t AO'rW"' DMLY &VST 'E(;OXX' MLKMUCros. OKEUON. WKDNK-SOAV, I EimtARV !, ItflO KIGHT PAUKS. III ..! f 'v'' i' .:' Special Sale of Ladies' Fine Footwear including patent, suede, bronze calf. kid and dull leathers. Lace blucher, or button. Extension or turned soles. Most all of them this sea son's styles. None worth less than $3.00 from that up to $6.00. Your choice tomorrow ti? O CI (Thursday) only . SEE WINDOW DISPLAY The Peoples Warehouse Where it Pays to Trad mmmm must i ... . - - - - - v a v ONE-LEGGED BOY IS ATHLETIC PRODIGY SIDUAXK llKiH CRIPPLE PHENOMENAL ATHLETE Cliiirlt tinlhriiUli Has One Leg Off lit (lie Knee But Captains Basketball rain. I'lays Tennis, Hides, and N t'iiiiinpion S limner. remarkable athlete In PAY UP ANNUALLY! lITED STATES COVRT HAN'm DOWX DECISION Jadg Wolverton Upholds Annual Payment Plan of Department or In terior Decision Specially Relates to Klamath Project Bnt Applies to All. A decision of the United States court which is of much interest to the set tle of the Umatilla project as well as ev ry other government reclamation project, was handed down Monday by Judge Bean in Portland. Through this ecision an interpretation is given that portion of the Reclamation met authorizing the collection of main tenance and operating expenses from year to year which upholds the annu al paymtnt plan of the oepartment. The court held that Fhe Depr.rt ft '3. f Sc-n(. Serond Act of "Brewster's Millions." nt Orefr n Monday. February 28 are made to them. In passing on the question raised Judge Bean pointed out that the Re clamation service had expended 153,- OTlO.OOO in 111 irri"-lHrn nf lnn,1. mer.ent of the Interior was authoriz-. the construction of"' projects' 'far' too i.. 1. 1 LJru.M.jn anj mam- j expensive for private capital to tin charges until such time as rUrtako. and that the mirnos of the the entire' cost of any ; c nresional net nntWi-sin th.. that par- i work Was to rotie. t the mnncv en ' ed t tenan one-h"!f of projerr shall be paid and ticular -vstem 0f irr'.catiin shall be. turned ..ver to the management of ths YFater Vsers Association, composed of penr' v ho ere ma'sine beneficial use of ?'e water. The question was raised bv the re fusal of fo-rner owners of the Kla math Fall "rr-.:T'1ti"n er.rr.pmy to pay an 'assessm. nt of li'OS amounting to $1.50 an a--e. Pis:riet Attorney M? Court was compelled to brlns action for the collet tion of the amount. In the p!ea.3in? it is recite that the K'amath F.-'i's Trriirntion company funds. was one of the oldest water-supplying ditches In the country a"quired by the Reclamation Service. Situat ed In the heart of the Klamath Falls project it possessed oil and valuable Water rights, and in the .f-jr:r.a!'on of the plan to reclaim lands, that sys tem became of importance to the service. Pledges Made at Purchase. Roseoe E. Cantrill and Cordelia M. Ankeny owned a large part of the stock of the irrigation company anl the Reclamation Service started into negotiations by which the system was acquired in April 19n, by the pay ment of $50,000. Cordelia M. Ankeny at that time contracted to purchase water for the irrigation of 1700 acres of land as it should be needed and "to pay charges duly levied against tich lands for the management and operation of the system." In 1908 water was delivered to the lands by the government and the charges fixed reached J1.E0 an acre, which Mrs. Ankeny refused to pay. Water was then turned off from the lands and her attorneys began suit contesting the right of the reclama tion officials to collect any charges. Under Faction 6 of the reclamation act it was insisted that it became In cumbent on the government to con struct, operate and maintain the Klamath Falls' project at Its own ex pense until suih time as the govern ment phould have collected 50 per cent of the cost of the works. ' Opposite Contention Expensive. If the government were able to col lect all the assessments levied each year the granting of this contention would mean that the Reclamation rvice would be called upon to nd J13.000.000 in the United States aintenance and operation alone, - asserted that all users of wa- the various projects now in ' construction would take the ruling. It was ar--ict Attorney McCourt i would cripple the branch of the gov nd that the con considered for provides that "n received be turned -rs' Aa--menta ponded by dividing the cost on an acres ge brsls. payable in 10 annunl installments. The court ruled that money rxp nd i 0 for the operation and mainten ance was necessary in assuring the ffii ic-ncv of the service to the settler in making otherwise worthless land a productive m l valuable asset,- and ".'