PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OREGON IAN. PENDLETON, OKKMON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, lil). EIGHT PAGES. HI BUILDINGS FOR When You BUILD, Buiid to STAYS Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more M9KII11 a a a WINS In every walk in life discrimination between the true and the false wins and enjoys success. In questions of form, of style and of values, whether financial, commercial or medicinal, the judgement of the men and women who select and appreciate and utilize the true and genuine product, proves most profitable and most satisfactory to themselves and to all who follow them. Therefore, in connection with so important a subject as the physical well-being of the people, the most eminent physicians insist on full information as to the wholesome nature and truly beneficial character of the component parts of the remedies used and prescribed by them, and the wise manufacturer not only supplies them with v the knowledge desired, but also combines for them in proper proportions the very substances most approved by them and omits every objectionable substance. The world-wide acceptance of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna by phy sicians and the well-informed of the world, as the best of family laxatives, is due to the universal satisfaction which it has given for more than a quarter of a century and also to the fact that it is a remedy of known quality and known component parts and to the further fact that the California Fig Syrup Co. presents it to the world simply as the ideal strengthening personal laxative to cleanse and sweeten the 6ystem gently, yet effectually, and to dispel colds and headaches and to assist in overcoming constipation. To get its beneficial effects always buy the original and genuine, for sale by all leading druggists. The full name of the company California Fig Syrup Co. is always plainly printed on the front of every package. REGENTS DECIDE UPON ERECTION" OF TWO HALLS Administration Hall and Class Room Rutldlng to Bo Erected Orators Are Chosen Two Educational Con. ferencea in June Other Oregon Notes. ECHO HAS SMALL FIRE - i BLAZE DOES ABOUT $175 DAMAGE YESTERDAY jMm Partly CoTered By Insurance Yonng Ladles Will IMay Basketball Came Other Items from Neighbor tmg Town. (Special Correspondence.) Bcho, Ore., Feb. 23. A small blaze occurred tiere today at noon, in the residence occupied by the farm'ly of F. W. Godfrey. The fire waj enured by the overheated cook stove. Ti e damage to the building was about $100, fully insured. But the family lost about $76 worth of clothintr with no Insurance- The fire was extin griFhed by the prompt action of the firemen. Notices are out announcing :t has ketball game to be given by the Girls' Athletic club on Saturday evening, in which the Te'.low Ribbon ?:r!s will play the Red Ribbon girls. The young ladies have practiced faithfullv the last two weeks and a good game is promised. Mrs. Blanche Brown of Stanfielrt la here visiting frlenls. ! Mrs. Theo Barks returned to her home near Hermiston thl3 morning. Miss S. L. Jones of ChiasJ, svho fcas been here for the past week, left today for Portland, whero she will Tit It a few days. B. F. McCullough and son Glenn left for Portland today on a short business trip. Eltlng Spike of Buhl, Idaho, is here buying a carload of work horses. He baa already bought ei head, eight from the Umatilla company. University of Oregon, Eugene, Feb. 21. Two new buildings, made neces sary by the rapid growth in enroll ment, are to he erected at the Uni versity of Oregon according to the de cision reached by the board of re gents at their semi-annual meeting held in Eugene last Saturday. The first of these will be an administra tion building, to contain the presi dent's, the university steward's and the registrar's offices on the first floor and an auditorium on the sec ond. The second building will con sist of class rooms exclusively. The regents found that with the present enrollment, a number of Instructors have no permanent recitation room, but hold their classes In any room where opportunity will permit. The erection of an administration build ing will leave all of Vlllard hall. In which the present offlees aie situated, free for