page txjni. DAILY EAST UltbGU.MAN. I'EN ILK1XN. OKKtiON, SATl'KDAY, FKIUIL'AKY IB, 1910. EIGHT PAGES. "i'St? - - J AN INDHITSHENT NEWSrAPEIL fublltM Dally .Week and Iteml-Wfekly. I EAST OKKGOMA.N rL'lXlSUl.NlJ CO. SVBSCRIITIOX RATES. ltU. ant yrar. by ium :1 15.00 Dally, alx moatha, bj mail 2. SO 1!1t. thrw mimtlis. by mail Ii:y, unc nonth. by mail SO Ixily, on year, by carrier 7.50 I'Kily. W mouth, by arrier 3 75 Dal'y, tare month, by carrier .... l.SS Dally, one month, by carrier ti Wckiy. ou year, by mail 1.50 Weekly, six months, by mail "5 Weekly, foar month, by mall 50 Veml-Weekly, one yoar. by mall .... l.fiu Semi-Weekly, six ni u'J.s. by mail .. .75 Semi-Weekly, four months, by mall . .50 Tbe Dally Eaat Oreonlaa Is kept oo salt j at the Oresroo Newt Co., 147 Utb street, Portland. Oregon. ' t niraco l.ureau, 9 Security Hulldlng. Waabiurton. P. C. Bureau, 501 Four tecnts street. X. W. Member Vnlted Press Association, Batered at tbe poctofflce at Pendleton, Oregon, as second class mall auatter. Telephone Main 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 MAKING THE REST OF IT. Coldest kind o weather north, an east an' west. An' they're shiverin' in the lowlands o' the south, Put Spring'!! soon be comin'. with the roses on her breast .n' honey will be meltln' In yer mouth! Coldest kind o' weather! When the bluebird chirps a note In a little patch o' sunshine sweet an warm. The music in a minute is friz up in his throat An' he's pelted with the peb hks o" the storm. Coldest kind o' weather but it's with us for the best; The song'll be the sweeter fer the sigh; There's the glad note of the robin with the red upon h:s breast, Ait' the Spring'll come an' kiss us by an' by! Frank L. Stanton in Atlanta Constitution. 41 i 4! 4 i 4 ! ; 4 ! 4 ; 1 MORE WORK TO PO. Because Pendle-ton is assured a traction system with interurban con- ; ne. tions it does not follow that local; ptopl may "rest upon their oars" for ! any length of time. It is true one bis I Job i- finished. Pendleton will not ) likely h;iV( another tusk of such mag- i nitudo for some time. Yet there is gcing t.i be mur-h more work, to do. , If Pendleton is really to co.-qe into its j "harbor." $15,000; Neah bay, $200. own and become the citft is entitled i 000: ReUingliam harbor, $15,000; the to be then t!vs work must be done ! Seattle ditch. $150,000. and Grays well. i Harbor, nothing, complains the Aher- The advent of the- traction system dren World. It is a safe conclusion is going to mark the beginning of a that either we have no friends in con new period in this city's ' history. ' press fir we are a satisfied people. Alter that system has been establish ed, or even fairly started, Pendleton will h;ve broken through its shell. Jet a chick just out of its shell is but little greater than before it broke through. The difference is that it has greater possibilities. It will be that way with Pendleton. When the trac tion system is once started Pendle ton will pass forever from the country town stage. This place will then have city possibilities. The future growth and prosperity of Pendleton will de pend upon the' extent to which we take advantage of the opportunities that are before us. After the traction system has been started It w-!ll be up to local people tc see that the lines are extended as they should be. Pendleton will need connections with all parts of its tribu tary country. As such connections are secured it will devolve upon local business men to take steps to secure their share of the trade from the newly opened territory. Through such considerations as large and up-to-date Etocks, good advertising, reas onable prices and generally courteous treatment may they accomplish this purpose. Then there are civic Improvements that will have to be secured. We need many things now, among them being a new water system, a first class theatre, a library building and a new high school