.at it was within the power of the Secretary of the Interior to make di vision o-f't'e annua! payment between the construction and maintenance "The miwi the world." Although few are aware of the fact, Spokane cnn. In the person of Charles Gnlhraith, 18-year-old High school student, claim this rather startling distinction.- How would you like to. have your right leg amputated above the knee? . Well, that's, exactly what happened to Charles, Galbralth four years ago, and lok at this for a record since that time, despite the terrible handi cap: Star swimmer In Y. M. C. A. aquatic contests; captain of High school class basketball team; tennis expert: crack gymnast arid leader of high school apparatus squad; wrest ler, horseback rider and all-round athlete. "Without doubt the most wonderful bunch of grit and energy in the Unit ed States." was the terse comment of Physical Director Cook of the high school. Charles lives with his parents at 1317 Fifteenth avenue. He Is an Am erican, possesses a pair of extremely dark eyes. Is lithe and lanky, weighs 130 pounds nnd stands 5 feet 10 3-4 inches high. "All my life I've liked sports, and it nearly broke my heart when I had to have mv leg taken off fous years i ago." said this wonderful little buncb of lierv. s when asked for his side of the case. n Star Basketball Man. "Yes. I can go through a basket ball tame. 20-minute halves, at that, without tiring. Of course, I have a good manv falls when I hop around "n the middle of a scrimmage, but know there Is a way to ran ana not to fall. I nave lcarne i how to hit the floor without hurting mvself." Charles' schoolmates vouch for the fa.-t that he generally gets the best of j his opponent, not only in the jump off. but in the matter of throwing ; goals, and in fact all through the j play. He is captain of one of tt-r ; fourth m-ade class teams. 1 He is also had and shoulders above the overage high school lad In' Indoor gymnasium work, having been : HAS POPPED QUESTION j Choen one ef the thre. Sca lers for ' 1 ! 'he regular work. , ! Young Millionaire Has Lost His Heart ! "Vm " t:er th;'"'s take larms. sm i ne qu:fiiy. men lie ao.l- i r i-.-n pet around "ii the li'iro, ' ..-dm H t - t SHERIFF BOB LOSES . HEART TO ACTRESS ii:NIsO OF .1. J. A ST O It you a wn If you had positive proof that a certain remedy for female ills had made many remarkable cures, woulcf you not feel like trying it ? If during the last thirty years we have not succeeded i:i convincing every fair-minded woman that Lydia K. Ph!. ham's Vegetable Compound has cured thousands and thou sands of women of the ills peculiar to their sex, then we long for an opportunity to do so by direct correspondence. Meanwhile read the following letters which we guarantee to be genuine and truthful. Hudson, Ohio. " I suffered for a lonjr time from u wcukiiCMi, intiitiumatioii, dreadful pains each month and MipprcsMou. I had been doctoring and reeeivintr mil v temjtorary relief, when a friend adt ised me to take Lydia K. I'iiikliain's Vetret.ahl Com (otnd. I did tio, asid wruto to jiu for r.dviee. I have lait lif ully lollowco your Hirt i tioiis and now, alter t.ikmtr u!y live holtleM ot'the VejretaljK' CoiiiK)iitiil, I Imvo ru-ij- ivuson to l.eHeve I aiu ti well woman. Ittlve yoti full Deri.u c imi to ue mv tostiitioiiiaL' ..lr.s. Lemi Carnioeino, liu.io;., i-.. ! st. Kctiis i-v.i: y r-. SO lllilt I llil . i f . a ami it wottlil I....; ,. ; V'. i'oU (n vuji l'cr ;.i".. . ; (' I l:iiu S eretallo C' ;;.; - j- &: iliai'py to any that 1 i! tiiK-di'tthio jtt'd f.)i, ,-!:." . i. : 1 " r l? mm , h i .emale diseases. .iioi'.ga io convince the r.t h'tter for lif : Urej ert, St. Ite; There is a;i iMiity of tius t roots and We nos.-'.is Is 1 , . . i . . o ye'ii ac I w.i.1 y o.