EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OKKGOMAN, FILNDLETON, OJCEGO.N, 1'RIDAY, IEHRL'ARY 25, 1010. PAGE TllREK. OF SPOKANE REMOVES THE CMJSE H Mrs ' 3H- E. b. S. cures Catarrh by removing the causa from the blood. It so thoroui.'hl7"p!itifiefl the circulation that there Is nothing loft to Inflame and irriiaiu Co 1H.COU3 linings of the body, which is the most prominent and dangerous cllect of Catarrh. As long as tho mucous membranes and tissues ere kept in a state of inflammation and irritation by an impure and tafected condition of the circulation, Catarrh will remain. Its disagreeable , symptoms of ringing noises In the ears, mucous dropping back into thfc throat, headaches, watery eyes, difficult breathing, and even stomach disorders and weakened health, cannot be permanently relieved until the blood is purified. Local applications alone can have no real curative value, because such treatment does not reach the blood. Sprays, inhalations, lotions, etc., are valuable only for their cleansing and antiseptic effect, but U depended on alone Catarrh sufferers will find a cure impossible. Nothing equals S. S. S. for curing Catarrh. It goes down Into the circulation, gets at the root ci tbe trouble, and removes every particle of catarrhal matter from tho blood and enriches this vital fluid so that instead of irritating the dillerent mucous portions of the body, it nourishes them with rich, health-giving properties. Then the symptoms begin to pa?s away, and Catarrh la permanently cured. Book on Catarrh and any medical advice THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. HOTANIC WILL HOT ACCEPT CHALLENGE BIG INDIAN WRESTLEK IS NOT A PROFESSIONAL Umatilla llrave Who Met Gotch Says Hood River Grappler nas no Rep utation Is a Christian Indian and Boon Not Believe In Professional Matches. Parsons Motantc, the big Umatilla Indian wrestler Is replying to the pro position to wrestle with Wrestling In structor Grant of the Hood River Athletic club says he does not want to wrestle with anyone and especially with anyone who does not already have a reputation as great as his own or that of Frank Gotch, the world's champion. The following statement was mado to the East Oregonlan by Motanlc through an Interpreter and according to the Interpreter they are his exact words and thought so far as they can be exactly Interpreted Into the English language: "My attention has been called to an article In a recent Issue of the East Oregonlan relative to a man whose name I cannot recall, who de slraa to meet mo, cither In Pendleton or Ilood River, his home, for a wrest ling bout. I wish to say that I cannot speak English very good and will take this opportunity and means to make myself plain and understood, and my position In such matters. And at the same time I wish to give my reasons for not wrestling any more, In general, and In particular not with this gentleman who halls from Hood River. "In the first place, my ability along this line Is well known. So much so that when men of the type of Jeffries and Gotch came to Tendleton, I was urged to meet them. And I did. So I don't care to wrestle with this man. Let him go out end get a reputation like thnt of Gotch for instance or of Motanlc, and then meet Gotch with whom I have wrestled, and of my bout with him I am not ashamed. "I did not understand his methods nor he mine. Nor did I understand English enough to have It explained. Had I known It to be fnlr to twist an opponents arm, like he did mine so as to get the hand over me, I could have done some twisting too, and probably as much as he. Nor did 1 understand the 'catch-as-catch-can method. At the same time he didn't understand the Indian 'pack-horse' method. So I nearly slung him off the stage, while I stood still. Let this unknown man now meet Gotch, for now I know I am a strong man, and don't csre to wrestle any more. "But there is an entirely different reason as to why I don't wish to wrestle any more, and take this means to make it known, so that my positi on In the 'matter will be understood, and I trust the East Oregonlan will give It in full for I can't speak Eng lish very good. My only object, when I consented to wrestle with Gotch, was to soe who was the 'best man.' I rocclved no money for It, and at the time never thought of any possible bet ting by the people present to witness It, nor of the influence or after ef fect that my act might have. I did It In my simplicity which on more ma ture thought vexed me somewhat, be cause of the position In life and so ciety that I now hold, in the eyes of both white people and especially my own Indian people I am against gambling, drinking, the spectacular and vaudeville of life, and this Is my great and