PAGE FOCR. DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 4, 1910. xCIUUT PAGK8. AS INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER, rafcrlshed Dslly, Weekly and Seml-Weekljr, at Pendleton. OreKon, t." th CAST 0HKG0N1A.N FCBLISHINQ CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Dally, fie year, by mall tolly, alz month, by mall ........ Dally, three months, by mall Dally, one month, by mall tolly, one year, by carrier Dally, lx month, by carrier Dally, three months, by carrier .... Dally, one month, by carrier Weekly, one year, by mall Weekly, tlx months, by mall Weekly, four montha, by mall Meml-tterkly, one year, by mall ... eml Weoklr. six months, by mall . $3 00 1.50 1.25 .50 7.50 S.T5 1.85 .63 1.50 .75 .50 1.50 .75 .50 J-n eekly. tour months, oy mail The Dally East Oregonlan Is kept oo aale t the Oregon Neva Co., 147 6th street, rortland. Oregon. Chicago Bureau, 60S Security Building. Washington. D. C. Eureka, 501 Four teenth street. N. W. Member United Press Association. Entered at the postofflce at Pendleton, Oraffon. as second elans mall matter. tolcphooe Main 1 vnvm soox. I know a land where streets are paved With the things we meant to achieve; It is walled with the money we meant to have saved. And the pleasures for which we grieve. The kind words unspoken, the promises broken, And many a coveted boon Are stowed away there In the land . somewhere The land of "Pretty Soon." It is farther at noon than It is at dawn, Farther at night than at noon; Oh, let us beware of the land down there The land of "Pretty Soon." Chicago Inter-Ocean. IS IT XOT SENSIBLE? E. H. Bennett of Chicago has arriv ed in Portland to take a. posftion with the Portland civic league at a. salary f $500 per month. He will be en gaged for at least a year in working out the "City Beautiful" program. He starts out with a fund of $20,000 at the disposal of the league. There are people who will scoff and neer at this proposition. They will ' say it is absurd to try to do anything along the line proposed by the city beautiful league. But why is the scheme not practicable? Portlanl has not reached the .limit of its growth. It will continue to advance as the northwest becomes settled and In due time will no doubt attain the J. 600, 000 population of which the -civic league has dreams. Then why rot try to shape this growth so as to promote the maximum development and at the same time make the city pleasing to the eye? In Portland had a civic league been formed many years ago that .place would not be cursed with narrow streets; there might be a subway under the river thus obviating some ot the bridges that now block navi gation on the Willamette; Portland might now have Its long sought gar bage crematory and the city would not have to pay the fabulous sum it is required to pay for park sites. In the view of this paper the Port land civic league should be able to accomplish much good and a similar league in Pendleton could likewise find much to do. Pendleton is also going to do some building. Why not pay some attention to the architec ture? A man would not erect a big building without having the scheme worked out by an architect. Why should a city build without reference to any plan? LOS ANGELES PATRIOTISM. If there Is a more patriotic city than Los Angeles, we do not know where It Is, says the Inland Herald. Spokane Is pretty strong in this line, but the Southrons certainly exceed us in one respect they gag the disloyal, expa triate the unpatriotic, and warn the Imprudent We are not Insinuating that there Is a Ku-KIux organization down am ong the orange growers, but here Is an Instance that shows how the Los Angelans have borrowed an idea from Stepnlak's "Underground Russia," that wonderful story of Siberia: Some months ago a leading San Franciscan went to Los Angeles, stay ed at a prominent hotel, played bil liards, and became chummy with one of the clerks. In an unguarded mo ment the clerk confided to the guest that business was a little dull, that many business houses were vacant, and that some lines of business had been overdone. A few days later the visitor chanced to remark to one 'of his friends, a merchant, that he noticed "many Idle persons, a few hundred vacant hous es," and so on. His assertion was challenged. Of course he innocently quoted the observation of the clerk to corrobrate his opinion. That apparently "closed the IncN di nt." A few days later the clerk. just recovering from a great fright. said to the San Franciscan: "Say you almost cost me my job by repeat ing what I said about dull times." The clerk then related how he had been waited on by a committee of three prominent men, members ot some sort of society that mlfiht he called the Defender of the Faith Com mittee at any rate they were jealous ly guarding the reputation of the city. j.reventing injurious rumors, whether true or false. The clerk became as wise as a ser pent ever after, but he began to look into the workings of the inquisitorial body that had warned him. He dis covered so the story runs that the ramifications and activities of the de fenders