-i! very inoiith. I o I l:i ' weeks. I !:': I !ii . II. 1'itik- ii""i'j. I am l.i your ! J. ' v .re M Y rc-rr... our t ..l-jout the m.icle from '.i is, io cure of proof of tliH fact, or years Lvdia V. ?VnMr.tV v c-ctaMe .omi-ocod has Imvh the sl-.n-.l.n-d remedy for female His. , SU-U voir.', i does jnstiec to .v im::1 who will not try t. i.u.i.i.s medicir-e. ad. exclusively from roots ami herbs, and Ins thousands of cures to its credit. Mrs. Pinkhaui invites all sick women to Vl'lte iir-r f,,r .,.!,.. fetiidcd tti.vtv.ad:: to t....,'th t,ve of 'charge. iu-c .i i-S. l' 'i .Vi'tl. few ml -) to I';iseiniitii;; yille. Line Cavalii-rl ; T Waitins for An Answer. N'cw York. Robert Winthrop C'liiinlf r. millionaire grandson of John Jacob A st or. has lost his heart to the fascinating Mile. Line Cavalier! of the Manhattan Opera forces. derision' is the first handed i TnH erstwhile sheriff of Dutchess in the Federal Court affecting ' eeunty. now a devotee of the art of T' . d w n the reclamation act and Is consid ers i f V.e of gv"t imp'Ttanct in fur t'Kr'r.? the work undertaken by the u: vrr.n. r.t in many places (in the West. T.l.MM ANVIZEI) HY I5UITAIN. yaintine. has proposed marriage to the ehrrm!-'? r"n h'rl anl Ml'e. Cavalier, is thinking it over. "Sher ff rtoh." nu h's fr:ends still call him, confessed It all. and did not hesitate to say that his heart was all afimter with anxious waiting for the prima donna's decision Patriot .Manufacturer Is Ihmished l.v ! h Cn;!n!''r r' ,h! tn '"e , Offieial.lom for Timely Warning i hfaf "J! " "Tr P,hin ,!k' thfe i weeks ago and, while wav down In h.s I Berlin. The papers here are print- , nart he u b(gInn,ng to think lt ,s ing long accounts of the manner In . timp he foun,j out h!s fate hp ,s wi. v.hich II. H. Muliiner has been "Tam-i inif to ker.p wfl ting n thp rnd imanyized" In England. The English h,,pt. lhat tn ver,lict wilI not hB a ress has been extremely reticent re- refusal garaing tne matter, dui private ac- wh(n the reporter ca'.led upon counts reaching here tell an Interest- j chanler this afternoon at his studio ing story. in Fifth avenue and asked him about Air. Mulhner. according to theBe ac- llernliarilt I'lay WHw. i'aris The n -w piny in which Mine, ft.irih lletnhardt is appearing 'f atti jetimr eonsiilerah'.e attention :iem ;li....tri.'i'l cr.tic. ami mi.-t of tio- i rit l i.-m Is fiivor.il1!... 'Tn Cueiir d'H iinni"" ("A Man's Heart") Is the i'iay. 1 It is a four act dramatic comedy !;ud one predominating idea runs 1 he !...e.in f,gUrin how lo cover, ' u 1,1 UL ,nr,'n" or lm story; court and stirroiir.d'n country on I foot w.th the greatest agiiitv. I man show!. an 1 bars all right." How many rouid hop arennd on one ! r- ot 'a ! i li.y up rtif'i tlie lust in a iri-'s .-natch ? " I'lays rine Tennis (,aa.u. ' i, Th:'.i'.-- what t!;:s Sj okane tad .iocs, i '".. ;rles sa..-M he p'myed tennis fur a 'i.r bet hi limb was removed. lit didn't kiw'v much about the game that young. The her. quite .vein h in. II,. h ! ; l.i. 1 ve w ;h another nally dis llusioned ri"t marry to of tlie story marries when ;. a woman whi adorej '"mi gro'vn wr.iry of hl and falls desperate- In woman, tint is fl am! returns peni tently to h s first love. Read the East Orcuoman every day. counts Is managing director of the Coventry Iron Works. It was he who first warned the English authorities of Oermany's shipbuilding program. He persisted In rejninding the author ities to what a great extent Germany is proceeding, and finally got his plea before the cabmet, where he was con fronted by two admirals of the Eng lish navy. From that time on, Mr. Muliiner found that the doors of the admiralty were closed Inexorably against him. More than that, the orders which his ordance works ihad been receiving from the government suddenly ceased and finally the other directors of his organization were informed that no further orders would be given unless Mr. Muliiner waj retired from his post. Thereupon Mr. Muliiner retired In order to safeguard the interesta of the other directors. Orders began to pour in from the government again, and In a short time afterwards Ad miral Eacon was given the post va cated by Mr. Muliiner. Took All Ills Money. Often all a man earns goes to doc tor or for medicines, to cure a stom ach, liver or kidney trouble that Dr. King's New Life Pills wouia quickly cure at slight cost. Best for dyspep sia. Indigestion, biliousness, consti pation, jaundice, malaria and debility. 