EIGHT PAGES. DALLY EAST OHEGOMAN, f-KNDLKTON, OREGO.V, MONDAY, EEIJIU:AUY 28, 1910. I'AGE TUREK. MOTHERS WHO HAVE DADQUTEBS ... . . 1 Find Help In Lydia E. Pinte ham's Vegetable Cviii?pG::sd Hudson, Oliio. "If motht I;; rcr.li.r'.l the good ymir v. lit :.ics would do :U ii cate Rirls J Ik-Hit. tliero would m- T fewer vc:;k and VO'"('ll. '.:. !.1 'v '.vlie'.'. .'. ,ti J rr. -frit n 1 ii : '! me), .I'll b oi;;v i! ... ,f.(uiaiiy tvi.ii .'. J,yis: ..' jK- 5'i:ikh:::iij VVgi ' yv 'tub'.'" ('oiiiihumhI I l.v.:::. Ml" I'T ai f!1 Kf:A-M'fc .aim i ;iii-(omi wo. Viiicii. llifird1 111.;. ''3 "'yiiif1. tlw l.'o:r.i:-iiul Fives new ambition anil li.'i! from the ti rst (low." Mrs. (i r.oii(,KM i;i( KLKi:, Hudson, wliio, It. No. 3, !ox :JH. Hundreds of sr.cb letters from mothers -sjreishi!; their trratitiido for what l.ydi t K. l'liiHiaiii' Vi ecta Me, Compound has ii(Toiiiilisind for them have hi-eu received by the Lydia K. l'inkl'.ani Medicine. ' loii'-fany, Lyaii, Mass. Tfoansr (iipls H''1 This. Girls who ore troubled with painful or irregular periods, bac-kiielie. head ache, draf?giii?-down sensations, faint ing hjm'IIh or indigestion, should take immediate action to ward oil' the seri ouh coiiHeiiuences and Ik? restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham'B Vefre table Compound. Thousands have been restored to health by its use. I f you would like special advice atxtut your coma writ a rontidfii tial letter to Mr. IMnkham, tit Lynn, Mans. Her advice In free, and always helpful. THEATRE Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and ilhutrated songs in tho citj. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times ench week. Be sure and 4pc the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5e. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. PHORETOUR ORCERS-YOU GET MM RIGHT MAKES WORK EASIER . Pendleton Teople Are Pleaaed !! How It Is Don. j It's pretty hard to attend to datlM With a constantly aching back; With annoying urinary disorders. Doan's Kidney Pills make work aster. , They ure baekach. They cure every kidney 111. T. M. Lacy. Elgin. Ore., saya: "I have known ttte value of Doan'a Kid ney Pills for at least alx yir. At that time I first began their v, I was suffering severely from pains through my back and kidneys and was practically laid up. I waa able to get around but could not do any work. Stooping or lifting or any udden move caused terrlbla pains to radiate through my body. Tan'i Kidney Pills regulated the passage ol the kidney secretion and benefited an In every way." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New Tork, sole agents for tie United SUtea. Remember the najne Pa'a ani take no other. MEYSnONEMCAIl i fvv t 1 l 1 1 U 11 SPRAYING SHOULD By Iinipli V. All-n, Superintendent Viiintilla Experiment Eiirni, llermlstnu, Oro. The spraying of fruit trees nil J or namental plants has ut lawl become on absoluto necessity. JJut a few years ago muny people prided them selves upon saying that their or chards were not Infested with any of tho troublesome pests that were then beginning to put In their appearance In different parts of the country. Such assertions were In many : Instances correct, which In no smull number of cases the pcoplo were In error ' for they had nut yet learned to recognize tho troublesome little Insects, and tho fungous diseases that had creiit In un noticed and were ulready attacking the trees and shrubs of tho unsus pecting owner. From the fact that they were seldom detected before their i ravages had begun to devitalize tho ccived an application of spray mate trees these pests had quite often riai of any kind. Too many people spread to all tho host plants in the want to be told before going ahead neighborhood before any effort was with this work; every individual who made to eradicate them, or to hold I h:is an orchard should take suffl- them in check. Their Bpread has been so general that many of them can now be found in almost every or chard or yard In the state where sys tematic spraying has not been practic ed to prevent their getting- started, or to destroy them where they ' havo gotten a foothold. Tho only way these pesls can bo j successfully controlled Is by a united effort of tho people. After so much has been said and i done to establish co-operation In the effort to destroy these obnoxious pests there are yet a few people (fortunate ly but very few) who think spraying does not pay. Each group of tree that Is left untreated serves aa a breeding place, and from It the pests spread each year to all the neighboring orchards, even when at considerable distance. The man who does not spray Is not only neglecting tiis own property, but la making the work and expense of his neighbor of but little value to GIKL STUDENTS AT OREGON ! and Engineering. Every county in HANK HIGHER THAN MEN I Oregon, with three exceptions, Is rep . resented, Multnomah leading with University of Oregon, Eugene. jlTl students. The freshman class In Tabulated results of the final semes-j arts and engineering numbers 225, ter examinations recently