Mk. t Mat - "".- . ... ..... .: . in:, l.j ... 4 1 ' (Bt 11. i'.ur laUUT i'AOKH. . .'J a u ..,.. .. DAILY KANT OKKOOVIAN. nCNDLRTON. OREflON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY XX, 111 PAOK SETKf. TREASURER M CLUNG IS BADLY STUNG INKNOWN AND UNKNOWING III? IS SORELY HUMILIATED Hew Kofi of Uio Coin, 1 localise, of III LClc of Famlllarlly . Willi Washington and It Peo,,io, FalU to Impress IIIm Friends with II Ix Import uco. Washington. First and foromost to the requirements of your holder of ubllc office In Washington Is he must be known by all. Second end next to foremost he must know his Washington, and Its rigid official etl. qaette. Without these requirements he la Incapable, for the "folks back home" emend both, and will not be satis fed without them. And from the resident to the clerklest clerk In tlie mlnorest of minor bureaus, every of. flee holder has a certain deep respect for the "folks back home." For the "folks" to discover that "our offici al" be he representative or door keeper In the Bureau of Printing and Engraving Is not as widely known In Washington as he Is In Kokomo which, of course, he Is not Is tbe forerunner of disaster. Over In the Treausry of the United ttates Is a dnpper, college looking sort of chap, with a pleasant smile. He Is io unimportant personage, either, for a week ago he signed a re ceipt for some billions of dollars all that the United States possessed at that time which were turned over to him for safe keeping. His name to Ie McClung, and he Is one of that gallant troop of Talc men who brave ly followed one William Howard Taft to Washington. Better than that, ho Treasurer of the United Stntes. Oik- bright, cheery, winter morn hig recently, MrClung started for the White House with two dapper Tale men. to present them to Big mil with the compliments of the New Haven Institution. The presentation was accomplished with tnurh eclnt, and "n il" was In a Joyful mood. The Tile men were -inch Impressed with th- Importance' ' L'nlt'd Stilt'- Tn nsut er M-iOlung. j riut alns the ubiquitous newspa- t perm an spoiled everything that Is, ', ke started to rpoil everything, and the j Tre:isurT hims' If finished the Job. ; For the n vspir rtn n had never oi-n one Ix-e McClung before, an 1 rather suspected that hi- might be a "mal- factor of preit i aith." He; th'-n lore nppronclK d the party as they wrro bavin? the executive office n I in a most diplomatic manner Je- ) manned to know tln-lr buincs". Whereupon" M.-(liin r.rxt efuliy t of h: mission ! 'rtr dm-cd frli nds. I : u t what t Colonist Rates -frwwalfv V Colonist Oregon n , Short Like Kates Aim Union Pacific To OREGON and the; Great Northwest The management of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co' (Oregon Lines) takes great pletiaure in announcing that the low rates from eastern cities, which have done so much in past seasons to stimulate travel to and settlement in Oregon, will prevail -again this' pi -int; DAILY from March 1 to April 15, inclusive. ,4VrlMt People of Oregon The railroads have done their part; now it's up to you. The colonist rate ia the greatr est of all homehuilders. Do all you tan to let eastern people know about it, and encour age tliem to come here, where land is cheap and homebuilding easy and attractive. FARES CAN BE PREPAID at home if d?sired. Any agent of the 0. It, & N. Co. is authorized to receive the required deposit and telegraph ticket to any point in the east. REMEMBER THE RATES From Chicago ?33, from St Louis $32, from Omaha and Kansas City ?25. This reduction is proportionate from all other cities. WM. McMURRAY, Gen, Pass. Agent, Portland, Ore. C. J. JACKSON, Agent, Pendleton, Ore. PS Want Ids. IP WANTED. WANT TO BUN about -! acres of garden or poultry ranch on shares. Beginning first of March. Paul Rubesamtn, St. Anthony Hospital, Pendleton. WANTED District managers, agents and solicitors for new whole life and 10 year 8 per cent Debenture Bond, also best natural death and disabil ity policy. No classification for oc cupation, race or sex. Good pay. Mr. Meek, 1041 Drexel Bide, Phila delphia, Pa. rOR BALE. FOR SALE 80 acres of good alfalfa land la the Hudson Bay district. Every foot under cultivation, Ooo4 water right. No buildings, lu. rounding lands sell for from llt 00 to 1.60.00 per acre. The beat alfalfa proposition In the Walla Walla valley. Must sell and wilt take $125.00 per acre. Half cask, balance long time at ( per ceaL Address, jr. E. Cockburn, Mil to a, Oregon. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry. work done with especial care. Phone Red 1S21. ANYONE, anywhere, can start a mal order business at home. No can vassing. Be your own boss. Send fei fre booklet. Tells how. Heacock. 