bigot pahes. DAILY KAKf (lllJOMAN, PENDLETON, OKE4JON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY It, 1110. PAOK itm. STEERS AGAIN HIT HIGH WATER MARK roKMKK HIGH I'HICE OF $3.75 IS OBTAINED Bitra Good Quality In Stoekilulo Com duiihIs the Limit Demand for Sheep Increasing! As High as 17 orferod for Wethers. Portland Union Stockyards, Stock pile, Fob. 18. Taken 1b a whole, the livestock market In holding its own quite well. The demand for sheep la Increasing and higher prices are be at offered for strictly Al quality, there Is quite a wide discrimination between ercn good and select quality and therefore shippers who do not ava the best need acarcely expect to secure prices out of their class at thl Hme. Htoekdale commission merchants are quoting as high as 7 for wethers, aut to get this price the stock must be ret class and yearlings at thai. No higher price Is at present offering for haihs, In fact sales of light wethers ai being made as lambs at this time. rdlnary wethers are In demand ar aand IS. 25. For straight lots of ewes the trade la today quoting- 15.250 CO at Stockdale. Konie Steers Kohl at $3.73. Select ateers are still selling as high a 16.75 In the union stockyards here although thin price Is obtainable only tor lots that will top all other quality. One sale of 76 head that averaged 1226 pounds was made at the high aslnt during the past 24 hours. A sale of two heifers, very light but f excellent quality, was made during a nine period at $4.65. Market for calves is f;uite firm, with perelpts small and prices showing practically no change for recent weeks. Better Run of Hog. Hetter run of hogs was shown in the yards today, a total of 418 hejul bel.ig received. Dealers say that buyers are ot offering over J 9.25 for the stuff aw coming forward. While It Is be lieved a slightly higher figure would be obtainable for selected quality, still none f the latter !s coming for Witrd. K.ut thru J9.40 h:i been received for hi?s :it Chlcngn, did not ex'dte the trade In the 1-;f-t. Hogs that brought t)ie top nt Chicago were of sxi'i-llcnt nuillty. "The sninc claps of )!":) tl'ftt lire now bringing J 3.25 her" h:i William Burke, Jr., nf-f;.-i:i1 I'i ni'ir of the Portland Livestock r 'I'.'imr-- 'v.ould not brinj; more than about J 8.50 at Chlca-m even though t!n v .v. re roMinir ih high m !'i for b t hOCS." niniii; the Shipper. C C. Pay shlpred In two lnc.ds of bor 'T'iju i'vlst n. Matin. It II. Stnnfl"11. after whom the t ah of fJianfleld W! named. ship !,.! v :i Ion-! of cheep from that grow ing center today. M Tl. Yntos, nnoth' r Sl.infield Khlp, was In the yards with a load of rattle. Joe Itaymond sent In a car from Hcho. Kettle I'.ros. supplied the market with two loads of cattle and calves from Union and two loads of cattle from North Fcwder. George A. Gerwlck sent In two loads f hliw from Welser, Idaho. Nesterson & Wiley shipped In a load of cattle from Joseph. C. W. McC.owan came In from Kla math with two loads of rattle. Today's range of livestock values: Cattle Hest steers. SS-60 iji 5.75; geod steers. 5.0085.60; common steers, J3. 504. 00; medium, $4.50; fancy heifers, $1.504.65; best cows, $4.60 4.75: medium cows. $4.00ifJ 25; poor cows. $ 2.60 IT 3.50; bulls. $2.r.ni3.75; stags, $2.6003.00. Hogs Best east of the mountains, $25: fancy. $9.00; stockers, $8.50: piKs. $8.00. Sheep Best wethers, $8.00; ordl ry, $5.50; spring lambs, $6.6008.75; straight ewes, $5.756.00; mixed lots, $5.60. Calves Best, $6.76 (i 6 00; ordinary $5 0005.26. Colonist Rates OREGON Short Line nd uniom Pacific Colonist Rates To OREGON and the Great Northwest Tlie management of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. (Oregon Lines) takes great pleasure in announcing that the low rates from eastern cities, which have done so much in past seasons to stimulate travel to and settlement- in Oregon, will prevail again this pin ing DAILY from March 1 to April 15, inclusive. 