J i PAGE EIX. DAXLT EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, ORCUON, MONDAY, MARCH 7, 110. eight taoes. MODERN DWELLING SITUATED IN THE BEST RESIDENCE LOCALITY or PENDLETON, ONLY FOUR BLOCKS FROM BUSINESS CENTER. UP TO DATE CONVENIENCES WITH SUFFICIENT ROOM IN REAR FOR STABLE OR GARAGE. PRICE 94000.0, FOR FURTHER PARTICU LARS CALL ON Mark Uoorhouse Company 111 East Court St Phone Mala S3. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN PlSllil IIEIIIE Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week. Be sure and lee the next change. Adults 10c Children under 10 years, 5c Gem Pan Spice Cakes. Cream one and a quarter cupa su gar, half cup butter. Beat one tea spoon soda into one cup sour milk. Mix and add one teaspoon clove, half teaspoon allspice, half teaspoon cinna mon, half teaspoon salt, one teaspoon lemon flavoring, one cup raisins, three cups flour. Boll raisins while mixing cake. Rinse in cold water. Bake these cakes in iron gem pans if you have them. You may use part rais ins, part Sultanas and a few currents or nuts If you like. Measure flour generously. Soft Ginger Cakes. As an emergency dish or to com plete a meal these little cakes are superior and the batter can be kept a fortnight and baked in gem pans at the shortest notice. ane cup of lard and butter, one cup of molasses (Orleans), one cup of sugar, one tablespoon of soda, one cup of boil ing water, one heaping teaspoon of salt, two eggs, five scant cups of flour two tablespoons of cinnamon and two of ginger. toes, 1 cup of chopped celery or celery tops and 7 pint of boiling water over the fire and simmer slowfy till very tender. Then make a brown roux of one tablespoonful each of butter and flour, and when well browned add the mixture of meat and vegetables. .Sea son to taste. As this dish Is usually made of left-overs already seasoned once, no definite qualities can be given. Serve hot, with boiled rice in a separate dish. This must be season ed highly and should cook down till quite thick. COMMON WOOD RAT CARRIES BUBONIC PLAGUE ESTATE AGENTS THRIVE ON NEW PARLIAMENT Imperial Cake. Two cups sugar, one cup butter, one cup milk, three and a half cups flour, four eggs, one teaspoon soda, two teaspoones cream of tartar. Cream butter and sugar, add yolks of eggs then milk, then stiffly beaten whites. Sift soda and cream of tar tar with flour and add last with one half cup sliced citron and one cup of chopped almonds. If you wish a cake that combines quality and eco nomy, give this a trial. What Is a Home? What is home for? Peace. What do many of us make it? A place for relating trials. A place for displaying tempers. A place for being disabreeable. A place for dispute. A place for haste. ; A place for fault finding. A place for fretting and worrying, A place for tears. A place for snarls. A place for growling. . A place for swearing. A place for sulking. A place for meanness, such as none but a home companion would forgive; for ugliness such as none would In flict upon a stranger. Place opposite this: Home, a place jfor rest, for cheer, for warmth, for comfort, for forbearance; a place for peace, repose: a place where the soul may extend toward a nobler. Better life. Home! The word itself comes from . the Sanskrit "ksema," meaning abode, place of rest, security. Sometimes blessings come to us ais- guised as misfortunes. Patience is a gift of experience. Sarcasm Is a sword without a han dle. He who wields it must have a care that he himself is not cut Washington. Officials of the pub lic health and marine hospital service are alarmed at the latest discovery of their agents in Californlt, that the wood rat Is a carrier of bubonic plague germs. It was known that the common, rat and the Beechy ground squirrel were both subject to Infection and could transmit the dread disease to human beings, and ,thls latest discovery fills the scientists with a new apprehen sion lest the plague become endemic in the United State. Already thousands of ground squir rels and rats have been slaughtered In Alameda and Contra, Costa counties, California, to prevent spread of In fection. It was in connection with this campaign of eradication that the discovery was made that the wood rat was equally culpable This makes a new link in the plague chain and alarms the scientists for two reasons. First the wood rat may act as an intermediary