2708, Lock port, N. T. AN intelligent person may earn tilt monthly corresponding for newspa pers. No canvassing. 8n( m par ticulars. Press Syndicate. X708 Lock port, N. T. FOR RENT. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rem. inquire 719 ColWo ati- FOR SALE Thoroughbred BIn1 Comb Buff Orpington eggs from the prlie-wlnnlng Wlndle strain. 11.11 per selling of 16. Mrs. A. B. Wla dom, 118 Walnut street. Phon JL 1011. SCBSCRIBErTtO MAQAVlNES.ij you want to subscribe tn ncat. or newspapers In the United States or Europe, remit by posts.; note, check, or send to the EAST ORE GONIAN the net publisher! prlea of the publication you desire, an we will have it sent yon. It 1 1ll are you both trouble and risk, n you are a subscriber to the KA9I OREQONIAN, In remitting yoa leduct ten per cent from the pub fisher's price. Address EAST OREQONIAN PUB. CO.. Petri Classified Directory- Four Lines, in Daily, Weekly I I Extra Lines oyer Four. 25 and Semi-Weekly $lpermonth. cents per Line per month. 1 r - PHTSICUNS. The rnad for fitandpat and high' any land shown on said plats and j become cue on December 1 of each i ""ii i' uijiiLmi loin is uciuiii'iis j i" i iv.nn; cui-jvui. iu niiiiuiowai year infrealtt-r. Tin klcr every day. SURELY SETTLES UPSET STOMACHS S .id hlR ' i inif;rTio'. ns. iii-aut- UrUX OR DYSI'EI'SIA VANISH is y.'Ur ii'iiin , !ii r:M n sp.M"Tin;iTi, an. I lie Immdll-i ately bei:i me the cynosure of three j p.-ilrs of eye?". The ey s t one Mc- j Clnnp fl.mhe.l di.Tiiay, and I ':ji;it l nc-e hil I; is companion Riized from the' i'.fairmnn to M. Cluns with pro-! found nstotiis'ini'-nt. M.-cinns !us!-j trtel. hemmed and hnwel n moment! or two, nnd finally hurst fortl. "I am the tr eiKurer of the X-nlted I g'.ntej.!" I Thr; Interview terminated ahruhtly. I l'.ut tlie truuhles of the treasurer j were hy rut means over. He ptrodfl j forth from the executive of. 'li es f d- i lowed hy his eoMipanions. nnd turned ! a s oir. (sassy or out i f order stomach t.e J1R.O0 per ncre and fubsecjuent In to the riKht. thinking that he was ! five minutes afterwards. tnllmcnts J6.00 per acre. Full pay und"r the first form, and all such i 10. The Kinst inet.-ii'm. .v. settlement or occupation, filing or;charRes for all Irrigable areas shown i entry Is hereby forbidden. ,on these plats whether or not water- j 5. The limit of area per entry, 'right application is made therefore representing the acreage, which In or water is used thereon shall be due jthe opinion of the .Secretary of the 'and payable as herein provided j Interior may be reasonably required 11. The public notices of Decem- tre support or a family on the ber 27. 1307. and November i ions ds entered subject to the provls- contain prov:.-ions to the effect that s of the Reclamation Act, Is fixed for ail applications for water rh-v,t. ,hl mr ni:i'iuni f.iown u ou uie piauijn.eii uuer June 15 in any vear, one i for Die several farm units. j installment of the charges for build- 6. The limit of area for which 'inc. operation and maintenance mn water rleht applleatlon may 'e made be paid nt th.e time of filing, but the H. S. OARKIELD, M. D. HOMEO pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice Juld block. Telephones: Office, black J411; reatdance, r4 ttli. DR. LTNN K. BLAKESLEE. CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputlcs. Judl building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 654. DENTISTS. for lan Is In private ow nership shall he lfiO acres of irrigable land for each i lard owner. I I vp Minutes After Taking a l ittle ; 7. The charges which shall be IllniH-fMii Your Stomach Will IVel " r ? f ';rifi?b'e, ';,nJ ,in 1 1 the said entries and for lands hereto- Iln,. Asnln Vat Vonr rnvorlte fore entered or in private ownership, IMikIs W lilioiit Tear of Distress. j which can be Irrigated by the waters I from the said Irrigation project, are i in two parts as follows: Every yenr regularly more than a. fa The building of th Irrigation million stomach sufferers In the Unl- system, J 60 per acre of Irrigable land I d States, Kngland and Canada ta'.:o payable l:i not more than ten annu- I'ape's Diapej.s n an 1 realize not onlv msraumenis, earn payment not less immediate but lasting relief. This harmb ss preparation will dl- than portion f r operation and mainten ance shall be credited on account of the Installment of said charges for the subsequent year. .uch provision occurring In any public notice here tofore issu'd for the Umatilla project is hereby revoked. 