building. In the fu ture other needs will doubtless arise. In the proper time all these things must be provided. Sanity must pre vail along these lines to be sure. Tet the course must be forward. The "Progressive" must keep In the sad dle. There will be people who will not like th nw conditions. They will be scared and uncomfortable. They will want to go back into the hell. But of course that cannot be permitted. If they cannot become accustomed to the life and bustle of the Greater Pendleton they will ha to go to Walla Walla or some other quiet place to dwell - GO TO TT." Mr. Fits Gerald tays the Washington-Oregon company will not build on Main street. He Intimate that some new business streets will be pro vided for the city. Very well. It u certain that'if rendlcton la to grow nt the business district will n 1 n ,-,1 Tt la n nr - il 1 1 (i .1 have to be 11 ui- VlllllidlU. a ,'v-v-, uij Iter any town to confine its business ,t ciil1 to distrk., t(0 1mltej , tont. Such a policy means exorbi tant rents and cramped quarters. Pen dleton merchants have suffered much airoady from the fact that all the bus iness has been confined to ay few 1 locks and tluse blocks have been i tied for the most part by men who confine their activities to the collec tion of rents. Ou to it. Extend the business district. A chick cannot stow and stay in its shell. THE CHATKK I,AKK llOAD. The Medford Mail-Tribune grows vtry caustic in speaking of the su preme court's decision against the Crater Lake road. Here is an ex tract from the Medford paper. "flod threw a pearl before swine when 1.. ii.'.ced Crater Lake In Ore gcn. The greatest natural wonder In the world, the greatest scenic , asset any land possesses, and a people too ignorant, too provincial, too dense to appreciate it, a people actually hos tile towards making it accessible and a supre'me court, as narrow as its constituency, cater ing for votes In its tiiossback environment. "The court has chosen to take the narrow construction of the raw, al though less than a month ago It gave the law a violent wrench to sustain its own unconstitutional membership swallowed a camel to strain at a gnat. But the Palefn hog and the Willamette valley pinhead. and. their reactionary guide in the tall tower have been appeased and assisted in their effort to hurl, a stumbling block in the path of progress." These are sharp words but then the provocation is great. Many people 4;cutside of Medford would also like to have seen the Crater lake road built. It may be built yet. A movement is now on at Medford to raise $30,000 by subscription. This amount will be added to another $50,000 approprl rled by Jackson county and the $100, C00 will be used to construct the road. Rut is is Inequitable to raise money by subscription for such pur poses us this. A few progressive1 and public spirited people are matle to bear the a burden that should fail upon houiders of many. HOW AP.OIT IT? . Tor Oreson. J2.n$2.340. Washington, ?561,30n. of which For Wil- lapa hari'T gets $30,000. Olympia Then, again, maybe we are lazy." Yet Washington has three congress men and two senators. They are all republicans and four of them are "regulars." Of Oregon's senators one 13 a democrat and the other is often called a populistic republican. For some reason they seem to have done well despite their political alignments A number of local ladies are now working to secure a Chapter House which If obtained will be used as headquarters for the ladies clubs. If the ladies want this institution very badly the East Oregonlan Is ready to wager they will secure it. According to the dispatches from Washington, Glavls is now to be placed cn the defensive. Doubtless Glfford Pinchot too will be subjected to at tack. The "investigation" committee was not really named to Investigate Ballinger but rather to defend him. Zelaya is said to have swindled some people in San Francisco. Good