are such that the man who fails to heed the warning is discharg ed from employment and put on a blacklist that makes life a burden m Los Angeles. v THEY S1IOVTD HEW ARK. In Portland the plumbers trust is or. the grill. Several plumbing firms jhave complained of being unable to I purchase supplies of wholesalers be cause they are not memoers oi mc master plumbers' association. The members of the alleged trust are al accused of having caused the city plumbing ordinance to be invalidated and of having worked for the pass age of another ordinance to further strengthen their hold on the situ ation. As an outcome of the discloures made the boycotted plumbers have been able to 'secure supplies and are also having all kinds of business ten dered them out of sympathy. Many orders have been 'phoned them by parties who say they desire to aid them in fighting the combine. On the other hand the men in the com bination are threatened with prosecu tion not only In the Portland munici pal court but also in the federal court. This is bad weather for trusts. Es pecially for those that operate upon a small scale. Now if the Portland plumbing combine was a real, genu ine octopus like the Standard oil com pany or the sugar trust, it could break the law with Jmpunity and get away. But since the trust is a small, amateurish affair the members had better look out. It would be just their luck to have to go to Jaii. According to a London estimate the failure of parliament to pass the bud get will disorganize the money market of the world.- It is entirely possible for the money market is afraid of its own shadow. However the worM seems to get along some way. From appearance Colfax has suf fered much the same as Pendleton suffered several years ago, though the flood at Colfax has evidently In flicted more damage than did our de luge. Build a big levee, Colfax. The numerous trains in the O. R. & X. yard this morning gave Pen dleton a decidedly metropolitan ap pearance. It is not every town that has seven or eight passenger trains on Its tracks at one time. Bad weather would not be so disa greeable in Pend;ton were more of the streets Improved. At this time some of'the thoroughfares close to the business section resemble hog wol lows. That was a far reaching tragedy enacted at Wellington. All over the country there are saddened homes be cause of that long list of dead and missing. Pendleton needs a band and it is encouraging to note the musicians are getting busy. The question of the hour Is, "What streets are to be used by the traction company?" Brush away that pessimistic frown and see how it feels to smile. THE SUPERSEDED. A nearer comers crowd the fore We drop behind. We have labored long and sore Times out of mind And keen are yet must not regret To drop behind. Yet there are of us some who grieve To go behind. Stanch, strenuous souls wno scarce believe Their fires declined And know none cares, remembers, spares Who go behind. 'TIs not that we have unforetold The drop behind. We feel the new must oust the old In every kind, But yet, we think, must we, must we, Too, drop behind? Thomas Hardy. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. TTi8 Kind You Hare Always Bought Signature of ffc&S What "Marion Harland" Thinks of "Nature's Gift From The Sunny South" ' New York, December 15, 1906 The N. K. Fairbank Company, Dear Sirs: Many years ago I discontinued the use of lard in my kitchen and substituted for lt- as an experiment-.COTTOLENE. then comparatively a new product. ' . Since ay first trial of it I can truly say that it has given complete satisfaction, whether it is used alone, as "shortening' ' , or in combination with butter in pastry, biscuits, etc., or in frying; it has never disappointed me. I wish it were in my power to install this pure vegetable product in the esteem of my fellow housewives in place of the gross, and often diseased, animal fats. I rarely recommend any proprietary article in print, however good I may think it. but after many years use has proved to my household and myself the excellence of COTTOLENE, I feel Justified in departing from the self-imposed rule. I honestly believe it to do the very best thing of its kind ever offered to the American housekeeper, and I as glad of the opportunity to make my conviction public' , NOTE "MARION HARLAND" is well known as one of the foremost cooking experts In the United States. She Is the author of the famous "Marlon Harland Cook Book." and her articles on culinar subjects are widely read and highly prized. Her high standing and long experience with COTTOLENE make this endorsement particularly strong and con vincing, and it is doubly gratifying because of the fact that it came entirely unsolicited. LABOR WORLD NOTES I The new scale of the Minneapolis, Minn., Hod Carriers' and Building Laborers' union calls for an eight- j hour day at 37 1-2 cents an hour, a ; pay day at least every two weeks. ! and double time for overtime. I The officials of the Bricklayers' I union have been notified that the gen- , eral headquarters of the international , Hod Carriers' and Build. ng