East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 23, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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-- mi -!!. i
minim """mfflim" Tn.'i Tf i MtiliiiTinrSitnTaMTB
A New Express Shipment I
of Ladies'
$ 16.50
Call In and See Them
F. E. tivengood & Go.
March Ladies' Home JournalPatterns Now Ready
Style Books Free
PHone Main t for coal.
Pastime pictures please ail.
Buy lots on Brighton Beach.
You will like Brighton Beach.
Furnished rooms, 602 Water St.
Ice cream at Hohbach's, Court at.
Coal. Oak wood. Phone Main I.
Snyder, chimneysweep, Red JS1I
Jessie Shulu soils lots on Brighton
Now Is the time to get lots on
Brighton Beach.
Warned X ghl operator. Apply
iwnl telephone office.
Lenes duplicated In a rew minutes
Hm'om's Jewelry store. .
I'll pny cash for yaur veal. Cha
Iti'.vt.urn, phone llnln 4?0
Good, clean coal at the Oregon
Lumber Yards. Phone Ma n 8.
k-'our or nix room furnished house
'"t rent. Iniiuirf Murk Moorhnune.
."'oyV Ooodyear Well Shoos for
lit' at Wohlenberg' Dipt. Si ore.
Wanted Hoarders by. week, day t
in. .nth. Inquiry 412 Wst Uiuff street
More rnovliu picture shown than
! Cher thtre It- the -Ity th'
NTo coa famine wltr Burroughs
Phone Main S and get good coal
Wanted Petting hens, one two or
three. Phone Red 2396 or Injulre at
this office.
Wanted Night clerk at Hotel Pt
Cfeorgo. Inquire of Geo. Darveau,
Halrdresslng, msntcurlng and sham
pooing parlors In connection with the
Vogue Millinery.
Wanted Girl to do general house
work. Apply 111 Perkins Ave., or
Phone Red 2261.
engraved on back. Liberal reward
offered for return to Wohlenberg
Dept. store.
Broken lenses replaced In a few
-nlnutes at Hanscom's jewelry store
Ve grind any lens.
For Rent Eight room house, one
block from" Main street. Inquire 214
West AIU. Phone Black S15.
Phone Main 8 for cod dry wood
n 1 coal that will bu.n clean. Prompt
' delivered. Oregon Lumber Yard.
You probably wouldn't care to atop
a well-dressed man on the street and
ask him where he got his clothes. It
isn't n-ceysary. They're probably
Hart Srhaffner & Marx clothes,
uouglit of the Peoples Warehouse,
where- it pays to trade.
)rplien rn Toil a y's Prosra m.
1 Tho .'-t. pmoiher. . drama in
domestic 1 fe. Picture taken by the
Rret Knlem company.
2. Politics. A drama. 1000 feet
I' tis and fi! of good points and life.
Photoeraph.-il by the Sel g Co.
3. The Jtureb.uk Rider Drama.
4. "An Aerial Acrobat. Pathe.
r.. New song Illustrated.
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
One Marrlajie License.
A marriage license was issued to
day to Albert Lloyd of Benton coun
ty. Wawhlngton, and Miss Grace M.
Knox of Weston.
Secured Plumbing Contract.
lioddow & Miller have Just been
awarded a contract to do some plumb
ing work In one of tike employes cot
tages at the Umatilla agency. '
Indian Boy Is liorn.
A son was born this morning to Mr.
and Mrs. August Alexander at their
home on 'the reservation. Alexander
Is the well-known Indian policeman.
Dnnelitcr for E. J. Brown.
E. J. Brown, well known traveling
ralesman for the Pacific Paper com
pany la the proud father of a 10 pound
daughter. The child was born at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Brown in Portland.
Will Hear Noted Vocalist.
Mrs. J.. B. .Perry, and daughter.
Miss Jennie Perry, went to Portland
yesterday to hear . Mrs. Shumann
Heink and see Mrs. Leslie Carter,
both of whom are In Portland this
Pendleton Men to Judge.
It has been announced that the
judges In the debate to be held soon
between the La Grande and Baker
City high schools will be chosen from
this city. The names of the judges
'iHve not yet been disclosed.
Gon. Logan's Granddaughter Wed.
New York, Feb. 23. Mary Lou'se
Logan, granddaughter of General John
A. Logan, was married today to Hen
ri Vincent Deslneay, a scion of a
prominent Belgian family. Many
prominent Americans and foreigners
attended the ceremonies.
Shipping Reef Cattle.
Two car loads of beef cattle were
shipped from Pendleton to Rltzvllle
and Connelly, Washington over the
Northern Pacific this morning. They
were purchased by Harry Dowd who
is buying for the contractors con
structing the Connelly & Northern
Terrible Cronp.
My little boy, who is four years old,
haa suffered a lot with croup. On
several occasions we thought he was
After, trying all tho old remedies
and most of the new, I came home
one night a midnight, and my wife
said, "The boy has the croup again
suppose you get a bottle of Hyo
mei." "More Junk," I said, "but we
will circulate pur money so they all
will get some."
