East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 23, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    IU. i-:v.r .i!H.M. rtMii i;iua, uiifct.u.N, WKUNKSDAY, FEnntTARY 28, 1910
i !
But Lost All Hope of Cure Grew
Worse and Worse in Spite of Many
Doctors and Three Years of Hos
pital Treatment Inflammation
Made Her Almost Crazy with Pain.
"I began to have an itching over my
raol bodr about seven years ago and
this settled in my limb, from the knee to
the toes, i went to see a great many
Iihysicians, a matter which coat me a
ortune, and after I noticed that I did
not got any relief that way, I went for
tare years to the hospital. But they
Wre unable to help mo there. I used
tit the medicines that I could see but
bora ma worse and worse. I had an in
Sammation which made me almost crazy
with pain. When I showed my foot to
Bar friends they would get really fright
coed. 1 did not know what to do. I
was so sick and had become bo nervous
that I positively lost all hope.
" I bid seen the advertisement of the
Cuticura Kennedies a great many times
but could not make up my mind to buy
them, for I had already used so many
medicines. Finally I did decide to use
the Cuticura Remedies and I tell you
that I was never to pleased as when I
otioed that, after having used two seta
f Cuticura Sonp, Cuticura Ointment
and Cuticura Pills, thu entire inflamma
tion had gone. I was complete y cured.
should be only Uo glad if people
with a similar disease would come to
mne and find out the Uuth. I would only
recommend them to use Cuticura. Mrs.
Bertha Sachs, 1G21 Second Ave., New
Tork, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1003."
"Mrs. Bertha Saohs is mv sister-in-law
and I kmw well how she suffered
and was cured by the Cuticura Remedies
after many other treatments failed.
Morris Sachs, 321 E. 80th St.. New York,
N. Y Secretary of Deutsch-Ostrowoer
TJnt.-ver.n, Kempner Hebrew Benevo
lent Society, etc."
A single set of Cuticura Remedies,
costing but one dollar, consisting of Soap
to cleanse. Ointment to heal and Pills
to purify, has frequently cured chronic
cases of torturing, disfiguring humors of
Infants, children and adults when the
best methods known to the profession
bad failed. Guaranteed absolutely pure.
Cotlmra Rented! are Bold thmofhout the world.
Fetter Dnrt iTiem Corp . fvie pmps., 135 Comm
ent Are, Boston. Mans. W-MM11 Fire. Cutlcur
Book, u Authority on SWa anrt S-nm DUeases.
nuii in l
i r n t n r
; Cass Matlock, Prop.
and illustrated gongs in
the city.
Shows afternoon and eve
nings. Refined and en
tertaining for the entire
Next to French Restaurant
Entire change three times
each week. Be sure and
jee the next change.
Adulta 10c Children
under 10 years, 5c
Firemen Give Dance Testimony In
Water Suit Is Taken Other News
and Personal Items.
(Special Correspondence.)
Echo, Ore., Feb. 22. Washington's
birthday was observed by the school
and a number of business houses, but
on account of the snow few were out
to enjoy the holiday. The firemen
gave cne of their successful dances
tonight which was largely attended.
The Echo orchestra furnished ' the
music as usual.
M. Downer of Portland, Is , here
transacting business with the Uma
tilla Ranch Co.
Harrison Allen of Portland, Judge
H. J. Bean, Col. J. H. Raley and
Frederick Stelwer of Pendleton were
here yesterday for taking the testi
mony of a number of witnesses in the
Echo water suits. They were accom
panied by J. S. Beckwlth, court re
porter, who took a copy of the pro
ceedings. Judge Bean staid and
passed the day here today.
The many friends of Miss Muriel
Crayne and Jesse Cates ere sup
prised at the announcement of their
wedding which occured In Pendleton
at the Baptist parsonage on Monday
evening. Miss Crayne Is a popular
Echo girl having lived here all her
life, where she has a host of friends.
Mr." Cates, while having lived here
only a short time Is favorably known
being an Industrious young man. Mr.
and Mrs. Cates will make their home
at the Dalles, where they went this
Mrs. Theodore Barks and little
daughter are here today from Her
mlston. E. E. Cleaver, of Chicago, the east
ern representative of the Western
Land and Irrigation company, is here
visiting his brother Clifton Cleaver.
Miss Blanche Crayne returned to
day from a visit to Pendleton.
Miss Lillian Stanfield is visiting rel
atives and friends In Pendleton.
