East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 23, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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rabllihod IxI.t. Weekly and Semi-Weekly,
at lVndlftod, Oregon, L.' the
Pally. ne .Tear, by mall
Pally, alx month, by mall
Pally, three months, by mail
Pailr, one monili. by mall
Pally, oat year, by carrier
IMliy. ls motithB. by carrier
Pally, three months, by carrier ....
tally, nne moTHh. by carrier
Weekly, one year, by mall
Weekly, six inonilm, by mail
Weekly, four month, by mall .....
cmt-Weekly, one year, by mall ...
rail-Weekly, six months, by mall .
eml-Werkly. four months, by mall
Tbe Pally Kant Oregonlau Is kept on sale
at tbe Oregon News Co., 14" 6th street,
Portiaad. Oregon.
Chicago bureau, !09 Security Rulldlng.
Washington. V. C, Bureau, 501 Four
teenth street. X. TV.
Member I'ntted Press Association,
Entered at 'the postofflce at Pendleton,
Oregon, as second-class msli matter.
.Main 1
' v v...
1 1 insn't luck when a man suc
ceeds; It isn't luck when he wins
the game.
I.nnk over the list of hts noble
And you'll find that he earn
ed his right to fame.
What seems to you but a hap
py turn
On the wheel of fate and j
man climbs high;
Was a circumstance that he had
to earn.
Or otherwise 'twould have
passed him by.
Luck isn't a factor In man's
Thouph the little sroddess
gives favors out.
To the man who is brave when
he's in distress,
The man of strength and of
courage stout. .
Put lie must toil in the face of
And hear adversity 'long with
At last when his fortune
smiles Ah. no!
You cannot Say that ho wins
by luck.
Detroit Free Press.
4. !
The .-vicinal plans of the Wash- j
ington-t''re?on company called for j
the construction of an intorurban line
between '.Valla Walla an 1 Pendleton.
According to the directors of that ;
company Ihey had financial arrange- j
ments made for t:$iir prospective en- :
terprise. Work would have been j
started over a year ago had the mayor j
oi Walla Walla not vetoed the fran- j
chise. granted the company .by the
council or xnai cny. . i
Following the rejection of their re
quest for a franchise the Washington-Oregon
people changed their
plans. They have made Pendleton
their headquarters Instead of Walla
Walla. They propose to build an in
terurban system with this place as the
base or center of operations. The
company has announced that Its first
line will extend from this city to the
west end of the county.
The change In the company's plans
has been highly beneficial to Pen
dleton. At the same time It has been
good business policy for the company.
The company has power to sell, or
will have. This county affords a fa
vorable market. According to the
representatives of the company It will
be better for the company to sell all
Its power In Umatilla county rather
than part of it here and part In Wal
la Walla. It would be an extra ex
pense for the company to maintain
an equipment In Walla Walla too.
Eesldes the Northwestern company
has plenty of power for Walla' Walla,
though not enough for that' city and
for Pendleton also. Therefore the
present company is vulnerable in this
county and the Washington-Oregon
company Is going to take advantage
of the situation.
Surely Pendleton can afford to wel
come the new company and give It
all reasonable assistance and encour
agement It will be worth much to
Pendleton to have an electric com
pany and a traction company having
headquarters here and working for
the upbuilding of this city. Pendle
ton is tired of being a sub-station for
the Northwestern company.
Henry Clews believes that Increas
ed production will aid In lowering the
cost of living. He says:
"The true remedy for present high
prices Is a general Increase of pro
ducts end raw materials, of -which
the supplies generally are moderate.
if not actually deficient. This coun
try Is pre-eminently in need of a great
Increase In agricultural products. Our
farmers do not begin to turn out the
product per acre that Is done In Eu
rope. In many cases their product
could be doubled upon the present
area by better and more scientific sys
tems of agriculture. This Is the only
solution for the present problem of
cheaper food. In all probability It
will solve Itself by natural means.
