East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 03, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    , ,.,. , - 1 ' l
Acc(aWf Preparation CrAs
simitel the Rxxf amIRWua
Promotes Digestion JCbfrfU
npss and Rpt fnnhlns nrittar
6pitra.Murplune nerMatraL
Not Narcotic. j
Aperfcci Remedy for Cmsfl:
p i.
norms y onvuiswns ww
ncss and LOSS OFSUStK
Facsimile Sijumrt of
'"Guaranteed under jheToofa
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years'
tm( enrrauH omnnt, hiw tomi em.
Girls Organize Alliletio Club High
Water from Recent Thaw Other
Items of Interest.
James i. Hill is said to have gain
ed control of the Oregon Electric
road, according to yesterday's Port
land Journal. The significance of the
move can scarcely be exaggerated, for
It is fraught with consequences of vast
Importance to Portland and to west
ern Oregon.
While local officials of the Oregon
Electric deny any knowledge of the
reported sale, it Is admitted that they
are not in a position to know the
facts. Well informed local financiers
are satisfied, that the deal has been
made and that Hill" Is now fully pre
pared to fhvade the Willamette valley
as an open and active competitor of
the Harriman system.
Xor is the purchase o the Oregon
Electric the only Important strategic
move recently made by Hill. It is an
open secret that when th,e United Rail
ways was sold a few months ago, the
actual purchasers were eastern men
intimately associated with Hill.
By this deal, Hill acquires the con
necting link between his terminal pro
perty in the north end and the very
heart of the west side business sec
tion. ' Moreover the United Railways
connect with the present terminus of
the Oregon Electric t Jefferson
"street, thereby opening the .way for
direct Invasion of the Willamette val
ley. Ever since the advent of the North
Bank road It has been predicted free
ly by railroad men that Hill would
not rest content with the exploitation
of central and eastern Oregon, but
would ultimately make a determined
fight for the still more attractive ter
ritory lying west of the mountains.
Control of Electric Lines,
Speculation naturally turned to the
question whether Hill would not find
In the Oregon Electric the most nat
ural means of access to this portion of
the state. And this Is precisely what
lias happened.
The Oregon, Electric now has lines
In operation to Salem, and Forest
Grove, with valuable rights of way to
many other points of Importance In
the Willamette valley. Albany, Cor
vallis, Dallas and McMlnnvIlle are
among the objective points to which
the surveys have been made, and ru
mor has credited the company with
plan for extensions still further
The Intimate relations between the
Bill interests and the present owners
of the Crater Lake road, running east
from Medford, are well known, and It
Is quite on the cards that the Oregon
Electric under Hill management, may
eventually reach the Rogue River vel-
The Oregon Electric Is a standard
gauge road, of very substantial con
struction. Moffat & White of New
York, financed the road, which en-
Joyed the distinction of being built
for cash, no bonds being Issued until
last year. When application was made
to the city cfouncil of Portland, for a
franchise within the city limits,
strong opposition was encountered
from the Harriman system, and It
was believed by many at that time
that Hill was back of the new road
This was denied emphatically by Its
representatives, but even then It was
apparent that the line might prove the
opening wedge which would ultimate
ly destroy the Southern Pacific's mo
nopoly In western Oregon.
Stevens Visits East.
John F. Stevens, Hill's chief repre
sentative In Oregon, went east sever
al weeks ago and has not yet return
ed. Whether his trip had any con
nection with the reported sale of the
Oregon Electric Is not known. Guy
Talbot, vice president and general
manager of the electric road, said to
day that he had absolutely no know
ledge of such a deal, but admitted
that it might have been made. "All
I can say is that it is all news to me,"
said Mr. Talbot.
With complete control of both the
Oregon Electric and the United Rail
way, the Hill lines will be able to ship
freight from valley points to eastern
markets without switching charges,
delays or transhipment in Portland.
The volume of business to be handled
in this city will be vastly increased,
and a mighty stimulus will be given to
the development of western Oregon.
