PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREGONTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 4, 1810, Are You Living Too High? Ifjso let us supply you with your.table necessities. We will give you just as good, if not better, than you are now getting, but you'll find our price much lower Live the same but pay less, at the Standard Grocery Co. 214-216 East Court St. Leading'Grocers. PERSONAL MENTION PENDLETON TO HAVE MUSIC THAT IS MUSIC UNITED ORCHESTRA AND BAND IS ORGANIZED Leading Musicians of City Get To gether Under Direction of Frank D. Carruth Concerts to Be Given In Near Future. ATHLETIC CARNIVAL ON BOARDS TONIGHT HIGH SCHOOL TOURNAMENT Wni BE GREAT EVENT Roxing and Wrestling Bouts Between Best Athletes or School Will Pro vide Much Amusement for Fans of the Town. At last Pendleton has a large per manent musical organization of which It can well be proud. Starting with the snlendid Doultrv show orchestra as a nucleus the organisation was j ketbali game .between, "The All-Stars" made permanent at a meeting held and the high school teams; boxing Everything . for the great athletic carnival tonight is in readiness. The program as It now stands Is: "Bas- last evening In the E';ler piano house. It Is to be known as the United Or chestra and Band. Frank D. Carruth its to be director of the orchestra. Mrs. 'William Humphrey was elect ed secretary and R. W. Fletcher was chosen manager of the orchestra. The band instrumentation " and manage ment will be arranged later. Rehearsals will be held each Tues day evening at the Eller piano house and a series of concerts will be ar ranged for the near future. The or chestra will also be in a position to furnish musii for any and all occa sions. As soon as the band members get together plans will be made for the holding of concerts on the court house lawn or in some other part of the city during the summer evenings. An interesting feature of the meet ing last evening was the presentation of a $25 violin case to Director Frank D. Carruth by the members of the poultry show orchestra. This was adorned with a silver plate suitably engraved. A false set o" teeth Is not always the cause of a falsetto voice. C. D. Porter of Stanfleld, is a busi ness visitor In the city today. Mrs. L. Bryant of Heppner, is a guest of the Hotel Bowman. A. B. Gillette of Echo, Is transact ing business In Pendleton today. D. C. Brownell of Umatilla, Is tran sacting business In the county seat today. Ira Scott and wife of Helix, came in from that town on the morning Northern Pacific train. Theodore Howard, ' the architect, went to Hermiston this morning for the transaction of business. Frank Richmond of Helix, came in from that place this morning and is transacting business here today. Mrs. A. It. Knight left this after noon for. North Yakima, where she I will visit friends for a few days. I H. Hofneister and wife of White Lake, South Dakota, are In the city the guests of. Mrs. I F. Lampkln. Carl Engdahl who has spent the last month visiting in Eugene and Portland, returned home yesterday. B. C. Kidder of Athena, returned home last evening after transacting business In Pendleton during the day. Attorney Edward S. Taylor of the reclamation service, is here today from Hermiston for the transaction of bus iness, Mr. and Mrs. John Adams return ed to their home, near Adams last eve ning after spending the day In Pen dleton. W. A. Smith of Pasco, spent Jast night in Pendleton while on his way to Portland to open up a real estate office. Robert G. Still, a prominent wheat grower of the Dry creek section, is in the city today for the transaction of business. Attorney Will M. Peterson, who has been in Salem to argue a case before the supreme court, Is expected home on the evening train. Mrs. .Vida Johnston, deputy clerk for the eastern Oregon district of the federal court for Oregon, spent last night with Walla Walla friends. Deputy Sheriff Frank Beatty of Portland, passed through Pendleton this morning on his way to Portland from an official trip to La Grande. Elmer Cleaver returned to Echo, this morning after snending a few dfiys in this city in the interest of the Western Land & Irrigation company. R. H. MacWhorter and family of Pilot Rock, returned to their home In that town this morning fter transact Ing business In Pendleton over night. N. A. Jones of Portland, spent last and wrestling matches between Fighting Dick" Thompson afid "Kid" Joe Snyder; "Battling Nelson" Milne and "Ad Wolgast" Estes; "Jack Mc- Cormick" McDill and "Farmer Burns" Bean; and the .main event of the eve