held at the ! representing practically every four I'nivers.ty of Oregon have been pre- j year high school ond academy in the pared by the registrar of the unlver- ; slate. Among the freshmen are also sity and show that tho women tu- j graduates of 39 high schools and dj3nts, as a class, hare secured higher grades than the men. The average grade of students living In the dormi tories, fraternities and, sororities is almost exactly the same a the aver age grade of those living with pri vate families. The woman's frater nity with the highest average In schol arship obtained a grado of 90 per cent, which was four per cent higher than tho highest average obtained by a man's fraternity. All of the seven women's fraternities .and dormitories had averages ranging from $7 per cent to 90 per cent. The ten men s fraternities and dormitories ranged from S2 rer rent to S7 per cent. The average grade of women not living in fraternities or dormitories was 89 per cent and of men 85. 6 per cent. None of the men on the football team fail ed to make the required work and their average grade wns 83.7 per cent. , Out of the 600 students enrolled in the college of liberal arts and engineering, only fifteen railed to make the re- : quired number of hours necessary for j continuing the work. I Worn Out. That's the way' you feel about the lungs when you have' a hack'ng cough. It's foolishness to lot It go on and trust to luck to get over it, when Ballard's Horehound Pyrap will stop the cough and heal the lungs. Price I5c, BO and Jl per bottle. A. C Koeppen & Bros. 1170 STUDENTS ENROLLED IN UNIVERSITY OF OREGON University of Oregon. Eugene, Ore. -The annual report of President Campbell of the University of Oregon shows that the total registration in all departments of the university- is now 1170 students, of whom (120 are en rolled in the colleges of Liberal Arts REV. .1. S. t ' : ; I'v.l . - ' :f t . ; ' v4. 1 ' if - j ' -, , AI if I ' Evangelist at Uie Baptist Church Tills Week. NOT BE NEGLECTED him. All these pests exert a strong Influ ence against tho fruit industry, and It Is of so much iinportunce that the legislature of almost every statu In lht union has provided for fruit ln snectoiH to Fee that Its ordinances are abided and all fruit trees sprayed, j Th Inspector's duty Is to examine or- I'hards. acquaint the people with the diseases, arid to gee that they are d"htr.iyed. lie also has duties to per form In Inspecting and condemning infested nurseiy stock and fruit that Ih offered for sale. The area under ench Inspector's control is often too j tf,e stomach or heartburn, sick head givut to permit him to visit every or- , ;l, n,. and dizziness, and your food will chard and see that It Is properly sprayed, and as a result many trees I throughout the country have never re- dent Interest in its caro to keep It clean without being warned, and sometimes even threatened by the In spector. An annual application of the well known lime and sulphur solution thor oughly put on during tne dormant season now when the leaves are off will free the trees and shrubbery of scale Insects, and will destroy the 'BKs of the green, black and brown aphis which are so troublesome on tender shouts during tho summer., j This same spraying destroys some of the wooly aphis which live on the roots and branches or some tree, es- pecially the apple, nnd also destroy many of the spores of the fungous diseases that have attacked the trees and. shrubbery. Formulas and directions for pre paring the best spray mixtures can be gotten by applying to the director of the Oregon Agricultural College for bulietln No. 57. and from the Febru ary number of lietter Fruit. academies located outside of the state j f Oregon, an indication of the large immigration into Oregon during the past year. President Helps Orphans. Hundreds of orphans have been helped by the president of the Indus trial and Orphan's Home at Macon, Oa.. who writes: "We have used Electric Bitters in this institution for nine years. It has proved a most ex cellent medicine for stomach, liver and kidney troubles We regard It as one of the bert family medicines on earth." It invigorates all vital or Jians. purifies the blood, aids diges tion, creates appetite. To strengthen and build up, pale, thin, weak chil dren or rundown people it has no equal nest for female complaints. Only Ode at Tallmnn A Co. j TWO OHIO (.KNEIl M.S IN CONGRESS ItlTTKIJ ENEMIES Washington. "A soldier? Bah!" General J. Warren Keifor. Pprlngfleld. Ohio. "Wlui t. he? Why he wouldn't dare fight n kitten." General Isnic R. Sherwood. Toledo, Ohio. That's the way the two Ohio Con i:lissicii;il generals are talking about inch oilier. Keifor Is a republican; Sin rwooil, a doinorrnt. Both nre over seventy, and, according tor their bio graphies in tho Congressional Dlrec- I t.n y. each fought his way from the ranks to the' top notch of military , glory ' through seas of confederate gm e. Kvery once in a while General i Keifor arises on the floor of the house I attack the military record of General Sherwood. Then, ns soon as In can secure