(Special Correspondence.)
Echo, March 2. Echo could be
called the smoky city on account of
the numerous bonfires today, the re
sult of the spring yard cleaning, and
still there is more to follow for on
the 4 th- and 6th Inst, there is to be
a tag sale to raise funds to make a
thorough yard and street cleaning of
our little city on the eleventh and
twelfth. This work Is under the
charge of the ladles.
The ladies Interested in the athletic
work of this place met Monday eve
ning at the home of Mrs. Louis Scholl,
Jr., and perfected an organization
which will be known as the Echo
Girls' Athletic .association. The fol
lowing officers were elected: Presi
dent, Mrs. Scholl;'. vice president. Miss
Mayme RIppy; secretary, Miss Nona
Houser; treasurer Miss Laura Bon
ney; director, Miss Harriet Atkinson.
On account of the recent thaw the
river at this point is raised consider
able, but the water lacks about two
feet of being up to the hlghwater
mark. Only very little If any dart'
age has been done. No danger Is an
Mrs. Hugh Smith Is visiting friends
In Pendleton this week.
A. Longwell's new residence 'is
nearlng completion.
The building formerly occupied by
the Home restaurant on Bridge street
has been newly fitted up for offices
and is now used as the headquarters
of the Western Land St Irrigation Co.
The company also retains the building
formerly used as an office.
The Echo Business Men's associa
tion, met In regular ssslon last night
They are endeavoring to get better
train service for this place.
Mrs. A. B. Thomson and daughter
Eleanor, returned yesterday from
Portland, where they have been visit
ing for the past two weeks.
Peter Sheridan, one of our pros
perous Butter creek farmers, passed
through here today on his way home
from Pendleton.
Mrs. Al Moore returned Monday
from a short visit to Pendleton.
Deputy Sheriff Hoggard of Stan
field, was here today on official business.
No lesa a person than a great railway magnate and empire builder, one of the most far
steing men in the United States, has given this advice. Would you go bnck if you knew that
by making a small investment you could, make yourself rich? Riches mean independence.
Follow this great man's advice and have both. You ask,' "IIow am I to do it ?"
Pure Foods and Pnre Medicines
mean better, healthier, happier people.
It has been proved, however, that all
medicines are not adulterated and
worthless any more than are all food
The wheat has been sifted from
the chaff, and such medicines as
Lydia E. PInkham's Vegetable Com
pound, which Is made from roots and
herbs and complies with all condi
tions of the Pure Food and Drugs Law
will continue to hold its place as the
standard American remedy for fe
male Ills.
Worth a Dollar a Drop.
Fred Patchen, Manllus, N. T., writes
"For a long time I was affected
with kidney trouble which caused an
almost constant pain in my back and
inflammation In my bladder. Other
remedies did not even relieve me, but
two fifty cent bottles of Foley's Kid
ney Remedy completely cured me and
I have not had any symptoms of kid
ney trouble for over two years.
Koeppen Bros.
Spokane, Wash. The Vestern Con
servatlon League has been organized
In Spokane, with J. J. Brown, of this
city, head of a chain of banks In
Washington and Idaho, as president
The first session will take place In
this city early In April to interest
people of the western states In the
work of coservlng the resources of
the country. State control will be fa
vored. Among the speakers will be
Governor Hay of Washington, for
mer Governor Gooding of Idaho, Sen
ator Chamberlain of Oregon and the
chief executives of other western
states. L. K. Armstrong, secretary
of the organization, says that the
present methods of the application of
national conservation principles are
Inadequate, In that they lead to ab
sorption of the states' wealth by the
government. He Intimated that the
league will support Richard A. Bal
linger, secretary of the interior, in his
views on the various questions of con.
servatlon, which are diametrically
opposed to those expressed by Theo
dore Roosevelt and Glfford Plnchot,
and there Is every Indication that a
lively battle will follow at the first
Paris. Mme. Simone, the leading
lady In Chantioler, Is about to present
her husband, Jean Casimlr-Perler, the
son of the late president of the French
republic, with a pledge of her affec
tion and Rostand Is In despair to find
is your salvation. If you buy an irrigated ranch at RICJILAND ON TIIE COLUMBIA
EIV'ER you will quickly realize your desire for wealth, happiness and the big things which
brings both happiness and content independence. Possibly you believe that you would not
be able to buy this land. Have you investigated the .offer the RICHLAND LAND CO.
makes ?