for him. Now if he can proceed to bunco a few Seattleltes his right to fame will be unquestioned. Why not shift the business dist rict around some? None of the real ly big Main street property owners gave a cent to the traction fund. The more snow, the more taoisture. THE NEW YEAR MON'DAY. How they gleam, the golden years, On the ardent eye of youth! In his ravish soul he hears Ail the music of the spheres. And tomorrow, then Is truth, "These tomorrows are all mine!" Oh, divine Years of youth! In his dream How they gleam! How they go, the vanished years, Down the ebbing tide of time, Bearing freight of hope and fears O'er a current swoll'n by tears, Onward to the sea sublime To the ocean of the past. Where, at last. Shall we rest? Ay, no! How they go! Let them gleam, and flee, and go, Each with Its appointed train. Shining somber, swift, and slow. In your heart of hearts ye know All those years of earth are Tain Shadow of the life to be, 8orrow free, Use them as God wills, and so. Let them go! Selected. AIIOIT MISS NEWM.WS DEATH. Portland. Ore.. Feb. 18. (Editor East Oreconlan. Pendleton. Oregon.) Pear Sir: The news item in your issue of the 16th from Corvallis rel ative to Miss Stella Newman's death contained a conclusion that Is hardly warranted and I would like to ask spare to explain briefly the matter: Miss Newmtn was given up by phy sicians before coming to Oregon but through Chrstiitn Science was great ly benefited, so much so that she sought a position again and began teaching. During the past few months she had some help from Christian sv'entists. but nt regularly, or to any great extent, relying mostly upon her study of the Pcripture and Christian Science literature for help. Tour correspondent's conclusion that she had died because she had not secured medical aid can hardly be said to be well b;t ed beciKise there Is no way to determine whether such aid would have been effective Having been pronounced incurable by medical physicians naturally would make her reluctant to seek help in that direc tion. Had she employed a Christian Sci ence practitioner at the last instead of relying upon her own understand ing the result might have been dif ferent. She was under a physlclnn's care, who had been called by friends, when she died. Tours truly, HOWARD C. VAN METER. Committee on Publication for Oregon. HIS THREAT TO CONDrCTOK. Some time ago a man at Tysilanti, Mich., became crazed On the subject . rif hypnotism and was sent on a ! Michigan Central train to an asylum, i When the conductor asked for tickets i the crazy man heean telling of his ; hypnotic powers. j "I'll hypnotize you," he said. ( "Fire away." replied the conduc- , tor. ' j The man made several passes before ! the conductor's face. j "Now you are hypnotized. " he said. The conductor looked the part as best he could. "You're a conductor," the hypnotist ' said. "That's right," replied h a victim. ! "You're a good conductor." went on ; the hypnotist. ; "Right asraln." said the conduct"!-. , "You don't drink, smoke or swear : at passengers. You ate honest. You ; turn in nil t'ekets an.l money you col- ; b ct fr"m pat-singers. In fact, you in not steal a cent." "Th it's Wght." asserted the ---n- ; 'iu;tor. The hypnotist eyed him for a nm-ini-nt. thi ti sa d: "What an awful fix you'd be in if , I !et you in this condition," Ctrca co Rec.rd-TT. raid. A EXAMPLE. A few years iiij.i thiV" n:,s i! s'. fi colored hoc named Ransom r.' who. after being eausiit in a turn .et petty' de-lhjqu' ncles. was' ct las s ntenccil to a short term in the pen- iti-ntiary. where lie w;'s sent to learn a trade. On the day of this return ' home he met a friendly white ac- ! quaintunce who asked: "Well what did they put vm: ,u in the prison, Ranse?" "!py started in to make an honesl ! boy out'n me, sah." "That's good. Ranse. ;in.i I hope they succeeded." "Dey did, sah." "And how did they teach you to