25c. at Tallman & Co. HIS APPENDIX IS CHAMPION. PennsylYnnnla Surgeons Separate Man From Troublemaker. Sharon, Pa. Edwin Ross of Shar i relinquished the longest verlform endiz known to the medical world, ling to statements by the phy who removed lt. appendix was exactly seven -ngth. Three surgeons as . removal and each was eration occurred at the t distance appendix Howard Gould of was six and three jeorga Rom, once a e athlete, now la third with an appendix six -,' to his credit In a jar of a a New Tork hospital. a rumor that he and Mile. Cavalieri were eneaed to wed. he found the former leader of Dutchess county's democracy actively engaged in put ting the finishing touches on a paint ing of aboriginal life. The reporter explained thaf he de sired to know if it were true that Chanler was engaged to marry Mile. Cavalieri. "Don't know that is, I haven't heard yet," was the reply. "I asked the madame If she would marry me and she hasn't said the word. All is up to her, you see." Then "Sher'ff Bob" paused and grinned amiably. Up to the Ansonla the reporter went to try to ascertain from Mile. Cava lieri If she had come to any decision as to "Sheriff Bob." Inquiry met with the response that Mile. Cavalieri had to sing at the Manhattan at night and that she need ed to rest and could not be disturbed. Chanler Is one of the best known democrats In the state. He held the democracy of Dutchess county in the palm of his hand for years, and al ways conducted whllrwlnd and spec tacular campaigns when running for office. To r. uii.i i. nt tbi rat hi r .inn r t .114 character study, the uark-iyed An-r : 1. an lad is laud as one of tin- Ins;' .i'lwi'K- swimmers in the Inland !i-n- ' pile. ! A year ago he swam upward if ! three-quarters of a mile in a contest ! at ly.on Ivtkc. about 10 mil- from' Spokane. According to Y. M. C. A. 1 .officials who have often watched him j in tlie tank, he can swim like a fish. 1 I'lmries learned how to maneuver I around in the water at Hangman 1 'reck. The youthful prodigy is also fond ot horseback riding and can often be. seen galloping across country in quest j of newer scenes. Fchooimates declare him an expert wrestler along with h:s many other accomplishments In the sport line. The lad himself is some what backward about talking of his capabilities. When Charles is walking about the streets he almost always uses his crutch, but when some one mentions athletics no more crutches for him. They're a useless luxury. And his opponents will testify to. this Spokane Inland Herald. When Your Head Aches don't take chances with your heart bydosintr with headache cures. It's caused by upset stomach or inactive liver. will settle the stomach and make your liver act with out violence but effectively. It will remove the cause and cure the headache. 55 n hUM'l'liX imos. Ladlea Soles Mvea. With my new machine I can sew your soles on for 65c per pair. Thej will look better and last longer. A. EKLUND. Are You a Good Shot? Valuable guns and cigars given t the best shots at the Pastime Parlor Ask Estea. WNT ROOSEVELT TO VISIT WESTERN CITIES Chicago. Frederick O. Bonfils. hnlf owner of the Denver Post and Kan sas City Post, and George Creel, one of his editorial writers, havearrived In Chicago, completing one-tenth of a lO.OOO-mlie Journey to Khartoum, where Theodore Roosevelt will be ask ed to return to h'.s native land by way of the Pacific coast. As credentials Eonfils shows invitations from every Important city west, except Denver. Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Tacomo, Spokane Ogden, Salt Lake City, Lincoln, Omaha, Cheyenne and Kansas City are among the most prominent. Bonfils expects to anticipate Mrs. Roosevelt In greeting the hunter when he emerges from the wilds. He fig ures he will arrive there March 8, In time to voyage up the Nile 200 miles or so and extend the hospitality of the west by the side of a desert camp-fire. Save money by reading today's ads There is Only One "Bromo Quinine" That la Laxative Bromo Quinine USED THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A COLD IM ONE OAT. Known For Its Strength The First National Bank PENDLETON. OREGON CAPITAL, SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS . RESOURCES OVER, . 9450,000.00 UO.000.00 UUU I SECURITY Always remember the fall name. Look for tills signature on every box. 3 60, Orpheum Theatre . P. MEDERNAO II. Proprietor HfCH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children' SEE! PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Program Change on Sundays, Tuernlny's and Friday's.