- ' EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OHEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, I'EUItl'AJlY 28, 1910. -i.-L.. 1 i 1 . JMi M -TT- FAGX rm. In Today By Express Long, Semi-fitting . Light colored Coats in all sizes $15.00 $16.50 $18.00 $20.00 F. E. Livengood & Co. March Ladies' Home Journal Patterns and style Books Now Ready LOCALS Phone Main I tor coal. Past! me pictures please all. Furniture cheap see Graham. Furnished rooms, S02 Water St. Ice cream at Hohbach's, Court st. Coal. Oak wood. Phone Main I. , Snyder, chimneysweep, Red 1813. , Graham is selling furniture cheaper. Oats for sale at the Oregon Lumber yard. Furnished room for rent. Inquire 212 South Main street Lenses duplicated In a rew minutes Hanscom's jewelry store. I'll pay cash for yaur veal. Chas. Hay burn, phone Main 420. Good, clean coal at the Oregon Lumber Yards. Phone Main 8. Four or six room furnished house for rent. Inquire Mark Moorhouse. Lost Bunch of keys on ring. Find er return to Dr. M. S. Kern's office. Wanted Sewing by the day or would sew at home. Phone Red2062. For rent, cheap Flrstclass restau rant. Inquire at Golden Rule Hotel. Boys' Goodyear Welt Shoes (or I2.le at Wohlenberg' Dept. Store. TVanted Boarders by week, day et month. Inquire 412 West Bluff street Two or throe furnished housekeep ing rooms for rent. Enquire 205 W. Webb. More moving picture shown than ny other theatre In the city the Pastime Wanted Setting hens, one two or three. Phone Red 2398 or Injulre at this office. No coat famine wltl' Burroughs. Phone Main t and get good coal promptly. Halrdrcsslng. manicuring snd sham pooing parlors In connection with the Vogue Millinery. Broken lenset replaced In a few minutes at Hanscom's Jewelry store We grind any lease. Calling cards, wedding stationer: anTl commercial printing to onlr, tke Bast Oregonlan. Thone Main 8 for cod dry wood and conl that will bu.Ti clean. Prompt ly delivered. Oregon Lumber Yard. Wanted Energetic sngle young man to travel and lenrn good paying business. Ttefercncos required. Call Tuesday 1 to S p. m.. Room 4. Colum bia rooming h 'llse. More furniture tlinn rom. We arc ging to piu iho price to bedrock to reduce stock. Como In prepared to buy we've gut t f l goods, either new or second hand. Pendleton Furniture company. Economy in not huy.ng cheap stuff because Jt Is low priced nor paying a big price for good .stuff Iff pay ing a price that the Peoples Ware house charge for Hart Sohaffner & Marx clothes. For sale Corner lot and six room cottage with full basement has fire place bath and toilet; range, gas stove and electric IlKhts; very desirable lo cation. All for JIJOOO, cnBh or easy terms. Apply on premises, 514 Rn ley street. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orplieiim Today's Program. 1. The Uhost. Gaumont. 2. Pastoral Scenes. Gaumont. 3. Cora, the Contrabandist's Daugh ter. Pathe. , 4. In Ancient Greece. Pathe. 5. Celestial Vengeance. Lubln. -6. Oh. You Lovln' Gal. ' REVIVAL MEETINGS START. KiniiRi'lisf Lodford Preaches First Sermon at Baptist Church. Lust evening Evangelist J. S. Led ford preached his Initial sermon at the Baptist church to a good house. This was the first meeting of the series that will be held eacll evening through the week at 7:30. The evangelist took for his theme, "Being Filled With the Spirit of Jehovah;" his text was Ephcslans 6:18. The close attention given him spoke the deep Interest of the people In his message. He spoke clearly end was careful to base his whole theme on the word of God. Some of the things he said In his sermon: "The text gives Is a com mand 'Be filled with the Spjrit.' It Is a command to every Christian as pos itive as the command 'Thou shalt not steal." "We do not need machinery In the church so much as we need power." "The spirit of the living God in the hearts nf the church Js better than reform." "Hod In the heart is joy in the life.' "Justification and regeneration come first; then we may claim the promise. God fills us with His Spirit" "God's gift of his spirit Is to tho converted man." Conic to tlie Meeting. I would give a special invitation to the public to hear Rev. J. S. Ledford, who ig preaching at the Baptist church tills week. He is an Interesting speaker and has a direct and fresh way of presenting the truth. He is a singer well worth hearing and has been very Influential In his song. His time with us Is limited and you are asked to come early in the week. Meeting each evening at 7:80. R. E. STOREY, Pastor. Call for WarrantH. All general fund warrants, register ed during the months of July, August and September, 1909, will be paid at my office, at the county court house upon presentation. ' Interest ceased upon dnto of publi cation. Hated Pendleton, Oregon, Febru ary 20, 1910, Umatilla county. G. W. BRADLEY, County Treasurer. Attention Knights, Damon Lodge No. 4. K. of P., will meet in regular session this evening at 7 : U 0. All members please attend W. I. GADWA, C. C. It. W. FLETCHER. K. U. S. New and second hand furniture at the lowest prices ever made In Pen dleton. Call In before house cleaning time. Pendleton Furniture Co., W. It. Graham, mgr. Ingram's old gro cery slond. Newsy Notes of Pendleton Marriage License Issued. A marriage license was issued to day to Sidney R. Cochran and Lottie J. Fisher, both of this