EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGON LAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY. MARCH J, 1910. I'AGH THRXK. Special Early Spring and Easter Announcement LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S PUMPS AND OXFORDS h ll 55 See North Window for Display of a few of the Many Styles We Are Showing EASTER SUNDAY COMES MARCH 27, 1910 And we wish to invite your early attention to one of the most beautiful lines of Patents, Suedes, Gun Metals, Vici and Canvas Pumps and Oxfords ever shown in the West. Manufactured in Philadelphia, the greatest city in the world for ladies fine shoes, and by the best manufacturers, Smaltz, Goodwin & Co. We feel proud to have you come and inspect our line. Every style is carried in every size and width from A A to E and we positively guarantee a fit or refund money. We dont insist or tire you by trying to sell to you. We only ask you to inspect this pretty line of shoes. Thanking you very kindly for the past season's patronage and anxious to please you for the coming season we are, YOURS VERY RESPECTFULLY, ALEXANDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE STEALS III TOWN AT IT TO LAY TRACK NORTH COAST ATTEMPTS 'TO STEAL A MARCH Kennewlck Surprised Saturday Night By Sudden Attempt of Biff Crew to ly Rod In Heart of City Prop erty Owners Get Injunction by Tele phone to Stop Work. Kennewlck, Wash., March 1. This city Is In a turmoil of excitement as a result of an attempt by the North Coast railroad to lay tracks on Front treet In the heart of the business sec tion Saturday night. Descending on the town from Klo na, Washington, at seven o'clock Sat urday night with a force of one hun dred men and 35 teams, contractors for the North Coast hurriedly began laying tracks through Front street de spite the objections of property own ers. Northern Pacific officials learning of the operations rushed 100 men from Pasco to Kennewlck by special train and blocked the effort of the North Coast to crops their tracks at Seventh street. Injunction Is Socured. Objecting property owners along the street shortly before midnight Saturday secured a temporary injunc tion, by wire from Superior Judge Holcomb nt Prossor, but did not suc ceed In Mopping the work until early, this morning, because It was neces sary to serve papers on every mem ber of the working force before work wnfl stopped. Damage suits against the North Coast were filed at Prosser just be fore midnight Saturday night by at torneys for affected property owners. This latest move of the North Coast is believed to mean the exten sion of the line Into North Yakima. Franchises for right of way secured three years ago through Kennewlck by the North Coast have expired. Excitement Runs nigh. Excitement In this city is at a high pitch over the action of the North Coast officials. The contractors In charge of the work last night are Es baugh Bruce & Co.,. of Spokane. A franchise granting the North Coast rights of way down Front street between Washington and Seventh streets was given by the city council here January S, 1907. Terms of the franchise required that work be com menced within thirty days and that trains be operating within IS months. Nothing was done until last night when the force from Klona waa rush ed here and operations commenced over all objections. Superior Judgo Holcomb fixed time for hearing the restraining order for March 2 at Pros ef. The contractors In charge of the work here communicated with Rob ert Strahorn in Spokane when their work was stopped by injunction end It Is understood that he agreed will ingly to cease operations. W. M. Saxton, In charge of the ma terial yards of the Strahorn road, said today thnt "this little work here means the early completion of our line from Attalla to North Yakima," Continuing he said that the North Coast had only about 6000 ties to lay between Attalla and the Columbia river and that these would be put down early In the spring. He pre dicted that Strahorn would have the road In operation from the Colum bia river to North Yakima by April. AUTHOR BRANDS GOTHAM AS KING OF INSOLENCE New York. "We live today In the most Insolent city in the world the city of New York." F. Hopkinson Smith, the author, eulogizing the chivalry of the "old southern gentleman," before the 700 members of the New York Southern Society in the Hotel Astor, deplored tho conditions which he claimed pre vailed here today. "Why one can hardly get a descent answer from a street car conductor, a policeman or an official In New York city," he continued. "I do not mean to be absurd. There are doubt less" thousands who are as courteous as one could desire, but It Is not now a matter of blood as it Is with our peo