EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1910. " PAGE THRU. wsrm i i MEW ... OUR new styles for spring are now on display for your inspection and approval. Come in look them over whether you buy or not. We will be pleased to tell you of the new colors, patterns and styles that will be worn by men the coming season. Suits For The Sedate, Conservative and Most Fastidious Popular Prices $10.0 to $25.00 KIR.SCHBAUM "EFF EFF" CAHN LIEBMAN and our leader a still higher grade, just added H ACKETT-C ARH ART Although we carry standard makes, theres no hold-up game practiced here-spring clothes to fit your purse. Theres the touch of spring in every garnent made right, all wool, correctly finished and guaranteed to satisfy. Try one on-its a pleasure to show you how well we can fit you in our high-grade standard makes of men's clothing. WORKINGMEN'S CLOTHING COMPANY Same quality as the other fellow but less expense makes our prices lower. Cor. Main and Webb Streets v GOVERNMENT NEEDS NEW BUILDING IN -WHICH TO HOUSE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Washington. When It comes to large and expansive enterprises In the structural line there Is no man tor the Job like Scott (Rep. W. Va.). chairman of the senate committee on public buildings. Scott observed one day that the government pay about $360,000 annually in Washington for the rental of buildings, some of which reflected no credit on Uncle Sam, and that the old gentleman Bhould house at least his Important departments In buildings to whic'.i he held title. He figured on the best solution of the problem and evolved what la probab ly the second biggest building project In the history of the United States. The capltol cost $15,000,000 and he has introduced a bill In the senate to give it effect The Scott building is to' afford shelter for the departments of state, Justice and commerce and labor. These departments are pay ing $80,000 a year for tlio use of pri vately owned bolldlngs and yet their work is carried on under the great est difficulties. The department of Justice occupies seven buildings and the law library Is located half a mile from the attorney general's office. Clerks are in many cases obliged to work at desks placed in hallways and In two buildings, a part of the force perform their dally labor In base ments. Records of the department of Justice, of great value, repose In the main building of that branch of the government which was originally an apartment house and Is a tinder box. The priceless archives of the state department are in the state, war and navy building, a fine structure hat was rated fireproof years ago but hardly approaches the safety of mod ern structures. If those papers Bhould be destroyed Uncle Sam's diplomacy would have no more symmetry than an aeroplane ' after butting Into a lightening express. Many of thee diplomatic questions drag along for generations. The Newfoundland fish eries question is older than the gov ernment and It has riot yet been an swered. It bobs up now and again and the secretary of state, before en gaging In a parley, must read every word his predecessors have said en the subject. Diplomatically speaking. Uncle Sam with his records burned would fare 111, Indeed. The department of Commerce and labor Is established principally In a large block designed for business pur poses. It, too, has valuable records. Including the trust-busting informa tion gleaned In various investigations. For all these reasons Senator Scot I has planned to place the three de partments In a marble masterpiece of architecture to cost the millions aforesaid and to occupy five squares between Hth and 18th streets and Pennsylvania avenue and the wall. The site adjoins the -parking south of the treasury and has been acquired by the government. Everybody agrees with the senator that the thing ought to be done but all the memboYs of congress will nut vote for it. A good many of them reckon that $15,000,000 for this structure would mean some mill'-ns less for buildings in their own dis tricts and they figure that the need for ornate federal structures hi the cities of Sauterville. Bad Axe, Half way and Falrvlew are reasonably Important. A Sv611en Jaw Is not pretty nor pleasant. Whether It's caused by neuralgia, toothache, or accident, Ballard's. Snow Liniment will reduce the swelling- and relieve ' the pain. The great and sure cure i for rheumatism, cuts, burns, bruises. scalds any and all aches and pains. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. face any rival pitcher. The gun In throwing a ball from the pitcher's box over the plate may be made to give a curve as wide as eight feet In any direction by a simple regulation In the breech. The machine Is the invention of one of jhe naval academy officers. It is operated with compressed air. Only 15 pounds pressure will be used, as this will give a speed equal to that of the fastest pitchers. THE APPROVAL of the most EMINENT PHYSICIANS and its WORLDWIDE ACCEPTANCE by the WELL-INFORMED, RFTATT.SF. ITS rOMPOMFNT H l&riH&m MOST WHOLESOME AND TRULY BENEFICIAL IN EF FECT, HAVE GIVEN TO fSiFupofFtgi 'ant ELIXIR or SENNA THE FIRST POSITION K FAMILY LAXATIVES AND LED TO ITS GENERAL WITH. THE MOST UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION TO CF.TJTS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS, IMmidBM ATiirAArr Trrrvriir srrrmrr- wiLiCi ji..;,.; .1 USAGE W-hV,VVij3xffii.Sj4 Manufactured by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Ctt KftSWW For. Sale byallleaihngdrucx;istj! rmi Vtln IOni sire only, Regular wiceSOt per bottu I"' .2 ' ' 'ZKlJu'' . 1:!2 J,. ... r-3 XV SKKKS MODKIj. !