additional class rooms, and the Condon geological collection, the most valuable of Its kind on the Pa cific coast, which is now crowded In a room containing about one-third the space needed, will probably be placed in the present assembly hall on the second floor of Vlllard. Orators Chosen. Oratory is not dead, at least not at Oregon. So It waa proclaimed by the presence of nine lusty orators at the preliminary tryout for choosing Ore gon's interstate orator, held yester day afternoon In Vlllard Hall. The orations were all well written and de livered, and at the end of the con test there waa much doubt In the minds of those who heard it as to who would be among the successful five. Those chosen were: H. J. Rounds, 10, "The Spirit of Patriotism": B. H. Williams, '10, "The Query of Life"; W. C. Nicholas, '10, "Landmarks of Liberty"; A. M. Geary.'lO, "Commer AiaiWa Prpu atiiI "Pnhlin Ortinlon": and croup, and prevents bronchitis, B Ray ,12j "private vs. Public in substantial and far more comfortable either cold of warm weather, Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements, Founda- tions. Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks Derore, you build your home. 1 will furnish your estimates for any class of workmen application. D. H. MHY Contractor and Builder Cor. Railroad amd Willow Sts. Pendltton. On ACCEPT CARNEGIE'S GIFT. Mr. Spike is buying ?ooJ horses, pay- g from $200 to $350 per team. A Safeguard to Children. "Our two children of six and eight i years have been since infancy subject ' to colds and croup. About three years ago I started to use Foley's Honay and Tar. and It has never failed to pre vent and cure these troubles. It is the only medicine I can get the chil dren to take without a row." The i above from W. C. Ornstein, Green Bay, Wis., duplicates the experience of i thousands of other users of Feley't and pneumonia; Koeppen Bros. FOURTH MAX DIES AS A RESULT OP SMALLPOX Port Townsend, Wash., Feb. 22. Ensign Phillip O. Griffiths, aged 25, an offficer of the armored crusier Washington died at the Diamond Point quarantine station this afternoon of smallpox. . Ensign Griffiths' home was In Pala Alto, Cal., where his mother now lives. He had been in the navy since 1903. This is the fourth death resulting from smallpox among the crew of the Washington since the crusier returned from Honolulu. . The quarantine on the Washington was raised today, but the vessel will remain at the station another week before proceeding to the Puget Sound navy yard for dock ing and repairs. Three members of the crew are still confined at the isi lation hospital. Do You Get Up With a Lame Back? Kidney Trouble Hakes You Miserable, Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and J Hoarse- Coughs, Stuffy Colds, pain in chest and sore lungs, art symptoms that quickly develop lnt a dangerous illness If the cold Is n" cured. Foley's Honey and Tar stos the cough, heals id eases the con gested parts and brings quick relief Koeppen Bros. GIRL OF 15 BETROTHED TO 18-YEAR-OLD YOUTH Arransrin for Marriage of Czar's Daughter to Grand Dnke Dmitri. St. Petersburg. The Grand Duch- hladder remedy, be- po nipn thA czar's eldest daughter. !i cause of its remark-; i "over young to marry," being only II able health restoring 15 years old, but already there are L properties. Swamp- rumors afloat as to her forthcoming Root fulfills almost betrothal to her second cousin, the every wish in over-; Grand Duke Dmtr! the only son of m coming rheumatism, ! th. rn(, Duke p.... , pain in the back, kid- I . i,,. v,Mn-nnm who la Hi ncs llver- ' ' a stripling of eighteen, was heir pre .av.w, t, t0 tn throne before the Z birth of the czarowltx. He gained that wateandaini PIon through the stHou, In- r bad effects following use of liquor, wine , "l ""c h-r nn,l nvrrrrmiLs t!.iit unnleasaut ; chief prosecutor of the Russo-Greek necessity of beimj compelled to go often church, who was bent on preventing throuU the day) an 1 to get up many , the succession passing to any of the traesdurirrj tlie ni.jht. song of the Grand Duke Vladimir, as Swarnp-Root is not recommended for .their mother was then a protestant. everything Lnt if you h:ive kidney, liver As a result of Pobledonetzeffs In or bladder t.onhle it will be found just