EIGHT PAOBH. pack motdt. orovweaker morfTan" 7erhlrged with "rlc iA Jt continually grow weaner, more acrid, and poorer in nouris hine aualities The nerves iune cannave any direct and curative effect on the blood - the moat to hn TOm owSav tol t6I"Prry relief 'rom thfpata' an0dBacOheb.e Iftt if.?-, ?? , y cdr! Rbu'"tism, and that is to cleanse the blood Swn UnHCidJm.P,Ur1- S-8-8- is th P'oper treatment bran II uh of urat cllmattor amT8' lt8Khead' Altering out every paVtide or tne uratic matter and strengthening and enriching the blood cum SrfoST1 WW form-l,8-8.S. changes the sour, acid Xrdened blood iZtolhXwnl!1 q1?U the Pain-ratk rves, muscles an5 Jninfm ?i!lf., ti - fle2.h' gently "moves tho cause and drives Rheu wri?h ill SVS I"' , 88-S- reaches lerited cases as well as toose S . 11 Rllenatisra containing lnany valuable sugges tions for rheumatic suliurers and any medial advice free to all who writ? THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. CALIFORNIA EXCURSION'S TO ADVERTISE THE NORTHWEST Seattle. Business men's excursions of a semi-official nature have been run from the cities of the Northwest to California for several years past and In turn California business men have displayed a feeling of neighborly friendship and came In parties to the Sound. While most of these excur sions h'ave been made up of business men and their families from ' the larger places the merchants In small er cities In the 'Northwest are com mencing to realize that these annual journeys means something more than a pleasure trip and that the oppor tunities for advertising are present on every hand. From the Interest al ready manifested In the coming mid winter excursion over the Oregon and Washington railroad and the South ern Pacific, leaving' Seattle, Satur day, March 19, It la believed that representatives of a large number of recently organized Improvement clubs SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE V. S. ItRANCH OF THE Caledonian Insurance Company of Edinburgh. Scotland, on the 3 1st day of December, 1909, made to the In surance Commissioner' of the State of Oregon pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Deposited capital In States of New York and Ohio ' 810,000.00 INCOME. Premiums received during the year In cash. .. .$1,415,444.69 Interest, dividends and rents received during , the year 90.743.02 Income from other sources received during the year 35,052.98 Total income"...' $1,641,240.69 DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid during the year $ 667,303.48 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock Commissions and salaries paid during the year.. 411.773.46 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year.... 38,999.81 Amount of all other expenditures 111,393.42 Remitted to home office ' 230.997.23 Total expenditures $1,461,487.40 ASSETS. Value of real cstnte owned $ 525,000.00 Value of stocks and bonds owned 1,219,880.00 Due for reinsurance on losses paid -1,986.46 Cash In banks and on hand 135,446.96 Premiums in course of collection and trans mission 194,723.29 Interest and rents due and accrued 7,773.76 Total assets ...$2,084,808.46 Less special deposits in any State (if any there be) 35.250.00 Total" assets admitted In Oregon $2,049,658.46 LIABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid $ 121.103.33 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstand ing risks 1,272,875.38 Due for-commlsslon and brokerage All other liabilities 40,114.76 Reserve for contingencies 26,000.00 Total liabilities $1,469,093.47 Total insurance In force December 31.1909 $223,447,931.00 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR. Total risks written during the year $2,346,428.00 Gross premiums received during the year 89,536.18 Premiums returned during the year 11,183.28 Losses paid during the year 5,I!2'JI Losses Incurred during the year ' II Total amount of risks outstanding In Oregon Dec. 31, 1909 2,309,341.00 CALEDONIAN INSURANCE CO. OF SCOTLAND, By CONROT & GRIM, Managers Pacific Coast Dept. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: WALTER G. FORTMANN. Portland, 'Or. BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO.. Taclfic Coast Directors. II. w. COLLINS, Resident Agent, Pendleton, Oregon. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE St.. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company of St. Paul, In the slate of Minnesota, on the 31st day of December, 1909, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up INCOME Premiums received during the year in cash. .. .$4,726,642.77 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year J48.358.93 Income from other sources received the year ' Total Income DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid during the year $2,401,305.99 Dividends raid during tho year on capital stock 60,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year. . 