( Not Know What Country He Would Have Ills Own Imitate. Itorlin. Wu Ting-Fang loft Berlin for Presdcn nnil Vienna on the final stage of his Journey through Euroro on his way back to Pekln. Americans who have come In con tact with China's greatest cross-examiner will not be surprised to lenrn that he is leaving the Occident In a question-asking mood. It is himself, however, whom the wily, witty Wu has been Interrogating during his last days in the west, for the former min ister nt Washington is sorely perplex ed as to whether the United States, England or Germany represents the civilization which China would best imitate. He confesses that he is hopelessly at sea on this Important point. His Inst hours In the kaiser's capital were devoted to Fecuring such enlighten ment as he could. As he had an op portunity to fraternize with a num ber of distinguished Americans the day before he left town, it may be assumed that the porting advice giv en to him was not to the disadvantage of the country where Wu confesses he spent the eight happiest years of his life. When asked if he Intended to daph up to the Wei-Wu-Pu, which is Chinese for state department. In his automobile when he arrived In Pekin later in the spring, he said: 'Probably not. Tou see, we Chi nese diplomats who have lived abroad in a progressive atmosphere must be very careful about Introducing new Ideas in our own country. Our people don't like up-to-dateness forced on them. Automobiles and other-achievements of Occidental civilization will gradually find a place In China, but they must come slowly." Wu told his American friends In Berlin, including Ambassadfcr Hill and ex-Vce president Fairbanks, that he had devoted a good deal of his recent term of service In Washington to mas tering the science of good health. He became a vegetarian and a total ab stainer, and Is convinced that he has at least seventy-five years yet to live. I made several appointments to re visit American friends not later than 1950." said Wu. "and I have every In tention of kecplng each date." Coughs That Hang On. Cough9 that start In the fall and hang on until spring are sure trou ble breeders unless checked and cur ed. Bronchitis, pneumonia and con sumption are the direct result. Fo ley's Honey and Tar cures the cough, stops the hard breathing and heals and soothes the inflamed air passa ges. Refuso substitutes. Koeppen Bros. 100 Beward. SI 00. The readers of tnla paper will be pleuefl to learn that tbere Is at least one dreaded disease ibat science baa been able to core In all Its stages, and tbtt Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is ttie only positive cure now known to the medksl fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, reqnlre a constitutional treatment. Ball's Catarrh Cure taken Internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the sja tem, thereby destroytpg the foundation t the dUeaae, and gtTlag the patient strengtk by fcnlldlng np tbe constitution and assist lug nature In doing Its' vork. Tbe pro prietors hare so much faith la Its cnratlve powers that they offer One Huadred Dol lars for any case that It falls to care. Bend for list of testimonials. Address : m V: 1 CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 76c. Take Ball's Family Pills for constUa tlon. For Sale. Black Percheron stallion Imported from France, 8 years old, weight one ton. Prices right. See E. T. Wade. Are Ton a Good Shot? Valuable guns and cigars glvea te the best shots at the Pastime Parlor Ask Estea. Calling cards, wedding stationery and commercial printing to order, at the East Oregonian. IF TOU ARE A TRIFLE SEXSITITX About the slie of your shoes. It's seme satisfaction te knew that ataay people eaa wear sheet a site amaliap ahaltlng Allen's Foot-Ease, the aattseptlc powder, Inte them. Just tbe thing far Danciar Parties. Patent Leather She, and for Breaking In New Shoes. When rubbers or eter shees bee me necerary and jeur shoes pinch, Allen's Feet-Rase glTes Instant re lief. Sold Everywhere, 2 Sc. Sample FREE. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Key, jv. Y. Dtn't aeorpt s ttftttMwte. Dyers' Best Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread is assured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts. Steam Rolled Barley always on hand, . Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon LET All ELECTRIC MOTOR DO YOUR WORK Steadiest, cheapest and most reliable power for small or heavy work. Less danger and easier to operate yon turn a lever and It doe the work. The Housewife's work will be lessen ed Jwhen Electricty and Gas come intoithe home COOK WITH GAS Make the work easier for her lljo' and itflVA nn vnur fuel an wall. I li c-nKC .-''1 j No dirt, dust and excessive heat No fuel to handlt and fires to kindle and It costs leea. For Her sake, put Ras.ln your home before., the. hot- weather arrives Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. Phone Main 49. Matloe BaOdtac. M1DDIKS VIT.Ij PIlACriCE with rrrciiixG orx Annapolis, Md., Baseball candi dates at the Naval academy this sea on will try out a new pitching gun which Is expected to give them all the preliminary training needed to When You BUILD, rr yi L Build to STAY! Re-enforced concrete anH rnnrrAtP hlic - - - fivvrvo tutui iii wnu, uic piciiici, inure substantial and far more comfortable in either cold or warm weather. c Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basement tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks DeTore you build your home. I ,will furnish your estimates for anv class of work on application. MHY .Contractor " andgBuilder Cor. Railroad amd Willow Sts. Pendleton. Ore e t 1 :