J. W. Kimbrell, county surveyor,
was here yesterday on official busi
ness. W. J. Messner, president of the
Western Land and Irrigation company
Is here In the Interest of the company.
Rev. Quinney of the Episcopal
I? Ill
l m-i l.imsifr I I Hia
r- i " n "- i ,i uirs.
When You BUILD,
Build to STAY!
0mj Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks
'Mf-' i : x 1 1 . n. jar mrrck
are meaner in uie enu. aic ujciuci. muiv.
substantial 'and far more comfortable in
either cold or warm weather,
Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements, Founda
tions, Waifs, Fences and Curbing. ' It looks better and lasts longer than stone
See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks
Derorejyou build your home.
1 will furnish your estimates for any class of
work-on application.
Contractor and Builder
Cor. Railroad amd Willow Sts. Pendleton. Or
Shoe Box Social Planned Literary
Society Has Interesting Program
Bob Sled Turns Turtle Other Notes
of Interest.
(Special Correspondence.)
West Birch Creek, Feb. 22. Mr.
Elmer "Chase and bride, formerly Sa
die Warner, have returned after a
short wedding tour, to their home on
Stanley creek. The young people
were greeted with a real old-fashioned
charivari. The roar ceased when
the bride and groom appeared on the
scene and Invited the crowd In and
entertained them highly until the wee
sma' hours.
The Birch Creek Sunday school Is
In a flourishing condition. The aver
age attendance Is thirty.
A shoe box social will be held at
the Byrd school house on the night of
February 26. The boxes will have va
riously fixed prices according to the
eligibility of the owners. The money
received will be used for the benefit
church, returned this morning to his t the church. Any girl with a well
home in Pendleton. He held Episco
pal services here last night in the old
postoffice building.
No false pretense has marked the
career of Ely's Cream Balm. Being
entirely harmless, it is not responsi
ble like the catarrh snuffs and pow
ders, for minds shattered by cocaine.
The great virtue of Ely's Cream Balm
is that It speedily and completely
overcomes nasal catarrh and hy fe
ver. Back of this statement la the
testimony of thousands and a reputa
tion of many years' success. All
druggists, 60c, or mailed by Ely Bros.,
56 Warren street, New Tork.
A Little Sonnd Advice Will Help
Many a Sufferer In Pendleton.
No woman can be healthy and well
It the kidneys are sick. Poisons that
pass off In the urine when the kid
neys are well are retained in the
body when the kidneys are sick. Kid
pys and bladder get Inflamed and
swollen, crowding the delicate female
oaeans nearby and sometimes dis
placing them. This Is the true cau-e
f many bearing-down pains, la me
at u. backache, sldeache. etc. Uric
poisoning also causes headaches
dizzy spells, languor, nervousness and
rheumatic pain.
When suffering so, try Doan's Kid
ney Pills, the remedy that cures sick
kld-eys. Tou will get better as the
kidneys get better, and health will
return when the kidneys are well. Let
a fellow-iufftrer tell you aboat
Doan's Kidney Pills.
Mrs. J. T. Gilloway, C. ct., Elgin
Ore., say: "Judging from the bene
fit I derived from Doan's Kidney
Pi'.ls. I can recommend ihem as a
reliable remedy for the kidneys. I
ased them principally for a severe
pain across my back, wkirm ha4 an
noyed me for some time The rnlu
that followed the use of the first box
were so beneficial thnt I continued
taking them and my back has given
me but little trouble since."
' For sale by all dealers. Price 66
cents. Foster-MIIburn Co., Buffalo,
New Tork .sole agents.
P.emember the name Doan's aad
take no other.
Washington. Life at the white
House is irksome, at last for two
members of the Taft official house
hold. These are the secret service
men, who are charged with the protec
tion of the president, and who Sher
lock Holmes In his immediate vici
nity about twenty four hours a day.
For Instance, the President has ac
quired the habit of pedestrianlng,
and consequently one James Sloan,
and one Luclen C. Wheeler have al
so become walkers. President Taft
has a habit of Intending to start for
a walk about three o'clock in the af
ternoon. That is, the presidential
automobile is ordered around to the
executive officers for that hour to
take the President to a spot In the
suburbs from which he can comfort
ably walk back to the White House.
Now when the auto, with its motor
cycle outriders chug-chugs into the
driveway, the secret service men hurry
into overcoats, shift their arsenals
and take up their stand at the en
trance to the presidential sanctum to
await the advent of their charge.