12. the regulation Is hereby es tablished that no water will be fur nished in any year urtil the portions for operation nnd maintenance of all installments then due shall have been pail. A'-cr dinIy no water will be furnished for the irrigation season of E. A. M.'N'N, DENTIST, OFFICE llaln street, next to Commercial Association rccms. Office 'phon. ' lack 3421: recldence 'ph -e red iibl. DR. M. S. KXRN, DENTAL Jj'JR geon. Office, room 15 Judd bulld r.g. Phone, led 3301. VAL'GHAN EROS.. DENTISTS, OF flce In Judd imlldtng. Phone Main 73. VETERINARY STRGEOXS. MISCELL.NEOCS. CHINA RESTAURANT, noodles an chop suey, Ung D. Goey, prop. At the old stand. Alta street In rear of Tallman & Co. HAIR WORK DONE ALL KINDS of hair work done at llsdame Ken", nedy's Hair Parlors. 07 E. Court street, the only natural human hair ever sold in Pendleton; also a nice lln of goods to sell, rolis. chains, pomps switches, puffs, made from your own combings. Everything strictly guar anteed. Shampooing, hairdresstng a specialty. Highest prices paid for combings. Phone Red 37ti2. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RH pair work on oil kinds of machine, structural Iron work and machm, castings. Junction cf Court and Ut streets. lldrion Jack, Prop.- A F ilay, manager. going toward the north, or great en- ir your meais mm t nt comiori trance of the while house. But In his "My, or-what you eat lys like a hurry ho had turned to the rislit too eon, and he was stopped at the en trance to the white house kitchen by bustling policeman, who yglled: "Here! Where aro you going? Get in of there." For white house po licemen live In a sort of expectant team of anarchists and tramps. Ana the policeman, like the newspaperman knew not tho treasurer. McClung grasped his lvo Tale friends by the, arm, and Ignoinlnlous ly followed the white house milk wagon out of the narrow driveway, and down the long path to I'ennsyl vuala Arenue. uriitrrs uirviAxn ice CREAM AND PASTRY Vienna.--An amusing confession by fraudulent "spiritualist" was made, during a local trial for theft. The rlsoner was a servant named Kath arine Holilnger. who told how she trnded on the credulity of her wealthy BilstreH!,. a lady of great piety, by persundinir her that she was able to ommunicate with the spirits of the departeds. The woman's method was to per form tricks with cardboard letters of the alphabet She. would arrange these in words and sentences, nnd her mistress firmly believed In these mes-agi-s and obeyed the orders given. Even when letters were found by her spread out In sentences In odd cor ers of the bouse, demanding large supplies of ment, pastry, vegetables and even lee cream, the ludy did not kesliate to respond. An alleged request for money for a mission for her deceased father con fessor was gladly acceded to, and later linen, dress stuffs nnd Jewelry 11 of which quickly disappeared Were supplied In response to the In atlable ghost. It was not until Katharine disappeared and pawn tickets for the vnrlous gifts to the ocad were found Uhat the lady real lied the hoax. u have heartburn, that Is a sign of ind gestlon. Get from your pharmacist a 50 cent case of Papc's IMapepsin and take a dose Just as soon as you can. There will be no sour belching of undigested with acid, no stomach Ras or heart- Frnmlils Tn Cases Wlilta PlainsX Y ., Feb . IS. A Peclai term of the supreme court was convened here today to hear franchise tax cases. It would be Interesting to know whether or not M. Paulhan, who rose 4-100 feet above Los Angeles In his airship, found the real estate agent s active at that altitude as lower own. Galveston News. nt may be made at anv time of any balance of the building charge remaining due, after certification by the Commissioner of the General Land Office that full and satisfactory compliance has been shown with all the requirements of the law as to resi dence, cultiv.-.tlon nnd reclamation, (b) For operation and malnten- rlslngs, no aneo for the Irrigation season of 1910, food m'xed an'l annually thereafter until fur ther notice. J1.J0 per acre of lrrl- burn, fullness or heavy feeling In the , th.r-on ' nt ,.. , , ota stomach, nnusea. debilitating head- Hre Bvalablei the opcralon and aches, dizziness or Intestinal griping, maintenance charge will be fixed In This will all go. and besides, there . proportion to the amount of water will be no sour food left over In the , used, with a minimum charge per stomach to poison your breath with acre of Irrigable land whether water nauseous odors. j ls "" thereon Or not. Pape's D apepsin is a certain cure I All entries mado hereafter for . 