'ift, fi .TtrrrrTiiTmBiw V;" People of Oregon The railroads have done their part; now it's up to you- The colonist rate is the great est of all ,homebuilders. Do all you can to let eastern people know about it, and encour age them to come here, where land is cheap and homebuilding easy and attractive. FARES CAN BE PREPAID at home if desired. Any agent of the O. R, & N. Co. is authorized to receive the required deposit and telegraph ticket to any point in the east. REMEMBER THE RATES From Chicago ?33, from St Louis $32, from Dmalia and Kansas City ?25. This reduction is proportionate from all other cities. WM. McMURRAY, Gen, Pass. Agent, Portland, Ore. C J. JACKSON, Agent, Pendleton, Ore. jB Want Ads. E WANTED. WANT TO RUN about five acres of garden or poultry ranch on shares. Beginning first of March. Paul Rubesamen, 8t Anthony Hospital, Pendleton. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry. Work done with especial car. Phone Red 1621. For Sale Continued. ANYONE, anywhere, can start a mat order business at home. No can vaasfng. Be your own boss. Send fei free bookletf Telia how. Heacock 2708, Lockport, N. T. AN intelligent person may earn $1J ! monthly corresponding tor newspa pers. No canvassing. Bo tar par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 1708 Lock port. N. T. FOR SALE 80 acres of good alfalfa land In the Hudson Bay district. Every foot under cultivation. Oood water right. No buildings. Ssr rounding lands sell for from $llv 00 to $260.00 per acre. The beat alfalfa proposition In the Wall Walla valley. Must sell and win take $125.00 per acre. Half cask, balance long time at per cent. Address, F. E. Cockburn, Milton, Oregon. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Staff! Comb Buff Orpington egga from th prize-winning Wlndle. strain. $1.5 per setting of 15. Mrs. A. B. Wis dom, us Walnut street Fnon B. 1011. FOR SALE. curt SALk Old newspapers wrap ped In bundles of 150 each, suitable for wrapping, putting under car pets, etc. Price 15c per bundle, two bundles 25c Enquire thla ox flee. FOR SALE S. C. Black Mlnere eggs. 1 The kind for eggs, six and beauty. Eggs $1.60 per li. Laatar Boyd. 810 East Webb street. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAINES, U you want to subscribe in magastnoe or newspapers In the United State or Europe, remit by postaj note, check, or send to the EAST ORJD OONIAN the net publisher's prlea of the publication you desire, an! we will have It sent you. It i-B! aav you both trouble and risk. U you are a subscriber to the EAST. OREOONIAN, In remitting yom cap leduet. ten per cent from the pub lisher's . price. Address EABT OREGONIAN PUB. CO.. Pendl ton. Ore. Classified Directory THE HIT I dam news coming from wheat fields Ivan-nx City Reports Say Tliut Sam pies of Wheat Show No Life Chi cago and Liverpool Lower. tM ti? consists nt a hoilse and lot Marshfield, worth at least $5000. In We can grind you a new lense In " few minutes Bring your broken len to u. llanwom's Jewelry store. Ill II v City. Mo., Feb. IS. A lnoul cash wheathouae this morning ays i;s mail is brin ing more crop damage reports th in any day yet. It had sam-pli-H last night from six fieliis, in which tlu:r! was no more 1 fe th;m i" a biitu h of excelslon. It is ch'Sf to zero weather again, nnd tins IP not helping the situ ation any. When You Xewl Foley's Orino Laxative. When you have that dull, heavy, feverls feeling, accompwanled by constipation. When you have headache, indigestion, bil iousness, pa n In stomach and bowels, then you need Foley's Orino Laxative. It moves the lio.vels freely and gently nnd thoroughly clears the Intestinal trnct. It does not gript or nauseate and cures constipation. Koeppen Urns. running to school ana broke both hones of his arm below the elbow and the wrist. As it was nearly 9 o'clock the lad feared that he would be late, and, Jumping to his feet, hurried on. He arrived in time, but the principal noticed the arm hanging limp and took the boy to a doctor to be examined. Willis s;:i 1 afterward that he knew his arm was bent considerably, but v as determined not to be tardy. Four Lines, in