ning will be between "Frank Gotch" Devine and "Yousiff Graham, the terrible Turk. In all probability there will be several minor bouts which will not be listed on the program. Tickets are now being sold by many of the students of the high school, student body has a small outstanding debt and the members of the senior class wish to leave the school out of debt and are all working to this end. Great interest was manifested In the coming track season Wednesday nlcrVit u'hon a ffrpflt Tllimher Of the boys turned out and began putting night in the city, the guest of his sls the track in shate. ; ters-in-law, Mrs. R. W. Fletcher and Mrs. Eleanor Kecmeia. He lert mis TRUNK FALLS ON BRAKEMAN SERIOUSLY INJURING HIM 'mi Cures Colds A a A i J rir WW Kondon's breaks up a cold in a few hours clears tbe bead relieves delicate o a s a 1 membranes pleasant to take abso-f Jutely pare and guar anteed, uon t neg lect colds and Bet bay ever, asthma, aeat- T . fatnrrh fr f r (..nit. j.anitary 25c or 50c tube, or ' -v rrcc aanoie ioor Drnaolsrs SoothM. beau. ciDfa. cares. A Rtnirle application prove. 36.000 dniprfrieta e!l Kondon'i and recommend iianaerour poaitiv guarantee. nna lor iroa ample now. mr .a ma. . aunova nun. lmnnea polls, Mlnnu J. W. Parkes, a freight brakeman who was doing duty as a passenger brakeman during the congestion of traffic, was seriously Injured at the local depot about 4 o'clock this morn ing. Though he was still unconscious when taken on to Portland, an hour later, it Is not believed that his In juries will prove fatal though at that time It was Impossible to tell the ex tent of his injuries. Parkes had come in on No. 9, the delayed night train and was assist ing In unloading trunks. In some manner a great trunk weighing In the neighborhood of 600 pounds fell over onto him, one corner striking him In the face, breaking his nose and ren dering him unconscious. It also knocked him against the side of an other car, seriously injuring his back. Dr. Cole, the local railroad physician was called and after giving the man's Injuries temporary attention, ordered him taken on to Portland on the first section of train No. 5. ; Parkes is a young man, lives In La ; Grande and though he has been acting ' as freight brakeman for some time this was his first trip on a passenger I train. morning for Walla Walla. Asa B. Thomson of Echo, passed through Pendleton this morning on one of the delayed trains on his return from a trip to Mexico. He was held up at Glenns Ferry for 52 hours on account of washouts. Claude Gatch, national bank exam! ner. passed through Pendleton this morning on his way home to Salem from a visit to Idaho. He was held at Glenns Ferry, Idaho, for two or three days on account of washouts. Bert Kenzie, night clerk at the Ho tel Pendleton, who went to Spokane a few days ago for a visit, returned home on a cot this mooting. He was taken ill while enroute back to this city and was taken from the North ern Pacific train to the hospital. CAUGHT IN TOILS With the arrest yesterday of Doug lass French, aged 17,. the city and county officers brought to a termina tion n search of many months for the perpetrators of three successful bur glaries. In addition to young French the other guilty person la Leo Lent, who was arrested a few days ago with some of the' stolen goods in his pos session. The boy arrested yesterday has made a. complete confession, im plicating Lent as well as himself, so that there is no longer any question of the guilt of the first one arrested. Both are young fellows, Lent being only 20 years of age. The crimes with which the young men are charged are the burglarizing of the store at Meacham the morning of June 4 th of last year, the show window of the same store, several days later and the East End grocery rob bery which occurred on the night of July 11. When they committed the Meacham burglaries the two young fellows had a camp on the north fork of Meacham creek. They stole a ham, a sack of flour, some candy, overalls and sever al pairs of socks. They transported this stuff on a hand car to near the mouth of the north fork and then carried it from the track to their camp. A part of this plunder, as well as some of the cheap jewelry stolen from the East End grocery later, was found in the possession of Lent, who has been under the survell ance of the local police ever since the last of hte crimes was committed. Lent Is still In Jail, but relatives of the other boy put up the bonds which secured his freedom. The cases against them will be investigated by the grand Jury. LITTLE GIKL