1 , ' ' , ..o. i Bny or the lands described, whether for out of order stomachs, because it fof nQt h(,retofore eAtcred. or takes hold of your food and digests for ,.lnJg covered Dy prIor entrle8 It Just the same as If your stomach ; which have been cancelled by relln ivasn't there. .quishmcnt or otherwise, siinll bo ac- Rellef In five flnutes from all atom- 'companlcd by applications for water ach misery Is waiting for you at any 'rights In due form and Ly the first .,nrfi Installment of the charges for bulld- These large 60-ccnt cases contain ' Peratl,n" "nd maintenance not in. ia w ,v.H less than J19.30 per acre for lrrl- more than sufficient to thoroughly rshl( lam, T,lp goconJ ,n8taIlmont euro almost any case of dyspepsia, In- ;ment of tne imIdin8 charge, not less digestion or any other stomach dis- j than 16.00 per acre, and the appropri order. jnte charge for operation nd maln- itennnce. shall become due on Deeem- ' ber 1 of the following year. Subse DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, quent Installments of the building WASHINGTON, January , 1910. cli'arge shall become due on Dooem PUPLIC NOTICE. 1 ber 1 of each year thereafter until 1. Pursuant to the provisions of j fully paid, eetlon 4 of the Reclamation Act of 9. For lands In private ownership tune 17. 1902 (SS Stat.. 888), notice jnnd for lands heretofore entered, the M hereby given as follows: (first Installment of the charges for S. Water will be furnished from building, operation and maintenance, tho Umntllla Project. Oregon, under noi less man ..u per acre or irri- $6.00 or some multiple thereof 1 ft 1 1 for any lands, unless the portion I'cr acre, except that ir. the case of 'for operation and maintenance of the binds hpreflffi'r pntr-rpd fVn first In- i lhclilm,.nf ,i..rt n t. t-. anything you eat and overcome bailment of the building charge shall j ber' 1, lt'10. has been paid, nnd In like manmr no water will be fur nished In any subsequent irrigation season unless payment has been made of the portions of the Installments for operation and maintenance then due and unpaid. 13. The public notices lsued No vember 12. 1908. for the Umatilla project contain provisions to the ef fect that no water will be furnished in any year unless the portion of the annual installment for operation and maintenance then due shall have been paid on or before April 1. Such pro visions are hereby amended to read as follows: "The regulation Is hereby estab lished that no water will be furnished In any year until all operation and maintenance charges then due shall have been paid." 14. Failure to pay any two Install ments of the charges when due whether on entries made subject to the Reclamation Act. or on water right applications for other lands, shall render such entries and the cor responding water-right applications, or the water-right applications for other lands, subject to cancellation with the forfeiture of all rights under the Reclamation Act. as well as of any moneys already paid. 15. All charges must be paid lit the Local Land Office, at Li. Grande, Oregon. 16. The charges may, for the con venience of applicants be paid to the special fiscal agent of the United States Reclamation Service assigned to the Umatilla Project, for trans mission to the register and receiver of the local land office on or before the date specified for payment at the local land office, but in case this privilege Is availed of. tho necessary charges for transportation of the cash, as determined by the special fiscal agent, must accompany the pay ment of the water-right charges. R. A. BALLING ER, Secretary of the Interior, ! DR. D. C. M'NABB. LOC AL STATE Stock Inspector snd member State Veterinary Board. Office at residence :15 east Court St. Res. 'phone Main 69 ATTOHXEYS. RA LEY R ALE Y, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National Rank building. FEE A SLATER. LAWTERS. OF- flee In Despain building. the provisions of the Reclamation Act, In the Irrigation reason of 1910, for the Irrigable areas shown on farm unit pints of Townships 4 and 5 north. Rnnge .8 Enst. V.'lllamette Meridian, approved by the Secretary I of the Interior December 17. 1909, 1 and on file In the local Land Office i at La Grande, Oregon. S. Homestead entries accompanied . by applications for water rights, and the first Installment of the charges for building, operation and mainten ance may be mado on and after Feb ruary 10. 1910, beginning at 9 o'clock A. M., under the provisions of said I nrt for the farm units shown on said 1 plats. Water-right applications may also be made for lands heretofore j entered and for lands In private ownership and the time when pay ments will bo due therefor U herein after stated. J 4. Wnrnlng and notice aie hereby expressly given that no person will ! be permitted to gain or exercise any ; right whatever under any settlement or occupation begun, or under any filing or entry made or attempted to bo made In pursuance of the provls- ' Ions of the Reclamation Act or other wise, prior to February 10. 