ple. "Materialism." he declared, "Is rampant. It pervades even our old time social relations. Now If a man drops Into the office of his friend for a momept's chat, he must gossip with a stenographer ou one side and a sec retary on the other. "What has become of the old-time chat over the long-necked bottle? Where has the spirit of southern plan tation hospitality gone the admira tion and deference and respects for women the cordial relations between host and hostess? All have passed away for the sake of the dollar." Saved a Soldier's Life. Facing death from shot and shell in the civil war was more agreeable to J. A. Stone of Kemp. Tex., than facing It from what doctors said wss consumption. "I contracted a stub born cold" he writes, "that developed a cough, that stuck to me in spite of all remedies for years. My weight ran down to 130 pounds. Then I be gan to use Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me. I now weigh 178 pounds." For coughs, colds, la grippe, arthma, hemmorr hagc, hoarseness, croup, whooping cough and lung trouble, it is supreme. 60c, 11. Trial bottle free. Guaran teed by Tallman & Co. MINER FAIXS INTO BOWELS OF TnE EARTH Boise, Idaho. Authentic reports of the horrible death of C. E. Bell, an Idaho miner, who was plunged 1600 feet Into the crater of nn extinct and Isolated volcano near the headwaters of the Bruneau river, 100 miles south of Boise, has reached here, brought in by miners. The tragedy took place last Monday. Boll and two companions were pros pecting at the time. The former out distances the two others and reached the crater first. Before his friends could warn him, Bell had started to walk overa bridge of snow at the side of the vqlcano's mouth. Ho failed to hear the warnings of his companions, and peered over the edge into the crater. Slipping, he fell headlong with a scream Into the volcano In sight of his friends. A rescue party lowered one of Its members 200 feet into the crater by rope. When pulled back the volun teer rescuer reported no sight of Boll and said that the next landing was 400 feet below where ho had stopped. Bell is well known In Boise mining circles. ATTACK VANITIES OF LIFE. English Churchman on Ostentation and Decay of the- Home. London. The vanities of twentieth century life are attacked in a remark able book Just published, entitled "The Church and Life of Today," written by several bishops and high church dignitaries. Their reverences have been inquiring into certain phases of modern life, which are con sidered questionable from a Christian viewpoint. Among the many phases of our complex modern life thus analyzed are: The week-end party, decay, of home life, modern manners, the young man of today, vanity of weddings, os tentation of funerals, charity "func tions," church parade, novels and novelists, pernicious pictures, picture postcards, cinematorgraph shows, de moralizing periodicals, sales cata logues, intemperate women, non-observance of Sunday. SOME DETAILS OF "THE GREAT DIVIDE" A Swollen Jaw is not pretty nor pleasant. Whether It's caused by neuralgia, toothache, or accident, Ballard's Snow Liniment will reduce the swelling and relieve the pnJn. The great and sure cure for rheumatism, cuts, burns, bruises, scalds any and all aches and pains. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. HAD SWORD HIDDEN IN HIS TROUSERS New York. Lorenzo Moraldl limp ed so plteously as he moved along Mulberry street, near Grand, that Po liceman Hayden, who had a kind heart, made sympathetic inquiries as to his affliction, but as he patted Lo renzo on the back his hand hit some thing hard. Thereupon he reached Inside Loren zo's vest and drew out a wicked look ing sword at least four feet long and sharpened to a razor edge. The wea pon had been concealed in Lorenzo's trouser leg, the point at his Yieel and the hilt reaching to the small of the back. In the Tombs court, Lorenzo said he'd been on tho way to a masquerade ball. Then he told some other story, and was held in $1500 bail. An Awful Eruption of a volcano excites brief interest and your Interest In skin eruptions will be as short. If you use Bucklen's Arnica Salve, their quickest cure. Even the worst bolls, ulcers, or fever sores are soon healed by It. Best for burns, cuts, bruises, sore lips, chapped hands, chilblains and piles. It gives Instant relief. 