East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 24, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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36 inch PLAIN AND FANCY WORSTED SUITINGS the proper thing for child
ren's school dresses and street wear. A very serviceable fabric in light medium and
dark colors. Values up to 65c yard, Friday special . . . . 39c
27 inch JAPANESE YOROSHI AND SEMI SILKS Season's most beautiful silks
for pretty waists, gowns and handsome dresses can be laundried like a piece of linen.
Come in a complete line of shades and colcrs including black and white, regular
50c values, Friday special . ..." . . . ' 39c
Women's Shoes
$3.00 to $6.00 Values Friday
Only Your Choice
52 inch BEARSRIN CLOTHS Only a few colors left. The very thing for Child
ren's coats, capes and caps in red, green and grey only. Everybody knows well the
values of bearskins, these are the $3.00 values,- Friday specials . 98c yard
1 --
27 inch NEW BRESS GINGHAMS In a full and complete line of season's prettiest
shades and desings. The much wanted kind for a pretty waist, apron or drsss, reg
ular iSc value, Friday special . . . 12 1-2c
36 inch BLEACHED SOFT FINISH MUSLIN-The kind that has no sizing, full
yard wide, all ready for the needle and guaranteed to wear and give satisfaction,
regular 10c lalue, Friday Special . . . . . 8c
9-4 BLEACHED HEAVY SHEETING Extraordinary good value, soft finish, free
from sizing, guaranteed full 81 inch, full width for double beds. This is a grand op
portunity to take advantage of, regular 38c value, Friday sptcial . . 29c
The Peoples Warehouse Where it Pays to Trade
deligf. or letters pock
"The Grat Divide." ! veto bill will be forced through the
Ail lovers of healthy, wholesome j lords if necessary by the creation of
dramatic art " ill welcome "The 500 new peers, but if the kins refuses
Great Divide," Wil'.iam Vaughn Moo- j to make such peers, no vote can be
dy's masterful drama of western life, passed, and if a general election is
I precipitated by the rejection of th
veto, the opposition would pose as
I the champion of the crown and con
stitution, the liberals would be sp; t
and the Irish nationalists dissolved
into a chaos of warring factions. A
Tory victory under such circum
stances is certain.
: The labor party is unanimous 'n
favor of the veto first.
Mi: f
' fv A
t v
'7 'K
corn was thrust through the right eye.
He was led to the hospital, sightless.
Surgical skill has been given freely,
but without avail.
The old man believes that he .has
five living children. Except that all
are in the west he has no Idea of their
address. He believes that a daught
' r. Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks, lives In Ot
tawa, Kan , and efforts are being
made to locate her.
Ropivseiitutivot of Pouple Rear from
People Aftcn on Proposed Legisla
tion Much Objection to Increase,
in Postal Kates -Prlvnto Secretaries
lici( Itusy.
Washington. These iare halcyon
days for the ready letter writer.
If the flood of communications to
congressmen protesting against any
Increase In the postal rates on sec
ond class matter should continue the
troublesome deficit of the postofflce
department might be wiped out with
out any special legislation. Every
member of the lower house is re
ceiving from 250 to 300 letters a day
from constituents on this and other
subjects now pending before con
gress. Next In popularity with the cor
respondents after the postal question
comes the tax on oleomargarine. Folks
In the dairy district ore protesting
against repealing the tax, and letters
Just as vehement from the south ask
that the tax be repealed. "It Is Just
as good as butter," wrote a man from
Texas to one congressman, "and I
protest, sir, against this class of leg
islation." "Oleomargarine Is a
fraud," read the next letter the same
congressman opened, "and Is a rank
imitation of butter. Every dairyman
In the'L'nlted States asks that the tax
be retained."
Then comes the postal savings bank
proposition. Many letters objecting
to the bill are Identical in wording
and even written on the same kind of
paper, and the suspicion Is strong
that they emanate from some par
ticulars Interested financial quarter.
"Repeal the corporation tax," de
mand other letters received by the
score from all parts of the union.
Ship subsidy, the making of Com
mander Peary a rear-admiral and the
conservation of natural resources
come in for their share of epistolary
attention. Then there Is women's
suffrage. The suffragettes have a
well organized lobby here, and they
have started a flood of letters toward
Washington on the endless chain
plan. Mixed in with these come let
ters asking for seeds "Impeach
Judges Grosscup and Pollock." is the
text for others Many of the letters
have come in response to appeals to
I write to your congressman i ume
j printed in the various, "muckraking"
- i magazines.
The visitor looking into a con
gressman's office, finds' the tables,
desks, chairs and floor littered with
letters, and the congressman's - clerk
and several stenographers busy
pounding out answers. Several of the
most harassed have installed dupli
cating machines guaranteed by their
makers to s'mulate typewriting per-
i fectiy, and form letters are printed
thereon adapted to various subjects.
rii II rar uji ri w... un k: wft mi
i ' i in ' p i u. m h u x: x m
ALCOHOL 3 PER ni'n r
ting Die SiomarJis andBoMlsof
Promotes Dilcstionflieeifal
ness and RestContalns ncittar
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.!
