East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 01, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Pvkllstied Dal.y. Wc-klr snd Semi-Weekly,
it Pendleton, Oregon, Ly the
Bally, one year, by mall $3.00
Itolly, six month, by mall XBO
Daily, three months, by mall 1.25
Daliy, one month, by mall 50
Dally, one year, by carrier 7 00
Dally, oil months, by carrier S.75
Dally, three months, by carrier .... 1.05
Daily, one month, by carrier 05
Weekly, oue year, by mall 1.50
Weekly, six months, by mail 75
Weekly, four months, by mail 50
ail-Weekly, one year, liy mall .... 1.50
si-weeKi.v, six montus, by man .. .to
ol-Weekly, fonr months, by mall . .50
The Dally East Oregonlan Is kept oa sal
t the Oregon Newt Co., 147 tflh street,
Portland, Oregon.
Chicago 'Uureau, 809 Security Building.
Washington. D. C, Burean, 501 Foor
tmtt street, N. W.
Member United Press Association,
Entered at the poetofflee at Pendleton,
as second class mall matter.
telephone Main 1
There are roads from dawn to
sunset through the valleys
of Kashimir.
I should like to watch the ships
come down from Cadiz to
When the awkward-moving
camels take their cum
berous loads and start
From Damascus to Palmyra, I
must follow in my heart;
Yet these fancies lure me idly
as a face whose smile is
For the world is all a desert till
you come to Ispahan.
Life and death there throb with
mystery, beat with human
yearnings still.
I shall feel no press of know
ledge making truth the
germ of ill.
There they listen to the Sufis
while the purple evening
And the distant line of camels
ends the journey to the
All the shows of things are Idle
till I leave the Hamadan
On my way across the desert to
the domes of Ispahan.
Lewis. Washington Smith.
Pejidleton likes to have conventions
held. here and the announcement that
the state bankers association is to
meet in this city In June is especially
pleasing. By the nature of the work
they do bankers or men of import
ance in the business world. Usually
they lead business sentiment. Before
people invest in any section or In any
city they are sure to consult their
bankers. This being the case the
coming session of the state bankers'
Association in Pendleton opens up
some possibilities.
Aside from showing the bankers the
customary social courtesies it will be
well for us to arrange to give the fi
nancial men some information about
this city and this section of Oregon.
They might be shown something of
the wonderful possibilities of our ir
rigation sections. They ,i!ght be
shown the many acres yet unwatered
and waiting for men and money to
bring about the transformation of
desert Into garden. They might be In
formed of the great and 'undevelop
ed region south of this city a region
that affords good attractions for both
settler and Investor. They could be
shown the manufacturing plants now
In operation here and told of other
establishments we hope to secure. Tell
them the simple truth. It is good
It Is fortunate that the bankers are
to meet here this year. Pendleton
needs to be set right In the minds of
the people of Oregon and of the
northwest. During the past year or
two the conditions within this city and
within the county have been fre
quently misrepresented. This has In
jured the city and county unjustly.
When the bankers come to the city
Pendleton will have an opportunity to
show an unprejudiced body of men
Just what the conditions are. We
ehould give them full and accurate In
formation. They will want to secure
such information while they are here.
After they have returned to their
homes their clients will want to know
what they think of Pendleton and of
eastern Oregon.
So while the bankers nre here let us
entertain them In a proper manner,
as Pendleton usually does with visiting
delegates. Then let us show them
that the prospects are bright for Pen
dleton and for Umatilla county. That
this city Is Hit commercial center of
a great region just entering upon an
era of closer development that this
city Is the capital of the Land of
Promise and of Hopes That Become
Dr. Woods Hutchinson, an Oregon
lan, has earned a national reputation
as a speaker and writer on medical
subjects. He lectured at Atlanta,
Georgia, Sunday upon the subject.
'The conquest of. consumption." He
lectured under the auspices of a wor
thy association, was introduced by a
former governor of Georgia nnd was
given flattering notices by the papers
of Atlanta.
Of course nil of this l.ygood adver
tising for Oregon. By the way, though,
Woods Hutchinson is not the only
"wobfooter" that has won creditable
recognition away from home. There
is Homer Davenport, too. He has a
national fame. The East Oregonlan
has just received a paper with a half
tone cut of a big banquet given by
Rodman Wanamaker at Sherry's.
Homer D. is there along with Gener
al Nelson A. Stiles, General Leonard
Wood, and other notables.