recognition, old Gen era Sherwood comes back, hammer and tongs, in the effort to prove that l.lilM'ORD. 1 t ... i ,1 : i' 3 MAKES STOMACH T INOHiSTlO.V. (i,S Oil DYS- ! I'FI'SI A fiO IX FIVE MINUTES lli-arlliurn und Headache from Stom ach and Oilier Distress Is Ended Forever A' Mule I)iaepsiii Now Will f.'criuliily Make You Feel Fine liefore You JUallze It. Why not get some now this mo- i,lint, UI1i forever rid yourself of stomach trouble and indigestion? A dieted stomach gets tne blues and grumbles. Give it a good eat, then take Pape'g Dia pepsin to start the digestive juices working. There will be no feeling like a lump of lead In not ferment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. I Pupe's biapepsin costs only EO cents I tor a lacgo case at any drug store here, and will relievo trie most obsti- ' n.ite case of indigestion and upset : stomach In five minutes. j There is nothing else better to take i gas from stomach and cleanse the stomach and intestines, and besides one single dose will digest and pre pare for assimilation into the blood all your food the same as a sound, healthy stomach would do It. When Dlapepsin works, your stom ach rests gets itself In order, cleans up and then you feel lie eating when you come to the table, and what you eat will do you good. Absolute relief from all stomach misery is waiting for you as soon aa Vnu decide to take a little Dlapepsin. Tell your druggist that you want .pape8 Dlapepsin, because you want to become thoroughly cured this time. Remember, If your stomach feels out of order and uncomfortable now you can get relief in five minutes. Keifer as a g'oneral was a rank Imi tation. Ban on Rag Time. New York. Rag time In the New York parks must go. Mayor Gaynor'a new park commissioner has decided that the $80,000 appropriated each year for park music in Manhattan must hereafter buy music of higher quality than has been the rule under Tammany administration. After a consultation with two well known orchestra leaders, the com missioner decided that the cost for classical music would be no greater than for rag time and accordingly ruled that the classic must predomi nate. Baby Band. will get Into mischief often it means a burn or cut or scald. Apply Bal lard's Snow Liniment Just as soon as the accident happens, and the pain will be relieved while the wound will heal quickly and nicely. A sure cure for sprains, rheumatism and all pains. Price 26c, SOc and $1. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Ladles Soles sewea. .With my new machine I can sew your soles on for 65c per pair. They will look better and last longer. A. EKLUND. PILES 8URED IN TO 14 DATS PAKO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to eoreaay rase of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protrud ing Plies In 6 to 14 days or money reload ed. oOc Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent In the East Oregonian build ing. Steam heat; electric lights; hot and cold water; bath. Inquire at East Oregonian. ' Plenty of good clean coal at Bur "ughs." Phone Main f. A Little Cold. He caugst a little cold That was all. So the neighbors sadly said. As they gathered round his bed. When they heard that he was dead He caught a little cold That was all. (Puck.) Neglect of a cough or cold often leads to serious trouble. To break up a cold in twenty-four hours and cure any cough that is curable, mix two ounces of Glycerine, a half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine Compound pure and eight ounces of pure whisky. Take a teaspoonful every four hours. You can buy these at any good drug store and easily mix them In a large bottle. i (j 'TSfTriltll tions, Walls, Fences and See mv many beautifuljdesignsin concrete blocks 1 Oinre; yoUa build yourhomer , I will furnish your estimates for anv class of work on application. , 't D.K. MHY Contractor and Builder Cor jRoilrood amd Willow Sts. Pendleton. Ore Bond Brothers, Agents "Pendleton" Couch Covers Lounging Robes Automobile Rugs Steamer Rugs A very large and complete shipment of new patterns for 1910 just received from the mills See Window Display BOND BROTHERS Pendleton's Leading Clothiers I : The Housewife's work will be lessen ed 'when Electricty and Gas come intoithe home COOK WITH GAS Make the work easier far her and save on your fuel as welt No dirt, dust and excessive heat No fuel to hand)-; and fires to kindle and It costs less. For Her sake, rut gas in your, home before' the hot weather arrives Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. Phone Main 4. - When You Em Re-enforced concrete are cneaper in tne ena; are prettier, more substantial and far more comfortable in either cold or warm weather. Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements, Found i- Curbing. It looks better LET All ELECTRIC MOTOR DO YOUR WORK Steadiest, cheapest and moat reliable power for small or heavy work. Less danger and easier to operate you turn a lever and It does the work. .Vvz vri i --jLy Matlock Building. BUIL0, and concrete blocks 5 i and lasts lor.jer than stone S I: Si " - I I