East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 01, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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paox mt
In Today By Express
Long, Semi-fitting Light
colored Coats in all sizes
$15.00 $16.50
$18.00 $20.00
F. E. Livengood & Co.
March Ladies' Home Journal Patterns and style
Books Now Ready
will get a pair of the Red Goose
shoes, which are the best school shoes
on earth.
Phone Main I for coal.
Paatlme pictures please all.
Furniture cheap see Graham.
Furnished rooms, (02 Water St
Ice cream at Hohbach's, Court st.
Coal. Oak wood. Phone Main I.
Bnjrder, chimneysweep, Red Sill.
Craham Is selling furniture cheaper.
Oats for sale at the Oregon Lumber
For Rent Furnished housekeeping
roema. lit E. High.
Furnished room for rent. Inquire
til South Main street.
Lenses duplicated In a lew minutes
Hanscom's Jewelry store.
I'll pay cash for yaur veaL Chas.
Rayburn, phone Main 420.
Four or six room furnished house
(or rent Inquire Mark Moorhouse.
Lost Bunch, of keys on ring. Find
er return to Dr. M. S. Kern's office.
Wanted Sewing by the day or
would sew at home. Phone RedlOSl.
For rent, cheap Flrstclass restau
raat Inquire at Golden Rule Hotel.
Boys' Goodyear Welt Shoes for
11.10 at Wohlenberg's Dept. Btnr.
Wanted Boarders by week, day ?
month. Inquire 411 West Bluff street
Two or three furnished housekeep
ing rooms for rent. Enquire 105 W.
Wanted Woman to work In South
em Cafe. Inquire 206 . East Alta
More moving pictures shown than
ny other thestre In the city the
Pastime, f
Wanted Setting hens, one two or
three. Phone Red 13(( or injulre at
this office.
No coa famine will-. Burroughs.
Phone Main 6 and get good coal
Halrdresslng, manicuring and sham
posing parlors in connection with the
Vogue Millinery.
Broken lenses replaced In a few
minutes at Hanscom's Jewelry store
We grind any lenae. f
Phone Main 8 for good dry wood
and coal that will bu.-n clean. Prompt
ly delivered. Oregon Lumber Yard.
Wanted Energetic sinRle young
man to travel and learn good paying
buslncrs. References required. Call
Tuesday 1 to 5 p. m., Room 4. Colum
bia rooming house.
Overstocked on furniture must re
duce the stock. If you want to buy
furniture, come In and see me. Pen
dleton Furniture Co. W. R. Graham,
mgr., at the old Ingram grocery stand.
More furniture than room. We are
going to put the price to bedrock to
reduce stock. Come In prepared to
buy we've got the goods, either new
or second hand. Pendleton Furniture
Every boy or girl under 16 years of
age who draws a picture of the fa
mous Red Goose nt the Peopdes
Warehouse will receive a prize, also
havo a chance to win one of the cash
prizes which will be awarded for the
best drawings March 10. Why not
try for one of these prizes. Maybe
you'll get the $10 prize or maybe you
Revival Meeting Last Night.
The interest at the Baptist church
last night was good. This was the
first week night meeting and every
thing indicates a shower of blessings
In the days to come. Evangelist Led
ford sang "Only a Little While." His
sermon was full of Interest and held
the closest attention of the good crowd
that had assembled to hear him. His
themo was "How we may know we
are saved." He answered this ques
tion from the word of God and showed
that God has given positive evidence
to a saved man that he may know It.
His Illustrations from life were to the
point and Interesting and often set out
the reasonableness of what the Bible
says so that one could not help but
get the truth presented. If any one
Is interested in his eternal welfare or
If ho wants to know what God teach
es concerning salvation he should
come to these, meetings. They are for
every one and all are Invited. Song
service with several Instruments at
7:30 every night. Sermon at 7:45.
Day meetings at 10 o'clock each
morning The Bible reading today
was on. "What God teaches about how
to pray." Christian people and seek
ers are asked to come to these morn
ing meetings.
OrplK'tiin Today' Program.
1. The Roman. Sellg.
2. A Critical Situation. " Pathe.
S. Adamll, the trained ape. Pathe.
4. The Fisherman's Granddaughter.
Kalem. ,
5. I Love a Lassie.
The Pastime.
The following excellent program for
today's change.
"One Night and Then," Blograph.
1000 feet. A soul lifted .from the
slough of Indifference. An Intense
dramatic picture, marked by careful
and splendid acting.
"Thp Modern Messetiger Boy." Es
snnay. 1000 feet. Here Is a full reel
nf the funniest situations ever shown
In motion pictures.
"The Old Maid and the Burglar."
Farce. The story of a maiden lady
In search of a husband.
'"The Electric Insoles." A feature
One set travelogues.
One Illustrated song.
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
One Marriage License.
A marriu&e license was issued this
morning to C. R. Samuel, Jr., and El
sie E. Dorothy, both of Milton.