I hastened to an all night drug
store, brought It home. In five min
utes he was sound asleep. It broke
the croup so quickly that it scared
Anyone wishing to cure the croup
of a child I hope will give Hyomei a
Wishing you the best of success,
which you surely deserve, I remain,
Jos. E. Clark, 204 6th street. S. E.,
Washington, D. C., October 7, 1909.
Hyomei is a remarkably effective
remedy In case of croup and It should
be In every home where there Is a
croupy child. Full instructions how to
cure croup comes with each outfit, i
Complete Hyomei outfit Including
inhaler costs $1 at druggists every-,
where and at Tallman & Co. It Is
guaranteed to cure catarrh, coughs
and colds. I
Date of Trial of La Grande Dank ,
Cashier Is Set. j
J. W. Scriber, accused of having
wrecked the Farmers & Traders Na-
tional bank at La Grande, will appear
for trial in the United States court
May . .
It Is said that the bank became in- f
volved through land speculations made
by Mr. Scriber, who was cashier of ,
the institution. j
The government announces its read- j
iness for the trial. Mr. Scriber has i
been allowed to expert the bank
at Wohlenberg Department Store is
$3.00 White wool fleeced Blankets i
$1.95 pair
$3.00 Handtied Silkoline Comforts
85c Hemmed Bed Sheats 81x90
s 63c each
20c Hemmed Pillow Cases 45x36
15c each
1 5c Kimona Flannel for yard 9c
$1.00 Quilt size Cotton Bat for 79c f
For Thursday Only
Wohlenberg Dep'L. Store
Perhaps the very best biography of .
General Custer yet written. Is "Boots j
and Saddles," or "Life in Dakota j
With General Custer," written by his ,
wife, Elizabeth B. Custer. The book j
is in the public library. j
Britain's New Naval Airship. It Is of the rigid type and Its pnrpoal
London. Britain's first naval air- will be to patrol the North sea, on th
ship will very soon be delivered from alert for hostile manifestations from
the Vicker's Maxim Works. It will
be the biggest of Its kind, except the
Zeppelin' diigible. Like that monster
Read the "Want" ad today.
Some people wear classes for fun,
hut It's no joke to wear them If you
have to.
Moling Cuttle to West Knd.
Clarence Adams of Adams Broth
ers who has been wintering the firm's
cattle on the reservation, .aves today
for Stanfield. He has exhausted the
supply of hay on hand at the reser
vation headquarters .and having pur
chased more bay nt Stanfield, Is mov
ing bis cattle to it.
Lost. Thursday morning,
iall gold watch with name
Tho Pnstlme.
Something unusual, three feature
f ims at one show.
"The Course of True Love." Rio
graph A story of what might have
been, told the Blograph way.
"The G rl and the Judge." Vita
graph. A most Intensely gripping
dramatic film.
"Tho Little Old Men of the Woods."
Kalem. Every child has read In
Grimm's Fairy Tales of the trials and
tribulations of little Princess Snow
White, and this picture presents her
life story with far greater relish than
any hok description could do.
One set travelogues.
One. Illustrated song.
The Well Known Chinese Doctor
and nil
eases that the
huma . flesh
is heir to. My
wonderful anil
roots, herbs,
ou " V "' remedies are
' ' .i -.?'. composed of
' Chinese
buds, barks
and 'vegetables that ar entirely
unknown to medical science of the
present day. They are harmless,
as we use no poisons or drugs. No
operations. No knife used.
We cure stomach troubles, liver,
kidney, catarrh, lung, throat, asth
ma, nervous detlllty, female com
plaints and rheumatism and all
disorders of the blood. We. cure
to stay cured, and guarantee to
core private dlsensea of men and
women. If you are unnble to call
'end 2 cents in stamps for blank.
Consultation free. Address
W. Rose St., Walla Walla ,Wn.
Former Governor Intimate Ho May
Get Into Scnntorlnl Fight
Walla Walla, Wash "If Polndex
ter succeeds in abolishing the unwrit
ten law and it becomes a free-for-all
I may conclude to Join In the run
ning," was the statement mnde today
by ex-Governor Miles C. Moore re
garding the story appearing In the
Oregonlan under a purported Walla
Walla date line thnt he was a senatorial
possibility. Moore states that the un
written law giving the east side one
senator and the west side the other
senator would have to be violated if
he became a candidate.
"Polndexter seems not to realize
that this law Is still In force," he
stated. "Perhaps in his Insurgent
tendencies he Is Inclined to ignore It.
Tliis should not be done without care
ful consideration." In the event that
Senator Jones moves his official res
idence to Seattle, cx-Qovernor Moore
leaves little room to doubt that Tie
will get Into the race.
He declares that he has been Im
portuned by friends from all .pver the
state to become a candidate.
New Crenmerv in 0wra!iim.
The Jensen creamery. located In
tho Pi n IK-tf.n loo '& Coal Storage
building near the o. R. & v. depot.
