EIGIiT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGOMAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1910. PAGE riVB. Mninrji.. , ,nw Mri mu Hmimummm- A New Lot of ! EMBROIDERIES! 5 The Prettiest We have Ever Shown Beautiful Swiss Patterns from baby widths up to 45 inch dress patterns.' Pretty Linen Embroideries and Insertion just the thing for trimming your Linen Dress ' 20 New Silk Dresses Just In. Call and See Them. F. E. Uvengood & Co. Ladies' ,Home Journal Patterns and style . Books Now Ready I March LOCALS Phone Main t for coal. Pastime pictures please all. Furnished rooms, 602 Water St. Ic. cream at Hohbach's, Court st. Coal. Oak wood. Phone Mala I. Snyder, chimneysweep, Red S811. Lenses duplicated In a few minutes Qanscom's Jewelry store. I'll pay cash for yaur veal. Cha. Rayburn, phone Main 420. Good, clean coal nt tho Oregon Lumber Yards. Phono Main 8. For rent, cheap Flrstclass restau rant. Inquire at Golden Kule Hotel. Boys' Goodyear Wolt Shoes for I2.i at Wohienberg'a Dept. Store. Wanted Boarders by week, day r month. Inquire 412 Wert Dluff street. Two or three furnished housekeep ing rooms for rent. Enquire 205 W. Webb. M r moving picture shown than any other theatre In the city the Past t me. No coal famine will- AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orpheuni Today's Program. 1. The Duke's Plan. Biograph. A fruitless attempt to separate kindred souls. 2. Roller skating In Australia. Pathe. 3. The Model Drama. Pathe. 4. Sensational logging. Essanay. Scenic and educational. 6. I Wish I Had a Girl. HIG SPLASH IX HVFFALO IJY MANY HUMAX FISH Buffalo, X. v., Feb. 26. Human fish of Buffalo will' have another big splash tonlnht, when tho best ama teurs of the city will compete for swimming honors, under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. This meet Is the third of the season and offers two or three chants In the program. In stead of a 40-yard handicap the dis tance will be 50 yards, the same as I the Intercollegiate event. The fancv dive will be a handicap event this time, and there will be a new con tent In "fancy swimming," to be Judg ed on form and variety of strokes coal famine wltl: Burroughs rather than speed. The nroeram In- Phone Main 5 and get good coal eludes a 40-yard novice, 50-yard, 100 promplly. (yard and 220-ynrd handicaps, distance Wanted Setting hens, one two orlnIun&" and Janey divine, both handl- and fancy swimming, with sev eral events, such as a grammar school race, a mixed competition for tho boys from the Saturn and Buf falo clubs, frnd two or three relay races three. Phone Red 2398 or Injulre at j cap. this office. Halrdresslng, manicuring and sham pooing parlors in connection with the Vogue Millinery. Wanted Man and wife to work on ranch. Apply 513 Franklin street, or phone Red 2552. Broken lenses replaced In a few minutes at Hanscom's Jewelry store We grind any lens. Phone Main 8 for good dry wood tuid coal that will bu.n clean. Prompt ly delivered. Oregon Lumber Yard. A prize for every child who draw a picture of the famous 'Re. '-loose" and brings It to the Peoples Ware house. , Better than-ever a carload of ap Vlew, Jonathans, Wine-Sap and Ar kansas Black. Same old price, $1.50 per box. Clark's Grocery, 644 and 64S Main street. It's worth a good deal to any of us to be stylishly dressed; and any man oan be If he will Just step Into the Peoples Warehouse and ask for Harl fchaffner & Marx all wool clothe.. Twenty-Mllo Race. Chicago, Feb. 25. William Hilton, tho New York distance runner, and several other famous men will com pete In the twenty-mile team race and other events of the Ulvervlew Speedway games tonight. , The program Is made up of six events, three of which are for gram mar school athletes. There are two fifty-yard dashes for this class and a half-mile relay. There will be a seventy-five yard dash, handicap, open. land a half-mile run, also n handicap for which wntches and sliver and i bronze medals will be offered. ; The twenty-mile team race, the j feature event, will carry some great I pries, four gold watches, four silver i and four bronze medals being offered. FRESH ARRIVALS I Flag-to-nag Race. I Denver, Colo., Feb. 25. Final" ar j rangements are nearlng completion today for the great flag-to-flag race ; between ' this country and Mexico, In the Grocery Department of tlte(Wnch Wi De In