fluence with the czar the Grand Duke the remedy you nted. It has ibeen thor- , Dmitri was chosen as heir presump- 1& r- i ssr Liberty". Educational Conference. Two state educational conferences are to be held at the University of Oregon during commencement week, one for the discussion of common school problems, June 20-21, and the second for the discussion of high school methods and problems, June 23-24. A strong program for each conference 1b being prepared. Ad dresses will be given by prominent educators, followed by discussions by leading school men of Oregon and the northwest. Dr. H. D. Sheldon, dean of the university school of education, who has charge of preparing the pro grams, said today that he Is meeting with a hearty response in all sections of the state. He expects a large at tendance of teachers and promises to make the conferences of highest standard. The exercises will be held in connection with those of com mencement week, for which the trial road companies grant a round trip rate of one and one third fares. Alumnae Give Scholarship. The Oregon branch of the Associa tion of Collegiate Alumnae announce the continuance this year of their "an nual practice of giving a two-hundred dollar scholarship at the Uni versity of Oregon. The scholarship Is given to the young woman among the high school graduates of the state whom the committee deem most de serving and capable. No examination is held. They simply decide upon the evidence submitted which once will be the best fitted to do excellent work in her chosen course of study. Pasco City Council "Will Establish Library Under Conditions of Gift Pasco, Wash. More municipal Im provements Is the watchword' In Pas co, both with the Commercial club and the city council. Following an of fer from Andrew Carnegie to donate $10,000 for a library In Pasco, pro viding the city would furnish the site and guarantee $1000 a year toward Its maintenance, the city council has selected a site and Instructed the city atorney to draft an ordinance to cre ate a public library. The council has also accepted the offer of the Northern Pacific rail way, donating two park sites. The railroad company asks the city to ex pend $1000 at once in Improving these tracts, and that the city maintain them. One tract consists of six acres and is close to the business section; the oth er consists of 10 acres and Is a mile from the business section of town, and overlooks the Columbia river. Real estate men say that these tracts are now worth more than $10,000. The council will enter Into a con- j j tract with Walter H. Graves next : I Wednesday to look after the engineer- lng work relative to paving the busi- J J ness streets, putting In a sewer sys- ', 4 tern, all of which is to be done the coming spring and summer. jj jggjjlg i LET All ELECTRI0 MOTOR DO YOUR WORK Steadiest, cheapest aad most reliable power for small or heavy work. Less danger anj easier to operate you turn a lever and H does tba work. The Housewife's work will be lessen ed when Electncty and Gas come lato.the hone COOK WITH GAS Make the work easier for her and save on your fuel as welL No dirt, dust and excessive heat. No fuel to handh and fires to kindle aad It costs lesa. For Her sake, put gas in your', heme before, the. hot , weather .. armes Sore Lnnga and Raw Lunga, Most people know the feeling, and the miserable state of ill health ft In dicates. All peole should know that ' NorthwesternlGas & Electric Co. rhone Mala 40. Matlock Building. aeb.1v tested in private practice, and has paoved so successful that a special ar rangement has b'-'ea made by which all readers of this paper, who have not al ready tried it, ci:.y have a s.nnple bottle tent free Ijy mail, also a lk telliug snore alout Swamp-Root, and how to nndoutif yon have kid ney or bladder trouble. When writingmcntir n l.i ii.'Iiia offer inthis!in;er an send vo-jr address UT. Kilmer &. Vo., Binghamtun, N Y. The regular fifty-cent and one-k!lar f-ize bottles are sold by all druggists. Don't make any mistake bat rtrmenilrt-r the name, Swamp-P-o-jt, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad di6, Bingliamton, M. Y.,on every bottie. to Z--sxy; tlve and remains so In spite of the conversion of the protestant grand duchess to the orthodox faith, which was suddenly made with a view of furthering her son's chances of suc ceeding to the throne. Former Newspaperman Dies. London, Feb. 22. Arthur Frazler Walter, once chief proprietor of the London Times and more recently chairman of the board of directors of the company that purchased the pa per, died tonight at h.s home, Bear wood, Woklngahm. We can grind you a new lense in a Vw minutes. Bring your broken lent in us. Hanscom's Jewelry store. W i i in ' nuiui.....i'....i..jin.ii,iiin I ...) l.l .HJifPfUil I I'll 1 hm&MskM n i A I m ; r n art.