county. Returns from Hawaii. C. V. Daniels, the well known wheat grower, has returned from a two months tour of the Hawaiian Islands. Ho enjoyed his stay In the land of per. petual summer, very much. One Drunk This Morning. Only one lonely drunk appeared In police court this morning. He was Fred Gebhart and he chose the three day part of tho "6 or three days" which fell from the Hps of Judge Fltz Gerald. General Manager of N. P. Here. George T. Slade, third vice presi dent and general manager of the N. P. was here yesterday on a tour of Inspection. He was here with a special train and was accompanied by J. L. De Borce, superintendent; J. G. Cutler, assistant superintendent; 8. B. Calderhead. general agent for the Pendleton-Pasco branch; and a num ber of other minor officials. Pupils In Recital. The younger pupils of Miss Lora Perry appeared In a' piano recltai Saturday afternoon at three o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ben Hill on East Alta street. A program u ten num bers was rendered In a manner that was a high tribute to the abilities of Miss Perry as an Instructor. After the recital, the young students were en tertained with games and refreshments. Mentwr Family Is Safe, W. H. Mentzer. the man who was reported to be snowbound with his family on the headwaters of McKay creek In a small cabin and without provisions, appeared In Pendleton, Saturday. He says that they had plenty of provisions at all times and that while It was Impossible for him to get to Kamela after his mall that ho had little or no difficulty In com ing out down the creek to this city for his supplies. .lodge Txiucll Was Honortvl. At the meeting of the local G. A. R. post Saturday afternoon the veter ans honored Judge S. A, Lowell by presenting him with a beautiful gold headed cane. The presentation was made hy Commander John Wells and Judge Low-ell responded with a brjef talk In which he showed his sincere appreciation of the courtesy extend ed him. The cane was given Judge Lowell by the veterans to show the esteem In which they hold him and incidentally In return for many favors the locnl jost has received from the judge. ROYS MAKE BONFIRE OF YOUNG PRISONER New York, Feb. 26. The One Hun dred and Third street "Teddys" and the One Hundred and Fourth street "Gorillas" are at war, and because the Gorillas circulated broad youthful criticisms upon the Teddys, those des perate braves swept down on the One Hundred and Fourth street strong hold, captured Joseph Yeager, 8 years of age of 207 East One Hundred and Fourth street, stuffed his pockets with excelsior, tied him to a lamp post and set him on fire. Then the Teddys ran, and but for the timely in tervention of two passersby little Joe Yeager, the Gorilla, would have burn ed to death on his own street, slain by the Teddy raiders. The story of the Apache warfare was brought out at the children's court, where John Shabara, Arnold Rcbaccio and Joseph Rose, not one of them" over 12 years of age, were ask ed to explain to Justice Deuel why they tried to burn 8-year-old Joe Yeager at the stake. At first the youthful gangsters whined and sniffed and said they were "only a-pluyln,' " but later one of -them confessed that the human bonfire act was planned In the hope of teaching the One Hundred and Fourth street boys to respect the Ted dys. . These two bands have been at war for weeks, carrying out their small businesses of revenge much as do their elder brothers further down town. The Teddys planned a raid on the Gorillas, and swept down on One Hundred and Fourth street in force. The only "man" captured was the In fantile Yeager. Rebacclo tied the boy's hands to the post while Rosa stuffed Yeager's pockets with excel sior and dropped lighted matches on top of the inflammable material. Then the youthful rouges ran and left Yea ger to be rescued by passersby. . The little Apaches begged for "an other chance," and Justice Deuel, af ter a lecture which will probably lin ger in their minds for many months, set them free. Perhaps their parents will hunt up trunk straps and train ' them. But they left the court room grinning. For Tuesday Only At Wohlenberg Dep'i Store 4 pair of, $9.50 White Wool Blankets, extra size, for pair $5.00 6 pair of $8 Plaid Blankets, all wool for pair - - $4.65 1 5c Kimona Flannels at yard - 8c Children's 35c Cashmere Hose for pair - - - 20c $1.50 Flannelette Kimonas for efch - - - - 98c All Remnants of Outing Flannels, Flannelettes, Linens, Etc. at HALF PRICE Wohlenberg Dep'L. Store "BETTER. GOODS FOR LESS MONEY" TO ESTABLISH AUTO LINE IN ABTSSINTA line In Abyssinia, which will connect Addis-Abeda with Dire Dhaua, The automobiles require only two days to Berlln.