The great profits which farmers are
now making will Immensely stim
ulate agricultural activity. Doubtless
it will attract to the agricultural clas
ses ft higher order of Intelligence and
result In the one necessary thing of
increasing the product per acre. By
this method the farmer will not only !
maintain his present profits, but will
at the same time considerably en
large them; meanwhile giving the
consumer the benefit of a larger and
cheaper supply of food."
That there is some merit In this
view cannot be doubted. An increase
In our agricultural products should
tend to lower the cost of living. But
all the trouble does not come from
low production. Much harm comes
from the formation of combines and
corners' to hoost the price of farm
products after they have left the
hands of the growers.
Then again Increased agricultural
activity would not lower the price of
coal, of lnir.'.ur. of oil, steel or other
trust controlled lines. It is alright
to advise closer furming methods and
more farming. But It is useless to
try to make the farmer the chief cul
prit in the cost of living inquiry. The
men really guilty are those who arc
piling up enormous fortunes while
farmers are merely making an honest
That the Chinese do not look upon
dogs in the same light as do Caucasi
ans is declared by Henry D. Baker,
an American counsel in the orient.
; In a recent report Mr. Baker offered
j the following advice to American
I houses seeking business among the
j mongolians:
j "I was impressed with the pnssibil
l ities of pictorial advertising as a
, means of promoting American trade
- in China. The Chinese appear to have
a fondness, amounting almost to a
j veneration, fir pictures. and for
eign art" especially excites their at
tention, because of its difference
what they are acustomed to. The
piople have an especial fascination
for calendars, and they never throw
! away a well-illustrated one, hut al
ways keep it
In supplying
in a Drominent t1npr i '
advertising calendars
for China 7ome attention should be
rai l to the special tastes or preju-d'C'.-s
of the people. I was told of one
American company which had made
a serious mistake in having used pic-
tur's of a dog in its advertising
r osters. Dogs in China are mostly
d's'inguishod as street scavangers and
pre not cherished family pets r-s in
the Occident. Pictoral advertising
i makes it easier ror Aaiarlcan niauu
i fat-furors to popularize their trade
marks, and once a certain trade-mark
is popularized no article in that par
ticular line will be bought unless it
Lfars that trade-mark."
Last night scores of people called
up the office of the East Oregonlan
to learn the outcome of the fight be
tween Battling Nelson and Ad Wol
gast. Centuries of civilization have
not eliminated the primal Instinct that
makes a man take Interest In the pu
gilistic game. Especially so when
two men like the Durable Dane and
the new lightweight champion are In
the ring.
Local people never complain when
Indian land passes to white owner
ship. From a white man's standpoint
It would be well were the entire res
ervation owned by the pale faces. Xs
to the Indians well If they are to
learn the ways of civilization what
could be more favorable than a few
white neighbors
With the special colonist rates that
will be In effect shortly there shoultV
be a heavy flow of settlement west
ward this spring. Likewise counties
of eastern Oregon wanting new people
should take' steps to have the merits
of this section made clear to the
In England the premier never
knows when he is safe: Though
Asquith party won In the recent elec
tion another crisis is now predicted.
Should It arise another election will
he necessary.
Ex-Presldcnt Zetaya is now In Ma
drid and is going to expose the Unit
ed States. Oh, my.
In any case
Liver or Bow-
trouble, be
nn th mtp
tbe Bittern.
It Is for
Rick Headache
Colds, Grippe
and Malaria.
'$$L Home
Biscuit, Cake, Pastry.
Fresh,Tasteful, Health
ful, and Economical when
mads with
No Alum
No Lima
v rr - .
Royal is the only baking po wder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
" i.musamis ot iiorsepower
of the rioting waters of the Stanislaw
river in California, wasted for so many
i r.n.,-- ....... , .
centuries, has been saved by the steel
blades of giant turbine water wheels
and changed into electricity, the larg
est transformers in the world will pre
pare this electrical force for long
d'stan.-e transmission to the far away
i'itics .ui'l towns, where it wiil be used
to lifiht tho streets, tun the railroads
. and turn iho wheels of industry.
