Into
Spring Millinery
This seasons proper fabric for waists and
dresses. Can be laundered and guaranteed to
retain color. Come in mixed stripes and cheeks,
regular 35 value, money saving price
. . ja -as aaaw aa a ar at a a a a a
; :
a - JJ w
bits of the butter often will cling to
the knife and spoil the looks of the
square. If a piece of parafin paper
small squares for use on the table
is wrapped around the silver knife,
the butter will cut in sharp, clean
squares and will not cling to the knife
at all.
A silkatine spool nailed to the floor
back of the door and painted the col
or of the woodwork makes a con
venient door-stop.
Dress skirts will not sag if they are
provided with tape straps evenly pin
ner with safety pins to the skirtband
and are hung on two hooks, instead
of one.
When the little white standards In
lace collars become soiled, do not at
tempt to wash them; soak them over
night in gasoline then cover them with
scented talcum powder.
A Swollen Jaw
is not pretty nor pleasant. Whether
it's caused by neuralgia, toothache,
or accident, Ballard's Snow Liniment
will reduce the swelling and relieve
the pain. The great and sure cure
for rheumatism, cuts, burns, bruises,
scalds any and all aches and pains.
Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
Vote Nearly Unanimous to Expend
$40,000 for Schools.
Lakevlew, Ore., March 8. Lake
view has voted a bond Issue of $40,
000. Of a total of 123 votes, 118
were favorable to creating the Indebt
edness for better educational facili
ties. The population of the town of
Lakevlew and the country embraced
in the Lakevlew school district has
increased so rapidly In the past two
years that the school buildings that
have served the district the past sev
eral years have become Inadequate
and the school board was compelled to
erect temporary structures last fall.
SI 00 Reward. 9100.
Tbe readers of tbls piper will be pleased
to learn that there la at least one dreaded
dUense mat science baa been able to can
(a all Its stages, and tbat Is Catarrh. Ball'i
Catarrh Care Is tbe only positive core now
' known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
' being a constitutional disease, requires a
ronatltotlonal treatment. Ball's Catarrh
Cure taken Internally, acting directly upon
l tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the ays
1 tern, thereby destroying tbe foundation of
i the dlnease. and glvlag tbe patient atrengtk
by building op tbe constitution and aaalat
. Iiik nature In doing Its' ork. Tbe pro-
prletors have so much faltb Is Its euratWe
; powers tbat tbej offer One Hundred Dot
lars for any case tbat It falls to cure. Bend
for list of testimonial!.
I Address :
I F. i CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O.
. Hold by Druggists, TOe.
Take Ball's Family Pills for conatipa
1 tloa
Hunt up your lighter clothing, suits
and dresses and have them made like
new by the women. City Dye Worka
Mrs. Hays & Mrs. Finney. Phone
Main 198.
"How old are you, my dear?"
"Eight at home, seven and a halt
when I go by train, and six when I
go out with mamma" Bon Vlvant
Worsted S 111 tin an
19c Yard
a a a a tvrv r
i L- l
si v
Pupils of Miss Harriet Young
Appear lk-fore Public.
A public recital will be given by the
pupils of Miss Harriet Young In the
Presbyterian church this evening at 8
o'clock. This will be the second re
cital given by Miss Young's pupils
this year.
The following is the program for
the evening:
1 Minuet Van Gael
Beatrice Weatherston.
II La Marche Burgmuller
Myrtle Rhodes,
III Romance Rubinstein
Ethel Chapman.
IV Valse Op. 59 No. 2 Schutt
Jeane Anderson.
V Majurka Von Wilm
Olive Gwinn.
VI Moments Whimsical No. 3....
Gwendoline Smith.
VII Scottish Tone Picture
Nona Johnson.
VIII Second Mazurka Godard
Ruben Beckwlth.
IX Cascades Gurlltt
Pauline Ia Fontaine.
X Polish Dance Scharwenka
Ida Cherry.
XI Spinning Song Mendelssohn
Sadie 'Young.
VII Tocato Jonas
Louie Minnis.