$125.00 to $350.00
will buy this land. The company gives you a perpetual water right, the water supplied by
a gravity system, when you buy. With the assurance of water and no need to depend on
rain to develop your crops, your land will bring you $1000 per acre net each year.
Come in and see us and let us talk this over with you.
Please mail me your illustrated Booklet, "Richland"
TERMS After first payment no further
payments become due for three years. This
means your land will make its future payments.
Pendleton Representative of lUchland Land Co.
Room 5, American Nat Bank Basm't
Kansas Clty.-r-Out of the fever
Infected Jungles of the backwoods
nf Arkansas has come a medical dis
covery tha may revolutionize surgi
cal practice. An anaesthetic which
the faculty of the university of Kan
sas medical college declares Is superior
to any other medical knowledge one
which throws stovalne Into the class
of shortlived sensations and which
they insist will eliminate cocaine from
use as a local anaesthetic is the gift
to the world of Dr. Henry Thlbault
of Scott, Ark.
This new anaesthetic Is quinine
common quinine and startling claims
are made for it. The effect of quin
ine when injected locally lasts for
days, so that if tonsils are Involved or
bones are cut from the nose there Is
no pain for many days. Cocaine
loses It power shortly after the oper
ation. Quinine Is safe, whereas co
caine has a toxic effect save In small
doses. Quinine hardens the tissues,
preventing hemorhrages. Cocaine does
not do this.
The vindication of these claims has
Just been announced by Dr. Arthur B.
Hertsler, assistant professor of surg
ery in the University of Kansas medi
cal college at Rosedale; Dr. Ford B.
Dr. R Brewster, special investigator.
"I rot a box of Ml-o-na tablets for someone to replace the ex-wife of M.
a distress in my stomach, and the first i Bargy in the role of the hen pheas-
. It M - T . 1. .Ua I A
UUFC rcurvru jiitr, aiiu aiici x uuft lilt; Ml.
fourth I have not felt any more of
It- I think it Is ft wonderful medi
cine." Hiram Shults, Watseka, 111.,
July 27, '09.
If your stomach Is out of order
r distressed, no matter from what
cause, Ml-o-na stomach tablets will
rive Instant relief, and If taken reg
ularly, will cure Indigestion, acute or
chronic, or money back.
very sufferer from stomach trou
ble, gas, belching, sour stomach ner
vousness dizziness and biliousness,
should get a fifty cent box of Ml-o-na
stomach tablets today and start a
In three days' time the stomach
and bowels will be thoroughly purl
fled, and sour stomach and distress
will vanish.
Continue the treatment for two
weeks and the stomach will become' so
strong that It will be able to digest
the heartiest meal without distress.
Bold by druggists everywhere and by
Tall man Co.
Booth's Pills best for constipation,
tl cents.
On the other hand, M. Gultry Is
cheering up as he bejleves that his
protege, Tvonne De Bray, will be
given Mme. Simone's role. Mean
while the distinguished house of Cas-Imlr-Perier
Is receiving congratula
tions from all sides. Among the rea
sons advanced against the marriage of
Mme. Simone-Benda-Le Bargy with
young Perler was -the desparlty of
age and the consequent danger lest
the great French family should die
out The Interesting event Is no near,
that the hen pheasant will be obliged
to leave the Theater Porte St. Marte.
In a fortnight.
Mme. Slmone's husband has re
sumed the practice of going early to
the flower market every morning and
buying flowers for her as he did In
his student days at Sorbonne, when
their wooing began.