Daily, Weekly and Semi-Weekly $1 per month. Extra Lines over Four, cents per Line per month. , 25 onth. PHTSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO pathic physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephones: Office, black 3411; resl1n., r4 tttl IHKTOK SAVE'S MAN'S LIFE TELEPHONE The Cause of Many .Sudden Deaths: There is a cliwnsc prevailing in this country most claiiKerom. occause so deeep- ' ih iit'is arc caused by it heart hs ,tw imemnonia. ifV heart failure o ni i.pli xy fircoftvn the result of kill iirv iiiM-asc. II kidney trouUe it iiI'.ewii'loiulvaiKC ll-.i $.i(lney-j oi: ix '. hlolKl will Ct- tack the vital organs, ran.mi,' cnlnrrU ol the Wndikr, briclc-i'ust or mhinciit in tho urine, head rrlie, Imck oihe, lnmc bark, diiziness, Bice plcFf ncf s nervous ncss, br the kidneys thetnselvcs break down ami waste nwuy cell by cell. BlaiUIcr troubles almost always reMi. from a .leraiigement of the kidneys arc fcetter health in that orj-nn is Jblintieu anickestbyaproper treatment cftlie kid neys. Swamp-Root corrects inability to boldnriueaud scalding pinmpasnng il, and overcomes that wiipleasniit ntccsMty of being compelled to go often throiij b the day, and to get up many times during the night. The wild ond immediate cilctt oi Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest be cause of it3 remarkable health restoring properties. A trial will convince anyone. Swnmp-Root is pleaesrnt to take and i? old by all dniggists in fifty-cent and osKMlollar ize bottles. Yon may have a arnnple bottle nnd a Ixxik that tells nil about it, both sent free by mail. AoV.rcss, lr. Kilmer & Co., IJingliamton, N. . When writini? mention reading this gcr. crons offer in this paper. Don', make any mistake, but remember thb name. Swamp-Root, end don't let a dealer Fell yon something in place of Swamp-Root yon do yon will be disappointed. Chicago, Feb. 18. While damage reports continue to come from various points of the middle west, trade was strongly inclined to the bear side to day and after opening unchanged, prices closed 3-Sc to 3-4c a bushel lower than yesterday. Foreign trade In grain was not of character to induce bullishness on this side and this Wiis clearly reflected in opening vulucs here. Liverpool opened 5-Sd to 3-4 d lower and clos ed 3-8d to l-2d under yesterday. Antwerp -was &-8d lower at today's closing. Minneapolis advices told of a good demand there for cash wheat. Today's shipments of flour from there were 6 5.24 2 barrels. Argentina shipments Wheat, ifio onn bushels; corn, 252,000 els. CaHh wheat No. 2 red, H 2401.26; No. 3 red, l.t8 1.21 : No. 2 hard, Jl 13 1-25S1.14 1-2; No. 1 northern spring. 1.16 l-24fl.1T 1-2; No. 2 northern spring. 1114 1-2 1.15 1-2; No. 3 spring, $1.12 1-25J1.14. Cash corn No. 2, 85c; No. 3, 63 1-4 fi 64 1-4c; No. 3 white. 64 l-2c; No. 4 r!) l-4(!i,60 l-2e;. No. 4 white, 60 ll 'Mr tine No. 4 yellow, 60 l-2ei?62c. North Yaklmn. Wash. Directing operations from a telephone 12 miles away, Dr. S. D Cameron today saved the life of Andrew Burge, a pioneer Indian fighter, who by mistake took a dose of poison for cough medicine. Mr. Burke, who Is 81 years old and lives In Wenas valley, took enough poison to kill several men. The fam ily reached Dr. Cameron over the tel ephone and he explained what to do for the victim. Mr. Burge came across the mountains into the Yakima valley more thnn a half century ago to fight Indians. 5.- bush- La grippe pains that pervade the entire system, la grippe coughs that rack and strain, are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. Is mildly laxative, safe and certain in results. Koeppen Bros IlllAVES imOKEX AUM RATIIEK THAN RE TARDY Winona, Wash. Willis Berry, aged 8. fell on the frozen ground while Sore Lungs ond Itnw Lungs. Most people know the feeling, and the ml.'