25c at Tallman & Co. BIG HARVESTER COMBINE INVADES LAND OF CZAR St. Petersburg. The United States Harvester company of New York has Just purchased a factory near Mos cow from the Air Brake company for a prjee of 1,500,000 roubles. The fac tory has been Idle for some time. The harvester company recently resolved to acquire It and fit It up with the latest American machinery. The factory, which Is one of the largest In Russia, Is situated 20 miles southwest of Moscow. Mr. Burr A, Kennedy has arrived In Moscow to fit up the plant for the Harvester company He is an expert In machinery and will have under him a number of skilled American workmen from the company's numer ous plants In the United States.' Owl Rides Hog Home. North Yakima, Wash. When Mar tin Conway of North Yakima went hunting today he took with him a fine retriever. Three miles from town he shot 'an owl, breaking one wing. The dog went Into the brush after It, but came out a moment later with the owl on its neck and struck out for home, four miles away. The owl rode the dog, through brush and across the river, only to be killed by Mrs. Conway with her kitchen mop, when the Journey waa ended. Plenty of good clean coal at Bur roughs.' Phone Main B. Xo one who desires to encourage the management to bring the best that is going In the way of theatrical entertainment should fall to attend the offering at the Oregon theatre to night. "The Great Divide" Is counted as one of the really great plays of the past few years and presented, as it will be then, by a splendid company, will provide an evening of thorough enjoyment. "The Great Divide" ach ieved a brilliant success from its very first performance, has broken all rec ords In point of financial success. It ran for more than six hundred per formances at the Princess and Daly's theatres, Xew York City, and was brought back for a return engagement and played to capacity business. "The Great Divide" has been cor rectly termed the "long awaited great American play." The subject treated by Mr. Moody In "The Great Divide" naturally is the best one upon which n vitally interesting play can be writ ten the mutual love and romance of a man and woman. The vital Interest or" this play lies In the strikingly or iginal yet thoroughly logical and con vincing way In which the theme is treated. The man, Stephen Ghent, the leading male character, is a son of the mountains and plains, a fearless and care- free product of the bound less west The woman, Ruth Jorden, the heroine of the story, is a dau ghter of a circumscribed community of an old civilization and culture. These strangely contrasted natures, by that mysterious lawv of human at traction and repulsion that cannot be explained- by words, but which Is as fateful as the movement of the universe, are drawn to each other and held together Inexorably to the end. But before their romance tnd mar tial relations are adjusted and their lives harmonized, there Is a period of intolerance and antipathy represent ing that evolution of mutual soul awakening and mental development which forms the heart of Mr. Moody's drama. The settings of the play are singularly appropriate to its subject matter. The first scene represents a modest ranch house in Arizona; the second a plateau "The roof of the world" high up In the Cordillera mountains; and the third; the par lor of an old colonial home in Milford Corners, Massachusetts. The splen did scenic Investiture and painstak ing presentation help to emphasize the keynote of, the play the spirit of the untrammelled west in conflict with the spirit of the established east. The management has provid ed a carefully selected company to present "The Great Divide", here with the splendid production precisely as given for over 600 nights before leav ing New York. The prices will be $1.60, $1.00 and 75c. New and second hand furniture at the lowest prices ever made in Pen dleton. Call in before house cleaning time. Pendleton Furniture Co., W. R. Graham, mgr. Ingram's old gro cery stand. We .can grind you' a new lens In a few minutes. Bring your broken lens to us. Hanscom's Jewelry store. DONT GET RUN DOWN Weak and mleerable. If y save Kidney or bladder trouble. Dull head sains. Dliil ness, Nerionsneaa,. Tains In toe bark, tad feel tired all over, rrt a package of Mother Gray's AUSTRALIAN-LEAF, tba pleasant herb car. It nevr falls. We have many testimonial from grateful people who bar used tbla wonderful remedy. As a rega in tor It has no equal., Aak ror lfotbar Uray's Amtrallan Leaf at Drnsglatn or sent by mall for SO eta. Sample FK1I. Address, The Mother Gray Co., Lo Boy, N. Y. Byers Best Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread is assured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts. Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. J Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon Bond Brothers, Agents irAe Robes Couch Covers Lounging Robes Automobile Rugs Steamer Rugs A very large and complete shipment of new patterns for 1910 just received from the mills See Window Display BOND BROTHERS Pendleton's Leading Clothiers