many respects the Peogriox Warehouse. ; banner automobile run of the year. Yellow Newtown apples. Northern B will be held In connection with the Sty; Ben Davis. Roman Beauties, centennial celebration of the Mexican Gloria Mundl, Yellow Newtown Pip- , Republic this summer, and will un pin. Willow Twigs, Baldwins, Spitzen- i doubtedly prove a potent factor In bergs and Blue Pearmnlns, and all ! uniting the West and the rich repub these good apples at the People, lie of Mexico. Warehouse department store price. ! Also a most complete assortment of pastes and cereal breakfast foods, uch as lentils, tapioca, pearl barley, pop corn, hominy, pancake flour, buckwheat, graham, macaroni, spa ghetti, vermicelli and noodles. Model grocery In the basement of , tho Peoples Warehouse. Come In early and order your Sunday dinner Light ami Coke Companies Merge. Columbus, Ohla, Feb. 24. The East Ohio Gas company, a consolidation of four Cleveland light and coke com panies, was Incorporated today with a capital of 20,000,000. A wise man doesn't when money talks. C'liii'iigo lnifewir Dies. Chicago. Feb. 24. Charles R. Barnes, professor of plant physiology always listen at the University of Chicago, died to-day. Koeppen Bros. Cordially incite the ladies to step into their store and be taught free of charge how to make the very best Vanilla Flavor ings, and they may take home with them a free sample to see how good it i8. Fifty cents worth of material will make one quart of flavoring and we Bell nothing less than that amount, bnt you can make it up in small quantities and the balance will keep for future use. The process is new, the flavor supreme, expense subnormal. DC E fl? P B M 9 The Drug Store That Serves You Best Newsy Notes of Pendleton Man-Inge Licence Issued. A marriage license was Issued to day to Dennis Groom and Miss Lenore crigier,. both of Milton. MIkm Moorlioiise Will Talk. miss C'clestine Moorhouse, one of the Instructors in the city schools will preside at the story hour in the pub lic library tomorrow afternoon. Guderlan Purchases Auto. Julius Guderian lias Just pur chased a $4000 automobile. It is a six-cylinder model H. Franklin and was one of three received In a ship ment Tuesday by the Pendleton Auto company. Branch Shop at Pasco. E. A. Schlffler, the local tailor, Is S)lng to enlarge his business by the establishment of a branch shop at Pasco. He has already secured a lo cation In Pasco and will open up for business in that town March 1. Federal Court April 5. The second Tuesday in April, which happens to fall on tho fifth day of that month, Is the time fixed by law for the holding of the spring term of the federal 'court In this city. Ac cording to Mrs. Vlda Johnston, deputy clerk for the court, a session will be held here this time. In all probability. Baker Horses Have Glanders. State Veterinarian W. H. Lytle leaves this evening for Baker City to Inspect a bunch of stage horses which are said to have glanders. According to the reports received by the state veterinarian, the deputy stock Inspec tor for Eaker county has already killed three of the animals which were affected with the disease. Specials For Saturday WOHLENBERG DEPARTMENT STORE 35c English Nainsook Sat. . . . 22c yd. 20c Black Cotton Hose, Ladies, Sat. . . 12 l-2c 35c Cashmere Hose, Children's, . . 23c pr. $1.65 and$1.50 Black Satteen and Heatherbloom Under skirts Saturday for. . . . $1.10 each 75c Corset Covers lace or embroidery for 48c each 10c, 12 1-2c White Embroidery and Insertion 7 I -2c yd. $1.50 Flannelette Kimonas Sat. . . 98c each EXTRA SPECIALMisses $475 and $5.00 ranama Skirts in Blacks, Bown and Navy, (ft Saturday Only Record Breaking- Day. Wednesday was a record breaking day at the free public library, accord ing to Miss Mayme Batterson, the li brarian. A total of 128 books 'were sent out and 61 persons availed them selves of the opportunity to use the reading room. Miss Batterson re ports a growing interest In the read ing room, especially nmong men. The library is becoming so popular that the present quarters are proving In ;i d equate. Chini-so Make Nole. I-ift night abmit 9:30, the peace and quiet of Pendleton was disturbed by a great noise as If a thousand reg iments were engaged in rapid fire practice and many citizens thought the soldier boys of Co. L had been called out to quell en Indian