Unfurnished housekeeping room
for rent In the East Oregonlan build
ing. Steam heat; electric lights; hot
and cold water; bath. Inquire at
East Oregonlan.
Saved a Soldier's Life.
Facing death from shot and shell
in the civil war was more agreeable
to J. A. Stone of Kemp, Tex., than
facing It from what doctors said was
consumption. "I contracted a stub
born cold" he writes, "that developed
a cough, that stuck to me In spite of
all remedies for years. My weight
ran down to 130 pounds. Then I be
gan to use Dr. King's New Discovery,
which completely cured me. I now
weigh 178 pounds." For coughs,
colds, la grippe, asthma, hemmorr
hage, hoarseness, croup, whooping
cough and lung trouble, it Is supreme.
60c, $1: Trial bottle free. Guaran
teed by Tallman & Co.
Swiss Prisoner nas Spenj 43 Years of
Life In Institution.
Geneva. A convict In the penal es
tablishment of Lenzbourg has served
forty-three years' imprisonment, hav
ing received a life sentence for mur
der In 18H6, when he was twenty-five
years of age. He hax already cost the
government nearly $10,000, and as he
Is a strong and healthy man of 88
he will probably live many years In
prison. He Is consulted both by war
dens and convicts when questions of
regulations and rights crop up. He is
proud of the fact that he is the con
vict who has served the longest term
In Switzerland and probably In Europe.
New and second hand furniture at
the lowest prices ever made In Pen
dleton. Call in before house cleaning
time. Pendleton Furniture Co., W.
R. Graham, mgr. Ingram's old gro
cery stand.
"So when Belle rejected Jack, he
went Immediately and proposed to
"Yes; but that wasn't the best of It
What do you think? He gave Maud
an order on Belle for the engagement
Pat We sure do need rain, pa no a.
Parson That's what we do. m .
remember It In my prayer tonight at
the mectln.'
Pat 'Twon't do no good.
so long as the wind is In the
Go to any dealer in second-haid
machines and ask for an
An Awful Eruption
of a volcano excites brief Interest and
your interest In skin eruptions will be
as short, If you use Bucklcn's Arnica
Salve, their quickest cure. Even the
worst bolls, ulcers, or fevor sores are
soon healed by it Best for bums,
cuts, bruises, sore lips, chapped
hands, chilblains and piles. It gives
Instant relief. 25c at Tallman & Co.
Los Angeles. The supposititious
course of action Jesus Christ would
follow In the case of persons seeking
to re-nter the bonds of matrimony
were He confronted with modern con
ditions, will henceforth guide the
pastors holding membership in the Los
Angeles ministerial union.
Every divorced person apply1 ng
hereafter to a member of the union to
have a marriage ceremony performed,
must submit to a close Invstlgatlon.
The mere fact that the laws of the
state recognize certain grounds as
sufficient for divorce will not be con
sidered. "Would Jesus Christ sanction such
a marriage?" will be the question
that must be satisfactorily answered.
The union voted to take this stand
after several members had urged more
stringerit regulations to help check
the spread of divorce.
Tk( LAXATtVR BROMO Qnlnlne Tablets.
rrarMt" rcfnnfl money If It falls to enre. K.
W. GROVB'B slgnstnre Is en etch box. 25e.
Iadlea SoIm Sewed.
. With my new machine I can sew
your soles on for 16c per pair. They
will look better and last longer.
He will tell you that the Underwood will cost you more than ay
other machine in his shop
Because the Underwoods that come to him even after months
of wear are in almost perfect condition and as serviceable as new
machines. lie will tell you too, that he can sell more Underwoods
than he can buy.
Every general dealer in Typewriters knows that the Underwood
will stand the wear and tear of every day business use better than any
other machine on the market
Let us show you the reason for this and
you will see why the Underwood is
For the Lenten Season, fresh
every day at the
Central Meat Market
108 H. Alta Bt
'Phone Main It
Job Printing, Tel. Main