But, at three in the afternoon there
are usually many sides of many ques
tions to be considered and many grave
matters to be determined. Congress
men, senators and cabinet members
hurry in to submit various problems,
and the president must listen to all,
and consider all. Meanwhile two sec
ret service men, two motorcycle out
riders, and automobile and chauffeur
await without. Without what? Why,
without a president to go for his con
The length of time they await wih-
out various. One evening It was 6:45
o'clock, fifteen minutes before the
Wh.te House dinner hour when the
president completed the day's labors.
Other times the retinue waits only
an hour.
filled box or fellow with the price will
be welcome.
The literary society met In regular
session February 19. The following
program under the leadership of Ed
na Warner was appreciated by all
Ben Hur's Chariot Race
....... Maud Sherman
A Chapter of the Serial Story ....
Vesta Boylen
Recitation The Frost Spirit
Jessie Janes
Recitation Down In the Mouth . .
Fred Hascall
The Evening Star (the paper) ....
Lois Janes
Recitation How Maud Set the Hen
Carrie Byrd
Select Rending My Valentine....
Pearl Fletcher
Duet Maud Sherman. Ed Wright
After intermission the question.
"Resolved, That Napoleon was the
greatest general the world ever pro
duced," was ably debated. The de
cision was In favor of the negative ar
gument. The question adopted for
the next debate was, "Resolved, That
Taft made a mistake In the dismissal
of Glfford Plnchot"
A big turnover! A bobsled on top;
a huge snowdrift underneath, and all
Wrights In the middle, was the feast
spread before some of those returning
from the literary Saturday night.
While the hay supply is rapidly di
minishing;, no stock as yet has pre
sided In this vicinity and It Is not an
tlclpated there will be any loss. The
sheep men are using quantities of
grain to prolong the hay supply.
Frank Byrd and wife are spending
the week In Pendleton with relatives
and friends.
Truman Cable, our principal hortl
culturist, Is spending the winter with
his brother In San Jose, Calif.
Odymplc Games Revival.
New Tork, Feb. 23. The Olympic
games will be reviewed at a big open
meet to be held at the Twenty-second
regiment armory this evening. The
same measurements and rules and
regulations will be enforced as at the
Olympic games In Athens In 1906.
Each competitor will receive a spe
cial Olympic medal, same design as
presented to American athletes at
The following handicap events will
be run according to the A. A. U., N.
C. A. and M. A. L. rules: 60-metre
dash, 200-metre run, 400-metre run,
800-metre run, 1500-metre run, 800
metre run, 1500 metre run, 6,200
metre run, 2600 metre bicycle race
and putting 7.27 klle shot.
The following are open to those who
have never won a prize In an open
running or hurdling event; 1200 metre
run (novice) and 550-cetre run (nov
ice), Hotchkln point trophy to the
club scoring greatest number of points.
1609.35 metre relay handicap (open
to members of the Military Athletic
league), 1609.36-metre relay handicap
(open to clubs. T. M. C. A., C. A. L.,
S. A. L., Evening High Schools,
Church O. L. and Inter-Settlement A.
L. teams of four men).
Taft to Speak in Newark.
Newark ,N. J., Feb. 23. Business
men of the New Jersey metropolis are
today preparing to give a hearty wel
come to President Taft, who will ad
dress the Newark Board of Trade at
Its annual banquet tonight. This Is
Mr. Taft's first visit tn the city since
he became president
To Improve Hotel Service.
Des Moines, la., Feb. 23. Discus
sion of ways and means for Improv
ing hotel service, for the benefit of
the traveling public, will largely oc
cupy the annual te?s! ..t opened here
to'lay by the Iowa State Hotel Keep
ers' association.
Worn Out.
That's the way you feel about the
lungs when you have a hacking
coagh. It's foolishness to let It go
on and trast to luck to get over It.
when Ballard's Horehound Syrup will
stop the cough and heal the lungs.
Price 26c. 60 and $1 per bottle. A.
C. Koeppen & Bros.
Steadiest, cheapest and most
reliable power for small or
heavy work. Less danger an J
easier to operate you turn a
lever and It does thv work.
Baby Hands.
will get Into mischief often it means
burn or cut or scald. Apply Bal
lard's Snow Liniment Just as soon as
the accident happens, and the pain
will be relieved while the wound will
heal quickly and nicely. A sure cure
for sprains, rheumatism and all
pains. Price 25c, 60c and SI. A. C.