weighty reason for not wrestling any more. I am a different man from former years. I am a Chris tian andi I have been trying to 'put the Hd on' that old life. I want to bo an honest citizen and member of the society In whlc I move, especially before my own people, lest I might be the means of leading any of them astray. For some of them did not understand my motive in wrestling with Mr. Gotch, not long ago, and so I was censured by some. Personally I was very sorry of this, for there cer tainly was no moral lapse on my part, yet It did provoke me, when I learn ed Inter that there had been some betting, and that I had received AN KXCELLEXT REMEDY. TVHI Break Tp a Cold In Twenty-Four Hourg and Cure Any Cough That Lj Curnhlo. The following mixture Is often pre scribed and Is highly recommended for coughs, colds and other throat and bronchial trouble; Mix two ounces of Glycerine, a half ouace of Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure, and eight ounces of pure Whisky. These can be bought In any good drug store and easily mixed together In a large bot tle. The genuine Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure Is prepared only In the laboratories of the Leach Chem ical Co., Cincinnati, and put up for dispensing In balf-ounee vials. OF CATARRH money for the 'stunt' and had lent my name and became a party to swelling the receipts and bets. "My Innocent motive was simply a test of strength, and I am sorry In deed that some white people can't get together for a little fun like this and 'cut out' the gambling, drinking and coarsness, which more or less prevails, so I am told on such occas ions. "If I and the other fellow, no mat ter who, could go off alone to some secluded spot, where no One is allow ed, nd so no betting, and there have It out, and then let the 'best man return and report results, I would be satisfied and have no fear of the re sults that I could report. But, be cause of the complexity of the society of which I am a unit, before my people, and because of their Inability or lack of desire to view the matter as I do, and because of that for which I now stand, not only as a Chistlan man. but a trustee of the Tutuilla church and otherwise a leader In the community to which I belong, which leadership Is in such contradistinc tion to all my former life, I beg to de sist And will never again come be fore the 'foot lights' as a wrestling man, no matter what the overtures are from my over zealous white friends. For my enegrgy, muscular strength and whatnot, which those who know me, know for sure, are of no mean quality or quantity, has been and are devoted to an entirely new channel of life, and my word of adv;ce to others who are still as I used to be, Is that of my new master. 'Go thou and do likewise.' " ' Sincerely yours, PARSONS MOTAX1C. ROIQIET 1K)R "Ml'GGSY" FROM FORMER SATF.LLITE ' New York. "I look for McGraw ' to make a big deal of some sort," said j Rilly Gilbert, the famous second baseman, who helped the Giants win two pennants. "To my m!nd he Is the shrewdest ' manager In the National league. I I worked for him five years nn.1 know I a good deal about his methods. He always knows where his club Is weak 'and the management backs him up J financially when It Is necessary to se I cure n certain man for a certain Job j "One thing about McGraw makes him a little different from other man I agers. He has got to be bora of his j club. Ho tells you what to do and if ' you only try to follow orders you are all right. If Ty Cobb was working ror McGraw and puKed off something that Mac had not ordered he would get a calldown. "He takes the position that he knows more than anybody else on his club and he takes the lesponsibll lty If the ordered play falls through. And I want to say this, that there is not a player in the country who wouldn't like to work under McGraw simply because he does take all the responsibility. "McGraw Is now on edge to win another flag and If the club gives him money he Is likely to cop some valu able man who will do the trick." Worn Ont. That's the way you feel about the lungs when you have a hacking cough. It's foolishness to let It go on and trust to luck to get over It. when Balrsrd'a Horehound Syrup will stop the cough and heal the lungs. Price 26c, SO and $1 per bottle. A. C. Koeppen ft Bros. SINGER SELLS THROAT AND LUNGS TO DOCTORS Detroit, Mich. Bert Morphy, the the Chicago singer, today Is carrying with him a pair of lungs and a throat that belong to the Bennett Medical College. Morphy has completed arrange ments whereby his vocal apparatus and bellows will fro to the college after his death. Interest of medical men In the organs of the singer was aroused by the fact that Morphy cured himself of