By way of explanation: Wafr pow-
, er ;it low pressure can only be trans
mitted t.nough great canals tt slow
speed. Hut writer at hisih pressure
can be forced through a very small
r ipe so that a smaller quantity of wa
ter under high prosur" w 11 produce
as much work as a lot of it under low
! tr City
This is eqna'.ly true of elec
t the power h"Use on the
tunisl.t.v river the electricity is gcu-rat-,1
;u a cry low pressure. It
'oul'l recMjire many heavy copper ca-
I Ules. cOStinc hundred of tin, us-. n,le
,jf dollars t.. transmit th s electrical
energy unler low pressure to the d s-
tant cities. It iSfthe office of the
'tn.nsforriior," as its name implies.
to rai.-e the pressure of this electrical
enersy so that it can be forced over
a very sm.il! ".-ir". The saving in cost
of copper alone is a big item and then,
too, thei" is not so much of the pree-
iou:t energy wasted when it runs ovc
the wlri; at a high pressure
A few years ago a transformer of!
fifty kilowatts capacity, wound fori
four thousand volts, was considered
an achievement. A few years later!
a text book on electricity was issued '
showing a transformer which raised
the current to a pressure of 10.00.)
volts as srn instance of what might ! 1
done. i
When these world's largest trans-:
formers stood on the test floor of the I
General Electrical Company's plant
in Schenectady, N. Y., ready for ship- '
ment to California, each unit weigh-j
cd more than twenty-eight tons. Each I
transformer occupied a floor space of
nine by five feet and stood seventeen ,
feet high. The core of each device!
contains more than four miles ofj
heavy copper wire with a capacity of j
5,000 horse-power raised to a pres- j
sure of 138,500 volts. Before ship-1
mnt each machine was tested with !
a pressure of 280,000 volts to prove I
the Insulation.
Without the transformer the mil-1
lions of horse-power which are now i
being developed from the various -
rivers and streams and used in the
cities and villages for manufacturing
and railroad work, as well as for
heating and lighting, would be lmpos-
lot Infants and Children.
Tha KintTYoo Have Always Bought
Bears the y SjSrf--i
Bignature of OcU
1640 acres all fenced, good- new
posts, 800 acres In grain, 2E0 acres of
alfalfa land mostly set, will cut 760
tons of alfalfa this year, a stream of
water runs through which furnishes
plenty of water for irrigating, good
concrete dams and ditches, good
buildings, lots of fruit trees and ber
ries. This Is an Ideal place for feed
ing stock for the market. A railroad
runs right through- the middle of It.
Tou can buy this flue ranch for 146,
000. E. T. WADE,
Office In American Nat. Bank Bid.
Pendleton, Ore.
Biliousness, Sick
II dachc, Sour Stom
ach, Torpid Liver and
Chronic Constipation,
Pleasant to taKe
j sibli-. The current could be general- .
d but it could not be transmitted.
.lt is the Ug transformers which make j tlon In congress until Aldrlc hism and
i It nossible to turn the ware nou-or nfipnnminkn, iiDhnii,i tt,
i . .
.Niagara into electricity and to send it
over the slender wires as far us
Syracuse, Toronto and Koohester with
ii trifling lo
The ceal "choice cuts" in the in
supply are the Infrequent cuts
price Kansas City Star.
Is a tLLs.oasa si painful B? Rheumatism, rtecice; containing opiates
Vad rfT-Triier::..: Cr-as tr after, v.scd. Sue!: treats-r.t in dangerous rot
OLly tecutisa i' ::tquer.t!-7 causes t:. rofferer u. I'P'cv.i" addicted to toe
druttLabir :?:' rcedirjtes of this nan; re era hlwavs injurious m tfct system.