In the transmis sion of disease to other animals; and, then,' because they do not ordinarily come in contact with squirrels, it may be that some other animal, not now suspected, with which they are more completely associated, is also infect ed. So far only one case of a plague bearing wood rat, which Is a native and a different article from the true rat which is imported, has not been discovered. London. The reassembling of par liament is proving a splendid thing for the London estate agents, and for trade generally. Nearly half the new parliament is made up of new mem bers who come to London from out of the way provincial fastnesses, and book a flat or a house for the session or even longer. , Many of the defeated members, re lying on the great over-powering Lib eral majority to keep the government in power until the complete expiration of the seven years of control, had ta ken houses and chambers on a seven years' lease, and, after four years, find themselves with an unexpired lease of three years upon their hands. Chaf ing under the ignominy of defeat they have had no wish to remain In Lon don, and they have instructed estate agents to get rid of the lease to the most likely tenant This Interchange of chambers has made trade brisk. Decorators and furniture movers are also busy, while tradesmen's agents are making the electric bells and knockers work over time. Begging letter writers are also extremely diligent bombarding the new member with fulsome epistles of adulation which recall some Incident mai never Happened, and crave a small loan on the strength of a fast friendship that never existed. Then the subscription fiend Is not allowing the dust to settle In ' his neighborhood. He is busy soliciting patronage in the shape of annual sub' scriptlons for football dubs, amateur dramatic clubs, and missions of all descriptions, much to the. concern bf the new member who finds his check book growing palpably thinner under the stress. It is computed that a seat in parlia ment costs its winner at least $5000, but the ambitious statesman only learns this after he is elected. The Well Known Chinese Doctor Cures any and all dis eases that the hums flesh Is heir to. My wonderful and powerful roots, herbs, remedies are composed o f Chinese buds, barks and vegetables that aro entirely unknown to medical science of the present day. They are harmless. as we use no poisons or drugs. No operations. No knife used. We care stomach troubles, liver. kidney, catarrh, lung, throat aeth ma, nervous debility, female com' plaints and rheumatism and all disorders of the blood. We cure to stay cured, and guarantee to cure all kinds of Piles and Private Diseases of men and women. Call and see him or write. Consulta tion free. If you are unable to call and see him, send two cents In stamps for symptom blank. Ad dress: THE L. CUING WO CHINESE feEDICXNE CO S W. Rose St, Walla Walla ,Wn. NO SEASON FOR IT. the GIRL WITH TWO VOICES AMAZES GAY PARISIANS Bullet Brings Mind Back. UKianoma City. As a result of a bullet wound In the head received when he atacked the guard who was taking him to the Insnne asylum, Al bert H. Beall, an insurance agent of this city, Is a patient In a local hos pital, his sanity apparently restored. The bullet cut a deep furrow along the side of his head. When revived. Beat was unable to remember the events of the hours preceding, and since the shooting has exhibited no . Useful Tld Bits. If there is no mucilage about, use a piece of cold boiled potato. ParisSociety Is discussing today ' ptoms of in8AJlltyi LUC uciuriiuuus 0rnaniluu uiuseu H the reception given by Ambassador Bacon at the embassy by Dorothy Toye, a young girl from Winnipeg, Manitoba, w ho sang in two voices, one a three-octave sporano and the other a tenor voice of great power and sweet ness. Miss Toye came to Paris recently to consult Professor Frank Dossert. di rector of the National Conservatory of Music, regarding the advisability of entering upon an operatic career. When he heard her soprano .voice he said she waa unquestionably fitted for grand opera. A moment later he was astonished to hear her sing a song from "Pagllac cl" In Caruso's voice, rendering his exact phrasing. Musicians say they Stubborn As Mules are liver and bowels sometimes; seem to balk without cause. Then there's trouble loss of appetite. Indigestion