tuberculosis by' outdoor singing, after the doctors had given ' up his case as hopeless. I !nrn1iv vna n unftd 1 V ntim hu ...... , i . T . n j ...... - j the college and was assured that his body, minus lungs and throat, would be returned in good condition to his family.' I1ALDIIEADF.D SENATOR ASKS HAIR PROTECTION f Washington, D. C The senate is determined to protect the hair of peo ple living in the capital qlty. A bill I has been pnssed prohibiting the sale by druggists of all fluids which poi son the skin If applied to hair. No person engaged In the business of shampooing or hair dressing is per mitted to uso. such articles. Senator Galllnger, In charge of tho bill, has had no hair on his head for many years and there was much gibing among associates when tho bill was read. Senator Carter demanded an explanation from Gallinger regarding the necessity for Buch an enactment. ril.KS RI'RKD IN 8 TO 14 DAYS PA HO OINTMKNT la giiLranteed to rure any rase of Itching, Hllnd. ltleedlnii or 1'rntrad Ing Piles Id 6 to 14 dajs or moocr refund d. OOC OF LABOR WOl'I.D RAISE WAGES of thk city i.iioi:i:i:s Says it is More. IiiiMrttinl 'II in I Tlic.v : Live In Decency Than They Work j for Lowest Wage Cannot Save on Iresent Wngcs.' I Spokane, Wash. "There Is no room for question that It Is of vaster Im portance to Spokane that its laborer shall be ablo to live with their fam ilies in decency and comfort than that we shall be able to say we pay them the lowest figure which hard econo mls conditions will force them to ac cept." Mayor Nelson S. Pratt says this in a special communication to the coun cil, recommending that the city ralnr the wage of laborer from 12.75 to $.1 a day and that of the teamsters from 13 50 to IS a day. He shows also hi compilation of reports, submitted to the council, that since 1906 the in crease In the average price in America of 96 staple commodities, including all necessary foods, amounts to 37 per cent, while In the same length of time the average Increase In wages, determined by Investigation of more than 4,000 Industrial establishments, la only about 6 per cent. He adds: "On an occasion such asthis, when beyond all question the competitive wage is Insufficient to furnish to the laborer an Income with which v. maintain his family In a proper stand ard of living, it is a fortunate thlnt for the city that the competitive wage U not the more Important factor In the question. "A municipality does not use Its la bor for the production of commodi ties which sell In a competitive mar ket. There is no competitor to drlve the city out of the field ynless Its la bor is obtained at the lowest possible competitive price. Hence, economic conditions do not require thiB, but. in.stead, permits it to pay a fair living wage to Its laborers. And In a prop er view, a truer .vision, there can be no question that this Is the part of wisdom." fashions set in it. s. says ciothes fx i 'FIST Chicago. "Paris and London as fashion centers for the est of the world is a distinction of the past," says A. L. Flerleln of the National Trade Show company. You will find my statements cor rect when the fashion show comes alone in the Colesium the first week in March. Chicago and New York had in creating both men's and wo men's garments'. Instead of Chicago and New York going to London and Paris, London and Paris come to Chl- icago and New York for ideas In clothes for the masses. I "A few exclusive dressers may thing It advantageous to buy from milliner, dressmaker or tailor who has been abroad for goods and ideas, but there is today ten times as much money spent in Chicago on creations of new things to wear as there Is In London and Paris together." DAYTON HAS MAXY ROOSEVF.LTIAN FAMILIES Spokane, Wash. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt will be more than delight ed upon his return from the wilds of Africa when he reads the report pre pared by officials of Dayton, Wash., a thriving city In the Touchet valley, southwest of Spokane. This shows that' while many men have made for tunes in orcharding, stock-raising and general farming they have also reared large families. Representative R. A. nn IFrae UICBO Given by the East, Oregonian To the Ten Readers Making the Greatest Number of Words by using the Letters in T-H-E H-O-U-S-E O F A T-H-O-U-S-A-N-D C-A-N-D-L-E-S The title of the season's most popular play which comes to the Oregon Theatre on Wednesday. March 2 First, PrizePrivate Box With Second Prize-Three Best, Orchestra Seats. Eight, Other Prizes of One Seat Each. In case of a tie additional prizes will be given every successful contestant Any one rrwJeiUer tha contest. Use only the letters appearing in the title "The House cf a Thousand Candles." Each latter