-erabie stnte of 111 health it In dicates. ' All peolo should know that Foley's Honey and Tar, the greatest throat and lung remedy, will quickly eure the soreness and cough and re store a normal condition. Ask for Foley's Hom-y and Tar. Koeppen Bros. imil.VK SEEDING KECOHD. Farmers of Walla Walla Valley Plan to Plant Two-Third More. Walla Walla. Two thirds more spring seeding will be done in the Walla Walla valley this spring than in previous seasons, states Jap Scott, an extensive wheat raiser. "Condi tions for spring seeding are better than in 20 years," he declares. Many Walla Walla valley farmers last fall allowed seeding operations to go over until this spring, believing It wise to change tactics and try seeding in the spring. As a result many of the largest areas of wheat lands in the county are In a condi tion by which no forecast can be made accurately. Damage done by the storms and cold the past winter is not believed to be heavy. Rend the "Want" ads today. Overindulgence Some day you may eat too much. Some ni(jht (if you're a man) you may drink more than good for you. For all excesses in eating and drink WHITE FHOO LEAPS FKOM rNDKUGKOrND AND PE1US1IES Vale, Ore. While trying to locate the source of the trouble with the pump at the plant of te Vale Elec tric Light company, a white frog hop ped out. Tlie rrog was anve, oui died soon after gettinir Into the air. The presence of the frog Indicates a subterranean stream or spring of pure water. It Is possible that the electric light company will now drill deeper In the hope of reaching a Iarper wator sup ply. The present supply seems in adequate to the needs of the large boiler, necessitating the shutting down of the plant at frequent Intervals be cause of lack of water. It Is said this Is one of several frogs that have been found In the pump. - v .... DR. LYNN K. B LAKES LEE, CHRO nic and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro- theraputics. Judd building, . corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 654. DENTISTS. E. A. MN.N. DENTIST. OFFICE Main street, next to Commercial Association rtoms. Office 'phone. viack 3421; residence 'ph r.e. red ; .51. DR. M. S. KERN, DENTAL SVR geon. Office, room 15 Judd bullri ng. Phone, red 3301. ' MISCELLANEOUS. CHINA RESTAURANT, noodles and chop suey, Ung D. Goe'y,' prop. At the old stand, Alta street. in rear of Tallman & Co. HAIR WORK DONE ALL KINDU of hair work done at Madame Ken nedy's H.ilr Pnrlr.ra n7 r r.,-. " -I wv. A-t . VUUI I street, the only natural human hair ever sold in Pendleton; also a nice line of goods to sell, rolls, chains, pomps, switches, pufrs, made from your" own combings. Everything strictly guar anteed. Shampooing, hairdressing a specialty. Highest prices paid for combings. Phone Red 3t2. VAUGHAK BROS., DENTISTS. OF- . fice in Judd building. Phone Main '3. ; . VETERINARY STRGEONS. OR. O. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector and member State Veterinary Board. Office at residence 915 east Court St. Res. 'phone Main 69. ATTORNEYS. RALE Y A RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank building. OF- FEB SLATER, LAWYERS, fice in Despaln building. CARTER & SM .Ti:3, ATTORNEYS at law. Office m American Nation al Bank bulldlnk. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RR pair work on all kinds of machine, structural Iron work and machlrm castings. Junction cf Court and Alt streets. Marlon Jack, Prop.; A. P. May, manager. LET ELECTRICITY DO YOTJH work It's clean, reliable .ad con venient. Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed. J5.25. Electric Hot- Water sn . Curling Iron Heaters, Electric Coffee Percolators, etc. A complete stock of Gas and Electric fixtures. First-clan wiring of homes, etc. 3. L. Vaughsa. 815 Main street YEE SAM, LEE CO., NOODLE RE9 taurant, Mrs. Goey, Prop. Chlckea noodle soup, chop suey, etc. . Webb St., between Main and Garden. Phone Red 3391. SLOM KEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY: family wishing; work done by hand: mending free; goods called for ani ellvered. 