nervousness, despondency, headache, But such troubles fly before Dr. King's New Life Pills, the world's best stomach and liver remedy. Sc easy. 25c at Tallman & Co. The Servant Girl Disappearing. From McClure's Magazine. During the last SO years, the demand for servants has doubled, while the supply has increased only by half In the last decade only by five per cent. In 1870 there was one to every 12; even In the recent crisis, when the cities were filled with unemploy ed, the demand still outran the sup ply. And yet, during th SO years past, the number of self-supporting women that Is, the actual labor mar ket has more than trebled. Forty years ago a woman thrown upon her own resources would tend to select housework for a living! In fact, one woman in two did so select Thirty years ago only every third woman en tered domestic service. Ten years ago only one In four rapped at the kitchen door. The other three applied where? Every one knows; at the shop, the factory, the store. Onions and Apples. Put one tablespoonful of butter In a frying pan, and when melted put In three sliced onions and three sliced apples; let fry slowly until browned, season with salt and , pepper and serve on toast. have never heard of any such nomenon in musical history. I Miss Toye actually sings duets with herself. After she sang for Ambas sador Bacon he said: "It was the most remarkable performance I ever heard in my life." It is needless to say that all Paris Is talking of her personally. Miss Toye is a slightly built girl, singularly bright and one of eight sisters, all of whom are musicians. Physicians, as well as musicians, are greatly Inter ested In her. She has been invited to go to London to sing before the Medi cal' congress. Call for Warrants. All general fund warrants, register' ed during the months of July, August and September, 1909, will be paid at my office, at the county court house upon presentation. Interest ceased upon date of publl cation. Dated Pendleton, Oregon, Febru Pie- j ary 2, i9io, Umatilla county. O. W. BRADLEY, County Treasurer, A Swollen Jaw is not pretty nor pleasant. Whether It's caused by neuralgia, toothache, or accident, Ballard's Snow Liniment will reduce the swelling and relieve the pain. The great and sure cure for rheumatism, cuts, burns, bruises, scalds any and all aches and palna Sold by A. C. Koeppen St Bros. Hunt up your lighter clothing, suits and dresses and have them made like new by the women. City Dye Works. Mrs. Hays & Mrs. Finney. Phone Main 1(8. PILES SDRED IN S TO 14 DATS PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to caress esse of Itcblng. Wind, Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles In 6 to 14 days or money refund m. rioc. Calling cards, wedding stationery and commercial printing to order, at the East Oregonlaa. LET AN ELECTRIC MOTOR DO YOUR WORK Steadiest, cheapest and moat reliable power for small or heavy work. Leas danger and 'easier to operate you turn a lever and It does the work. The Housewife's work will be lessen ed .when Electrlcty and Gas come into, the home COOK VITII GAS Make the work easier for her and save' on your fuel as welL No dirt, dust and excessive heat No fuel to h&ndfo and fires to kindle and It costs lesa. s For Her sake, put gas In your whome before the hot weather arrives Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. Phone Main 4. Mattock Banding. Wbea Pendleton Cltiaeas Show Certain Way Oot There can be no Just reason why any reader of this will continue to suffer the tortures of an aching back, the annoyance of urinary disorders, the dangers of diabetes or any kidney ills when relief Is so near at hand and the most positive proof given that they can be cured. Read what Pendleton eltisea says: Mrs. D. Coffman, 121 . Stonewall Jaekson street Pendleton. Ore., says: "About a year ago I was havlac vers fains through my back and fi nally eaaae to the conclusion that they arose from disordered kidneys, as a cold was sure to settle tn these or gans and greatly aggravate my suf fering. I had known of the merit of Doan's Kidney Pills for a kmc time and at last deciding to try theaa, I procured a box at the Pendleton Drag Co, They helped me from the first and after I had taken the eon tents of the box not a pain or ache remained and my kidneys were re stored to their normal condition. I , know of others who have used Doan's