TO INHERIT ERNEST CASSEL MILLIONS London. No one knows how many millions Sir Ernest Cassel, some times on account of the king's friendship for him sailed. "Windsor" Cassel, possee es, but every one knows that they are numerous enough to make his little grand daughter, Miss Edwina Ashley, one of the richest heiresses prospective In England. Sir Ernest is a widower with but one child, a daughter, who Is married to Wildfred Ashley, the grand nephew and heir of Lord Palmerton, and the Ashleys have but one child this daugh ter Edwina. King Edward has failed to secure a peerage for his financial adviser and friend, but Mr. Ashley on the death of his father will become the master of Borderlands, the his torical home of the Palmerstones, whose peerage. It is said, will then be revived. So that the banker may yet live to see hs daughter a peeress of the realm. Sir Ernest Cassel's rise is one of the . romances of finance. He was born of Jewish parents In Cologne fifty-eight years ago, worked as a banker's clerk for a few shillings a week came to London and by his bold work la promotions and flotations soon became a power In the city. It was Oassel who financed the Assouan dam project, which reclaimed the up per Nile country, at a cost of over $125,000,000, and it was Cassel who also financed London's subways. But his most remarkable financial exploit was on the occasion when he handed the King a check for a mill- Ion dollars for founding a hospital for consumptives. Sir Ernest has two magnificent res idences. Brook House in London, once the residence of Lord Tweedmouth, and a country place at Newmarket. Come in Take a Look! We have just received and are now showing the new Spring mikm gun metal and box calf; in black and tan. We have ordered an exceptional wide range of sizes, especially widths, enabling us to guarantee you a per fect fit. Busy Boston Store Public School Lecture Course. Owing to the failure of Mr. Lau ra nt, who was to give the fourth number In the public school lecture and entertainment course, to reach here In time to fill his engagement on the 1st or 2d of this month, the management desires to refund the money for the Laurant ticket, or al low the holders to use them In the next number, the College Singing Girls, on March 31st. The next en tertainment Is to take place In the Oregon theatre, and when the box sheet Is opened for reserved seats, Monday, March 28th, those who hold the Laurant tickets may have the money refunded by turning in the ticket, or they may exchange them for a seat In the entertainment given by the College Singing Girls, which Is preferred. Meanwhile, should any one be going away or for any other reason should desire to return the Laurant ticket the committee will be glad to refund the money paid for It Regretting the disappointment In the Laurant number, but hoping the above plan will be satisfactory. I am, Sincerely, J. S. LANDERS, ' For the Committee Dressed young chickens and chlok- ens for roasting .very Saturday at the Central meat market. Pnone Mala St. site mm Almost any Lense Duplicat ed in 20 minutes. All My Give Glasses Entire RICKARD AND GLEASON ARE STILL CONFERRING Five New Members of Bar. Salem, Ore. Robert O. Graves of Portland and Dana A. Tuft of Marsh field have been permanently admitted to practice Jaw In this state by the supreme court on motion. Charles H. Giles of Portland has been admitted on examination, having passed the ex amination last year, but not yet hav ing arrived at the legal age. E. S. Fuller of Portland has been admitted on approbation upon the presentation of papers from the state of Georgia, and J. M. Kelso, Jr. .of Portland on papers from the state of Arkansas. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. PKOIEIOUII ORCERS-TOU EET1HEMBIGHT San Francisco, Mar. 4. Another 'mysterious" conference Is scheduled for today between Tilckard and local uuIIialulnl'iawMiiil ' parties probably to settle before night i tne matter oi wnere me jennes i Johnson fight will be held, according to Rickard. , It was announced today that neith er Gleason nor Rickard will consider ': the proposition of Dick Ferris, of Los I Angeles, who makes a flat proposition '(to take over the fight and everything else for a hundred and fifty thousand dollars. PACK TRAIN WITH SOTLIES RESCUES ISOLATED VILLAGE Spokane, March 4. The village of Lacona in the mountains on the Mil waukee line was relieved by a pack train which reached there last night with food. Fifty inhabitants were frantic with fear and hunger. The railroad is hopelessly blocked. George Washington, of