rA&K TWO. DAILY EAST OJUDGONIAX, PENDLETON. OREGON. TIIIHSPW, MARCH S. 110. BOBT PAGES. egms Friday 9 a. m. .March 4tk The Peoples Warehouse's Inauguration Day of Srate Special Values Serges, Worsteds, Diagonals, Panamas and Mixtures. The mere fact of a suit being a twenty-five dollar one is not important. It's all in the Style and Workmanship. Ispky in South Window tonight Only Come and see them in Ready-to-wear Section. 2NFioor That's All PRINCETON' TIGERS ARE WORKING STRENCOCSLY Princeton. X." J. March will be a busy month for the baseball squad of the Tigers. Active work on the dia mond has commenced in preparafion for the southern trip, which is expect ed to put the players in shape for the contests with the big1 eastern and New England colleges. Princeton fans are enthusiastic at the prospects and con fidently expect the Tigers to win a Ictory against their old rivals, the Bulldogs of Tale. The schedule follows: March 24. Richmond State league at Richmond, Va.; March 25. Richmond College at Richmond. Va.; March 26 and 2S, Georgetown University at Washing ton: March JO, Bowdoin at Princeton: April , New York University at Princeton: April 9, Ursinus at Prince ton; April 11, New York (American League) i-t Princeton; April 1J, Vil lanoba at Princeton; April 16, Colum btat at Princeton; April 20. Williams at Princeton; April 23, Brown at Providence: April 23, Brown at Prov idence: April 27, Trinity at Princeton; May !, Lawrenceville at Lawrence--rtlle; May 4, Penn State at Prince ton; May 7, Pennsylvania at Phila delphia; May 11, Fordham at Prince ton; May 14, Harvard at Princeton; May 18, Lafayette at Princeton; May 21, Harvard at Cambridge; May 25, Harvard at New York in case of tie; May 28, Pennsylvania at Princeton; June 1, Amherst at Princeton; June 4, Yale t-t New Haven; June 8. Holy Cross at Princeton; June 11, Yale at Princeton; July 16, Yale at New York, in case of tie. Foley's Kidney Remedy is a safe and certain remedy for all kidney and bladder diseases, whether acute or chronic. It is a splendid tonic for middle aged and elderly people and a sure cure for all annoyances and ir regularities of the kidneys and blad der. Koeppen Bros. TIGERS MAKING SAX ANTONIO THEIR LAIR San Antonio. Tex. San Antonio's baseball grounds have been put in shape to serve as a lair for the Ti gers, the Detroit champions of the American league, who will spend the month here. Several exhibition games will be played with Morris Block's broncho team. The first of next month the Tigers will divide in two squids and set forth on an exhi bition tour. Hughey Jennings will pilot one team the one that will leave San Antonio for the north via New Orleans. Bill Donovan will in all probability be act ing manager of the other team which picks the southwest for its scene of exhibition games. The Itinerary of one team follows: April 1. New Orleans; April 2 and 3, Memphis; April 4, Nashville; April 5 and 6, Louisville; April 7 and 8, Evansville; April S and 10, Terre Haute; April 11 and 12. Cincinnati. The dates arranged for the second team of tourists follow: April 2, Fort Worth; April 3. New Orleans; April 4, Enid; April 5, To peka; April 6 and 7, Kansas City; April 8. Springfield; April 9, 10 and 11, Indianapolis; April 12, Dayton. STOCK ALLOTMENTS FOR VAKIOrS FOREST RESERVES SI.OOO.O(M) TO BE SPENT TO DEVELOP 40,000 H. P. Spokane, Wash. Circulars "receiv ed by the Spokane chamber of com merce from the United States Forest service announces that 2S1.400 horses and cattle and 2.630.300 sheep and goats is the maximum- of live stock to be grazed ,n the forest reserves in Maho. Oregon and Washington dur-j ing the season of 1910. as follows: Good health is Impossible when there Is any derangement of the di gestive organs. Foley's Orlno Laxa tive 1b a natural remedy for stomach, digestion, stimulates the liver, and cures habitual constipation. Koeppen Bros. Reserves Cattle in Idaho Horses Boise 4.000 Caribou 14.000 Challis 5.000 Clearwater 5.000 Coeur d'AIene .... 600 Maho 5,500 . Kaniksu 500 Lfimhl 22.000 Minidoka ., 22.000 ! Xez Perce 10.000 1 Payette 5.250 Pend d'Oreille 1.000 Pocatello 14,900 Salmon , 16.000 Sawtooth 6.200 Taghee 15,000 We.iser 14.000 Special Economy Sale tor Friday 9 ! Totals 159.950 : Reserves Cattle j in Oregon Horses ! Wallowa 35,000 j Whitman .' 