XII (a) Prelude" in B. ..... Chopin
(b) Marche Grotesque. . Sinding
Edith Raiey.
IV To Spring Grieg
Annie Tullls.
One seldom has the opportunity of
hearing a chorus of girls' voices.
There Is something uplifting In hear
ing not a crowd of chorus glls gaily
dressed and Intended to represent the
fantastic and unreal In life, but in
hearing a score of fresh young
voices, real girls, singing of real life.
The Whitman College Girls' Glee
club will be In Pendleton Friday,
March 11, at the Methodist church,
under the auspices of the Pendleton
academy. Mr. Sterling, the well-known
pianist of Whitman conservatory, will
appear on the program.
Abandon Voting Trust.
Pittsburg, Pa., March 8. No change
was made In the present management
of the corporation by the stockhold
era of the Pittsburg Coal company at
the annual meeting today. The plan
for forming a voting trust, with the
object of preventing the control from
passing Into other hands at a price
lower than $40 a share for common
and $100 fur preferred, has been
abandoned, as It received the assent
of less than a majority of the stock
Slimv TFnrflra In Tindfin.
London, March 8. The Hunter
Improvement society opened Its an
nual horse show here today. Among
the exhibitors is Alfred Gwynne Van-derbllt.
UcriiiisUm U Progressing Much
IliiiUliiiK lroKsed for Spring
school lo bo Enlurged Improved
'Phone Service Promised.
(Staff Correspondence.)
Hermiston, Ore., Mar. 8. On the
fifteenth of this month. If local re
ports prove correct. Dr. H. W. Coe
and his large organization of realty
men will Join the forces now engaged
In selling the Mnxwell lands under the
Vmatllla project. It Is understood
that n deal has been made under
which Dr. Coe will enter Immediately
upon the work of colonizing the
Maxwell lands. As he has a good
working organisation consisting of
many representatives In various parts
of the east and middle west It Is
anticipated that there will be "some
thing doing" when he takes up the
work of selllne lands under the Uma
tilla project. Dr, Coe has already dis
posed of practically all the land un
der the Furnish-Coe project
Taking Homestead Land.
Gradually the land under the pro
ject open to homestead entry Is be
ing filed upon. "Almost every day a
few filings arei made. The satisfac
tory feature about the taking of these
lands Is that the entryr-n are evi
dently taking hold with the Intention
of actually living upon the land and
reclaiming the same. For the most
part the cntrymen are men of some
experience and alsoNhave funds with
which to Improve their clalmh.
Town Is Growing. i
Within Hermiston there are many
evidences of growth and progress.
Several new business buildings are
projected for the ' spring. At this
time the prospective' builders have not
fully worked out their plans, but the
situation is such that considerable
building is Inevitable.
Work has Just been started upon
tiie levelling and Improving of the
school grounds. A big addition to the
school building has also t,een voted
and is to be constructed so as to be
in readiness for use next fall. -The
storage company, of which Messrs.
Clarke and Thelps are principal stock
holders, will alse enlarge Its plant
during the spring.
Manager McWhorter of the "phone
company serving Hermiston, has an
nounced that on March 15 the com
pany will improve Its service. After
that date an all day and all night
service will be established nnd It will
include Sundays as well as week
days. At this time there Is no night
or Sunday 'phone service.
London. The' rapid disappearance
of the horse from London streets was
strikingly illustrated by the opening
sale at Fernhead road, Harrow road,
of omnibus horses belonging to the
London General Omnibus company.
The bidding was brisk, but prices
were companiticely small, nnd aver
aged $50 to $75 for 10-year-olds.
The highest price reached was about
$137 nnd the lowest $37. The pur
chasers Included farmers, carmen,
green grocers and coal dealers. The
company Is disposing by auction of
500 horses and Is replacing the horse
vehicles from time to time with mo
tor omnibuses.
About 500 horses are now left In
the company's omnibus service, as
compared with about 14,000 regularly
employed before the motor competi
tion began.
A Night Alarm.
Worse than an alarm of fire at
night Is the metallic cough of croup
bringing dread to the household.