Kidney Pill with excellent results and I feel that I cannot speak too highly la their favor." For sale by all dealers. Price 1 1 eenta Fosttr-Mllbum Co., Buffalo, New Tork, sole agents for the United Statea Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Onions in Potato Cradles. Left-over potatoes of uniform size may be cut in half lengthwise, the center scooped out. leaving a shell. This should be browned in butter, then filled with fried onions.' Hot buttered peas may substitute for onions. Ladies Sole Sewed. With my new machine I can sew your soles on for 66c per pair. They will look better and last longer. A. EKLUND. Apples With Bread and Milk. A delicious luncheon dish is made by slicing perfectly ripe, mellow sweet apples into a bowl of rich milk and bread. The more common way is to bake the apples, unpeeled. In a slow oven till tender, then slicing Into the bread and milk; but many on trial prefer the uncooked fruit. Caramel Cake. Cream a half-cup of butter with one and one half cups of powdered sugar. When this mixture Is light, add three quarters of a cup of milk, and when this is well beaten In, fold in the stif fened whites of three eggs alternately, with enough prepared flour to make a good batter. Bake In layers. Stewed Peas. Melt 2 ounces of butter In a pan, then put In a small sliced onion, a bunch of parsley, and half a head of lettuce, with salt and pepper to taste; when the onion Is faintly colored, add one and a half pints of peas, a small teaspoonful of sugar and half a pint of water, and let them stew gently till the peas are tender (half an hour for young peas); then remove the let tuce, parsley and onions, thicken the liquid with the yolk or an egg beaten up with a little cream or milk. Georgia Hash. Put I cupfuls of heel or mutton, either ray or cooked, 1 cup of toma- Under t Jie Old 3 Management! THE GRRN D PENDLETON'S BIG. POPULAR VAUDEVILLE AND MOTION PICTURE THEATRE. New Performers. Acts and Pictures twice each 5ik- week. Monday and Thursday Johnson' $ Four-Piece Orchestra, Every Performance. i Matinee Every Saturday and Sunday Afternoon. ADULTS 1BC CHILDREN 15c. Doors Open at 7 p. m. FKBIOl I" HOJ'CL OREGON ' ; front A: , tijtviHm Miss Marie Drofnah, Loading Lady With Charles R. Hanford, at the Oregon Thfator March IS. Located ou the corner of Seventh and Stark streets, extending thr..nKh t)ie block to Park street Portland, Oregon. Our new Park Street Annex Is the only fireproof hotel building In Oregon. Rates $1 a Day and Up. European SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Teutonia Insurance Company Of New Orleans, In the State of Louisiana, on the 31st day of December, 10. made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up IB0.000.M INCOME, Premiums received during the year In cash.... 8J8,3.88 Interest, dividends and rents received during year 8S.197.7S Income from other sources received during year 683.80 Total incom " . DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid during the year 491,189.68 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock 15,880.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year . . 85,002.61 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year... 11,718.31 Amount of all other expenditures 140,510.48 Total expenditures 848,735.16 ASSETS. Value of real estate owned $ 70,000.00 Value of stocks nd bonds owned 694,148.00 Cash In banks and on hand B1.6T0.17 Premiums In course of collection and In trans- mission . "MUJ-JJ Interest and rents due and accrued b,bu.is Total assets, ...I X8.411.63 Total assets admitted in Oregon I MM11-M LIABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid 3 41,475.00 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstand ing risk. B07,,"I! Due for commission and brokerage 500.00 All other llabllltle 10,085.00 Total liabilities ' J 5!2'M! Total Insurance In force December 81, 1909 76,74S,5I.tt BU8INES8 IN OREGON FOR THE TEAR Total risks written during the year I Gross premiums received during the year 1,191.4s Premiums returned during the year 181.11 Losses paid during the year .... 1,164.11 Losses Incurred during the year 1,164.11 Total amount of risks outstanding In Oregon Dec. 81,. 1909.... 187,800.66 TEUTONIA INSURANCE COMPANY, By ALBERT P. VOLT, President. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service; B. R. THOMPSON, Portland, Or.