17.250 i Umatilla 11.500 : Malheur 24.000 Sheep Goats 135.500 370.000 65.000 10,000 22. BOO 150.000 77.000 67.000 40.000 111.500 6.000 34.500 25.000 335.000 223.000 80,000 1,760,000 Sheep Goats 190.000 172.000 75,000 112.000 Spokane, Wash. One million dol lars is the estimated cost of a plan by the Washington Water Power company to develop 40.000 horse power at the Spokane falls of the Spokane river. The company has two plans under consideration, one of them railing for the sinking of a shaft from the crest of the upper falls to bed rock in the river, a depth of 135 feet, and connecting with a tunnel to the Post street plant The second plan i.-t to construct a pipe line from the upper falls to the converting plant and erect a dam at the beginning of the falls. Both projects will drain the stream for a distance of five blocks in the heart of the business district. David L. Huntington, presi dent of the company, announces that i engineers" have been working on the plans for some time and the engi neering feats involved are attracting ! .Onnllnn In ttla lAchnlrfll WOrM MP Huntington says It is not anticipated there will be any difficulty In secur ing the water rights to use the pow er In this manner, though a govern- I ment grant will have to be secured If j It is decided t build the big dam In the river. , The gallery god climbs upstairs and then stares down. Last call on Women's and Children's Sweaters and Sweater Coats S1.25 to SIO.OO each. All colors, all sizes. $1.25 Sweater?. Friday Eco. price.. 91.75 Sweaters. Friday Eco. price.. $2.50 Sweaters, Friday Eco. price S3.00 Sweaters, Friday Eco. price 5.50 Sweaters, Friday Eco. price $7.50 Sweater?, Friday Eco. price SIO.OO Sweaters, Fri. Eco price.. 69 9S $1.68 82.00 33.68 S4.95 $5.95 $1.50 Plain and Fancy Dress Silks for 98c Pkin and fancy Dress Silks in Taffetas, Mescalines, Peadecygne, Peau de Soiea. In all the much wanted colors. S1.50 values for '. 98. $2.50 Corsets for $1.49 Royal Worcester Corsets medium bust and long and medium hip?, 82.50 values for '. 31.49 $1.00 Corsets for 49c Royal WorcettCT Corsets, girdle tops, medium height, 31.00 values 49 125 pairs Boys' Straight Knee Pants all sizes, 3 years to 15 years, worsteds, eassi ir.eres, cheviots, etc 5V Values for 25 75 Values for 38 Totals . . . 87.750 Rfserves Cattle in Washington Horses Chelan 10.000 Columbia 300 Colville 4.500 Rainier 4.900 Wenaha 12.000 Wena tehee 2.000 549.000 Sheep Goats 36.000 23.000 10.300 40.000 102,000 110,000 A Timely Protection. Everyone knows the after effects of La Grippe are often more danger ous than the disease. So often It leads to pineumonla. vhlch a weakened heart action makes fatal. La Grippe coughs that strain and weaken the system yield quickly to the' healing and strengthening qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar. Koeppen Bros. AW ST( Kit ATIC II A REFOOT i DANCER IS ANNOYED Totals .33,700 321,300 S1.00 Values for 81.50 Values for 50 75 Children's Rompers 40 dozen children's Rompers. Come in blue and tan- Ju3t the thing for the little folks to play in, save their dresses and good r-lothes. 50 Quality . - 39 75? Quality ,. 59 For Friday only. 20 High Class Tailored Skirts Ranging in price from 86.00 to 81.9.50 each. Blacks and colors., For this Friday Economy, HALF PRICE. A 86.00 Skirt will be 83.00 A 12.00 Skirt will be $0.00 A 819.50 Skirt will be 39.75 I DI TCH BARON KEEPING BOOKS FOR J5TOCK BROKER Spokane. Wash. W. H. Baron ' Thoe Schwartzenberg, a direct des I cend'ent of the House of Schwnrtzen ' berg of Holland, son of Baron Ernest j Lewis Schwartzenberg, born in Wit i teng.m castle in the southern part of I Bohemia, has entered the employ of a local stock broker as bookkeeper to master American business methods. He left Holland In 1898 and engaged I in the nitrate business In South Am erica, afterward traveling all over 'Europe. Since coming to this country jhe has visited 40 states and four pro vinces in Canada, and frankly con fesses he did not locate In Spokane I to marry a heiress, though he will ! make Investments In real estate for j himself and associates In Holland. The