Then there is John Barrett, the
right honorable director general of
the bureau of American republics,
who was formerly on the staff of the
Evening Telegram. Mr. Barrett has
an able bodied man's job.
There is William F. Heiri'n, long
time political boss of California and
now 'chief counsel for the Harrlman
system. He hails from around Ash
land and graduated at O. A. C. That
he is a credit to this state some people
may deny. Nevertheless he has made
the world take notice and has one of
the biggest legal positions In the
This list would be Incomplete with
out reference to Herbert O. Roesch, of
this city, champion rifle shot of the
world; Forrest Smlthson, world
champion high hurdler; Dan Kelly
who held the world's record for the
100 yard dash and A C. Gilbert,
champion pole vaulter of the world.
Oregon has sons who have won dis
tinction in various lines.
In the March number of the Ameri
can Review of Reviews appears the
following comment regarding the work
now being done looking to the re-election
of President Taft in 1912.
The republican organization was
never more busily engaged in the
game of national politics than now. j
It wishes to win the congressional el- j
ections this coming fall, and it also
wishes to win in the presidential
elections of 1912. Further than that,
it wishes to make a success of the
Taft administration, and to make sure
not only that Mr. Taft shall be re
nominated but also re-elected. All the
tendencies of our political life now
call for a two-term Incumbency.
President Cleveland intended to be a
one-term president, but conditions
made his nomination Inevitable. Mr.
Harrison, like Mr. Cleveland, was re
nominated for a second term, though,
also like Mr. Cleveland, he was de
feated in the .election. Mr. McKlnley
was renominated under conditions
that made opposition impossible. In
Roosevelt's first year of the presi
dency, and even In his second and
third, years, the elements of oppositi
on to his nomination In 1904 were so
powerful that the chances seemed
quite In favor of the coalition of lead
ers and interests determined to elimi
nate the Rough Rider from politics.
It Is unnecessary to recall the chang
ed political conditions that cleared tha
way. In the winter of 1903-4, and
made Mr. Roosevelt's renomlnatlon an
easy certainty. The business of pav
ing the way for Mr. Taft's renomlna
tion is going forward quite as actively
now that he has been in office ex
actly one year, as the same sort of
business went on at the same stage
of Mr. Roosevelt's presidency, and In
various earlier administrations. State
by state all over the country the situ
ation has been studied with careful
forecast; and nothing is allowed . to
pass unheeded or uninfluenced. Old
line politicians are taking lessons.
The men who dig In mines follow a
hazardous life and the wives and
children of miners must share In their
misfortunes. However It looks like
the people living In the towns of Burke
and Mace have met with more than
their share of sorrow.
Floods and washouts have crippled
all the branch railroads running Into
Walla Walla save the line between the
Garden City and Pendleton. Walla
Wallans must find It Inconvenient
living In a branch line town that be
comes Isolated so easily.
With the necessity of engaging
special trains and holding 11 o'clock
performances there must be some
drawbacks to the theatrical life these
The Philadelphia strike threatens
to become of national Importance and
It all grew out of the discharge of a
few men.
Whether it is due to Halley's comet
or to Comet A '10 it Is certain that
the weather Is behaving In a most
peculiar manner.
Yes, It Is true.
It all.
The ocean will hold
The vegetarians are not worrying
about the price of meat.
The tenderness of little loves
' Is sweeter than our dreams
Far In the woodlands moan the doves.
Ana uoa to mem their griefs have
And when they die. In twilight late,
Some sad bird moans for a mate.
What are the songs of birds to be
Of flowers to fleck the future dells
To birds that sung farewell to thee
And broke thy heart with their
What the sweet breath of flowers to
That once made Life's Immortal rose?
Still, suns will rise, and suns will Bet,
And mornings bloom o'er land and
And hearts will whisper: "We forgot"
Even while they weep even while
they weep!
Through life, through death through
good and ill.
We love, and we r.emember still.
Atlanta Constitution.
ElectWc fans do more than to keep
us cool during the grilling days of
summer. Many ingenious applications
of the electric fan have been discov
ered whereby they are almost as use
ful in these days of zero ns they were
last summer.
The electric fun, consisting of a
propeller blade mounted on the same
shnft with a tiny motor, was design
ed to stir up currents of nir to keep
us cool during the sultry, breezeless
days of August. But some ingenious
wight soon proved that the fan was
of far greater value when used for
ventilating purposes. Nature has
proved an automastlc, evaporating
system to keep us cool, but she will
not ventilate our houses.