I honest?" "Dey done put me In Die shoe shop, ' s;'h. nailin' pasteboard owter shoes' fo' leather soles, sah. Ohio Peniten- ' tiary News. ! XO RESPECT I'OR DK.MTV. The other night Dr. Edward Good rich Aciieson was given the Perkins medal .by the Chemists' Club. The Perkins medal is an article of esoteric significance, bestowed upon a chemist who has largely distinguished himself during the past year. In this instance Dr. Acheson invented some new form of goo. While the, ceremonies were iti progrtss a late comer entered the clubroom. Dr. Acheson was stand ing on the platform, with two older scientists at his side. "Who," said the late coiner, "is the party making a chest up there?" The stranger whom he. addressed said, in a tone designed to put the late comer in his place: "That is Dr. Acheson." "Ah," said the unabashed person, "and that's Topeka and Santa Fe with him, I reckon." Cincinnati Times Star. Save money by reading today's ad TTIIS WITX. INTEREST MOTHERS. Mother Gray a Bweet Powders for Chil dren, a Certain relief for Fererlsliness. Headache, I'.ad Htomach, Teetblng Disor der, move and regulate tbe Bowels and de stroy Worms. They break up Colds In 24 hours. They are so pleasant to the taste and harmless as milk. Children like them. Over 10,000 testimonials of cures. They never fall. Sold by all druggists, 25c. A$k today. Don't accept any substitute. ANOTHER GOOD BUY 1640 acres all fenced, good new posts, 800 acres In grain, 250 acres of alfalfa land mostly set, will cut 760 tons of alfalfa this year, a stream of water run through which furnishes plenty of water for Irrigating, good concrete dams and ditches, good buildings, lots of fruit trees and ber ries. This Is an Ideal place for feed ing stock for the market. A railroad run right through the middle of it. Tou can buy this fine ranch for $44, 000. E. T. WADE, Office In American Nat. Bank Bid. ' Pendleton, Ore. WANTED District managers, agents and solicitors for new whole life and 10 year 6 per cent Debenture Bond, also best natural death and disabil ity policy. No classification for oc cupation, race or sex. Oood pay. Mr. Meek, 1041 Drexel BIdg, Phila delphia, Pa. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent Inquire 719 College street. IN WASHINGTON, D. C, EVERYBODY KNOWS "COL. WILLIAM CAMP.5 4 'i' J . '-. ,w i : ' i ."-K . . jf"i X sis 1el'i 5, yt vt i M)&AjaJt .ak CUIVALROUS, hisli-mlnded, im;)ulive, generous, courtcons, courageous, loyal, a believer in good fellowship, a lover of homo, magnanimous to ene mies, true to f . ictuls, js a reputation that any man may well envy. "om.m better exemplifies this description than Col. William Camp, whose testimoniu! is iven below. fl!s unique flpure and charming personality is well known in the streets of tlie capital city of the United States. Ills word is as gxl asliisbond. His rranknesg and truthfulness no one bus ever questioned that knew 1 i in. Read what lie .-aya concerning Pernna. write to sav that I have valuable remedy ior coughs or colds and rebuilding ot a worn and tired system, dissipating and eradicating that old tired feel ins." Col". WilUain Camn, 17 iO L St., N. V., Washington, D. C. MR. ('HAS. 1JKOWX, Roe -i-v.I'o Tetui., wrlitM: "I feel it my duty to write vou a f-w words in praise of your l'eruna. I jiuvo tried mar; ' : etit remcdic-, 1ml iiavo found that Pu na is the trrcaii . t toni.: on earth, nr.d n erfect syst.-iu b.i't ler. "A, friend adv; .! :.;o to ta'se P-rnin fjr Inrliestiou, a:i-! :t rurml :t short lime. I w:..- ' er.v w tud Tlic Lady Bear. 11- M:-X'.ell. sup' l .til-mi-in! of the puiilic ,-ciiools of N'- York, piented out nt a d'nr,. r tie- hit n r!.-n. e o-" . x I'i.i : ii 1 1 e.iii the simp 'es: thin's to children. "i ; ii-: wi-e." said Mr. M:well. "th- eltil.i will take- o:ir nie-anit.g wrong, i P. Is like the ea.-c of the little girl in. .