Koeppen & Bros.
Ths Heusewlfe's work will be lessen
ed .when Electricty and Gas
came into.tke home
Make the work easier for her
and save oa your fuel as well.
No dirt, dust and excessive heat.
No fuel to bandit and fires to
kindle and It eosts less.
For Her; sake, put gas In your home
belore the hot weather arrives
Northwestern Gas & Electric Co.
Phone Main 40.
Matlock Building.
To Try Roy Bandit. . ,
Indianapolis Ind., Feb. 23. Thomas i
Hoal, the boy bandit, who held up j
the Merchants. National Bank, of i
New Albany, Ind., some time ago, kill
ing cashier Gary Fawcett and dan
gerously wounding president J. K.
Woodward and a negro chauffeur,
will be placed on trial today at Cory
don, Ind.
PAZO OINTMENT Is gnbrsnteed to core any
rue of Itching, Blind, Klecdlag or I'rotrnd
lag riles lo 0 to 14 days or money refund
ed. KOc.
We can grind you a new lense In a i
few minutes. Bring; your broken lens '
tn us. Hansenm'a jewelry store. I
The H rrsrinlan Is Eastern Ore
gon's rrprwniailve paper. It Irojb
and tbe prop) appreciate It and sho
It by their liberal patronage.. It b
she advertising median of the snetlo
Nnllnnnl Gnnrd Convention.
Albuny, N. T , Feb. 23 Officers of
the New York state national guard
convened here today In annual ses
sion, which will continue through to
morrow. Consideration of the new
militia law will make the convention
of more than ordinary Importance.
Plenty of good clean coal at Bur
roughs.' Phone Main f.
The Rise In Mountuln Tops.
"Corney Vanderbllt and Bob Collier
have ordered Wright aeroplanes," said
too familiarly perhaps a Tying
man to a 'reporter. "They are both,
I understand, negotiating, too, for
high mountain tops to build castle
like houses upon. Mountain tops, al
ready high, are going up. I'll tell
you why.
"But, first, did you ever climb to
the top of a high mountain? How
pure and cool the air Is up there!
Below, for hundreds of miles, spreads
the country, here In shadow, there In
glittering sunshine, Tou see, perhaps,
other mountains, cities, even the far
off sea. Those splendid views, that
pure air, they uplift the heart like
music. If you could live on a moun
tain top if the windows of your
house could but frame such lovely
"That, of course, was Impossible a
few years ago; It is still Impossible to
day; a mountain top Is too dime Jit
of access. But when flying Is quite
perfected, then the rich business man,
instead of living In stuffy town apart
ments, will have his luxurious castle
six or seven thousand feet up In the
air, and he will fly to and from It In
his monoplane or biplane, and from
every wlr.Jow he will gaze on views
that will teach him, perhaps, the fol
ly of making business a religion."
Congress has so much Investigation
material on hand that there is no hope
of finding pigeon holes for It all.
Washington Star.
WW. Fioiar-
Way if ",akc9 rTooi it
breadand biscuits." )j
ri Mother, f?
&lA b s 0 1 u t o 1 y If
maaufaieMattrmM x.i:'r.t -xr.rx.tntm
Under t.he Old
Managem ert
New Performers, Acts and Pictures twice coch
Monday and Thursday
Johnson's Four-Piec$ Orchestra, Evtry Performance
Matinee Evtry Saturday and Sunday Afternoon,
Doors Open at 7 p. m.
makes good
'bread and biscuits."
fc-ji i i
' '.j vholfBoiue aud
A i:im1o from so
?A l.rted North
il v.tstern whc;it
'n Insist upon
Olvnmif: '
"there Isn't j ' "iT'I
. .lt r n -
Portland Flouring Mills Co.. Dayton. Weet
tiTSMflL Y PrT W Yi o u r
.X KJ 2T 5n-1 :
iM 5T
Located on the comer of Seventh ami stark Htrerta, extending thrnuch
tlie block to Park street, Portland. Oregon. Our new park Klre- Annex l
tlie only fireproof hotel bullillng In Oregon.
Rates $1 a Day and Up. European
$1860 canh or 1560 csih and ti monthly payments of n 11
each or J2S0 cash and 100 morthly payments of J14.80 each, or 1110
cash and ISO monthly p.ymenU of 111. 11 each.
Tel. Main 8S.
120 IB. Oonrt