Careful mothers keep Foley's Honey
and Tar In the house and give It at
the first sign of danger. Foley's Hon
ey and Tar has saved many little
lives and is the only safe preparation
for children as It contains no opiates.
Koeppen Bros.
Farm and Dairy for Sale.
Choice dairy and fruit farm for sale.
360 acres deeded land, lots of free
range; 8 miles from R. R. station,
nearly all of the stock and machinery
goes with the place. All for $10,000,
half cash, balance five years' time. D.
Kemler, 210 W. Bluff street, Pendle
ton, Ore.
Foley's Kidney Remedy Is a safe
and certain remedy for all kidney
and bladder diseases, whether acute
or chronic. It Is a splendid tonic for
middle aged and elderly people and
a sure cure for all annoyances and Ir
regularities of the kidneys and blad
der.- Koeppen Bros.
Calling cards, wedding stationery
and commercial printing to order, at
the East Oregonlan.
No matter how old and
(aded your hair looks, or how
la you have been gray, it
will wotk wondert for you,
keep you looking young, pro
mote a luiuriant growth of
hsalthy hair, stop iti falling
tbadbmask out and VOSlUVtiy Ke-
move Dandrnll.
Will not toil skin or linen. Will net injure
youthair. Is Not a Dye.
$1.00 and 60c. Bottles, at DrucfitU
PtUlo Hav SDCctoNcwarkbNJU.SJi.
m am.4 writer m
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Scspect it
How To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or commonlass with youi
water and let it stand twenty-four hours;
a brick tluBt seat
incut, or settling,
stringy or milky
appearance often
indicates on un
healthy condi
tion of the kid
neys; too fre
quent desire to
pass it or pain in
the back are also symptoms that tell you
the kidneys and bladder are out of order
and need attention.
What To Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge o
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer'i
Kwunip-Root, the great kidney remedy,
ful Tills almost every wish in correcting
rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys,
liver, bladdcrund every part of theurinary
passage. Corrects inability to hold water
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad
etlects following use of liquor, wine o
beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled to go often
through the day, nnd to get up many
times duriug the night. The mild and
immediate effect of Swamp-Root is
soon realized. It stands the highest be
causeof its remarkable kw
health restoring prop
erties. If you need a iSSIt;
medicine vnn should Ifi'!! "-4
have the best. Sold by CK-riaL" tf .'.HSsJ
druggists in fifty-cent ,
and one-doll ar sizes. n,. i ciuip-iuu.
You may have a sample bottle sent fref
by1 mail Address Dr. Kilmer it Co., Ring
liaintoii, N. Y. Mention this paper and
remember the name, Pr. Kilmer's Swnmp
Root, and the address, ltiughamtou,
N. Y., ou every bottle. .
GARAGE. PRICE $4000.00.
Mark Moorhouse
112 East Court St.
Phone Main U.
Renl'cfy'6 CATARRH
Ely's Cream Balm
la quick!) absorbed.
Gie Relief at Once.
It cleuuet, soot bet,
heals uuti protects
the diseased mem
brane riwultiug from
Catarrh and drive
away a Cold in the
Head quickly, ltblisu l--ll-f
stores the Kmscs of IH I Z.V (.11
Taste and 8ui. ll. Full HWP r,0 ebt.. atDrujr.
gists or by mail. Iu liquid form, 75 i-euts.
iaj uroiuonsoii warreu street. New Yodc.
Cass Matlock, Prop.
and illustrated songs in
the city.
Shows afternoon and eve
nings. Refined and en
tertaining for the entire
Next to French Restaurant
Entire change threo times
each week. Be sure and
ice the next change,
Adults 10c. Children
under 10 years, Kc.
Every Woman
K)t your drtmrlrt for
it. if ha ennnut anpnl
l1 V U'.VH. acct'nt na
ir i'.i-fi nook-mauled. It alvea fntl
unrtlrulara and directions InrrUnnhle
. tmim. al 4HV EL CO.. 4 E. 2 3d St .. Tf
tops tKo coutf h akiad hcaJs lung
I ViMji abiratthewonrlerrnl -
rift, I r m