-'isnday school. This little girl, as a ii . iir-l for good behavior, was ac- corded the privilege of e-h-iositig the (losing hymn. "'And what hymn shall It he. toy, dear'." the teacher asked. A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL One of the most valuable qualities cf Mother's Friend is that it safe-guards the ftmir: health of the mother. It is a. liniment to be applied externally to the body, the use of which lubricates the muscles and tendons, softens the elands and ducts, prevents lumps forming in the breasts, and relieves the pain, nervous ness, nausea, and other troubles from which so many expectant mothers suffer. When Mother's Friend is used reirtilarly it fits and prepares the system for an easy and natural consummation of the torm. Women who massage with this great liniment are always saved much suffering when baby comes, and recover more quickly, and without ill effects. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Writ for onr free book for expectant mothers. THE BRADFtELD CO., ATLANTA, GA. Dyers' Best Flour 108 R. -.y-wvi &r - 1 'X L V 1 fMW&S I iind Pc-ru-na very valuable for rcluiilclinjr of n worn jiikI th'i'd .hi system. used Heruna end find it a very ' v.ii.i, cop id -! j IVruna rnr.-d ! j in!?, and made m nit little al nl'-'ht, ! i:t . tired. r.!!-L-ono feel feel liko a t:ew man, I heart :)v recomniijiiit It to all who are we.-ik and run down. It will give ii"W lifn and en r.-y. I er.nnot speak too hiclily of Pprun, .iii I wiil not fornet t rei-ommend I -r I! D 1 is .i::.!lilf:iitllieil lv ihc l'eru:;:; imi.; Ml. (.'o.,Cu2uul,uii, in ia TI ite about Ihe little she tin' reply. r. ' '!': . tie about the little she bear? i..t-.-, do you mean?' exclaimed teacher. ' 'T'.e one that says,' answirej the it- niri. Ciin a mother's tender 1 It t.i . ;-r towards the child she :t. Louis Post-Dispatch. It still remains to he scen whether 'aitii'.i.'j staniiing by the president Is r.ot rieatu to be conditioned upon the i.r sidetu's standing by Cannon. New iurk I'ost, TTe 3 for every use. Cut generous ly fulL Two hip pockets. Felled seams. Continuous fly. HUBPHY, GRANT & CO. Manufacturer! Surradn Uihrn mm USE. Is made from the choicest wheat that 2rows. Good bre:id is assured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts. Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon FISH! FISH! For the Lenten Season, fresh every day at the Genlral Meat Market Alta St. 'Ftaona Main II Pneumonia Season Is Here Better cure that cold fcefore it is too late. x TALLMAN'8 F. 8. cold capsule will knock the worst cold In two days. Manu factured and sold only by Tallman & Co. 0 Leading Druggists of Bastera Or. Just Received- Carload of Poul- try supplies of all kinds COLESWOR.THY 127-129 E. Alta ea444o; 1h. QUELLE Cus La Fontaine, Prop. Best 25c Meals in North1 west First-class cookc and service Shell fish in season La Fontaine Bile., Main St. so vFArrs C0PVIGf.T3 AC. ;tf h n t.1 rVvrlt l m Rut f'lf iiy L'M't'ft'il ttmii it riri ' iv.n ir : iiiK ii lii o Jut kii Jul. H.l'M i.n Cn'MiLi 84TT ln( It !Il- i 1 tft.-mi notiie, t x m fKKue, niriium t.. i mi I Ml ti.O A hur.tlnomplT lltnrvi ww-vt. 1 irjt n CulH ton of nn? iv''ttUf )-'iriml. TfrrtiH, . yvir: fmu nnmthsL buiabyull nowlijiitr M.IIMM c II. V 2f Til..', a dniiimann. r v iu.iii uu, ' men i tirancb ORii-o. ffOS V rtu WiuhlDmuti, u You Can Stretch It The furthereat by buying your coal of us where cleanliness and clear burn ing quality is an assured fact The old saylnir "the best l th cheapest In the end" applies with re markable aptness to ihe purchase of coal. You obtain the best coal at th best price when the order Is placed with HENR.Y KOPITTKE flume Main 178. WILliAMvfDN MAFFNM ENORrWErRy-rRINTEf 'ill Kv .are i r.lilno Transfer Phone Main 5 Calls promptly answered for all baggage transfer ring. Piano and Furnture moving and Heavy Truck ' ing a specialty. F0lEYSH0!fEYTA!l Ot Coldsi Prevant Pnssisals , I rn V.1 T.V&J l ST All r J