Jbrpr tfOhllkS&VUimWl
Mint Stti
CkmM Slmr.
Ancrftel Remedv forCortsfta
tion. Sour Storoadi.Dlarrton
Worms oirvulsions jewnslr
ness andLoss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature af
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
"' iLiMl""""1"""
hjr Use
For Over
Thirty Years
wolves in thejr yards. At least
men will take part In the hunt.
Worn Out.
That's the way you feel about the
!unH ".hen you have a hacking
eolith It's foolishness to let It go
on and trust to luck to get over It.
hen Hallard's II'rehoiin l Syrup will
stop tho rough and heal the lungs.
iTi.-e L'fc. 50 and Jl per bottle. A.
C K"-i'pen & Rros.
i .
j California Professor Invited to Co on
j North Sea Cruise.
Ill.ADE OF COIIX TiVIXS ' T'c lin. T'enjaniin Ide Wheeler,
UOTH EYF.S OF AGED MAX president of the University of Callfor-
j nla, has been signally honored by Em-
Columbus, O. Edwin Pallen, aged i pcror William, whose Invitation to the
seventy-one, a widower, r.es in a lo
i cal hospital blind as the result of two
i widely separated accidents w-hile
j working In corn fields, and probably
I will have to go to an infirmary unless
j children In the west, from whom he
' has not heard in years, provide a
home for his last years.
The old man, s;nce his wife died,
American professor to join him on a
pleasure cruise in the North Sea Is
being conveyed to Wheeler.
The Kaiser's invitation also has
been extended to Professor G. F.
Moore, exchange editor at the Uni
versity of Berlin. Although no an
nouncement of the plans have been
made by the professors, It Is believed
I'.nby Tlnnd.
will get into misc hief often it means
a burn or cut or scald. Apply Hal
lard's Snow Liniment Just as soon a
th accident happens, and the pain
will be roiieved while the. wound will
heal quickly and nicely. A sure cure
for sprains, rheumatism and all
pains. Price 25c, 50c and SI. A. C.
Koeppen & Bros.
caxnot i. i:vi; rnopEHTv
I'ristol, It. I. Marmaduke Mason's
will leaving nil his property, amount
ing to a large sum, to the prohibiti
on party,' has been disallowed by the
pr'at : court on the ground that It
'.s un'.isu.'il, t, lakes no mention of
bl'.nil relatives, and cannot be con
strued as directed towards a chari
table object.
Mr. Mason, who was 11.1 years old,
became Insane from nervous shock
following a struggle with n burglar in
his home. Ills death occurred at the
IMinde island insane hospital.
Othello, Wash. The work of r
plac.ng wooden trestles with 'steel
bridges and fills has been commenced
on the I'ug'-t Sound extension of th
Milwaukee road. Prlilge steel Is b
ing received from the manufacturers
!n trainload lots for use on the const
and Columbia d visions, where th
work is to be rushed tho hardest.
I Iletween Deer Lodge, Mont, nd
I tho coa.- t thre are now nine stenro
shovels In operation. Officials of the
j mechanical department say they have
j been ordered to furnish 23 addltlon
al shovels, which will make 30 of
j these machines work'n wHt of Door
j r.i)d';e by the middle of March.
The company in making every em-'
deavor tj have Its line In condition
for the fast through traffic by July 1.
iJitlles Soles wwnl,
With my new machine I can sen
your soles on for 65o per pair. Thej
will louk better and last longer.
TJie Furc Food and Drug Lair.
h.'a n 't only brought tile foods and
drugs of this country up to a higher
standard of purity, but It has elimi
nate, i ti,e harmful medicines with
which tliis country was flooded.
Such medicines, however, as I.ydt
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
purely a roots and herbs product, win
cont nu Its beneficial work nmonc
w omen.
seventeen or eighteen years ago, has that they will not, be able to accept the
worked as a farm laborer, much of
the time about Amlln Station, ' north
of the city on the Ohio Central.
Five or six years ago wh'le working
In a cornfield, he accidentally stuck
a stalk of corn Into his left eye. He
came to Columbus and was treated
for several weeks, but no human skill
could restore Its functions.
With hlg right eye Pallen return
ed to the struggle for existence. He
won the right to live until a few
weeks ago. Then another blade of
invitation, as both have planned to
leave Berlin before the departure of
the Kaiser's yatht.
Cook Leaves Ynlparasio
Valparaiso, Chile., Feb. 22. Dr.
Frederick A. Cook and his wife left
today for Los Angeles.
A prize f"r every child who drag's
a picture of the famous "Red Oooje"
and brings it to the Peoples Warehouse.
Miss Ina Lrook witli "TIic Great 1)1
Tlde." at the Oregon TlieaU-r Tues
day, March 1.