408 East Court street. JAMES B. PERT Y, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. MACHINERY. LOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors tit law. Office In Despaln building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, nortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17 So- 'dt block. SONS ARE CCT OFF WITH A DOLLAR F.AC11 Marshfield, Ore. When the will of tho late Mrs. John Nasburg was ad mltted to probate a -secret of past years was made public. Mrs. Nasburg left her estate to Russ Nasburg, who is referred to as her son but who was adopted by her. She leaves $1 each to her two sons whoso whereabouts re unknown. Until the will was read few if any. In Coo county knew that the testatrix had two sons. The ee- is best because it acts on the liver, moves the I and sets rid of whatever may be ovcrloa'dine stomach. For any sickness of the sort constipa- tion or stomacn ana itvcr troumcs taice an i iv tao- letto-niuhtand you'll feel better in the morning;, JXl SAi,E RY A. 52 C. KOEPPEN Hit OS. wels our : f ' jsrv;rr jr my PETERSON 4 WILSON, ATTOR neys at law; rooms S and 4 Smith Crawford building. PEELPS STEIWER, ATTORNEYS at. law. Offices In Smith-Crawford building. UNITED ENGINEERING CO., MB chanlcal engineers. Irrigation power or electric plants gas prod Bo ers. 25-28 P.-I. Bldg., Seattle, Wash ington. , AUCTIONEER. COL. F. G. LUCAS, LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Atheaa and Farmers' Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. FUNERAL DIRECTORS JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmar. Opposite postofflce. Funeral pari -r. Two funeral cars. Calls responded te day or night. 'Phone main 78. CHAS. J. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY j at law. Office In Association block. 1 . I DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY i at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 1, t, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. SEOOND-nANTD DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything you need in new ana secona-nana furniture, stoves, grsnltewsre and crockery, call and get his price. No. 212 East Court street. FRATERNAL ORDERS. I ,Jt PENDLETON LODGE No. II, XX A. F. and A. II., meets the tint I and third Mondays of eitfi month. All visiting brethren are In- ; vlted. DAMON LODGE NO. 4. of P., meets every Mon1a evening in I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend. W. I. Gadwa, C C; R. W. Fletcher, K.. ol R. A 8. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS 3 Ticket Coupon For free ticket given by the East Oregonian to "The House of a Thousand Candles" at. the Oregon Theatre, Wednesday, March 2nd. W. D. FLETCHER, SUCCESSOR TO R. E. Tarbet, Real Estate, F!r, Life, Accident and health insurence. Basement American National Bank. Employment Office and collection agency. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC Name Address. Tills coupon most accompany each list. HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKES reliable abstracts of tit t. all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Payj taxes and makes Investments for non residents. References, any ban' In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. VT. S. HENNINGER, Vlve-Pres. C. H. MARSH, See. BENTLEY LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident insur ance agents. New location, 8 It Main street. Phone Main 404. LIVERY AND FEED STABLVf. "ITY LIVERY STABLE. TH JMPSON street, Carney A Bradley, Props. LWery, feed and sale atablec Qoi4 rigs at all tlmee. Cab Una In !. tlon. 'Phone main ft. D. A. MAY CONTRACTCR Air"" Builder. Estimates furnished on al) kinds of masonry, cement walks, ttoaa walls, etc. black S7S. or Or--goblan office. w HI i. cverv tcnian Marvel "KT"" tuuuuo Ask rnnr irordst for it. If h esnnot snrrlT ih MAltVKL. accent ro othrr. hMl fiend stnmft ;r iHqs- iritrii book sealed. It kIvm full dt.rnrilmra imrt ilirwttcmll InrHlDnhls 'chtlin. slRVELC0-44 6-2SSSt. NY tl'KCK I 1 4 BTV B4 t tnctnr. Y"itvKsCHiia'.C:. MEN AND WOMEN I'm Biff to for annttvrtl d t b x tt In m m t iuiu, trnutioot or alrfttiootf of nucoai mmbrtnM Pimt, and not Mtrffi gat or pooooui. br nrM, wn:.a. (ur :( V4