outbreak. However, it was only the Mongolian residents of West Alta street with lung strings of firecrackers driving away th devil from their m:dst. The din was kept up for twenty minutes and many people gathered to watch the antics of the celestials. Great Special Values ii Women's and Children's Shoes for Saturday Wome'ns $2.50 Vici Kid in button or lace for . $1.95 Boys $3.00 Goodyear Welts, sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1-2, $2.45 Youths $2.50 Goodyear Welts, 9s to 2s for $1.95, Misses' $1.75 Vici kids 8 1-2 to 2 s for . . $1.39 Wohlenberg Department Store " BeLLer Goods For Less Money" Company L Wnnts Cnptnln. Orders have been received here di recting that the members of company L hold an election next Tuesday eve ning for the purpose of choosing captain. The captaincy of the com pany has been vacant since the resig nation of Captain Pmythe. tendered several months ago. First Lieutenant Lee D. Drake, who took command ii.tr.ti lm ntal crn ii t i rn rf "nTltriln ' Rmythe. has also tendered his resig nation. However this ha not been accepted by the adjutant general and many of the local guardsmen are now iirsrintr his election as captain. Telephone Compnny Flics Bond. A $50,000 mortgage bond against the Independent Telephone company, was placed on record with County Re corder Hendley today. The mortgage Is in fa,vor of the American Bank and Surety company of Seattle, Washing ton, and It Is understood that the amount of money realized from the sale of these bonds will not only be sufficient to complete tho purchase of the Independent Telephone system by the Interstate company, but that It will also provide a sum for better merits and extensions. New X. P. Time Card. Beginning Sunday a new time card will be in effect on the Pendleton Pasco branch of the Northern Pa cific. On and after that date the Pendleton passenger will arrive here nt 10 a. m. and returning to Pasco will leave here at 3 p. in. Instead of at 4. SO as at present, The northbound passenger will reach Pasco at 5:45, connecting with the eastbound main ( lino train at C o'clock. This train arrives at Spokane at 10:30. The Pendleton-Pasco train will also make close connection with westbound main line trains. There are now five through main line Northern Pacific trains going each way every day. ine Havemeyer, widow of Henry O. Havemeyer, sugar magnate. The letter was written in a boyish scrawl s'gned "Black Hand" and em bellished with a dagger pierced heart, a revolver and a bottle marked poi son. It reads in part: "We demand J250O of you as a con tribution to the black hand organiza tion. If it is not forthcoming we will hlow up your house or ki your fam ily. You cannot escape. Don't tell the police or your family will suffer. Rich people pay our demands they have no more trouble and we protect them. With revolver or dag trer, or pois-in In your food, we will reach you." Explicit directions were given to place the money in a tin box Febru ary 24 behind the park wall opposite Mrs Ilavemeyer's Fifth avenue house. Tonight Mrs. Havemeyer, accompan ied by two detectives, carried out the instructions. They found the box and placed In it a roll of paper wrapped in a $1 bill. Mrs. Havemeyer return id home and the detectives arrested l he boys when they came for the box an hour later. The boys say they were paid by an Italian to get the box. CLAIMED TnAT CXIVERSITY IS SOCIALISTIC INSTITUTION Madison, Wis. An inquiry into the charges that socialistic ideas are be ing taught In the University of Wis consin has been begun by a special committee of the board of visitors. The Investigation, it Is understood, will be conducted to ascertain wheth er there Is any truth in the statement that socialistic principles are being Inculcated at the university, and If and I this is not the case, of clearing the reputation of the university 4n the minds of those who have given cred ence to the charges. It Is likely that the investigation will also deal with the Emma Gold man Incident, when after her posters had been torn down, a professor at the university is said to" have announced her lectures In the classroom. An other Incident to be inquired Into is the lecture that Parker H. Sercombe, of Chicago, delivered In one of the university rooms upon Invitation. KIIVG PREPARES REASON FOR HIS RE-INSTATEMENT Cincinnati, Feb. 25. Johnnie