-The German Overseas ) "I'tJ J?JZ Commercial company has obtained a concession to establish an automobile automobiles for passengers and lab gaga are dispatched every day. "UNCLE JOE" IN ROLE i OF MATRIMONIAL AGENT ' Officials Talk to Taxpayers. At the request of a numner of tax payers In the east end of the county, County Judge Gillilnnd, Assessor Strain and Treasurer Bradley went to Forndnle Saturday and addresed a large gathering of citizens. The pur- I pose of the meeting was to discuss the assessment and taxation conditions of the county. There was a large crowd present and each of the officials made n short talk. There were also a large number of questions asked, but all In a friendly was and apparently all questions were answered to the satis faction of those present. Washington. People all over the j country write to Uncle Joe Cannon about everything. ' Some of them criticise him and i some of them praise him. but all of ' them always want something for ' somebody usually themselves. But the prize package in the way of a re quest dropped in on "Uncle Joe" in the form of a perfectly respectable ' looking letter the other day. Here it Is: . "Our beaux cannot marry we girls ) because all foods and clothing is too high. What good is us girls if we do , not have husbands? Why don't you ! make congress provide husbands for ; us? You will do the country more! good by seeing that all the young peo- ' pie are married. If all the young 4 people were married we would not nee,i any congress or president. This ! would then be a paradise. We must ; have husbands. Get some for us." For reasons of delicacy the lady's i name Is omitted, but the letter Is postmarked Cleveland, Ohio. j Public School Lect urfc Course C3 n n nn hn n nn Sinn of Many Mysteries. Lnurnnt, the man of many mys teries will appear at the Methodist church Wednesday evening under the auspices of the Pendleton public schools. This is the fourth number of the course which has so far prov ed to be the ninst successful ever brought to Pendleton by the local schools. All the former numbers have been exceptionally good but In the opinion of many people this will be the most Interesting of the series. The most weird and curious tricks of n'l nations will bo presented and ex plained in a manner which has de lighted thousands of people all over the country. m:KiK insEN house IS NOHWEG1AN PLAN UXCI.E SAM MAY j GO IN FOR FINE ART ; Washington. D. C. Uncle Sam is j to become a dilletante, an art con-1 nolsseur. Senator Chauncey Depew j of New York is opening the way while , Senator Nwiands is following close i behind with his bill to establish a bu- I reau of fine arts. The library com- ! mission of the house of representa- tives is now considering the measure Senator Depew Introduced in the sen ate, to purchase 13 historical paint ings of scenes in American history, for $250,000 to be hung in the nation al museum when it Is opened in a fortnight. The paintings are from the 'collection of Edward Moran and rep resent 13 chapters In American na val history. It is pointed out that great educational values are attached to the pictures and that tho American people will be educated in the history of, our navy if the pictures are put on public view. The Man Of Many Mysteries Presenting t New :: Original Mystic Creations In WonderM Clothes est less in the end if they are tailored r'ght and made from the right fabrics. Harf Schaffner & I Marx clothes, sold by the Peoples I Warehouse arc all won and made to wear well. For Kent Furnished housekeeping rooms. 115 E. High. Koeppen Bros. Cordially invite tho ladies to step into their store and be taught free of charge how to make tho very best Vanilla Flavor ings, and they may take home with them a free sample to see how good it is. Fifty cents worth of material will make one quart of flavoring and wo sell nothing les8 than that amount, but you can make it up in small quantities and the bajanco will keep for future use. The process ia new, the flavor supreme, expense subnormal. , DC 0.E IF IF E lf c The Drug Store That Serves You Best Copenhagen. The plan to make the house in which Henr'.k Ibsen lived at Grimsla.il, Norway fr. m 1 S4 4 to 1850, when the groat Norwegian writer wrote his first tragedy, Cutilina. a na tional shrine at which the thousands of followers of the great Scandinavian genius In all parts of the world, may worship.- Is being pushed rapidly and will certainly be successful. Ibsen was born at Skien, but tho 1 houso in whtoh he first saw tho light has been destroyed and the Grimstad npothecarie's house where the poet, as a boy, learned to make liniments, tinctures and pills.Vs all that remains to recall his youth. A national movement was started In Norway to purchase it and to fill it with memorials and biographical objects to make an Ibsen house in fact, which shall be to Norwegians all that the Goethe house in Frankfurt Is to Germans. The committee, on which Is promi nent the sole surviving early friend of Ibsen, the vonerablo Mr. Christian. Due, Is bringing the fact of Its for mation before tho admirers 6f the great poet all over the world. The Norwegian committee will be grate ful for any small sums proving Am erican approval of what they ac knowledge must in the main be a Nor wegian enterprise. And the sub scriptions of any friend of Norway may bo sent to Dr. Carl Christiana, and will bo thankfully acknowledged. Magic and Illusions FIRST M. E. CHURCH Wednesday, March, 2 'IO Read the East Oregonian every day gQX3SSSBI IfVILtsfflfiHiQ iSSCEBSSESE 5X2 Every Family Should A man to whom Illness was chronic, When told that ho needed a tonic, Said, "Oh, doctor, dear, Won't you please make It beer?" "No, no," said the Doc, "that's Teu tonic." Princeton Tiger. BLANCHARD BUTTER C We desire to give the consumers of "Blanchard" the Best and Freshest But ter produced. Each package is dated. Watch the date and see that it is not over a week old. CHURNED DAILY. ALL GROCERS CARRY IT Jensen Creamery Co. MlATi J