- -:: emys for every use. Cut generous ly fuIL Two hip pockets. Felled seams. Continuous fly. HtlRPliY.GRANI&CO. IiruK CiiiMi Saved from Awful Peril. "I never felt so near my grave," writes Lewis Chamblln, of Manches ter, Ohio. R. R. No. $, "aa when a frightful coagh and lung trouble pull ed me dewn to 115 pounds In spite of many remedies and the best doctors. And that I am alive today la due sole ly t Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me. Now I weigh 160 nonnds and can work hard. It also cured my four children of croup." Infallible for coughs and colds. Its the most certain remedy for la grippe asthma, desperate lung trouble and all bronchial affections, 60c and $1. A trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Tallman 4 Co. STRANGLED SEVEN BABIES. Foley's Honey and Tar, the greatest i throat and lung remedy, will quickly cure the soreness and cough and re- ; store a normal condition. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar. Koeppen Bros. I A'aHb'e CATARRH IIVIIIVMj Ely's Cream Balm b quickly absorbed. Shits Relief at Once. R cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the diseased mem. brane resulting front Catarrh and drives away a Cold ia the Bead quickly. lie stores the Senses of yfoo cot? I- fsfV. ft Ml r i WAY FEVER Taste and Smi'H. Fall site 50 eta., at Drag- gists or by mail. Ia liquid form, 75 ceata. JQj Brothers, 56 Wazren Street, New York. nungarlan Couple Hated Children, So Killed Them at Hirtn. Vienna. The appalling murder of their own children by a married cou ple at Blantonfured, In Hungary, has Just come to light. The servant of a wealthy peasant, Gabriel Roka, dis covered in a dust heap the body of a new-born babe, apparently strangled. She Informed the police, ' and two gendarmes were sent to Roka's house to Investigate the matter. When Roka learned that the gend armes Intended to arrest h'm he drew a revolver and blew out his brains In their presence. Then Roka's wife made the startling confession that In the course of 11 years' married life she and her husband had strangled seven children Immediately after birth because they hated children and could not stand their crying and noise. The skeletons of six were subse quently found In the garden, where they had been burled by the brutal parents. , Frau Roka, who showed no sign of repentance, was taken to the district priaon. to cttrr . cnr.n in onw dat. Tkn I.AXATIVK HKOMO Quinine Tsblete liruRiflnte refund money If It fell to cure. K W. UltO.VE H signature Is on esch bos. 2Ge. "Music hath charms" was meant for a phonograph. never PUf-IIE THEATRE .Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week. Be s,ure and :o the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c. wa I Under the Old I Management! THE GRH N D PENDLETON'S BIG. POPTTLAU VATDEVILLE AND MOTION PICTURE THEATRIC New Performers, Acts and Pictures" twice each week, Monday and Thursday. Johnson's Four-Piece Orchestra, Every Performance. ilatinee Every Saturday and Sunday Afternoon, ADULTS 25c CHILDREN' 15c Doors Open at 7 p. m. PASK ST fT PRQNT IA HOTEL OREGON Wl ? I i V -y Located on the corner of Seventh and Stark street, extending through the block to Park street, Portland, Oregon. Onr new Park Street Annex Is the only fireproof hotel building In Oregon. Rates $1 a Day and Up. European iMBmw inn sy THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. PHOIETOUR ORDERS YOU GET THEM RIGHT HERE'S A PROPOSITION FOlt A GOOD HOME ON EASY PAYMENTS. (1350 cash tr $560 eaah and 8t monthly payments of - $13.11 each or $360 cash and 109 morthly payments of $14.80 each, or $110 rnnh and 120 monthly p.xymenU of $11.11 each. Hmark MOORHOUSE $b CO. Tel. Main 83. 124 R Oonrt