1,322,493.50 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year.'. 124,469.61 Amount of all other expenditures 209,489.59 Total expenditures ASSETS. Value of real estate owned $ 364.614.60 Value of stocks and bonds owned 4,607.703s04 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc 572,610.00 Cash In banks and on hand 345,982.19 Premiums in course of collection and In trans mission 458,976.87 Interest and rents due and accrued 36,571.06 Total assets) $6,286,457.76 Less special deposits In any state (If any ther be) 105.BS0.1T Total assets admitted In Oregon f LIABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid $ 304,100.14 Amount of unearned premiums on all out standing risk J.771.1M.M Due for commission and brokerage 8,609.36 All other llaballtles 65,000.00 Total liabilities Total Insurance In force Docember 31, ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, T. R. BIGELOW, Vice-President Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: W. F. ZWICK, Portland, Or. DRIVES OUT RHEUf4ATISM In Washington, Idaho, Oregon and nritlsh Columbia will make the trip. Literature descriptive of tne N'orthwest and Its many Inducements to the farmer, merchant and home seeker will' find thousands of willing readers In California. And, on the other hand, California's mild climate, the orange groves, the beaches and the beautiful scenery will hold the at traction of the excursionists. Cali fornia boosters will be early on hand with a plentiful supply of booklets telling of the advantages of their state over all others. This exchange of Ideas, this frlend 1; grasping of hands and the many nulet business talks on board train and about the hotel lobbies will serve to broaden the minds of everyone In the party and returning to their re spective cities after an outing of two weeks they will be well able to ad vance many Intelligent sugcestlons looking to the exploitation of their particular section of the Northwest before the eyes of the world. $ 600,000.00 during 4,892.60 $4,979,894.85 $4,107,748.69 $6,180,927.69 $4,144,833.34 1909 ...$530,990,169.00 STEERS ARE BROKEN ONE LOT IS SOLD IX STOCKDALE FOR 5.90 Portland Livestock Market la Firm In All Lines According to the Offi cial Report of the Exchange No Hogs Offering. f Portland Livestock Exchange, Mar. 3. Steers sold In the Portland live stock market today at $5.90 and broke all recent record. While several carloads had been moved at the extreme price, sales were not made In time to weigh, so that the averages could be printed. However, the sale of steers at $6,90 Is officially confirmed by the Port land Livestock exchange. There were quite liberal supplies of cattlo offering on the market today, supplies coming from eastern Oregon and the California line. Market for livestock la firmer In all lines. No hogs were offering lo cally today, the arrivals being for shipment to a Seattle packer. Only a handful of sheep was offer ing today and found the market In excellent shape. Those Who Ship to Portland. Goodale & Causa dy shipped In five loads of cattle from Gazelle, Cal. Frank Wann was a shipper today with a load of sheep from Aurora. Kiddle Bros., the well known east ern Oregon Interests, were represent ed In today's arrivals by a load of hogs for the north. The Same people had In three loads of cattle from Haines, Ore. - Today's run of livestock compares with this day In recent years as fol lows: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. 1910 95 203 54 190!) 322 1908 105 25 44 1907 1906 100 1905 60 A year ago today there was firm ness In hogs and sheep and weakness In cattle. Hogs advanced 25c but oth er lines were unchanged. Today's range of livestock values: Cattle Best steers, $5.90; good sters, $5.5 75; common steers, $3.25 fT 3.50; medium, $4(?4.25; fancy heif ers, $4.75: best cows, $2. 50tf?3. 50; bulls, $2.2503.75; stags. 2.603. Hogs Best east of the mountains, $10.10: fancy. $9.7,6; Blockers. $9.50; pigs, $99.25. Sheep Best wethers, $6; ordinary, $5.50; spring Iambs, $6.606.76; straight, ewes, $5.75 6; mixed lots, $5.60. Calves Best, $5 75 6; ordinary, $55.26. No false pretense has marked the career of Ely's Cream Balm, Being entirely harmless, It Is not responsi ble like the catarrh snuffs and pow ders, for minds shattered by cecalne. The great virtue of Ely's Cream Balm Is that it speedily and completely overcomes nasal catarrh and hay fe ver. Back of this statement is the testimony of thousands and a reputa tion of many years' success. All druggists, 50c, or mailed by Ely Bros., 56 Warren street. New York. THE WHEAT MARKET FARMERS HOLD 172,000,000 BUSHELS OF 1909 WHEAT B. F. Snow's Report of Grain on Farms Causes Stampede to Sell in Chicago Heavy Losses Result. a e Wheat in Farmers' Hands. e B. F. Snow, the eastern crop expert, estimates that American farmers held 172,000,000 bush els of wheat on March 1. This compares with the government report of supplies held on 