Washington was arrested on Washington's birth day for being first In a darktown sa loon war. n. . . i'ii Fresh Green Vegetables LOOK AT THIS LIST AND PHONE YOCR ORDER. Cauliflower Celery Parsley Splnnach Head Lettuce Hot House Lettuce Green Onions Radishes Cucumbers Artichoke Horse Radish Root Brussel Sprouts Parsnips Beets White Turnips Rutabagas Carrots Cabbage Sweet Potatoes SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. In Endless Profusion Everything the Northwes tern markets afford in Vegetables, now to be found here. Fresh Every Day INGRAM'S GROCERY BIGGER AND IBETTERTHAN EVER BIRD ARCHITECT FOR ZOO First Sccincn of Mound-Builder Received for 44 Years. London. An ungainly but gifted bird has Just received the warmest welcomes nt the Zoological gardens. It Is a mallee bird, br Australian mound-builder. To the casual visitor It Is merely an undistinguished bird clothed In quiet grays and browns and about the shape and size of a half-starved hen, save that Its feet are about four times lar ger. . It Is with these powerful feet that the mallee bird constructs an immense mound of earth and leaves, many times Its own height, which It uses as an Incubator for its eggs. The decomposition of the vegetable matter produces the necessary heat, but when the temperature rises ab normally the sagacious bird promptly ventilates the nest by tunneling into the mound and admitting air. The "Zoo's" last mallee bird died as long ago as 1888. Stubborn As Moles are liver and bowels sometimes; seem to balk without cause. Then there's' trouble loss of appetite. Indigestion. nervousness, despondency, headache, But such troubles fly before Dr. King's New Life Pills, the world's best stomach and liver remedy. Sc easy. 25c at Tallman & Co. New and second hand furniture at the lowest prices ever made In Pen dleton. Call in before house cleaning time. Pendleton Furniture Co., W. R. Graham, mgr. Ingram's old gro cery stand. Satislaction O. M HE ACOCK Eyesight Specialist With Wm. E. Hanscom Jeweler Save money by reading today's ads WORTH KNOWING. Simple Remedy That Any One Oaa Prepare at Home. Most people are more or less sub ject to coughs and colds. A simple remedy that will break up a cold quickly and cure any cough that is curable Is made by mixing two ounc es of Gli jerlne, a half ounce of Vir gin Oil of Pine compound and eight ounces of pure Whisky. You can get these in any good drug store aad easily mix them In a large bottle. The mixture Is highly recommended by the Leach Chemical Co., of Cincinnati, who prepare the genuine Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure for dlspens-!.' A MODER.N DWELLING SITUATED IN TnE BEST RES I D EN CE LOCALITY OF PENDLETON, ONLY FOUR BLOCKS FROM BUSINESS CENTER. IT TO DATB CONVENIENCES WITH SUFFICIENT ROOM IN REAR FOR STABLE OR GARAGE. PRICE $4000.0. FOR FURTHER PARTICU LARS CALL ON Mark Moorhouse Company 112 East Court St. Phone Main 83. CHRISTIANS LEAD WORLD Religious Census of the Earth Shows Strength of Different Beliefs. London. In a religious cencus of the world which he has Just publish ed, Dr. H. Zoller, director of the Stat Ibtlcal Bureau In Stuttgart, estimates that of the 1,644,610,000 people in the world, 634,940,000 are Christians, 176, 290,000. are Mohammedans; 10, 860,000 are Jews, and 823,420,000 hold other beliefs. Of these 300,000,000 are Confucians 214,000,000 are Brahmins, and 121, 000,000 are Buddhists, with other bodies of leaser numbers. In other words, out of every thousand of the earth's population 348 are Christian, 114 are Mohmmendans, 7 are Israe lite, and 633 are other religions. MRS.-ROOSEVELT AND ETHEL SAIL TO MEET HUNTERS Naples, Mar. 4. Mrs. Roosevelt and Ethel sailed today for Cairo, en route to Khartoum to meet the Col onel and Kermlt Every year many people ask when Easter comes. Easter Is always the first Sunday after the full moon after the vernal equinox on March 21.. This year Easter Sunday will fall on March 2?,- 16 days earlier than It did last year. You're on the Right Track when your clothing Is looked after Vf our expert assistants. Cleaned perfectly, pressed properly, delivered promptly, our charges by their littleness make satisfaction aa assured fact Pendleton JDye Works tIH B. Alt St. Phone Mala lit. SEEDS! SEEDS! We have just received a shipment of Garden seed in Bulk. Now is the time to start your gardens and of course the economical way to buy your seeds is in the bulk. We have leeds of every kind. The vaiitiea are especialey adapted to this climate. NELSON'S A PHONE Main 513 The Handy Store 719 Main Street