Laborers' union of America has been removed to Albany, X. Y. The question of establishing an old age pension fund is being consider- : ed by several of the big International unions. The old age pension fund of the Tnternat'onal Typographical un- 1 ion has been to $218,000. ' The Central Federated Union of New York City has issued an appeal ' Xo Samuel Gompers and other nation- j al laber lenders demanding the or- . ganization of a national labor party j in this country modeled on the lines . of the British labor party. j The New York Central railroad has ! granted an Increase in wages to all Its trainmen and laborers. This state ment was made by J. P. Bradley, rep resenting Vice President. Smith, who said the exact rate of increase would be fixed by compromise. AFTERWHILE. Afterwhile we have in view , A far scene to journey to, ' T I "l, .1... 1 i i . i ' m-it: iiic uiu num.? i, aim wnere The old mother waits us there, Peering, as the time grows late, Down the old path to the gate. How we'll click the latch that locks In the pinks and hollyhocks, And leap up the path once more Where she waits us at the door. How we'll greet the dear old smile And the warm tears afterwhile! Ah, the endless afterwhile! Leagues on leagues and mile on mile, In the distance far withdrawn. Stretching on, and on, and on. Till the fancy is footsore And faints in the rust before The last milestone's granite face. Hacked with: Here Beglnncth Space O, far-gllmmerlng worlds and wings, Mystic smiles and beckomngs, Lead us through the shady aisles Out Into the afterwhiles! James Whltcomb Riley. OFTENTIMES yon are care less In yonr manner of eating, thus bringing on a spell of In digestion and kindred Ills. It Is then you will appreciate the value of nnuoitiitirp t-JJ CELEBRATED mi STOMACH VV BITTERV ANOTHER GOOD BUY 1640 acres all fenced, good new posts, 800 acres In grain, 260 acres of alfalfa land mostly set, will cut 7S0 tons of alfalfa this year, a stream of water runs through which furnishes plenty of water for irrigating, good concrete dams and ditches, good buildings, lots of fruit trees and ber ries. This is an Ideal place for feed ing stock for the market. A railroad runs right through the middle of It You can buy this flue ranch for $4(, 000. B. T. WADE, Office in American Nat. Bank Bid. Pendleton, Ore. i BUloroness, Stck Essache, Sour Stoxn CsSl, Torpid Liver and Citron I c Constipation. Pleasant to take Yburs truly. A country hotel is.usually without A young man's Sunday suit is some a rival; also without arrival. 'times his worst habit; TIES, I SAVED MYMONEY. put it in the Bank. WHERE ITWAS SAFE. 4 .77 -Sn MEN who own automobiles began putting their money in the bank when they were boys and kept at it. You are never too young to begin a good habit. We will pay you 4 per cent interest on the money you put in our bank and compound the interest every six months. THE American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Byers' Best Flour Orpheum Theatre J. P. MEDERNAO II, Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Program Changes on Sunday, Tucwlay's and Friday's. ORIH0 Laxative Fruit Syrnp A. KUIiFMUr M VMS. . 1 j . . r A TRUE STORY Is made, from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread is assured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts. Steam Rolled Barley always on hand.'t.. a Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon ' Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions ol pimples and blotches. It is guaranteed Pneumonia Season Is Hero Better ours that sold before it Is too iate. TALLINN'S F. 8. eold capsula will knock tns worst cold In two days. Manu factured and. told only by Tallmar. &Co. Leading Druggists of Bajttera Orssjwa. Just Received Carload of Poul try supplies of all kinds COLESWOR.THY 127-129 E. Alta IS QUELLE Cus La Fontaine, Pros. Best 25c Meals in North west First-class cookc and service Shell fish in season La Fontaine Bile., Main St. VV4 60 YEARS' Traoc Marks DcstoNa Copyrights Ac Anyone titling iVefh and dmrlntlnn may Oltcklr utwtnlu niir opinion frt wliatlier aa liifmitton ti prnbaMf fiMcnt.Vilrt. (Vmmtlnlo. tlnnmrilTcnillpiitl:il. HUIjBOOX on Harnau sent fr. OMoat atfetiry for nw-tiruiK palanta. Patents taken tlirui?h M;i!)n A Co. aocalva spxrloi aotiM, without chnruo, u Ilia Scientific American. A handsomer lllnatrntM weak It. I.nrrast otr rulatlon of an? artMtitlilo Journal. Terms, ts a rear t four months, U Bold bj all nawadaaaW MlJNNCo.88'BNewlfLi Bnacb Offloa. (Ot T 8t Washington. tX t .t This is about the time of the winter when you find that your fuel supply ta running short so allow us to re coat mend ourselves as well stocked and equipped to fill your demands wltls the best coal promptly at a fair mar ket price. Quality county especially In coal buy H where you're certain of the quality being Al, which Is HENR.Y KOPITTKE Wwme Main 1T, WILLIAM JON HAFFNDR CD WW r.lilno Transfor 1 Phone Main 5 Calls promptly answered for all baggage transfer ring. Piano and Furnture moving and Heavy Truck mg a specialty. L FOLEISleMMMI liurat UoIiKj rrovnt Pnaumoolsl 1