J. V. Tullman III.
J. V. Tallman, the well known
druggist, has been 111 since Sunday
and is forced to remain at his' home
on Water street. He Is suffering from
lu grippe. .
Club Meeting Postponed.
The meeting of the Thursday after
noon club which was to have been
held this week at the home of Mrs. E.
P. Marshall In North Pendleton, has
been indefinitely postponed.
Militia Election Tonight
At "the armory this evening the
members of company L will assemble
for the purpose of choosing a captain
for the command. The election will
be conducted by Captain M. S. Kern,
who now holds a staff appointment In
the guard.
Bad Check Artist Appears.
The Rohrman bakery and grocery
store was last evening victimized In
the sum of $16 by a bad check artist
who gave the name of West. The of
ficers have no clue on which to work
and It is doubtful If the man will be
apprehended. He tendered a check
for 120 In payment of 24 worth of
groceries and after getting away with
the change, left the groceries.
Recalls Former Avalanche.
News of the snowsllde In Idaho
which buried the town of Mace was
read with interest by Bert Wilson,
deputy in the office of Sheriff Taylor.
The deputy sheriff was a former resi
dent of northern Idaho and recalled
this morning that exactly 22 years
ago a slide came down the same iden
tical canyon and buried the railroad
track under 60 feet of debris for a
distance of 600 feet.
"Great Divide" is Here.
The members of the "Great Divide"
troupe which is to appear at the Ore
gon theatre this evening arrived in
town on the early morning train from
the west In order to reach Pendle
ton the troupe cancelled Its engage
ment at The Dalles. The troupe play
ing "The House of a Thousand Can
dles" plays at Walla Walla tonight
and according to Manager Mitchell,
of the local playhouse, will be here
on time tomorrow evening.
Commercial Club Installation.
At the monthly meeting of the Com
mercial association to be held this eve
ning the newly elected officers will
be Intalled. President Moore, who
has presided over the association dur
ing the past year, will retire from the
chair and give the gavel to W. L.
Thompson, his successor. Ben Hill,
becomes secretary in place of Jack
Huston and the new board of man
agers succeeds the old. The banquet
which was originally set for tonight
will be held at a later date.
Three Are Bound Over.
Three accused men appeared before
justice of the peace Joe H. Parkes to
day and were held to appear before
the grand Jury. John and Peter
Bloom, father and son waived exami
nation on the charge of larceny from
a dwelling and were held In the sum
of $500 each. Irt default of this sum
they were remanded to the custody of
the sheriff. Wilbur Bailey, the Mil
ton youth who was captured after
a year's search, waived examination
on the charge of obtaining money un
der false pretenses by means of a
forged check and was held to appear
under $300 bonds.
Chicago. Herds of goats and sheep
are soon to be sent from the United
States to Japan for use of the Japan
ese government In developing stock
raising, according to Dr. Ioda Tana
mura, dean of animal Industry of the
University of Toklo, who Is here.
He came to Chicago recently from
the cast, where he has visited several
universities, and after ft day or two
here he will continue his journey to
San Francisco and Japan.
"We raise a few sheep In Japan,",
he said last night, "but no gonts ohd
our purpose Is to go inlo the Industry
to a large extent, providing It will
prove profitable and feasible In our
North Yakima, Wash. The cham
pion speller of North Yakima is H.
M. Gilbert. He can spell such words
as "daguerreotype." "eleemosynary"
and "cataclysm" without turning a
hair, but even his remarkable facili
ty with the alphabet was not suffi
cient to wave from Inglorious defeat
the men of the Commercial club in a
match spelling bee with the Woman's
club. The challengers, the Woman's
club, won by n score of 19 to S in a
contest with nine on a side, and ac
cording to baseball rules. A batter
misspelling a word was counted out;
three out to a side retired the side.
If the batter could n-t spell a word,
the nearest baseman was given a
chance and then if necessary, a field
er, and If neither could spell It, the
batter retained the base. City Su
perintendent of Schools D. C. Reed
nobly seconded the efforts of Mr. Gil
bert and made several home runs,
hut' went down to defeat before the
simple word "forcible," after triumph
ing over many syllables.
The entertainment, which was at
tended by all the club women of the
city and their husbands, was to raise
fumls for a woman's clubhouse.
Undisputed Evidence of This
Stores' Absolute Supremacy
Discriminating women want garments or originality garments that
portray refinement of fashion. . The Spring fashion call Is correctly answered
In what we are already showing and will show In the very near future.
The lovllest of Spring creations in Tailored Suits wlthi that charm of
distinctiveness that women of good taste are quick to discern they're here
with all the newest and most exclusive style features skilled Interpretations
of the latest Ideas modified to please the American woman. And such a
comprehensive showing of materials fabrics produced with a certain know
ledge of what will be most wanted this season.
ior Wedn'day
and Thursday
$1.25 White Lingerie Waists for
$1.65 Satteen and Heatherbloom Underskirts for $1.10
$1.50 Flannellette Kimonas for
1 5 c White Cambric 36 inches
1 0c Bleached Muslin 36 inches wide
For Wednesday and Thursday Only
Wohlenberg Department Store
Better Goods For Less Money
: :
Koeppen Bros.