I baron Is highly educated and speaks jnine languages, writing six or them. Among his relatives In Germany are several counts and although he speaks i of them with a slight evidence of pride, he does not assume any higher place In life than the man wno nas the everyday title of "mister." THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE, -. u m In the last twenty-five yars Yale football teams have scored 8963 points to their opponents 425. Three hun dred games have been played, of which number Yale has lost but twelve four to Harvard, six to Princeton, one to Columbia and one to West Point. II r hitliLbl scoju during this period is 130 to 0 against Wesleyan. London. Lady Constance Stewart Richardson is extremely annoyed at the numerous personal allusion which are made here In George Groa smith's 'Hullo, London," now running at the Empire theatre. Unless the identity of the caricature is Impene trably veiled she threatens reprisals. The play places modern London under the satirical microscope, and one lady, made up like Lady Con stance. Ralumps about the stage with a magnificent display of limbs and athleticism, hut with a total absence of dress. "Why do you do this?" one charac ter asks. "For 'chnrity." the supposed titled classic dancer answers grandiloquently. Call for Warrants. All general fund warrants, register ed during the months of July, August and September, 1909, will be paid at my office, at the county court house upon presentation. Interest ceased upon date of publi cation. Dated Pendleton, Oregon, Febru ary 26, 1310, Umatilla county. O. .W. BRADLEY. County Treasurer. Owing to the short season In South Dakota, It has been thought Impossi ble to raise apples, plums and other fruit, but expert horticulturists have at last solved the problem and now these fruits as well as peart and cherries promise to do fairly well. A Night Alarm. Worse than an alarm of fire at night is the metallic cough of croup bringing dread to the household. Careful mothers keep Foley's Honey and Tar In the house and give It at the first sign of danger. Foley's Hon ey and Tar has saved many little l.ves and ia the oniy safe preparation for children as It contains no opiates. Koeppen Bros. "Half the world doesn't know how the other half lives." "Possibly," answered Miss Cayenne, "but that Isn't the fault of the ladies who get together with their knitting In our hotel." Washington Star. Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Oier-WtA. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are r sponsible for much sickness andsuflering, tueretore, u lunacy trouble is permitted ta continue, serious re sults are most likely to follow. Your other or pans may need at tention, but your kid neys most, because they do most and should have attention first. Therefore, when ' your kidneys are weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your en tire body is affected and how every orgaa sccias to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or " feel badly," begia taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial will con vince yon of its great merit. Tke mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney and bladder remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest because its remarkable bcaltb restoring properties have been proven in thousands of the most distress lug cases. If you need a medicine you, should have the best. Sold by druggists in City-cent and onc-dol- 1 lar sizes. Yon may have a satnnle bottle ' by mail free, also a ....... r .... .. - ' ' ' p, jvi. iimi vivuniML bow to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble, Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binbamton, N. v. Don't make an" r. in take, but retucmlHT the name, S wamp Root, and don't let a dealer sell you something in place of Swamp-Root if you do you will be disappointed. Ki:wr.:iiwti-4 FUME TMTIl Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illmtruted soups ia tlio city. .Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the . entire family. r . Next to French Restaurant Entire change three, timet each week. Bo sure and ice the next change. Adults' 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c