In nil the large buildings of recent
construction you will find, hidden
away in basement or attic, the noise
loss ventilating fan, propelled by elec
tricity, which keeps the nir clean and
sweet. This great fan sucks the foul
air from the cave-like building and
replaces it with the clean, oxygen
laden ozone from outdoors, drawing
the cold nir through the hot cham
bers of the furnace to warm It be
fore it reaches the rooms. In the old
days it was easy enough to heat a
building with stoves or crude hot air
heaters, but it was quite a problem
to heat a building and keep the air
pure at the same time. A building
inhabited by a large number of human
beings on a cold day would be simply
intolerable without a fine system of
ventilation. Xo one could work and
few could live for very long in such
a place. A few buildings are small
enough to be ventilated by simple de
vices depending upon the natural law
that hot air rises, but In the case of
large theatres, halls, flats or office
buildings It Is necessary to ventilate
the rooms by power driven fans. Ow
ing to the fact that a motor can be
hidden away in all sorts of places,
and that they require absolutely no
attention and can be started and stop
ped from a distance makes electricity
the ideal source of power for this
kind of work.
The electric ventilating fans In large
buildings are mammoth affairs, con
sisting of great steel fans revolvoing
at high speed by a powerful motor,
sometimes averaging fifty horse
power. And then there is the other
extreme, the tiny motor driven fan
frequently seen in cafes, . restaurants
and public halls, which is mounted so
the eight or ten Inch fan revolves In
a circular hole cut In the topmost
window pane. These little fans quick
ly clear a room of smoke, foul air
or too much heat.
No doubt but as a people we' take
far better care of ourselves today
than our grandfathers did and the
time Is surely coming when every cot
tage and home will be ventilated on
the most approved and scientific prin
ciples with motor driven fans placed
where they will keep the rooms at an
even temperature and free from viti
ated and and evil odors. Electrical
Notes. '
Leading Lady What caused the
Walking Gentleman Why, old
Muggins, who was playing the villain,
threw his lighted cigarette into the
snSw. Tattler.
Also Expands It.
"What is the. effect of cold?"
"It contracts."
"Give me an example."
"Cold contracts a coal bill."
Sethfr Younilf h Sendinl Now for a
Cut thin adv. out And mail with your
n.-itne and i UJ-csh. ond 10 cents to
30 Clinton it.. Newark. N J., U.S A.
l4t acres all fenced, good new
posts, 800 acres In grain, 250 acres of
alfalfa land mostly set, will cut 750
tons of alfalfa this year, a stream of
water runs through which furnishes
plenty of water for Irrigating, good
concrete dams and ditches, good
buildings, lots of fruit trees and ber
ries. This Is an Ideal place for feed
ing stock for the market. A railroad
runs right through the middle of It
Yon can buy this fine ranch for 146,
000. B. T. WADE,
Office In American Nat. Bank Bid.
Pendleton, Ore.
Afraid of Ghosts
Many people are 'afraid of ghosts. Few people
ra afraid of germs. Yet the ghost is a fancy and
the germ is a (act. If the germ eould be magnified
to size equal to its terrors it would appear more
terrible than any fire-breathing dragon, Gernn
can't be avoided. .They are in the air we breathe,
the water we drink.
The germ caa only prosper when the condition
of the system gives it free scope to establish it
self and develop. When there is a deficiency of
vital forue, languor, restlessness, a sallow cheek,
a hollow eye', when the appetite is poor and the
sleep is broken, it is time to guard against the germ. You can
fortify the body against all germs by the use of Dr. Pierce' Cold
en Medical Discovery. It increases the vital power, cleanses (he
system of clogging impurities, enriches the blood, puts the stom
ach and organs of digestion and nutritioo in working condition, to
that the germ finds no weak or tainted' spot in which to breed
"Golden Medicul Discovery" contains no alcohol, ntmky or
habit-tanning drugs. All its ingredients printed on in outside
wrapper. It is not a secret nostrum but a medicine of ivoan
composition and with a record of 40 yean of cures Accept no
ubstitute -there is nothing "just as good."- Ask your i.cu'k.riori.
New York. Irishmen of New York
and Brooklyn have arranged for fit
ting, celebrations of the birth of Rob
ert Emmet, and the memory of the
great Irish patriot will be observed
ns never before. The principal meet
ing will be held tomorrow evening In
the Academy of Music, Brooklyn, un
der the auspices of the United Irish
League, assisted by the United Irish
society, the Brooklyn Gaelic society,
pot it in the Bank.
a - - -
ft :..