(is now In operation. It is receiving
jthe butter fat and transforming it In
to butter for distribution. The pro-
jcluet is bein? put out under the
name of the "Bitmehnrd Butter."
Athena- Pendleton Academy.
At the Commercial association
gymnasium Friday evening a "double
header" basketball game will be
played between the Athena high
school and the Pendleton academy.
The boys and girls teams of each in
stitution will participate nnd the
games are being looked forward to
with much interest.
Ri'dnieii Hnve Clninbnke.
Members of the local tribe of Red
men and a few representatives of the
Echo and Umatilla tribes participated
In their annual celebration In the Eagle-Woodman
building last even ng.
Aside from the feast of clams there
was a very Interesting musical and lit
erary' program, making the evening
one long to be remembered.
Hankers' Committee to Meet.
W. L. Thompson, president of the
American National bank, will le.ve
tomorrow for Portland. He Is going
down to attend a meeting of tho exec
utive committee of the state bnnkers'
association, being a member of that
committee The session is to be held
to .si t tho time and place for the
holding of this year's convention of
the association.
j results in debility, lark of energy, makes
you despondent and nervous. No won
der, when you think how your nerve
force has been taxed beyond its limit,
you have worried until your digestion is
ruined and your whole system has be
come deranged. These are times when
' l!ie overwrought system needs assist
ance. '
Duffy's Purs fttett Vh!skcy
will bring you
lrcs.nnc slccn.
The acme of Indifference a gas
Koeppen Bros.
Cordially inyite the ladica to step into their store and be
tenght free of charge how to ninke the very best Vanilla Flavor
ings, and they may take homo with them a free sample to see
how good it is. Fifty cents worth of material will make ono
quart of flavoring and we sell nothing less' than that amount,
but yon can make it up in small quantities and the balanee will
ktep for future use. The process is new, the flavor supreme,
expense subnormal
The Drug Store That Serves You Best
Indian Ponies Suffering.
That tho ponies upon the reserva
tion are suffering from the storm Is
stnted by George A. Robblns who was
here yesterday from h i ranch on
Tppcr McKay. Aceord'ng to Mr.
Robhins he passed a dying pony while
en route to the city and he fears quite
a few of the animals hnve perished
during the cold weather.
...Will! .'IH, C1..U '
you will become full $yA
of energy and vital-, V
ity. It cures nerv
ousness and indiges
tion, gives power to
the brain, strenpth
and elasticity to mus
cles and richness to the blood.
II you vih to keep young, strong and
vicorous and have on your cheek- the
plow of perfect health, take Duffy's
Pure Malt W hiskey rcpularly in smail
doses according to directions. It tones
and strengthens the heart action and
gives vigor to the entire system. It 3
recognized as a family medicine every
where. It is invaluable for overworke'd
men, delicate women and sickly chil
dren. It is a promoter of health and
All druggists, grocers and dealers or
direct, $1.00 a larg- bottle. Refuse sub
stitutes and imitations, they are injuri
ous. Send for free medical booklet con
taining testimonials and rare common
sense rules for health, and free advice.
Puffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y.
I'.ti.n Mi.i.fc-T l'IIAH.ii.Kl,
Distributors, Portland, Ore.
The Sharpies Tubular Cream
1 '
5 ? t'" -4'
will skim cleaner, will
run easier, is more simple
in construction, runs with
less oil, requires less atten
tion and is more durable
than any other separator
The simplicity, d jraSil
ity and efficiency of the
Tubu'arare recognized by
our competitors and vouched for by thousands of satis-
ki X'' We guarantee the Sharpies Tubular to be
s .rerrect. try one it it is not as we claim,
rVi we refund your money .'.
i JU We compete with the "Mail
arators. Ask us about it.
The Taylor Hardware Co. prde,genn
A George Washington Statue.
A snow statue which Is such a good
Imitat'on of "The Father of His
Country," that anyone passing can
at a glance see that it was Intended to
represent George Washington, now
adorns the lawn of the Col. J. H. Ra
ley home on College street. The.-e
are two other figures, one of thm,
presumably, Martha Washington.
Two Motor Cnrs Through.
Two gasoline motor cars of the type
now In uRe In the Willamette valley
and on the Walla Walla-Dayton run,
pt.ssed through Pendleton last even
ing on their way to Portland. It Is
understood that they are both th
property of the O. R. & N. and that
one of them will be added to the Wal
la Walla-Dayton run. The destina
tion of the other Is not known but the
hope Is being entertained that It Is to
ho placed on the Pendleton-Walla
Walla run.
You probably cannot tell all wool
from half cotton, but you can know
positively what you are getting by
buying Hart Schuffner A Marx
clothes from the Peoples Warehouse,
w here It pays to trade.
Six minutes for lunch usuallv re
sults In six years of Indigestion.
We Have Two Carloads of
Sormss Cod
at the Same Old Price
Place your orders early if you
expect to get Rock Spring Coal
as this is all there is left in
Pendleton Lumber Yard
Phone Main O