Kl;ng the groat catcher of the Chicago Cubs, is today preparing to submit his data to the national commission, following an order by the highest baseball court, allowing him five days In. which to show cause why he should be reinstated to the ranks of eligible players. KUng declares he was com pelled to leave the diamond Inst year to enter a private enterprise and was given leave of absence by the Chi cago club. Miqiie Fisher Arrested. Seattle, Feb. 24. Mique Fisher, former baseball magnate, was arrest ed today on a grand Jury Indictment cliaig.iiii him with conducting a nui sance and admitting minors to his dance hall. He was released under 11000 ball. J. W. Wood of Minneapo lis his partner, was Indicted on a similar charge. Fisnor formerly was manager of a Coast league team in Tacoma and has managed baseball teams In Fresno and Sacramento, Cal. Four or six room furnished house r rent Inquire Mark Moorhouse. WASHINGTON GIRD DIES; IIAD MARRIED A DUKE Olympla. Countess Stavra, whose death Is reported In a cablegram from Paris, was May Tilley, a native of Olympia, known, to pioneers as the most beautiful girl ever born here. She was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rice Tilley. The father oper ated the stage line to Kalama and was well to do. She was educated In the common schools of Olymp'a and later attended St. Helen's Hall at Portland. On an eastern trip she met and later married Charles Tllton, a wealthy res ident of New York. Tllton died and after a few years she married Count Stavra and has since made her home In Paris. She was 45 years of age. A prize for every child who draTs a picture of the famous Red Goose" and brings it to the Peoples Warehouse. There never was a woman couldn't make some man sit up take notice if she so desired. who and M'lmiiuiMiimii iu'u ij! auc! jim,r uaiuu inn Why Is n Bundle of Hay? That Is the question which seems to be bothering all the officials at the court house with the single exception of Deputy Sheriff Bert Wilson. Yes terday afternoon tho aforementioned deputy was seen to scurry across the corner of the court house lawn with about a third of a bale of alfalfa on his back. He ducked around the corner of the building, apparently with the Intention of giving Judge Glllllnnd the slip, that official being on tho south steps at the time, and then disappeared within the building. Where he went with the hay and what ho Is doing with It Is tho burning question of the hour at the court house. It even takes precedence over "what Is the amount of my taxes?" BLACKMAIL BY BOYS. Two Youths Write "Black Hand" Letter to Mrs. Havemeyer. New York, Feb. 24. Two boys were arrested tonight In Central Park In connection with a "black hand" let ter received recently1 by Mrs. Louls- lKt Safe But Drop Notes. Fort Smith, Ark-, Feb. 24. llob bers blew a safe in the postoffice at Itokoshe, Okla., today, stole $180 in cash and escaped. Notes worfli $12, 000 belonging to Postmaster Nelson were taken, but the robbers dropped them n.'ar Splere, Okla.. and they were returned. Read the "Want" ds today Why don't YOU try one? Soothes and Heals Raw Spots and Cures Ail Catarrhal Troubles 1 0 not apply violent snuffs, sprays, donches to irrf Kiutu ami burn tlie inuunitxl mucous mem brane, kfinove the emise the catnrrh cvrmi which cannot live when Komi on s Catarrhal Jelly hast been applied to the raw, aiTecttsl surfaces. Soothes. heals, prevent abnormal dtschnrars cure. kondon'a in sanitary tubes) brings instant relief from every catarrhal complication- Hay Fever. sinraa, laiurmai iieaaaeue. ?ore i nroat, Ueax uess. Stomach Trouble, etc. It han cured million. It will cure vou. Write todav for fret smunlA n and procure a 25c or 50o tube (or constant. nanuy use at noineorin pocket: a speedy, tmiv. manenc ana sate cure, .to.ouo drugkrii ts sell it and recommend it because it cures ana cousins ao harmful tirue- It your dealer hasn't it. write tor 25c or 50c tube or sample, postpaid, tron Kondon Mfg. Company Minneapolis, Minn. W'fc ...iilll!ll!!!ll!ll!IH!!!l!mi!l!ll!IIM!!I!!!!:;!!l!!!l!!l!l!mtn!ll lilliilMililliliulilllllllillllli 2 - . v . r .- 3c ' 0) 1-; ' ii!l!!:iltl!i:iil!!l'!!!!!!l!l! lid II I! I ! II: Known For Its Strength The First National Bank PENDLETON. OREGON CAPITAL, SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS RESOURCES OVER. . 50 SECURITY