Kbeumatis:" M a ci-easA of th bloo! end its cur? z. 'rr.-ii entirely upon a
tioreuch purif.cat;or. of the circulation. As lor.s m tho Moort remains
laturate'! tii uric seid. an Infianirr.atory condition of ths serves, muscle
and tendon of The body will exist, iir.d ths jai-is. bci.es. sore:;ess. end hot,
feverish fies:i of Rheumatism will continue. Tbe one taf bdJ rur cure for
Rbeumatisir i S. 5 S It is nature'5 remedy for .'.: i:pase, triads entirely
of the bealin?, r!euns:ne juices and extracts of roo--i. herbs and barks trom
tbe natural forests. S S.S. does not contain anyt.ir.a r!:at is in the slightest
wey injuriora to the system. It is absolutely an i p :rely rertntablo, and
free from opiates or sedatives of en? kind. S. S. ?. cures Rheumatism by
removiso t:. t:r:c pcid from the circulation, it n:ak- the Idood rnra. rich
nd heaalth y so that instead of depositing sharp, untie imnurtfies into the
muscles, nerves, joints and bones, it nourishes ever? portion of the bodv
wnn natural, ceaiiniui properties, mook on Kheu:r.dt:?rr: ar.d any medical
advice free to all who write end request it.
Begin next Sunday February 27
Singing anl preaching evangelist. Atl are invited to
attend. 7:30 each evening
Laxative Fruit Syrup
The progressive republicans declare
tl:lt thfria Mn hn no tniA ronrenontn.
n:- ssivi s must be put In control by
j retiring reactionaries and electing
m i" progressives. Kansas City
; Times.
at i When a boy is ten lie wishes he
in j was twenty, but when a man is fifty
te w.s.ies he were ten.
FGil ElffiUMfiTISM
lb made from thr choicest wheat tlmt
urows. Good bre:id is assured when
BYEHS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran,
Shorts. Steam Kolled Barley always' on
Pendleton Roller Mills
Pendleton, Oregon
For the Lenten Season, fresh
every day at the
Central Meat Market
R. Alts HI
'Phone IfaJn II
Cleanses the system
thoroughly and clean
sallow complexions of
pimples and blotchea.
It is guaranteed
Is Hero
Better cure that eold bafor
It Is too late.
T.VLLMAN'8 F. 8.
cold capauls will knock taa
worst cold In two days. Manu
factured and sold only by
Tallman & Co.
Leading Druggists of Eastern
44 44444444444444444444
Just Received
Carload of Poul
try supplies of
all kinds
12,V129 E. Alta
Cus La Fontaine, Prop.
Best 25c Meals in North
west First-class cookc and service
Shell fish in season
La Fontaine BIk., Main St.
CD V E A fiV
T"f:-T 't-'n
5 KTnfvOTI
i ; .. j.-. - '-
i t . .
1ti!t'.;lf wfln'Tt ii t.ir i ii:if 11 frwo iur a
itnt'iif if hi ! pnt(n!; i-.li"i' '. C'in.tntmi.
fi'itiaut-i4MtrfiLTill.fi.i.ti.t tl.l"'! )"tf itn l'Hlut.
oMit trt'1. iMt i'.;. 1 'V fi r f-i p tinin.
-1IT4'IU Iftl.f'l IHM
1 u. rvH)lv
Jl-tnol flu wtttmuti
Scientific Eiim.
hnrnlTomitly IHntmfvi ''?. ) run m
ulai!m of Buy f.-if nil' ! '!.'', ii. 'Ifm,
r'nr f nt muntbe boiJUytiil iii'ww)lr
MUNW&Go.8"""-"- NewYor
Bo sure you have a comfortabla.
j warm and healthy home by ordering
j your coal of U&
Tou're sure of securing a clean,
clear burning product, of prompt de
livery and corteous treatment If w
are favored with your patronage.
Make a note of our 'phone number
Main 178, and call It when you want
the BEST Rock Spring coal.
hnne Main 178.
Milne Transfer!
Phone Main 5
Calls promptly answered
for all baggage transfer
ring. Piano and Furnture
moving and Heavy Truck
ing a specialty.
Ourss Coldsi Prevents I