jniy ba used asmany tima as you wish. BuL it must not be used in a single word more times than it appears in the title. All Iist sent in'must be accompanierJjby the coupons Printed onfthe want ad. page numbered 1 to 9 inclusive Contest Closes Monday, February 28 and Winners will Be Announced In Tuesday, March 1st Edition "T1IF. IIOrSE OP A TITOl'S AND CANDLES" IS A DRAMATIZATION OP SIICKEDIT1I NICHOLSON'S NOVKI. OF TIIF S MP NAME. AN ATTAINED CONSIDEUAIU.E SICCESS AS A TLAY DVRINU ITS YEAU RCN AT THE HACKETT TIIEATUE IN NEW YOKK CITY AND GAKHICK THEATRE, CHICAGO. THE ENTIRE NEW YORK AND CHICAGO PHODCCTION WILL HE SEEN HERE. Noah Was the Founder of Indigestion He Forgot to Leave the Pigs Ashore People, in consequence, have -ever since been victims of lard-cooked food and indigestion. Lard-soaked food is not fit for human stomachs because lard is made from greasy, indigestible hog fat, and is bound, sooner or latcrj to make trouble for your inner machinery. Cottolene is the only rational, national shortening. It is a pure, vegetable product, and its source (the cotton fields of the Sunny South) is in striking contrast to the source of lard and there is just as much difference in the healthfulness of the two products as in their sources. Cottolene makes food that any stomach can digest palatable, nutritious and healthful. If American housewives but knew the superiority of Cottolene over lard, both from a practical and health Standpoint, lard would never again enter any well-regulated kitchen. ' COTTOLENE is Guaranteed SfJ? not pleated, after having given Cottolene a fair test. Ma,rol, Qs1 J in Rullr Cottolene is packed in pails with an air-tight top to soever tJOia in PU1K. keep it clean relh ,nd holeome, nd prevent it ' from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable odors, such as fish, oil, etc. ! Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY Jackson, called "the sheep king of the Tuganon," heads the list as the father of 12 children, all living. Rev. V. II. Harris has six; Rev. H. E. Ma-fi-n, five; Charles J. Broughton, bank er, eight; A. V. C'hill. banker, seven; J. A. Muirheud, mayor, eight; W. W. Ward, postmaster, eight; Chester F. Miller, judge superior court, six; J. W. Holman, Judge police court, eight; J. L. Dumas, cx-president Washing ton horticultural association, three; V Morow, merchant, five; F. M. j Weatherford, rancher; M. Wood- t wards, commissioner, and J. Swart, county clerk, five each. TAFT HEAD MAX XOW, New Haven. "Mr. Tuft is the head man, but Mr. Roosevelt Is com- i ing back." This was the reply in the I United States circuit court here by an j CATAKRII. ; Quickly Cured by a Pleasant Germ- I Killing Antiseptic. ' -The little Hyomei (pronounced ; H;gh-o-me) Inhaler Is made of hard ' rubber and can easily be carried In pocket or purse. It will last a llfe- time. j Into this inhaler you pour a few , drops of magical Hyomei. This is absorbed by the antiseptic j gauze within and now you are ready ; to breathe it in over the germ Infest ed membrane where It will speedily begin its work of killing catarrh germs. Hyomei Is made of Austral Ian cucalyptol combined with other antiseptics and is very pleasant to breathe. It Is guaranteed to cure catarrh, bronchitis, sore throat, croup, coughs and colds or money back. It cleans out a stuffed up head in two minutes. Sold by druggists everywhere and by Tallman & Co. Complete outfit Including Inhaler and one bottle of Hyomei, $1. And remember, that ex tra bottles if afterward needed cost only lOo. n To applicant for naturalization, wh-n, among other questions, he was asked, "Who is head man of this country?" Ladles Soles sewed. With my new machine I can sen your soles on for 65c per pair. Thej will look better and last longer. A. EKX.UND. We can grind yon a new lense In a few minutes. Bring your broken lenr to us. Hanscom's Jewelry store. OREGON THEATRE M Cohan (b Harris Comedians Presents Frederic Thompson's production of Millions A Dramatization of George Barr McCutcheon's Famous Book by Winchell Smith and Byron Ongley Exactly as Presented for One Year in New York' at the New Amsterdam and Hudson Theatres Prices, $1.50, $1.00, 50c. Pendleton Drug Co. The House of a Thousand Candles 4 Seats. Xo false pretense has marked titm career of Ely's Cream Balm Bala entirely harmless, it la not respoaaa ble like the catarrh snuffs and pow ders, for minds shattered by cocata. The great virtue of Ely's Cream Balm. i is that it speedily and completely overcomes nasal catarrh and hay le ver. Back of this statement is t&a testimony of thousands and a reputa tion of many years success. Ail druggists, 50e, or mailed by Ely Bros., 56 Warren street. New York. on. Feb. 28 twos t , :. .V- y1 '' .