MEN who own "automobiles began putting their money
in the bank when' they were boys and kept at it. You are
never too young to begin a good habit.
We will pay you 4 per cent interest on the money you put
in our bank and compound the interest every six months.
American National Bank
Pendleton. Oregon
Of Hartford, in the State of Connecticut, on the 31st day of December, 1909,
made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law:
Amount of capital paid up t 250,225.00
Premiums received during the year $ 705,639.24
Interest, dividends and rents received during
year 25,143.41
Income from other sources received during
year 69,073.87
Total income 799,856.52
Losses paid during the year, including adjust
ment ' expenses, etc I 289,219.72
Commissions and salaries paid during the year 279,012.64
Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year... 20,164.65
Amount of all other expenditures 101,762.76
Total expenditures I 690,159.77
Value of real estate owned - 7,836.73
Value of stocks and bonds owned 647,244.93
Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc 64,582.82
Cash In banks and on hand 40,291.91
Premiums in course of collection nnd In trans
mission 106,702.66
Interest and rents due and accrued 4,806.69
All other assets- 8,320.56
Total nssets admitted In Oregon $ 879,786.29
Gross claims for. losses unpaid 8 153,145.94
Amount of unearned premiums on all outstand
ing risks 284,053.68
One for commission and brokerage 28,573.88
All other liabilities .'. 78,057.96
Surplus as regards policy holders 335,954.93
Total liabilities $ 879,786.29
Total premiums In force December 31, 1909..., $ 579,238.06
Total risks written during the year . 168,774.00
Gross premiums received during the year l!7!2.84
Premiums returned during the year ., 223.44
Losses paid during the year , 153.99
Losses Incurred during the year l!3!s9
Total amount of premiums outstanding in Oregon Dec. 31, 1909.. 1.41s!o6
THE AETNA INDEMNITY CO., of Hartford Conn.
By CHARLES I. BROOKS, Secretary.
Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service:
CHAS. E. MORGAN, 250 Stark St., Portland, Or.
the Irish American union, and unof
ficially, by several divisions of the
Ancient Order of Hibernians.
Speakers of national reputation will
deliver addresses and several of the
foremost Irish artists have volunteer
ed to contribute to the concert pro
gram. Many good farmers will keep every
thing on the place In ship shape all
the year except the orchard. These
men are always complaining that It
doesn't pny to raise fruit.
Is Hero
Better cure that ecld before
It Is too late.
'8 P.
cold oapsula will knock the
worst cold In two days. Manu
factured and sold only by
Tallman & Co.
Leading Druggists of Beat era
Just Received
Carload of Poul
try supplies of
all kinds
127-129 E. AIM
Gus'La Fontaine, Prop.
Best 25c Meals in North
west First-class cookc and service
Shell fish in season
La Fontaine BIk., Main St.
'rMf Copyrights ic
Anronsilndlng s nktlrh uil )Wcrltlnn m
qtitrklf aAorlnlii our nimn'in froe fffieilfrt u
(iivnntlon la pnthnblf pnlviiinhlfl. Coiiinmtijf.
ttuiimirletlrrniillclenthil. MHDRn0lt on I'xrau
Snl Irwot OklMC aeenrr for iniriiifr pslima.
I'aieata taken Hirmuh Ilium A Co, reralra
puM row, WM1HIU1.V1ITKW, UWj
Scientific Jlimrieaii,
AksndHmslrlllnatralM wosklr. forms oUv
dilation if any arlemiuo )nmiitL Torma,
sear; (our nionUis,L Buiabiafl nawxfpatjrs.
Brtocb O01c. 635 r 8L. Wubtoutua. ix tt
ft. .w
This is about the time of the winter
when you find that your fuel supply
Is running short so allow us to recom
mend ourselves as well stocked and
equipped to fill your demands wRa
the best coal promptly at a fair mar
ket price.
Qunllty county especially in coal
buy it whore you're certain of the
quality being Al, which is
fhone Main 17S.
Milne Transfer 1
Phone Main 5
Calls promptly answered
for all baggage transfer
ring. Piano and Fumhir
moving and Heavy Truck
i ing a specialty.
(.,.- ,
Cures Colds; Prevents Pneumonia
2; r!
? it m
Hp w '