1(10, oa gable land, shall become due on De cember 1, 1910. The second Install ment shall be due on December 1, 1911. Subsequent Installments shall LET ELECTRICITY DO TOUI work It's clean, reliable . nd con venient. Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed. J 5.25. Electric Hot Water an Curling Iron Heaters. . Electric Coffee Percolators, etc. A complete stock o Ga.s and Electric fixtures. First-clss. wlrln. of home., etc. J. L. Vaugha.. 815 Main street. CARTER & SM .T-n, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In American Nation al Bank bulldlnk. TEE SAM, LEE CO.. NOODLE Res taurant. Mrs. Goey. Prop. Chlckea noodle soup, chop suey. etc Webb St., between Main an.i r.inim o.- Red 3391. " SLOM KEE. CHINESE LAUNDRT; ! family wishing; work done by hand. ! mending free; goods called for an ! ellvered. 40S East Court street. ! MACHINERY. JAMES n. PERT y. attorney at law. Offlee over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL & WINTER. ATTORNEYS and counsellors at lar. Office in Despain building. Ticket Coupon T For free ticket given by the East Oregonian Lo r "The House of a Thousand Candles" at the Oregon Theatre, Wednesday, March 2nd. Name Address- nils coupon must accompany each list, ,8 GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, nortgages ana contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17 So- Idt Meek. UNITED ENGINEERING CO.. MB j chanlcal engineers. Irrigation power or electric plants gas produc ers. 25-26 P.-I. Bldg.. Seattle, Wash ington. AECnOXEER. COL. F. G. LUCAS, UVESTOCJC Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Atheca and Farmeis' Bank of Weston. Farm saleg a specialty. PETERSON WILSON, ATTOR neys at law; rooms 8 and 4 S-r.lth-Crawford building. PEELFS STEIWER, ATTORNEYS ' at law. Offices In Smith-Crawford , building. ! CHAS. J. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Association block. ( DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY -JL, PENDLETON LODGE No. 18. at law. Will practice in all state t A. F. and A. !.. meets the firal and federal courts. Rooms 1, I. 8. nJ, thlrl Mondays of eoi and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. , moIth. All visiting brethren are in-, rrXERAL DIRECTOR,, j JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL DI- rector and licensed rmbalmer. Opposite postofflce. Funeral pari 1. I Two funeral cars. Calls responded t day or rfight. "Phone main 78. - - - - - . FRATERNAL ORDERS. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything you need In new and second-band furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his price. No. 212 East Court street. IXSI RANCE AND LAND IU S1XESS W. D. FLETCHER. SUCCESSOR TO R. E. Tarbet, Real Estate. Fire, Life, Accident and health lnsurence. Basement American National Bank. Employment Office and collection agency. HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of Ute t- all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sella all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerare business. Payi taxes and makes Investments for non residents. References, any ban" tn Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. W. S. HENNINQER. VlTe-Prea. C. H. MARSH. Sea. BENTLEY A LEFFINOWELU REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. New location, 81S Main street. Phone Main 404. LIVERY AND FEED BTABL.f. HTT LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSON street. Carney Bradley. Pro?. Livery, feed and sale stable. Qo. rigs at all times. Cab line In tion. 'Phone mala TO. iV"l DAMON LODGE NO. 1. L-f " mi every nomii evening in I. O. O. F. hail. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend. W T. Oadwa, C. C; R. W. Fletcher, K. f R. A S. ARCHITECTS. CONTRACTORS, ET4Z Builder. Estlm.tes furnished on ail kinds of masonry, cement alka, stone walls, etc. Phone blaok S78. or Or goiitan office. Every Woman U ttw-i- and houM kmom Marvel "H'" 7 uoucne iv.. .si , ; w is V ,.-iV.,- 1 --- V f S CM ' nP Ak ronr r-CTlt fhr 'X. t he trtnnot nptHy the H ARM U evp do o w, tint it end stamp ..r lHo :r:t.'j book ird- it fiTc rmj purtrol-tra and itirfct1nn tnTMart MEN ANO WOMEN. IKtl Cm Bi i ftr oauiarU I wtttfvvl dicbtr,io-lniuti'0 (i-rt4 u IrritatlJDi or ul r(toa bm t tvittam . of mucotil D-eiabr-Dctk ivu cwiarw pHiou, oJ not uum u mmmnTMi c. gnt cr poi-onout. CB.A. i" . i i. Bai c r poi-onout. C3r3 oll by Draniiti, rf,v Ji of nt la (. rtipr sVTi r c i.T-:..'.j. fv.r