-which the leading dramatic reviewers
have hailed as "the long awaited
"gresit American play." The distin
guished actor-manager, Henry Mil
ler, will present a superb company
with the entire product'on and a
rnagnif cent scenic equipment, which
will be precisely the same in every
ietail Just as presented during the
phenomenal run of over 600 perfor
mances :n New York city.
"The Great Divide is the attraction
for Tuesday night. March 1, at the
Oregon theater.
London. The political kaleidoscope
in England changes dally, almost
fcourly. The pressing problem Is:
Can the ministers square Redmond?
Today it is doubtful; yesterday It was
said a bargain was struck; tomorrow
til may be chaos again.
When the ministers brought In the
Irish council bill, a half way house
to home rule, Redmond approved and
promised support, but when the ex
treme men showed In force at the
Dublin convention, Redmond, not
having Parnell's nerve and authority,
collapsed, went back on his word and
Toted against the bill, framed with
his express approval. Hence any
bargain made with Redmond Is sub.
Ject to repudiation when the Irish
party meets on Monday.
Redmond Is very stiff, however, In
Oj demands for guarantees that the
A f J
V ' ' l.t '''
"-in M.. m. II
Walla Walla. Miss Jessie Kent,
freshman at Whitman college, could
as accurately write "professor" before
her namo as any hypnotist, for this
woman has had ot lot of success and
fun with her experiments, according
to rumors that come from tho college
Students of Whitman rooming in
Reynolds Hall are frequently put
through the paces usually suggested
by "professors," and like the meek
subjects of the sauve evening clothes
gentleman with the wand, they do It
as willingly.
One girl recently went through a
stunt of singing all the songs suggest
ed by Miss Kent, though the subject
did not know them. Standing on one's
head, rolling over and doing things
like that are very common.
Miss Kent is making a serious study
of the matter and has been investi
gating the possibilities of hypnosis
ever since she was In the high school.
She says It takes a strong minded girl
to be hypnotized and that lots of
girls cannot concentrate their minds
long enough to go into the trances
suggested by. the Instructor.
Many of the girls at the college will
not submit to the tests, having seen
the stunts that others do, but It is
sated that she finds plenty with which
to amuse herself. Miss Kent Is from
Tlenty of good clean coal
ughs." PJione Main f.
it Bur-
Arc You n Good KlmtT
Valuable guns and cigars given t
the beat shots at the Pastime Parlors.
Ask Estes.
of Philadelphia, in tho State of Pennsylvania, on the 31st day of December,
l.iua, mane to me insurance commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant
io law:
Amount of capital puld up
Premiums received during the year In cash ....S
Interest, dividends and rents received during
year ,
Income from other sources received during year
S 300, 009.
Total income
Losses paid during the year S 434,341.98
Dividends puld during the yenr on capital stock, . 30,000.00
Commissions and salaries paid during the year. . 334,290.31
Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year. . 44,934.59
Amount of all other expenditures 12,163.51
Total expenditures
Value of real estate owned 121,500.00
Value of stocks and bonds owned 1,100,932.00
Loans on mortgages, collateral, etc 117,200.00
Cash In banks and on hnnd 113,922.32
Premiums In course of collection and In trans
mission 180,903.97
Interest and rents due and accrued 16,426.50
S S05.720.SI
Total assets $1,630,883.79
Royal Tracy, With "Brewster's Millions." as Monty Brewster. Oregon
Theater, Monday, February 28.
Won't Nerd a Cmteh.
When Editor J. P. Sossman, of Cor
nelius, N. C-, bruised his leg badly, It
started an ugly sore. Many salves
and ointments proved worthless. Then
Bucklen's Arnica salve healed It
thoroughly. Nothing Is so prompt
and sure for ulcers, bolls, burns,
bruises, cuts corns, sores, pimples,
eczema or nlles, 26c at Tallman & Co.
Kansas City. Out In the Dodson
neighborhood, which can be reached
from the business section on a street
car In half an hour, the citizens are
going to have a wolf hunt. It Is not
a hunt for pleasure either. The
wolves, scores of them, It Is said, have
become so bold that It Is necessary
to exterminate them In order to pro
tect life and property. They are kill
ing hundreds of fowls and In several
Instances young calves have been
killed or maimed and carried away.
Several of the braver wolves have
even come Into Kansas City. Resi
dents of Swope Park have seen a few
Total assets admitted in Oregon.
Gross claims for losses unpaid $ 101,392.67
Amount of unearned premiums on all out
standing risks $ 973,307.22
Due for commission and brokerage 19,138.28
All other liabilities ; 13,692.31
1. 630,883. T
Total nubilities
$1.107, 62S.1I
Total insurance in force December 31, 1909 $139 808 142 SI
Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service:
Orpheum Theatre
J. P. MEDERNAO II. Proprietor
For Men, Women and Children'
Pro gram Chance on Sundays, Tnnmlay's and Friday's,