'the same date in recent years, and the. previous crop years as fol lows: Bushels Farmers Hands. Crop. 1910. .172.000,000 1909. .143.692.000 1908. .138.721.000 1907. .206,644.000 1906. .158,403,000 1905. .111,000,000 1904. .132,600,000 1903. .164.047,000 1902. .173.700,000 1901. .128.100,000 1900. .158,745,595 737,189.000 664.602.000 634.087.000 735.260.000 692,979.489 552.399,617 637,821.835 670,063,'008 748.860,218 522,229.505 647.303.S46 Chicago, March 3. Wheat opened In a dangerous mood and closed 1 3-8c to 2 l-4c a bushel lower than yester day. ' The slump was caused by the bear ish report Issued regarding the amount of wheat In farmers' hands. Crop Expert Snow estimates that 172,- 000,000 bushels of wheat remained In the hands of the American farmers on March 1 and while unofficial, was credited by the general trade. This Is the largest amount of wheat held by producers since 1907, and previous to that Is the greatest amount of wheat ever held from the market by far mers. All world's markets for wheat were In a bearish mood today and the clos ing was generally lower. While Buda pest showed no change from yester day at today's closing, there was a loss at the end of the day of 1 3-8o at Ber lin. Liverpool opened l-2d lower than yesterday and closed l-4d to 7-8d lower. Estimated Argentina shipments: Wheat, 4.400,000 bushels; corn, 400, 000 bushels. Chicago opened with a sickly feel ing as If the trade anticipated a bear- Ish report by Snow. Opening values were t-8c to 3-4c a bushel lower than yesterday's closing with t May the weakest delivery. At the' close July was weakest and showed the greatest loss from yesterday's price. Cash sales: Wheat No. 2 red, $1.2501.26; No. S red, $1.181.22; No. 2 hard winter, $114 1.14 8-4; No. S hard winter, $1.13 1.13 8-4; No. 1 northern spring. $1.16 1,16 3-4; No. 2 northern spring, ' $1.16 1.16 8-4; No. 2 northern spring, $1.15 1.15 1-2; No. 3 spring, $1.12 1.15. Corn No. 2 corn, 64 3-4 6 5c; No. 2 white, 65 66c; No. 2 yellow, 61 1-2 66c; No. 3 corn, 63 l-263c; No. 3 white, 63 0 63 l-4c; No. 3 yellow, 62 1-2063; No. 4 corn, 6568 1-2; No. 4 white, 59060. RAILROADS PLAN GREAT IMPROVEMENTS FOR YEAR Seattle. The people of 'Oregon, Washington and Idaho cannot watch too carefully the railroad Improve ments which will take place In these three states during the next year. Reports from headquarters are to the effect that the transcontinental roads are prepared to send many hundreds of thousands of dollars In the North west beginning with the spring months. , This means only one thing and that Is that Oregon, Washington and Idaho have reached that state of commercial development where it be comes necessary to give them the very best possible railroad equipment. In Washington alone the Great, North ern will spend more than $2,500,000 during the year 1910 and there Is no doubt that enormous sums will be spent; In Improvements In the other Northwest states. It will be necessary to put lots of money into new rolling stock and other equipment In order to carry on the ever increasing busi ness. James Woodworth, one of the big traffic men of the Northern Pa cific and one of the best Informed men in railroad circles on emigra tion matters was In the Puget Sound country the past week and In news paper interviews stated that the Hill roads look, for the greatest colonist business In their hlBtory this year. The settlers are surely coming; they will locate In Oregon and Idaho and Washington and every section of the great Northwest will benefit. Never In the history of the Pacific coast have the prospects of the Northwest been so bright as they are at the present moment. 1100 Reward. tlOO. The readers of this paper will be pieaseo to learn tbat there la at least one dreaded disease that science bas been able to cart In all It stages, and tbat Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive core now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure taken Internally, acting directly opoa the blood and mncous surfaces of the sys tem, thereby destroying tbe fonndatloa it tbe disease, and giving the patient strengtk by oulldlng op tbe constitution and assist ing nature In doing Its' xorl. Tbe pro prietors have so much faith la Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dol lars for any case tbat It faUs to ears. Bend for Hit of testimonials. Address : P. J CHENEY k CO., Toledo, O. Hold by Druggtsts. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for couttpa tloe. Crown Prince at Rink. Berlin. The Crown Prince is tak ing lessons every day at noon In Ber lin's greatest skating rink, known as the Ice Palace. A professional skater instructes him in different figures and in dancing, and the Ice Palace at this hour Is filled with fashionable crowds, with whom the Prince asso ciates on terms of easy familiarity, thereby Increasing his popularity. PILES 8URED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PA to OINTMENT la ruaranteed to cure ant rase of Itching,. Blind, Bleeding or Protrud ing rues in s to 14 days or money refund ed. 60c The New FIsk Hat. Advance showing of Fisk hats for early wear. These are the new cre ations In spring millinery. Watch for opening announcement later. Campbell Millinery. GAS. HEARTBURN, DYSPEPSIA AND ALL MISERY VANISHES I Five Minutes After Taking a Little Dlnpcpstn Your Stomach Will Feel Fine Again Eat Your Favorite Foods Without Fear of Distress. Take your sour, out of order stom ach or maybe you call It Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or catarrh of the stomach: it doesn't matter take your stomach trouble right with you to your pharmacist and ask him to open a 50 cent case of Pape's Dlapepsin and let you eat one 22-grain Triangule and see If within five minutes there Is left any trace of your former misery. The correct name for your trouble Is food fermentation food souring; the digestive organs become weak, there Is luck of gastric Juice; your food is only half digested, and you become affected with loss of appetite, pressure and fullness t after eating, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, griping In bowels, tenderness in the pit of stomach, bad taste In mouth, consti pation, pain in limbs, sleeplessness, belching of gas, biliousness. sick headache, nurvousnos, dizziness ' or mnny other similar symptoms. If your appetite Is fickle, and noth ing tempts you, or you belch gas or If you feel bloated after eating, or your food lies like a lump of load on your stomach, you can make up your mind that at the bottom of nil this there is but one cause fermentation of undigested food. Prove to yourself in five minutes that your somach is as good as any; that there is nothing really wrong. Stop this fermentation and begin eat Ing what- you want without fear of discomfort or misery. Almost Instant relief is waiting for you. It is merely a matter of how soon you take a little Dlapepsin. Only Gloved Hands Pick "Sunkist" We use great care in picking the famous "SUNKIST" ORANGES. Each "SUNKIST" from the tree and .packed in the box by a gloved hand. No orange that alls to the ground is packed under the "SUNKIST" label. mm "Sunkist" Navel mi We grow 60 of all the California oranges. Three fourths of all the lemons. Most of them are sold in bulk. m i 81 but the choicest selections of this great quantity are wrapped in the "SUNKIST" label, so that if you would be sure that you get the choicest pick, insist upon the "SUNKIST." Beautiful Orange Spoon FREE Some dealers may claim the oranges they sell are the famous "SUNKIST," but that they have removed the wrap per. Insist on your dealer giving you oranges and lemons in the 'SUNKIST" wrapper. If you do this we will dive you a beautiful orange spoon one of Rogers' best standard AA quality. Just send us twelve "SUNKIST" oranse or lemon wrappers, ff packing, etc., and receive one ot these beautiful spoons by return mail. The choicest quality of lemons also go under the SUNKIST" label. cure a whole dozen orange spoons. Oct a dozen oUIN KIST" oranges or lemons today. Send to California A 1 Fruit Growers' O) oil Uark street, UNDERWOOD STANDARD TYPEWRITER i shows the way to the best work at the lowest operating cost Visible writ ing, combined with the perfect action of the machine allows the operater to keep the mind constantly on the work. The result: work Is turned out neater, freer from errors and quicker than la possible with any other machine you can buy. The perfect balance with the absolute freedom from friction gives a, durability to the Underwood that shows a very marked saving hi the cost of repairs. Before deciding upon a machine, let us show -you the difference between a "Trailer" and ; "THE MACHINE YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BUY." UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Inc. 88 Sixth St, Portland. TRAIN LEAVES PENDLETON 3 p. m. for Spokane and the East Northern Pacific Railway NO DELAY AT JUNCTION. ELECTRIC LIGHTED. TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAINS Compartment-Drawing Room Sleeping Cars Through Train to Chicago Via Twin Cities Low Westbound Settlers' Fares From all points In Middle West, the East and the South. You can arrange with our agent to have tickets delivered at any point without expense for the service. . Full Information as to fares, trains, etc., furnished on application. WALTER ADAMS, Agent Pendleton, Oregon i g A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen. Daily East Orcponlan, by carrier, 15 cents per week. c Oranges ORANGE is ticked1 Oranrfes Are Seedless with six 2c stamps to pay postage, . You can easily se- t of these beautiful Exchan Lhicago, Ilu Typewriter Economy Good Work Is Cheap a any price Puss. Agent, Portland, Ore. FISH! FISH! For the Lenten Season, fresh every day at the Central Meat Market 10 H. Alta Bt 'Phone Main II