Cordially invite the ladies to step into their store and be
taught free of charge how to make the very best Vanilla Flavor'
ings, and they may take home with them a free sample to see
how good it is. Fifty cents worth of material will make one
quart of flavoring and we sell nothing lees thnn that amount,
but you can make it up in small quantities and the balance will
keep for future use. The process is new, the flavor supreme,
expense subnormal
The Drug S$ore That Serves You Best
"Brewster's Millions.'
It was a long, long- wait that the
ater patrons had last night before they
saw the reproduction of George Barr
McCutcheon's "Brewster's Millions"
on the stage of the Oregon theater.
Owing to washouts and various other
line disorders, the special Northern
Pacific train bearing the show troupe
did not arrive until 9:45 and it was ex
actly 11 o'clock when the asbestos
rang up on Act 1. Those who were
not averse to keeping late hours and
stayed In their seats, were rewarded
for their overtaxed patience by a per
formance of real merit. The book as
dramatized affords many Interesting
situations, all of which are built
around the attempts of a young man
to comply with the proviso in his un
cle's will, namely the spending of a
million dollars in a year, so that,
thereby, he can inherit seven more
Royal Tracy, who, as Monty, as
sumed this Herculean task, won great
favor with the audience with his fresh,
airy humor and his ludicrous beha
vior when Fate seemed determined to
balk him of his one absorbing pur
pose. Miss Morgia Lytton, as Peggy,
the motif of Monty's heart tremors,
was a sweet girl of the modest, unas
suming variety who stood out in strik
ing contrast to the effusive, designing
Barbara Drew, and the militant, mas
culine Janice Armstrong. A truthful
recognition of the things as they are
must compel us to admit, however,
sorrowfully, that the latter two speci
mens of femininity are more represen
tative of the modern woman than is
the gentle, reserved Peggy.
There was only one thing in con
nection with the play that marred the
enjoyment of the audience, and that
thing was not intrinsic with the at
traction but lay in the degenerate na
tures of some of the gallery gods.
During the first act some drunken
rowdies Indulged in the "refined"
sport of bombarding the pit with egjr
that were past their prime, the pu
tridity of which was emblematic of
the character of those from whose
hands they were Hurled.
Several ladies and gentlemen were
struck by these ancient products of
the. -hennery, and, needless to say,
were in anything but an amiable
frame of mind. Such creatures as the
perpetrators of this outrage are fair
representatives of man Inferior to the
lower animals, and cnuld receive many
ennobling lessons from the long
eared denizens of the barnyard. Cer
tain, it is that they should be exclud
ed from respectable society until they
acquire a few of the primal requisites
of manhood.
Public School Lect
ure Course
St. Louis. That tho negro did not
get his color from Ham, and that he
is not even a member of the race of
Ham, but a descendant of one of the
four or five brothers Adam must have
had, is the belief of the Rev. Dr. Ed
win II. Richards, for SO years a mis
sionary in Uganda, Africa.
"The negro never came from Ham.
Tou can't got a black man from a
white one. either by time or condi
tions," said Dr. Edwards. "The black
man Is co-Adamlc with Adam. Adam
probably had about four brothers the
Bible don't mention, and It was from
one of these brothers that the negro
must have descended."
I tor Sale.
Black Percheron stallion Imported
from France, 8 years old, weight one
ton. Prices right. See E. T. Wade.
Read the Erv Orcgonian.
At the Baptist Church I-ast Night In
His Sermon.
"If a man really gets God in the
heart he will not be a dead head."
"A man doesn't 'try' to love his
wife. He loves her and he knows it
and she knows it. If a man loves
God be sure that he will know It and
God will know It"
"Nowhere does God give any one
license to sin. He says 'Don't do it.'
But If you do sin, turn to God as quick
tis you can and get forgiveness.
"Jesus Christ Is the Christian's ad
vocate with the Father. A man out
of Christ has no advocate."
The Man Of Many Mysteries
New : : Original
Mystic Creations
Magic M
Wednesday, March, 2 'lO
Admission 75c and 50c
For sale Corner lot and six room
cottage with full basement has fire
place bath and toilet; range, gas stove
and electric lights; very desirable lo
cation. All for (3000, cash or easy
terms. Apply on premises, 614 Ra
ley street.
Orpheum Theatre
J. P. MED ERA AC II, proprietor
For Men, Women and Children'
Program Changes on Sundays, Tuesday's and Friday's.
For the Lenten Season, fresh
every day at the
Centra! Meal Market
10S H. Alta St
'Phone Main IS